
Soundoffs 10
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Album Edits 49

Album Ratings 571
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 04-16-20 11:22 pm
Joined 12-21-13

Review Comments 9,920

Average Rating: 3.77
Rating Variance: 0.53
Objectivity Score: 66%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Akiyuki Tateyama Yuru Camp Original Soundtrack
Amethystium Transience
BUCK-TICK Kurutta Taiyou
BUCK-TICK 13-kai wa Gekkou
BUCK-TICK Darker Than Darkness (Style 93)
BUCK-TICK Yume Miru Uchuu
BUCK-TICK 13th Floor With Diana
BUCK-TICK TOUR2014 Arui wa Anarchy -Final-
BUCK-TICK Sweet Strange Live Disc
BUCK-TICK Tour Yumemiru Uchuu
BUCK-TICK Climax Together
BUCK-TICK Fish Tanker's Only 2013
BUCK-TICK TOUR Atom Miraiha No.9 -FINAL-
BUCK-TICK Fish Tanker's Only 2014
Coheed and Cambria Neverender
Cryptopsy None So Vile
David Sylvian Manafon
Demolition Hammer Epidemic of Violence
Dir En Grey Arche at Nippon Budokan
Dir En Grey Dum Spiro Spero
Dir En Grey Uroboros (Remastered & Expanded)
Dir En Grey Arche
Dir En Grey Gauze
Dir En Grey The Unraveling
Dir En Grey Dum Spiro Spero At Nippon Budokan
Almost 15,000 at once singing The Final with the crowd in the very palm of their hands...nothing can do it justice. Day 2 may one or two flaws compared to Day 1 but God damn it if that moment doesn't give you chills I have nothing to say. My favorite moment in music and one of my 2 favorite bands at the top of their game, essential. The definitive 5/5.
Dir En Grey Tour13 Ghoul
Dir En Grey Uroboros: At Nippon Budokan
Dir En Grey FINAL 2003 5 Ugly KINGDOM [DVD]
Dir En Grey TOUR16-17 -mode of VULGAR-
Dir En Grey TOUR16-17 -mode of UROBOROS-
Electric Masada At the Mountains of Madness
Frank Ocean Blonde
Gackt MARS
Gackt Mizerable
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada
Joe Hisaishi Joe Hisaishi in Budokan
Kamijo Symphony of the Vampire
"Sonata and Throne are reason enough to give this a 5" Fixed.
Kuroki Nagisa Kuroki Nagisa
Since this is a nightmare to find a download link for in good quality I'll provide. To download click where it says (68M) and some options should pop up. Then click the large button which isn't the blue one (one right next to it). This is incredible J-Rock that is a must hear for anyone who has an intrest in Japanese music or female songwriters. If Shiina Ringo was 19 again in 2013, this would be the album she'd write. 4.9/5, here's the download link:
Malice Mizer Merveilles
Maximum the Hormone Deka Vs Deka
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Mr. Bungle California
Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Opeth Blackwater Park
Ott Mir
Shakti Natural Elements
Shiina Ringo Shouso Strip
Shpongle Tales of the Inexpressible
Shpongle Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum Of Natural History
Sufjan Stevens Carrie and Lowell
Sukekiyo Persuasio
Sukekiyo Mutans
Sukekiyo Adoratio
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Mortal I Am Mortal
Cathartic masterpiece, get the best earphones possible, get the lyrics up and surround yourself in this masquerade of darkness. Perfect, 5/5.
The Mortal Immortal
The Seatbelts Cowboy Bebop Boxed Set
X Japan Art of Life

4.5 superb
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Angel Vivaldi Universal Language
Artillery By Inheritance
Atheist Unquestionable Presence
Blind Guardian Imaginations Through The Looking Glass
Blotted Science The Animation of Entomology
BUCK-TICK Razzle Dazzle
BUCK-TICK One Life, One Death
BUCK-TICK Tenshi no Revolver
BUCK-TICK One Life, One Death Cut Up
BUCK-TICK Tour 2010 Go on the Razzle Dazzle
BUCK-TICK TOUR 2007 Tenshi no Revolver
BUCK-TICK At the Night Side
Dark Angel Darkness Descends
David Sylvian Secrets of the Beehive
Diablo Swing Orchestra Pandora's Pinata
Dir En Grey TOUR05 It Withers and Withers
Dir En Grey TOUR14 PSYCHONNECT -mode of GAUZE-
Dir En Grey Tour 12-13 In Situ-Tabula Rasa
Dir En Grey TOUR2011 AGE QUOD AGIS Vol.1
Dir En Grey TOUR2011 AGE QUOD AGIS Vol.2
Dir En Grey Rinkaku
Dir En Grey Tour08 The Rose Trims Again
Dir En Grey TOUR16-17 -mode of 鬼葬-
Dream Theater Images And Words
Exhorder Slaughter in the Vatican
Gorguts Obscura
Guniw Tools Other Goose
Hibria Defying the Rules
IU Palette
John Mayer Continuum
Johnny Cash At San Quentin
Julien Baker Sprained Ankle
Kashiwa Daisuke Program Music I
Koan When The Silence Is Speaking
Kuroki Nagisa Jiyu Ritsu
Kuroki has returned to prove she is the queen of the Japanese charts, refusing to fall into either Major or Single syndrome. If her self titled was the start of the inferno, 'Hyouhon Bako' the transition to a Japanese Rock Star, then 'Jiyu Ritsu' is her fully embracing her role as one. Not wanting to create the same album again she fuses her poppish, bombastic sound with more of an emotional side along with playful songs such as 'You Will Ruin Me'. Kuroki's vocals are still divine, having a sense of maturity and emotional passion which very few can match, presenting soft and delicate tones combined with a often bombastic approach which is endearing to say the least. Her vocals on '107' are especially noteworthy of attention, subduing to a soft and mournful woman being conflicted with loneliness and looking back with a smile from a relationship that wasn't to be. Songwriting and instrumentally the record is top notch, boasting with a wide variety of sounds and tones from the uplifting violin bombast of the opener, blistering drumming at the end of 'Almond' to the relaxed, soft guitar chords and tambourine of the closer. Everything comes together to create so many incredible melodies which will be stuck in your head forever, composition mainly being relatively simple yet so effective at making you smile at every energised note. Despite her previous outing being still a pretty superb album, this is the follow up to her masterpiece s/t truly deserves. Minus ‘Template’ and to a much lesser extent ‘Inochigake...’, every song is a winner. This still may be just behind her s/t, but damn does it come close. Most likely my album of the year, Kuroki has done it yet again: 4.6/5
Kuroki Nagisa Hyouhon Bako
Maximum the Hormone Bu-ikikaesu
Megadeth Rust In Peace
Meshuggah Nothing (Re-Release)
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Morbid Saint Spectrum of Death
Mr. Bungle Mr. Bungle
Mudvayne L.D. 50
Naked City Naked City
Nightmare Kyokuto Symphony: The Five Stars Night @ Budokan
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Opeth Watershed
Opeth Damnation
Pestilence Consuming Impulse
Pestilence Malleus Maleficarum
Phutureprimitive Sub Conscious
Plastic Tree Nega to Poji
Queens of the Stone Age ...Like Clockwork
Rodriguez Cold Fact
Ryo Fukui Scenery
Ryo Fukui Mellow Dream
Sekai no Owari Earth
Sekai no Owari The Dinner
Shakti A Handful of Beauty
Shiina Ringo Muzai Moratorium
Shiina Ringo Sanmon Gossip
Shining (SWE) V - Halmstad
Shpongle Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost
Simon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum In Glorious Times
Sodom M-16
Spitz Hachimitsu
Supercell Today is a Beautiful Day
Symphony X The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Thanatos Realm of Ecstasy
The Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the Killer
The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead Scene
The Seatbelts Cowboy Bebop
The Seatbelts The Seatbelts - Future Blues
Tigers on Trains Grandfather
Tokyo Jihen Dynamite Out
Toxik Think This
Versailles Noble
Versailles Jubilee
Versailles Chateau de Versailles Holy Grail
Versailles Chateau de Versailles Jubilee
Whispered Shogunate Macabre
X Japan Blue Blood
X Japan The Last Live

4.0 excellent
Aborted Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage...
AES Dana Pollen
After Forever Decipher
After the Burial Rareform (Re-release)
Agalloch The Mantle
Aion Aion -Aion-
Alice in Chains Jar of Flies
Alter Bridge Fortress
Amethystium Odonata
Amethystium Aphelion
Anathema Judgement
Angelus Apatrida The Call
Animals As Leaders Animals as Leaders
Anthrax Among The Living
Aspid кровоизлияние (Extravasation)
Atomship The Crash of `47
Blind Guardian Somewhere Far Beyond
Blind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-Earth
Blotted Science The Machinations of Dementia
Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago
Boris Pink
BUCK-TICK Memento Mori
BUCK-TICK Kyokutou I Love You
BUCK-TICK Sexy Stream Liner
BUCK-TICK Devil and Freud - Climax Together
BUCK-TICK Atom Miraiha No.9
Overall I appreciate this album more than I enjoy it, but musically it has plenty awesome songs and moments abound. Lyrically the album is littered with intrigue and depth, ranging from a variety of topics from visions of death while going deeper into the suicide forest of Mt. Fuji to Imai spouting the most odd and obscure references to history/literature you'll hear in music today which add greatly to the enjoyment of this. Also Imai's electronic fetish really has taken a big grip here, much to their benefit due to them sounding lush and aggressive while blending with their sound perfectly. Variety being the spice of life, every single song is vastly different with them finding new musical ideas to explore constantly (even by their standards). Fun 80's Goth influenced jam about a mermaid dying at dawn but in love with someone, mystical cult like chanting, electronic rock taken to an obscene extreme, rain setting to tone for a huge violin 7 minute's all here. Main problem they suffer here is many songs have awesome segments but don't quite fall into place for an awesome song due to individual songwriting or production choices. Jukai's solo being ill-fitting for the song musically and lyrically, the annoying bell sound in Seaside Story, septem's chorus being very underwhelming due to it being musically uninteresting are all examples. However easily worst of all butchering New World by taking all the power the song had in the single version by adding unnecessary extra electronics which covers a beautiful guitar line in the verses and the high pitched tone which lifts the chorus to a beautiful driving anthem along with mixing the guitars to have less punch. Despite the album's flaws, I enjoyed this as much as Sexy Stream Liner and it is a fitting 20th album for them: 3.8
Cannibal Corpse Bloodthirst
Carach Angren Death Came Through a Phantom Ship
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Creedence Clearwater Revival Green River
Creedence Clearwater Revival Willy and the Poor Boys
Creedence Clearwater Revival Cosmo's Factory
Cynic Traced in Air
Dave Bixby Ode To Quetzalcoatl
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance
Deviant Process Paroxysm
Dir En Grey Withering to Death
Dir En Grey Sustain the Untruth
Dir En Grey Despair in the Womb
Dir En Grey TOUR16-17 -mode of DUM SPIRO SPERO-
Dir En Grey TOUR16-17 -mode of THE MARROW OF A BONE-
Draconian Arcane Rain Fell
Electric Masada 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Four
Father John Misty Pure Comedy
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas All That We Have Now
Foreign Fields Anywhere But Where I Am
Galneryus Angel of Salvation
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress'
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.
Gorguts Considered Dead
Haggard Eppur si muove
Heathen Victims of Deception
Hizaki Grace Project Curse of Virgo
Integrity Those Who Fear Tomorrow
Jeff Buckley Grace
Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison
Judas Priest Screaming For Vengeance
Judas Priest Painkiller
Kalpataru Tree Preverberations From The Infinite Future
Kamelot The Black Halo
Kazumoto Endo While You Were Out
KOTO Platonic Planet
Livetune Decorator
Livetune Tell Your World
Loreena McKennitt The Book of Secrets
Maximum the Hormone Yoshu Fukushu
Mergel Invisible Landscapes
Meshuggah I
Meshuggah Alive
Mononofu Light of Sunset Seen From Kozuki Castle
Mr. Bungle OU818
My Dying Bride A Line Of Deathless Kings
My Dying Bride Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light
My Dying Bride The Dreadful Hours
Naked City Torture Garden
Nicole Dollanganger Natural Born Losers
Ningen-Isu Fuuchiiku
Obliteration Black Death Horizon
One Ok Rock Niche Syndrome
Orphaned Land Mabool (The Story of the Three Sons...)
Ott Fairchildren
Panzerballett Panzerballett
Perfume Triangle
Phoebe Bridgers Stranger in the Alps
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Plastic Tree Parade
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Radiohead In Rainbows
Rhapsody of Fire Symphony Of Enchanted Lands
Rodrigo y Gabriela Rodrigo y Gabriela
Rush 2112
Sekai no Owari Entertainment
Shiina Ringo Kalk Samen Kuri no Hana
Sodom Agent Orange
Sodom Persecution Mania
Spawn of Possession Cabinet
Spawn of Possession Incurso
Spitz Fake Fur
Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)
Stevie Ray Vaughan Texas Flood
Stevie Ray Vaughan In Step
Sukekiyo Anima
Symphony X The Odyssey
Te Naraba, Imi kara Houkaisareta Hibiki ha "Oto" no S
The Beatles Abbey Road
The Gathering Mandylion
The Mung Showering in Shit
The Reign of Kindo Rhythm, Chord & Melody
Tokyo Jihen Adult
Tokyo Jihen Kyoiku
Tool Lateralus
Trophy Scars Holy Vacants
Uchu Conbini Feel the Dying Note
Uchu Conbini Looking At the Moon's Reflection
Versailles Lyrical Sympathy
Wormrot Dirge
Wormrot Abuse
Wu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
X Japan Jealousy
X Japan Vanishing Vision
X Japan Dahlia
Yanagi Nagi Euaru
Yellow Swans Going Places
Yonin Bayashi Ishoku-Sokuhatsu

3.5 great
Acid Black Cherry Black List
Alice in Chains Black Gives Way to Blue
Alter Bridge Blackbird
Androcell Efflorescence
Angelus Apatrida Clockwork
Animals As Leaders The Joy of Motion
Anthrax Worship Music
Artificial Brain Infrared Horizon
Behold... The Arctopus Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning
Blind Guardian A Night At The Opera
Bluetech Sines And Singularities
Bohren und der Club of Gore Sunset Mission
Born of Osiris The Discovery
Bradio Diamond Pops
Bradio Swipe Times
BUCK-TICK Arui wa Anarchy
BUCK-TICK Hurry Up Mode
BUCK-TICK Mona Lisa Overdrive
BUCK-TICK memento mori 090702
Burzum Filosofem
Cannibal Corpse Tomb Of The Mutilated
Carcass Heartwork
Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Charlie Puth Voicenotes
Chelsea Wolfe Abyss
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Conception In Your Multitude
Cynic Focus
David Sylvian Brilliant Trees
Death The Sound of Perseverance
Diablo Swing Orchestra The Butcher's Ballroom
Dir En Grey 1999.12.18 OSAKAJO HALL [DVD]
Dokken Under Lock and Key
Draconian Turning Season Within
Dream Theater Awake
Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
Drei Affen Drei Affen
Earthside A Dream In Static
Epica The Quantum Enigma
Equilibrium Sagas
Fear Before The Always Open Mouth
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas PHASE 2
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas Feeling of Unity
Florence and the Machine Ceremonials
Folks Snowtown
Gackt Crescent
Gackt Rebirth
Galneryus Resurrection
Gotsu Totsu Kotsu Mouryou
Green Day American Idiot
Green Day Dookie
Gris À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Âme Constellée...
Guniw Tools Niwlun
Guniw Tools Sparky
Haruka to Miyuki Cyanotype
House Rulez & Enne Tom N Toms Coffee Break
Impaled Mondo Medicale
indigo la End Shiawase ga Afuretara
Interpol Turn on the Bright Lights
Japan Gentlemen Take Polaroids
John Zorn The Circle Maker
Johnny Cash American IV: The Man Comes Around
Judas Priest Defenders Of The Faith
Julien Baker Turn Out The Lights
Kamasi Washington The Epic
Kamelot Epica
Kim Jung Mi Now
Kinoko Teikoku Uzu Ni Naru
Kuba Through a Lense
Kuroyume Mayoeru Yuritachi ~Romance of Scarlet~
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Nandacollection
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Lorde Pure Heroine
Low-pass Trimurti
Malice Mizer Bara no Seidou
Maximum the Hormone Rokkinpo Goroshi
Meshuggah Koloss
Meshuggah Destroy Erase Improve
Meshuggah Chaosphere
Meshuggah obZen
Metallica ...And Justice For All
Mineral Miracle Muse Koidama Cholesterol
Mirrorthrone Gangrene
Mr. Bungle Disco Volante
Mystery of the Yeti The Mystery of the Yeti
NAILS Unsilent Death
NAILS Abandon All Life
Naked City Leng Tch'e
Naked City Radio
Necrophagist Onset of Putrefaction (Re-issue)
Nicole Dollanganger Curdled Milk
Nightmare Livid
Nile Those Whom The Gods Detest
Nina Hagen Big Band Explosion
Ninet Tayeb Paper Parachute
Ningen-Isu Burai Houjou
Now, Now Threads
Number Girl School Girl Distortional Addict
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Shahen-Shah
One Ok Rock Jinsei x Boku =
One Ok Rock Zankyo Reference
Opeth Heritage
Opeth Pale Communion
Opeth Sorceress
Outrage (JPN) Black Clouds
Paradise Lost The Plague Within
Paul Simon Graceland
Perfume JPN
Periphery Periphery (Instrumental)
Pixies Doolittle
PJ Harvey Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
Plastic Tree Chandelier
Poets of the Fall Carnival of Rust
Queensryche Operation: Mindcrime
R. Kelly 12 Play
Rahsaan Roland Kirk I Talk with the Spirits
Red Velvet Perfect Velvet
Rhapsody of Fire Power Of The Dragonflame
Rush Fly By Night
Saint Pepsi Hit Vibes
Septicflesh Communion
Seventh Wonder The Great Escape
Shiina Ringo Hi Izuru Tokoro
Shpongle Museum of Consciousness
Sigh Imaginary Sonicscape
Silencer (SWE) Death - Pierce Me
Sounds from the Ground Mosaic
Spastic Ink Ink Complete
Spitz Sazanami
Steven Wilson To the Bone
Stevie Ray Vaughan Couldn't Stand the Weather
Stone No Anaesthesia!
Te Therefore, the illusion of density...
The Black Queen Fever Daydream
The Contortionist Language
The Last Successor The Last Successor
Theatre Of Tragedy Aégis
Thy Catafalque Roka Hasa Radio
Thy Light No Morrow Shall Dawn
Triptykon Melana Chasmata
Tristania Widow's Weeds
Trophy Scars Darkness, Oh Hell
Troy Baker Sitting In the Fire
Tyr Ragnarok
Vektor Terminal Redux
Versailles Versailles
Vibrasphere Exploring the Tributaries
Yes Fragile

3.0 good
7!! Doki Doki
9GOATS BLACK OUT Devils in Bedside
Aborted The Necrotic Manifesto
Acid Black Cherry 2012
Yes is so fucking perfect, shame that the rest of album is not as good as that gem.
After Forever After Forever
After the Burial Wolves Within
Agalloch The White
Anathema Weather Systems
Angel Vivaldi Away With Words - Part I
Anti Feminism Nihon wa Shizumu
Aquilus Griseus
Artillery When Death Comes
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Bladee Eversince
Boris Noise
BUCK-TICK Aku no Hana
BUCK-TICK Seventh Heaven
BUCK-TICK Koroshi no Shirabe: This Is Not Greatest Hits
BUCK-TICK Romanesque
Cannibal Corpse The Bleeding
Cannibal Corpse Kill
Carach Angren Where the Corpses Sink Forever
Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion: Side B
Conception Flow
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Coroner Mental Vortex
Crossfaith Freedom
David Sylvian Gone to Earth
David Sylvian Dead Bees on a Cake
Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship μ'sick
Dir En Grey Vulgar
Dir En Grey The Marrow of a Bone
Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane
Dissonant Dessert Little Tribblets In Every Room
Folks Newtown
Gackt MOON
Despite this album's many flaws such as being rather unmemorable, having multiple segments which are either dull or tacked on for the serious tone which album portrays and essentially being far weaker version of Gackt's masterpiece Mars, this album is still worth a listen to any fan of music in general. Gackt's one of a kind smooth yet powerful vocals (with very tasteful and well done vocal effects to make his voice divine), the few great songs abound and the fact that despite its flaws, being a well performed album saves this from being a throwaway. 3/5
Gackt Re:Born
Gorguts From Wisdom to Hate
Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction
Ikimonogakari Hajimari no Uta
Impaled The Dead Shall Dead Remain
Insect Warfare World Extermination
Intestine Baalism Banquet in the Darkness
Jamie's Elsewhere Rebel - Revive
John Zorn The Gift
John Zorn Six Litanies for Heliogabalus
Kamelot Haven
Katatonia Dead End Kings
King Krule The OOZ
Ling Tosite Sigure I'mperfect
Malice Mizer Voyage ~Sans Retour~
Mappe Of A Northern Star, A Perfect Stone
Maximum the Hormone Kusoban
Merry Peep Show
Merry Under-world
Meshuggah The Violent Sleep of Reason
Metallica Death Magnetic
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Metronome High to Low Electro
Mirrorthrone Carriers of Dust
Miyavi Miyaviuta -Dokusou-
Modest Mouse This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About
Moe Shop Moshi Moshi
Mogwai Les Revenants
Montaigne Glorious Heights
Murderdolls Beyond The Valley of the Murderdolls
Nas Illmatic
Nightmare Ultimate Circus
Nightmare Killer Show
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Nutram Kalku Ancestral Vortex
Oddland The Treachery of Senses
Osamu Kitajima Benzaiten
Ott Skylon
OutKast ATLiens
Poison (DE) Into the Abyss
Putrid Pile House of Dementia
Razor Violent Restitution
Red Velvet The Red
Secede Tryshasla
Septicflesh The Great Mass
Shpongle Are You Shpongled?
Simon and Garfunkel Sounds of Silence
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum Grand Opening and Closing
Slipknot Slipknot
Spitz Samenai
Sukekiyo Vitium
The 3rd and the Mortal Tears Laid in Earth
The Decemberists What A Terrible World, What A Beautiful World
The Delgados Hate
Tool 10,000 Days
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire
Versailles Lineage ~Bara no Matsuei~
Warning Watching from a Distance
Yanagi Nagi Follow My Tracks

2.5 average
Archspire Relentless Mutation
Autechre Amber
Behold... The Arctopus Skullgrid
By-Sexual Sexuality
Cardiacs Sing to God
Dir En Grey Kisou
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Gotsu Totsu Kotsu Legend of Shadow
Haruka to Miyuki Sekai
Jun Maeda x Yanagi Nagi Owari no Hoshi no Love Song
Kamijo Heart
Kero Kero Bonito Bonito Generation
Klaha Nostal Lab
Kodak To Graph ISA
Luna Sea Eden
Mein Kampf Speeder
Mushroomhead The Righteous & The Butterfly
Ni Les insurgés de Romilly
One Ok Rock 35xxxv
Periphery Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
Prince Purple Rain
Sekai no Owari Tree
the GazettE Dogma
Tokyo Jihen Daihakken
Versailles Holy Grail

2.0 poor
Dir En Grey Macabre
Dream Theater Systematic Chaos
Dream Theater Octavarium
Jupiter (JPN) Classical Element
When it comes to who has made the better album out of Jupiter and Kamijo, Kamijo wins by a mile. Barely any flair or originality from Hizaki or Teru when usually they deliver quality leads and solos abound, Zin has one of the most dull and grating voices I've ever heard and even when being judged by its own merits (i.e. without comparing it to Versailles and Kamjio's Symphony of the Vampire), there's little to praise. This is just a bare bones Power Metal album with talented players and nothing more, not even if Kamijo's incredible vocals were on this record could have saved this album from being not worthy of a purchase, or even a download: 2.2/5. Also if anyone's stumbled upon this album by finding out that Versailles has disbanded, listen to Kamijo's Symphony of the Vampire instead. The first song alone has more spirit, originality, awesome symphonic work and effort than this entire album.
Sufjan Stevens Carrie and Lowell Live
Sukekiyo Immortalis
Viraemia Viraemia

1.0 awful
MetaL BrotherS Thunders - Demo
Thallahu Akbar DJihad EP
Unleashing My Demons Tran​(ce​)​scen(e​)dance

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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