
Reviews 6
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 73
Album Ratings 2915
Objectivity 78%

Last Active 03-15-16 10:52 pm
Joined 04-28-13

Review Comments 373

Average Rating: 3.39
Rating Variance: 0.45
Objectivity Score: 78%
(Well Balanced)


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5.0 classic
.Crrust Pain Is A Mere Sensation
Acme ...To Reduce the Choir to One Soloist
AFI Sing the Sorrow
Akhlys The Dreaming I
Altar of Plagues Teethed Glory and Injury
Amia Venera Landscape The Long Procession
Ampere All Our Tomorrows End Today
Bay Faction Bay Faction
Behemoth The Satanist
Bleeding Through This Is Love, This Is Murderous
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Deathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice
Deathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Departe Failure, Subside
He Is Legend I Am Hollywood
Khanate Clean Hands Go Foul
Meshuggah Chaosphere
My Ticket Home Strangers Only
Oceana Birth.Eater
Paysage d'Hiver Im Wald
Poison the Well The Opposite of December
The Armed Ultrapop
The Weeknd House of Balloons
The Weeknd Thursday
The Weeknd Echoes of Silence
Thursday War All the Time
Vildhjarta Måsstaden

4.5 superb
'68 Two Parts Viper
1349 Beyond the Apocalypse
Abyssal (UK) A Beacon In The Husk
Ad Nauseam Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Est
Ad Nauseam Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
Adramelech Psychostasia
Almyrkvi Umbra
Altarage The Approaching Roar
Ampere Like Shadows
An Isolated Mind I'm Losing Myself
Andavald Undir Skyggðarhaldi
Arms / Seizures Split
Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation
As the Sun Sets Each Individual Voice Is Dead in the Silence
Aseitas False Peace
Avzhia The Key of Throne
Blut Aus Nord Hallucinogen
Botch We Are the Romans
brakence hypochondriac
Bufihimat I
Buried Inside Spoils Of Failure
Burst In Coveting Ways
Cara Neir Portals to a Better, Dead World
Cara Neir Part III / Part IV
Chat Pile Remove Your Skin Please
Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire Songs of Ill Hope and Desperation
Cobalt Slow Forever
Cold 13 Ways to Bleed On Stage
Converge Jane Doe
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Converge You Fail Me Redux
Cormorant Diaspora
Cradle of Filth Dusk... and Her Embrace
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the Beast - Re-Mistressed
Crowpath Son of Sulphur
Cruciamentum Obsidian Refractions
The greatest comeback record of the year (I can't think of any others but this is better than them, trust)
Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh
The only album I've ever felt could physically hurt me if it wanted to.
Dance Gavin Dance Acceptance Speech 2.0
Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Daughters You Won't Get What You Want
Death Human
Deathspell Omega Drought
Deathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten Bones
Decrepit Birth Diminishing Between Worlds
Deftones Around the Fur
Demigod Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Demilich Nespithe
Dendritic Arbor Romantic Love
Depravity (FIN) Silence of the Centuries
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Finisterre
Dirge (FR) Wings Of Lead Over Dormant Seas
Dirge (FR) Elysian Magnetic Fields
Dopamine Dying Away In The Deep Fall
Dragged Into Sunlight Hatred For Mankind
Edge of Sanity Crimson II
Edge of Sanity Crimson
Elliott Song in the Air
Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP
Enslaved In Times
Every Time I Die From Parts Unknown
Every Time I Die Low Teens
Exhorder Slaughter in the Vatican
Frontierer Orange Mathematics
Frontierer Oxidized
Full of Hell Trumpeting Ecstasy
Gaza No Absolutes in Human Suffering
Gnaw Their Tongues L'arrivée de la Terne Mort Triomphante
Gorguts Obscura
Great Falls Objects Without Pain
Hissing Permanent Destitution
Holy Fawn Death Spells
Horrendous Idol
Hozier Hozier
Hypno5e Shores of the Abstract Line
Immolation Here in After
Ingurgitating Oblivion Vision Wallows in Symphonies of Light
Ingurgitating Oblivion Ontology of Nought
Integrity Those Who Fear Tomorrow
Integrity Those Who Fear Tomorrow 25th Anniversary Remaster
Ion Dissonance Solace
Iron Maiden The Final Frontier
ISIS Celestial
Kanye West Yeezus
Katalepsy Autopsychosis
Katatonia The Great Cold Distance
Kendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d city
Kendrick Lamar To Pimp a Butterfly
Khanate To Be Cruel
Knut Challenger
Korn Life Is Peachy
Kostnateni Hrůza Zvítězí
Leviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
Lord Mantis Death Mask
Lykathea Aflame Elvenefris
Majority Rule Interview With David Frost
Mare Mare
Maths Descent
Mayhem Ordo ad Chao
Megadeth Rust In Peace
Meshuggah I
Miscarriage (US) Imminent Horror
Mitochondrion Parasignosis
Mitochondrion Vitriseptome
Mudvayne L.D. 50
Mutiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
Name Internet Killed The Audio Star
Name .​.​.​You Are Mostly Nowhere
Ne Obliviscaris Citadel
In a global sense, "Citadel" is an improvement over "Portal of I" in songwriting, technicality,
and accessibility, although it lacks a central epic like "Forget Not" or "And Plague Flowers the
Kaleidoscope." Still, I'll take consistent excellence over occasional brilliance.

Seriously, even the cover art is better.
Noise Trail Immersion Symbology of Shelter
Oathbreaker Rheia
Opeth Blackwater Park
Paara Riitti
Pale Creation Twilight Haunt
Phantom Winter Sundown Pleasures
Plebeian Grandstand Lowgazers
Plebeian Grandstand Rien ne suffit
Pope Benedict Pope Benedict
Portal Seepia
Proceed Curious Electric
If I had a voice like that I would probably never stop singing.
Pure Reason Revolution Eupnea
Rejoice! The Light Has Come Untitled I and II
Rorcal Heliogabalus
Redefines "massive" and "soul-crushing" in a way that rivals the best of Neurosis.
Rorcal Vilagvege
Satyricon Nemesis Divina
Seizures The Sanity Universal
Shai Hulud Reach Beyond the Sun
SikTh Death of a Dead Day
Silent Planet The Night God Slept
Slipknot Slipknot
Slipknot Iowa
Soilwork The Living Infinite
Son of Aurelius Under a Western Sun
Spectral Lore and Mare Cognitum Wanderers: Astrology of the Nine
Starkweather Croatoan
Stolas Allomaternal
Svartidaudi Flesh Cathedral
SZA Ctrl
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead Scene
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
The Dillinger Escape Plan Dissociation
The Great Old Ones EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy
The Secret Luce
Tool Lateralus
Tool Ænima
Tool 10,000 Days
Totem Skin Still Waters Run Deep
Totem Skin Weltschmerz
Towers Full Circle
Towers Bel Air Highrise Plantation
Twilight Monument To Time End
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All
Ulcerate Stare Into Death and Be Still
Ulver Nattens Madrigal
Uneven Structure Februus
Vattnet Settler S/T Self-Destruct
Vipassi Śūnyatā
Vital Remains Dechristianize
Vitriol (USA) Pain Will Define Their Death
Vitriol (USA) Suffer & Become
ohhh this death metal is MUCH too death metal for me, why don't they try doing things death metal bands don't do oh no no nooo!!!
Viva Belgrado Flores, Carne
Weakling Dead as Dreams
World Narcosis Lyruljóra
Yellow Eyes Rare Field Ceiling
Zhrine Unortheta

4.0 excellent
'68 In Humor and Sadness
.tourniquet. I Hate The Way This Makes Me Feel.
0 (Null) Null & Void
100 Gecs 1000 gecs
1349 Hellfire
36 Crazyfists Bitterness the Star
3rd Strike Lost Angel
40 Watt Sun The Inside Room
65daysofstatic The Fall of Math
65daysofstatic The Destruction of Small Ideas
A Black Rose Burial An Awakening of Revenants
A Life Once Lost A Great Artist
A Needle Under The Nail The Third Impact
A Needle Under The Nail Demo 2017
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
A Perfect Circle Mer de Noms
A Swarm of the Sun The Woods
A Textbook Tragedy Rain City State of Mind
Aara Eiger
Abest Molten Husk
Abigail Williams Becoming
Abigail Williams The Accuser
Abigor Fractal Possession
Abruptum Evil Genius
Acid Bath When the Kite String Pops
Acid Bath Paegan Terrorism Tactics
Acoda Yours To Defend
Adzes No One Wants to Speak About It
Aesop Rock The Impossible Kid
AFI All Hallow's E.P.
Afterbirth Four Dimensional Flesh
Agents of Oblivion Agents of Oblivion
"Cosmic Dancer" is one of the most unsettled, unsettling songs I've ever come across.
Agriculture Agriculture
Ahab The Call Of The Wretched Sea
Akercocke Renaissance in Extremis
Akrotheism Law of Seven Deaths
Alcest Shelter
Alcest Kodama
Alcest Spiritual Instinct
All Else Failed Archetype
All Shall Perish The Price of Existence
All That Remains The Fall Of Ideals
Alora Crucible Thymiamatascension
Altarage Nihl
Altarage Endinghent
Amaarae Fountain Baby
Amen Amen
Amen We Have Come for Your Parents
Amenra Mass III
Amenra Mass VI
Amenra Mass I (Remastered)
American Head Charge The Feeding
An Axis of Perdition Deleted Scenes From Transition Hospital
An Axis of Perdition Physical Illucinations in the Sewer of Xuchilbara
Anata The Infernal Depths of Hatred
Anberlin Cities
And The Hero Fails Empire Smiles
Improves with each listen. Nothing groundbreaking, but tightly and consistently written, with shades of Fear Before circa "Odd How People Shake" a welcome addition to their tough-as-nails take on metalcore. It's a shame the've long since disbanded.
Animosity Animal
Anodyne Lifetime of Gray Skies
Anterrabae Shakedown Tonight
Antichrist Siege Machine Vengeance of Eternal Fire
Antlers (DE) A Gaze Into the Abyss
Aoratos Gods Without Name
Aosoth V: The Inside Scriptures
Arch Enemy Black Earth
Architect All Is Not Lost
Architect Ghost Of The Saltwater Machines
Architects Hollow Crown
Arsonists Get All the Girls Motherland
Arstidir Lifsins and Carpe Noctem Aldrnari
Artificial Brain Infrared Horizon
Artificial Brain Artificial Brain
As Cities Burn Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest
As I Lay Dying An Ocean Between Us
Aseitas Aseitas
Ash Borer 2009 Demo
Ash Borer The Irrepassable Gate
Asphyx Last One on Earth
August Burns Red Thrill Seeker
August Burns Red Rescue & Restore
Autopsy The Headless Ritual
Avenged Sevenfold City Of Evil
Aversio Humanitatis Longing for the Untold
AXIS | Seraph The Light AXIS | Seraph The Light
Far and away Axis's best material. It's probably too much to ask for them to pursue this more expressive, experimental version of their sound, but maybe they could look into poaching some members of Seraph The Light idk just a thought
Azath Demo 2018
Azoic Gateways
Baring Teeth Atrophy
Baring Teeth Ghost Chorus Among Old Ruins
Baring Teeth Transitive Savagery
Baroness Red Album
Baroness Blue Record
Barrowlands Thane
Bathory Bathory
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Bay Faction Florida Guilt
Be'lakor Stone's Reach
Beaten to Death Unplugged
Beecher Breaking the Fourth Wall
Beheading of a King Quasar: Preserving Legacy
Behemoth Demigod
Belphegor Pestapokalypse VI
Ben Quad Ephemera
Benea Reach Monument Bineothan
Beneath the Massacre Marée Noire
Benighted Icon
Bestia Arcana Holokauston
Bird Eater Utah
"It takes Days to Boil the Bones" wouldn't sound out of place on No Absolutes in Human Suffering, and that makes Utah awesome.
Black Breath Razor To Oblivion
Black Breath Sentenced To Life
Black Crown Initiate Song of the Crippled Bull
Black Curse Endless Wound
Black Tongue The Unconquerable Dark
Blakfish See You In Another City
Blakfish Champions
Blattaria Blattaria
Blaze of Perdition Conscious Darkness
Bleak We Deserve Our Failures
Blight (CAN) Temple of Wounds
Blonde Redhead Misery is a Butterfly
Blood Incantation Starspawn
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh
Blut Aus Nord Ultima Thulee
Blut Aus Nord The Work Which Transforms God
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars
Body Void You Will Know The Fear You Forced Upon Us
I was trying to get into Relationship of Command for the third time in my life when I remembered this Spotify recommendation and hit play about halfway through "Mannequin Republic." It was like falling off a parade float to be ground up in the wheels and then pushbroomed into the nearest sewer. Very enjoyable, highly recommended.
Bolzer Hero
Borknagar Borknagar
Borknagar Winter Thrice
Botch An Anthology of Dead Ends
Botch American Nervoso
Boygenius the record
Breach Kollapse
Breather Resist Charmer
Bring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe
Bruce Springsteen Darkness on the Edge of Town
Brutality Will Prevail Sleep Paralysis
Burial Untrue
Buried Inside Chronoclast
Buried Inside Suspect Symmetry
Burning Palace Hollow
Burst Origo
Burzum Det Som Engang Var
Candiria 300 Percent Density
L.D. 50 + Calculating Infinity = 300 Percent Density
Cane Hill Smile
Capsule (US) Blue
Carol 1996 reconstructed
Carpathian Forest Through Chasm, Caves And Titan Woods
Catharsis Passion
Cattle Decapitation Monolith of Inhumanity
Cavalera Conspiracy Bestial Devastation
Cavalera Conspiracy Morbid Visions
Cave Sermon Divine Laughter
Celeste Pessimiste(s)
Celeste Misanthrope(s)
Celeste Animale(s)
Chamber (USA) Hatred Softly Spoken
Chamber (USA) Cost of Sacrifice
Chamber (USA) A Love to Kill For
Chaos Moon Eschaton Mémoire
Chimaira The Infection
Chronic Future Lines in My Face
Cloudkicker Beacons
Cobalt Gin
Cobalt Eater of Birds
Cobalt War Metal
Code Orange Underneath
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Cold Year Of The Spider
Comity The Deus Ex-Machina As A Forgotten Genius (Andy Wa
Conducting from the Grave When Legends Become Dust
Conducting from the Grave Conducting from the Grave
Converge You Fail Me
Converge When Forever Comes Crashing
Converge No Heroes
Converge The Dusk in Us
Convocation Scars Across
Convulse World Without God
Conway the Machine God Don't Make Mistakes
Corelia Nostalgia
Cradle of Filth Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phalluste
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the Beast
Cradle of Filth Hammer of the Witches
Cradle of Filth Dusk and Her Embrace - The Original Sin
Cradle of Filth Cryptoriana – The Seductiveness of Decay
Creation Is Crucifixion Antenna Builder / Rerecorded Splits + Live In Gene
Crydebris The Severing
Crystal Age Far Beyond Divine Horizons
Cult Leader Nothing for Us Here
Cult Leader Lightless Walk
Cult Leader A Patient Man
Cult Of Fire Ascetic Meditation Of Death
Cult of Luna Somewhere Along the Highway
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas Mariner
Curl Up and Die Unfortunately We're Not Robots
Currents The Place I Feel Safest
Dance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle Mountain
Dance Gavin Dance Acceptance Speech
Dance Gavin Dance Instant Gratification
Dark Fortress Tales from Eternal Dusk
Dark Sermon The Oracle
Dark Tranquillity Damage Done
Darke Complex Widow
Darkest Hour Deliver Us
Darkest Hour Godless Prophets and the Migrant Flora
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon
Daughters Hell Songs
Daughters Daughters
Dax Riggs Say Goodnight To The World
Dead and Dripping Blackened Cerebral Rifts
Dead in the Dirt Vold
Deadboy and the Elephantmen We Are Night Sky
Deadguy Fixation On A Coworker
Deafheaven Roads to Judah
Deafheaven Sunbather
Deathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Mass Grave Aesthetics
Decapitated Winds of Creation
Decapitated Organic Hallucinosis
Decoherence Unitarity
Decoherence System I
Decoherence Order
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Deftones Hexagram
Deicide Deicide
Deiphago I, The Devil
Denzel Curry Zuu
Desolate Shrine Deliverance from the Godless Void
Despised Icon The Healing Process
Despised Icon The Ills Of Modern Man
Not nearly as scattershot as their debut, nor as occasionally monochromatic as "The Healing Process," there wasn't really much chance the follow-up would be any better, either (and it isn't). "The Ills of Modern Man" is the jewel in Despised Icon's crown and by far their most crushing, cohesive, inventive, and engaging record, not to mention some of the best music to rep the "deathcore" tag. Highly recommended.
Destroyer 666 Phoenix Rising
Destroyer 666 Cold Steel...for an Iron Age
Det Eviga Leendet Lenience
Devil Sold His Soul A Fragile Hope
Dionaea Still
Distance My Demons
Distance Repercussions
Dodecahedron Kwintessens
Dodheimsgard 666 International
Dodheimsgard Satanic Art
Dodsrit Dödsrit
Dodsrit Spirit Crusher
Downfall of Gaia Epos
downy Mudai (7)
Drake Take Care
Drake Nothing Was the Same
Drastus La Croix de Sang
Drawn and Quartered Extermination Revelry
Dreamwell In My Saddest Dreams, I Am Beside You
dredg Leitmotif
dredg The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion
drive your plow over the bones of the dead Tragedy as Catharsis
Drowningman Rock And Roll Killing Machine
This is so fucking tight and so criminally overlooked. RIP Drowningman
Drudkh Autumn Aurora
Drudkh They Often See Dreams About The Spring
Dry Kill Logic The Darker Side Of Nonsense
Dwell (NC) Innate
Dying Fetus Reign Supreme
Earl Sweatshirt Doris
Earl Sweatshirt I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside
Early Graves We the Guillotine
Dark Tower reference in the tracklisting = instant high rating. It's also a brutal album to boot.
Eavesdropper Ruin
Ebon Reliquary Malicious Blood and the Fullmoon
Eden Maine To You The First Star
I'm having a hard time appreciating what's actually a powerful, emotive, post-rock-inflected metalcore album over these Garlic Jr. vocals.
Ehnahre The Man Closing Up
Eighteen Visions Until The Ink Runs Out
Eighteen Visions Yesterday Is Time Killed
Embrace The End Counting Hallways to the Left
Embrace The End Ley Lines
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Emperor As the Shadows Rise
Employed To Serve The Warmth Of A Dying Sun
Employer, Employee Discography
en MASSE Burdened Youth
Enabler All Hail the Void
Engineer Reproach
Enslaved Below the Lights
Enslaved Vikingligr Veldi
EPISTASIS Light Through Dead Glass
Erdve Vaitojimas
Every Time I Die Gutter Phenomenon
Every Time I Die Hot Damn!
Every Time I Die Ex Lives
Evildead Annihilation of Civilization
Evilfeast Elegies of the Stellar Wind
Exotic Animal Petting Zoo I Have Made My Bed in Darkness
Faceless Entity The Great Anguish of Rapture
fallingwithscissors the death and birth of an angel
Fallujah The Harvest Wombs
Fallujah Nomadic
Fallujah The Flesh Prevails
Fallujah Dreamless
Fawn Limbs Harm Remissions
Fear Before The Always Open Mouth
Fellsilent The Hidden Words
First Fragment The Afterthought Ecstasy
First Fragment Dasein
Firtan Marter
Fit for an Autopsy Hellbound
Fit for an Autopsy Absolute Hope Absolute Hell
Fleshgod Apocalypse Agony
Flourishing The Sum of All Fossils
Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist Alfredo
From A Second Story Window Not One Word Has Been Omitted
From A Second Story Window Delenda
Fuath I
Fuck Your Shadow From Behind Freigeist
Full of Hell Coagulated Bliss
Full of Hell and Merzbow Full of Hell and Merzbow
Funebrarum The Sleep of Morbid Dreams
Funeral Diner The Underdark
Future 56 Nights
Fvnerals Let the Earth Be Silent
Gaerea Limbo
Gallows (UK) Grey Britain
Gallows (UK) Gallows
Gatecreeper Deserted
Gaza I Don't Care Where I Go When I Die
Gaza East
Genghis Tron Dead Mountain Mouth
Geryon Geryon
Ghosts Of The Canal Five Episodes From The Subconscious
Ghoulgotha The Deathmass Cloak
Ghoulgotha To Starve the Cross
Giant Song
Gigan Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes
Gigan Multi-Dimensional Fractal-Sorcery...
Gigan Undulating Waves of Rainbiotic Iridescence
Girlfriends Girlfriends
Glass Casket We Are Gathered Here Today...
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
Glassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Glassjaw Coloring Book
Glassjaw Our Color Green (The Singles)
Glassjaw Material Control
God Forbid Gone Forever
God Is an Astronaut Epitaph
God Mother Vilseledd
Godflesh A World Lit Only by Fire
Gorement The Ending Quest
Gorguts Colored Sands
Gorod Leading Vision
Gospel The Moon Is a Dead World
Grat Strigoi The Prophetic Silence
Grimlock Crusher
Grogus Four Kings
Harlots Betrayer
Harlots This Is the Second Death
Harlots Corellia Hakujona
Haste the Day Coward
Take note, Slipknot. This is what a nine-person band can and should accomplish.
Have a Nice Life The Unnatural World
Hell (USA) I
Hell (USA) II
Henry Derek Elis The Devil Is My Friend
Heretoir The Circle
Heriot Profound Morality
Hissing Cairn / Husk
Hopesfall Arbiter
Hoplites Ψ​ε​υ​δ​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Hoplites Τ​ρ​ω​θ​η​σ​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Human Remains Using Sickness as a Hero
Hurt Vol. 1
Hypno5e A Distant (Dark) Source
Hypocrisy Virus
Hypocrisy A Taste of Extreme Divinity
I Shalt Become Wanderings
IDYLLS Prayer for Terrene
Ihsahn After
Ihsahn Arktis.
Immolation Unholy Cult
Immolation Shadows in the Light
Immolation Close to a World Below
Immolation Majesty and Decay
Immolation Kingdom of Conspiracy
Immolation Atonement
Immolation Acts of God
Imogen Heap Speak For Yourself
Imperial Triumphant Abyssal Gods
Imperial Triumphant Inceste
Impureza La Caída de Tonatiuh
In Mourning Shrouded Divine
In Mourning The Weight of Oceans
In Vain (NO) Aenigma
Incubus (USA-CA) A Crow Left of the Murder...
Infernal Coil Within a World Forgotten
Innsmouth Consumed By Elder Sign
Insect Ark The Vanishing
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
Integrity Howling, For the Nightmare Shall Consume
Inter Arma Paradise Gallows
Inter Arma Sulphur English
Intercourse Everything Is Pornography When You've Got An...
Intervals A Voice Within
Intestine Baalism Ultimate Instinct
Intronaut Void
Intronaut Null
Intronaut Prehistoricisms
Intronaut The Direction of Last Things
Ion Dissonance Breathing Is Irrelevant
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Iron Maiden Somewhere In Time
Iron Maiden Brave New World
Iron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Iron Maiden A Matter Of Life And Death
ISIS Oceanic
ISIS The Red Sea
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
Jeromes Dream Seeing Means More Than Safety
Jesus Piece Only Self
Job For A Cowboy Sun Eater
Job For A Cowboy Moon Healer
Johnny Truant No Tears for the Creatures
Kaleikr Heart of Lead
Kalmah Swamplord
Kaonashi Ex-Prayers
Kaonashi Never Home
Karnivool Themata
Katatonia Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
Kayo Dot Choirs of the Eye
KEN mode Venerable
Kendrick Lamar Section.80
Kendrick Lamar untitled unmastered.
Kendrick Lamar GNX
Kerouac Cold and Distant, Not Loving
You're trying to tell me that's not Oli Sykes?
Khanate Things Viral
Khanate Khanate
Khanate Capture and Release
Khann Tofutopia
Khold Phantom
Kingmaker The Cradle
Kinoteki Faith and the Vessel
Kiss It Goodbye She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Knoll Metempiric
Knoll As Spoken
Korn Korn
Korn Neidermeyers Mind
Kostnateni Konec Je Všude
Kowloon Walled City Container Ships
Kowloon Walled City Grievances
Kowloon Walled City Piecework
Krallice Go Be Forgotten
Kreator Pleasure To Kill
Kreator Phantom Antichrist
Kuroi Jukai Kuroi Jukai
Kvadrat Ψυχική Αποσύνθεση
Kvadrat The Horrible Dissonance of Oblivion
Lack Blues Moderne: Danois Explosifs
Lamb of God New American Gospel
Latitudes Part Island
Lead Hands Lead Hands
Leech [US] Ten Black Hymns
Left Behind Blessed by the Burn
Leviathan The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide
Leviathan Tentacles of Whorror
Leviathan Howl Mockery At The Cross
Leviathan Verräter
Limbs (PH) Soft Narcosis
Linkin Park Meteora
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory EP
Liturgy H.A.Q.Q.
Liturgy 93696
Living Sacrifice The Hammering Process
LLNN Deads
LLNN Unmaker
Locrian The Crystal World
Locrian Return To Annihilation
Lorde Melodrama
Lower Definition The Greatest of All Lost Arts
Lurker Of Chalice Lurker Of Chalice
Lycus Chasms
Machine Head The More Things Change...
Machine Head The Blackening
Mahumodo Waves
Majority Rule Emergency Numbers
Malevich Our Hollow
Malevolent Creation Retribution
Mamaleek Come and See
Marduk Opus Nocturne
Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar
Marilyn Manson Eat Me, Drink Me
Maroon 5 Songs About Jane
Mastery Valis
Mastodon Remission
Mastodon Leviathan
Mastodon Crack the Skye
Maths Ascent
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Mayhem Chimera
Mayhem Grand Declaration of War
Mayhem Esoteric Warfare
Meatwound Culero
Mercenary 11 Dreams
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Meshuggah Nothing (Re-Release)
Meshuggah obZen
Meshuggah None
Meshuggah Koloss
meth. Mother of Red Light
Michael Nyman and Damon Albarn Ravenous (Soundtrack)
Misery Index Retaliate
Misery Index Discordia
Misthyrming Söngvar elds og óreiðu
Misthyrming Algleymi
Mithridatum Harrowing
Mitochondrion Archaeaeon
Monuments (UK) The Amanuensis
Moral Void Deprive
Morgoth Resurrection Absurd
Morgoth The Eternal Fall
Mork Eremittens Dal
Mork Den Vandrende Skygge
Mork Isebakke
Morser Two Hours To Doom
Mortality Rate You Were the Gasoline
Mourning Beloveth The Sullen Sulcus
Mouth Of The Architect The Ties That Blind
MouthBreather (USA-MA) Pig
MouthBreather (USA-MA) Dollmeat/Pig
My Chemical Romance I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
My Heart To Joy Heavenly Bodies
My Ticket Home Unreal
Nadra Allir vegir til glötunar
NAILS Unsilent Death
NAILS Abandon All Life
Ne Obliviscaris Portal of I
Ne Obliviscaris Urn
Neurosis Times Of Grace
Neurosis Enemy Of The Sun
Neurosis Fires Within Fires
Night Verses From the Gallery of Sleep
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part I
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part II
Nightmarer Deformity Adrift
Nightmarer Deformity Adrift: Reformed
Nights Like These The Faithless
Nihill Krach
Nile In Their Darkened Shrines
Nile Those Whom The Gods Detest
Nine Inch Nails The Fragile
Nineironspitfire Seventh Soul Sacrificed
Nionde Plågan Frustration
Nithing Agonal Hymns
Nocturnus The Key
Noise Trail Immersion Womb
Norma Jean Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child
Norma Jean Wrongdoers
Nostromo (CHE) Ecce Lex
Nott Hiraeth
Nucleus (USA-IL) Sentient
O'Brother Endless Light
Oathbreaker Maelstrom
Oathbreaker Eros|Anteros
Obliteration Black Death Horizon
Oceana Clean Head
Off Minor The Heat Death of the Universe
Oh, Sleeper Children of Fire
Omega Massif Karpatia
Opeth Still Life
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Opprobrium Beyond The Unknown
Orchid Chaos Is Me
Orchid Orchid
Ore Miner Demo 2017
Orgone (USA-PA) The Goliath
Orgone (USA-PA) The Joyless Parson
Our Place of Worship is Silence The Embodiment of Hate
Our Place of Worship is Silence With Inexorable Suffering
OutKast ATLiens
Overcast Reborn to Kill Again
Panic! at the Disco A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
Panopticon Panopticon
Pantera The Great Southern Trendkill
Paria The Barnacle Cordious
Periphery Periphery (Instrumental)
Permillisecond 2009 EP
Peste Noire La Sanie des Siècles
Peste Noire Ballade cuntre lo Anemi francor
Pestilence Consuming Impulse
Phantom Winter Into Dark Science
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Pig Destroyer Phantom Limb
Plebeian Grandstand How Hate is Hard to Define
Plebeian Grandstand False Highs, True Lows
Poison the Well Versions
Pollution People Future Trash
Polyenso One Big Particular Loop
Polyenso Pure In The Plastic
Portal Outre
Portrayal of Guilt Portrayal of Guilt
Premonitions of War Left in Kowloon
Grindy, zero-fat metalcore. "Left in Kowloon" is vicious, no-frills shit that's worth the 26 minutes.
Premonitions of War Glorified Dirt/The True Face of Panic
Protest the Hero Kezia
Psyopus Our Puzzling Encounters Considered
Pulse Ultra Headspace
Punch They Don’t Have To Believe
Putrevore Macabre Kingdom
Pyrrhon Exhaust
Radiohead Kid A
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles
Revis Places For Breathing
Ringworm Justice Replaced By Revenge
Ringworm Birth Is Pain
Rinoa An Age Among Them
Rivers of Nihil The Conscious Seed of Light
Rivers of Nihil Monarchy
Rob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe
Rolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It
Rorcal Myrra, Mordvynn, Marayaa
Saba Care For Me
Sadness I Want to Be There
Saidan Jigoku: Spiraling Chasms of Blackst Hell
Saidan Onryo II: Her Spirit Eternal
Saidan Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity
Sailboats Demo
Sangre de Muerdago Noite
Saor Aura
Satyricon The Age Of Nero
Scar Symmetry Holographic Universe
Scarlet Cult Classic
Schammasch Triangle
ScHoolboy Q Blue Lips
Secret Band LP2
Sectioned Monotonne
Seizures Reverie of the Revolving Diamond
Senate The Great Northern Scenekill
Senza Even a Worm Will Turn
Senza Celestial Body
Serocs The Phobos / Deimos Suite
Serpent Column Endless Detainment
Serration Shrine Of Consciousness
Sevendust Animosity
Shadow Of Intent Primordial
Shadow of the Colossus End Game
Shaped By Fate I Fear The World Has Changed
Sika Redem Entheogen
Sinmara Aphotic Womb
Skaphe Skáphe²
Skaphe Skáphe³
Skindred Union Black
Skitsystem Stigmata
Skullcrusher Quiet the Room
Skyharbor Guiding Lights
Sleepwalker (JPN) 一期一会
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology
Snot Get Some
So Hideous To Clasp a Fallen Wish With Broken Fingers
So Hideous Last Poem/First Light
Soilwork Stabbing the Drama
Soilwork The Ride Majestic
Son of Aurelius The Farthest Reaches
Sons Of Abraham Termites In His Smile
Spectral Voice Sparagmos
Spineshank The Height of Callousness
Starkweather and Overmars Starkweather/Overmars
State Faults Clairvoyant
Stray from the Path Villains
Suffering Hour In Passing Ascension
Suicide Note You're Not Looking So Good
Sulphur Aeon Swallowed By The Ocean's Tide
Sulphur Aeon Gateway to the Antisphere
Sulphur Aeon Deep Deep Down They Sleep
Svartidaudi The Synthesis of Whore and Beast
Svartidaudi Revelations of the Red Sword
Swallow the Sun The Morning Never Came
Sylosis Conclusion of an Age
System of a Down System of a Down
Tech N9ne All 6's and 7's
Temple of Void Of Terror And The Supernatural
Terra Tenebrosa The Tunnels
Terra Tenebrosa The Purging
TesseracT Altered State
Thantifaxath Thantifaxath
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise
Thantifaxath Void Masquerading as Matter
The Agony Scene The Darkest Red
The Armed These Are Lights
The Armed Young & Beautiful
The Armed Spreading Joy
The Armed Untitled
The Armed Only Love
The Banner Frailty
The Banner Greying
The Black Dahlia Murder Unhallowed
The Black Dahlia Murder Nocturnal
The Black Keys Brothers
The Blinding Light The Ascension Attempt
The Boy Will Drown Fetish
The Chariot Everything Is Alive, Everything Is...
The Chariot Unsung
The Chariot Wars and Rumors of Wars
The Chariot Long Live
The Contortionist Exoplanet
The Cure Pornography
The Deadlights The Deadlights
The Devil Wears Prada Zombie
The Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the Killer
The End (CAN) Transfer Trachea Reverberations from Point: False Omniscient
The End (CAN) Within Dividia
The End Of Six Thousand Years Isolation
The Faceless Akeldama
The Great Old Ones Al Azif
The Great Old Ones Tekeli-Li
The Last Ten Seconds Of Life Soulless Hymns
As arid, merciless, and cartoonish as the cover artwork.
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Nuclear. Sad. Nuclear.
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Mongrel
The Ocean Precambrian
The Ocean Fluxion
The Ominous Circle Appalling Ascension
The Phantom Carriage Falls
The Power & The Glory Call Me Armageddon
The Power And The Glory Call Me Armageddon
The Psyke Project Guillotine
The Red Chord Clients
The Rodeo Idiot Engine Malaise
The Sawtooth Grin Cuddlemonster
The Sawtooth Grin Pervavor
The Spirit Of Versailles The Confluence Of All Of The Senses
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza Danza III: Series of Unfortunate Events
The Weeknd Trilogy
The Word Alive Empire
I saw these guys at a small venue with A Faylene Sky and a couple other bands supporting Eyes Set to Kill when this was their only release, and they absolutely brought the house down. Tons of energy, wonderful crowd interaction; it's just too bad this would ultimately be their finest hour.
This Gift Is A Curse All Hail The Swinelord
Thorns Thorns
Those Who Lie Beneath An Awakening
Sonically dark and brutal without being especially corny or br00tal, this is a strong debut that leans refreshingly close to the "death" end of deathcore.
Those Who Lie Beneath Antichrist
Thrice The Illusion of Safety
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Thrice Vheissu
Throane Derrière​-​Nous, La Lumière
Throane Plus une Main à Mordre
Throats Throats
Throes (USA) In The Hands Of An Angry God
To Destroy A City Sunless
Toothgrinder Schizophrenic Jubilee
Training for Utopia Plastic Soul Impalement
Training for Utopia The Falling Cycle
Travis Scott Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight
Trha lhum'ad'sejja
Twilight III: Beneath Trident's Tomb
Twilight Trident Death Rattle
Ulver Perdition City
Ulver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Ulver Messe I.X-VI.X
Uncanny Splenium for Nyktophobia
Underneath Nothing Here is Held Sacred
Unearth Watchers of Rule
Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect The World Trapped in Vampyric Sway
Unreqvited Beautiful Ghosts
Unruh Setting Fire to Sinking Ships
Uranium An Exacting Punishment
Ustalost Before The Glinting Spell Unvests
Vampirska Vermilion Apparitions Frozen in Chimera Twilight
Vasudeva Generator
Ved Buens Ende Written In Waters Errorzone
Venom Prison Samsara
Vildhjarta Omnislash
Vildhjarta Thousands Of Evils
Short, sharp, and well-paced, "Thousands of Evils" is a solid follow-up to "Masstaden" and an intriguing prelude to what will no doubt be another monster of an album.
Vile Ones Teeth
Vince Staples Summertime '06
Virus (NO) The Black Flux
Virus (NO) Oblivion Clock
Virus (NO) Memento Collider
Virvum Illuminance
Vitriol (USA) To Bathe from the Throat of Cowardice
Vitriol (USA) Antichrist
Vitriolic Sage 梦路
Viva Belgrado Ulises
Vukari Aevum
Wanderer (MN) Liberation from a Brutalist Existence
War from a Harlots Mouth MMX
War from a Harlots Mouth Voyeur
Warsawwasraw Sensitizer
Wiegedood De Doden Hebben Het Goed II
Wildernessking Mystical Future
William Basinski Lamentations
Withered Memento Mori
Withered Folie Circulaire
Wormed Krighsu
Wormlust The Feral Wisdom
WOWOD Zemlya
Wretched (USA-NC) Son of Perdition
Wretched (USA-NC) Cannibal
xSPONGEXCOREx Don't Mess With TexXxas
Yautja The Lurch
Yellow Eyes Sick With Bloom
Yuth Forever 10 Code
Zao Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
Zao The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here
Zeal and Ardor Stranger Fruit

3.5 great
(hed) p.e. Broke
(hed) p.e. (hed) p.e.
(sic)monic Somnambulist
10 Years The Autumn Effect
1349 Liberation
36 Crazyfists Rest Inside the Flames
36 Crazyfists The Tide and Its Takers
65daysofstatic One Time for All Time
65daysofstatic We Were Exploding Anyway
A Bullet for Pretty Boy Revision: Revise
A Dark Orbit Voyager
A Life Once Lost Hunter
A Life Once Lost The Fourth Plague: Flies
A Life Once Lost Ecstatic Trance
A Lot Like Birds Conversation Piece
A Lot Like Birds No Place
A Lot Like Birds DIVISI
A Night in Texas The God Delusion
Abigail Williams Legend
Abigail Williams In the Absence of Light
Abigail Williams Walk Beyond The Dark
Aborted Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage...
Aborted Termination Redux
Acoda Acoda
Aeviterne The Ailing Facade
AFI The Art of Drowning
AFI Decemberunderground
Afterbirth In But Not Of
Aftershock Through The Looking Glass
Agalloch The Mantle
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Ahab The Boats Of The Glen Carrig
Akercocke Rape of the Bastard Nazerene
Akercocke The Goat of Mendes
Akercocke Choronzon
Akercocke Words That Go Unspoken...
Akercocke Antichrist
Akimbo Forging Steel and Laying Stone
Alkaline Trio Blood, Hair, and Eyeballs
All Out War For Those Who Were Crucified
All Shall Perish This Is Where It Ends
All Your Sisters Trust Ruins
Almyrkvi Pupil of the Searing Maelstrom
Altarage Succumb
Altars (AUS) Paramnesia
Amenra Mass I: Prayer I - VI
American Head Charge The War Of Art
Amon Amarth With Oden on Our Side
Anaal Nathrakh The Whole of the Law
Animosity Shut It Down
Aosoth III - Violence & Variation
Aosoth IV: An Arrow in Heart
Aprilmist Bleak
Arch Enemy Stigmata
Arch Enemy Dead Eyes See No Future
Arch Enemy Burning Bridges
Architects Nightmares
Architects Ruin
Architects Lost Forever // Lost Together
The last four songs are unreal. If the rest of the album was up to the quality of "Colony Collapse," "Castle in the Air," "Youth is Wasted on the Young," and "The Distant Blue," this would easily top Hollow Crown. "Gravedigger" and "Naysayer" are pretty decent in their own right, and with them, this could have made for an incredible EP. Unfortunately, the rest of the album ranges from "listenable" to "okay," barring the hackneyed "Broken Cross," which brings the quality down significantly. Even so, this is the best Architects have sounded in a long time, and is fully deserving of the praise it receives.
Ariana Grande Dangerous Woman
Arkangel Dead Man Walking
Arkangel Prayers Upon Deaf Ears
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt
Artificial Brain Demo
Artificial Brain Butchering Cosmic Giants
As Cities Burn Come Now Sleep
As the Sun Sets 7744
ASAP Rocky At.Long.Last.A$AP
At the Drive-In in•ter a•li•a
August Burns Red Found in Far Away Places
Avenged Sevenfold Waking The Fallen
Aversions Crown Tyrant
Axis Show Your Greed
Baring Teeth The Path Narrows
Baroness Second
Baroness First
Baroness First & Second
Baroness Purple
Talk about a goddamn singalong album. Rating subject to skyrocket on future listens.
Barrier Eventide
Batushka Litourgiya
Bay Faction Jasper
Bay Faction Demos
Be'lakor Vessels
Beartooth Sick
Behemoth Evangelion
Behemoth I Loved You at Your Darkest
Bell Witch Mirror Reaper
Beneath the Massacre Mechanics of Dysfunction
Beneath the Massacre Dystopia
Beneath the Massacre Incongruous
Beneath the Massacre Fearmonger
Beneath The Sky In Loving Memory
Better Lovers God Made Me an Animal
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus
Beyonce Lemonade
Billie Eilish When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Black Breath Heavy Breathing
Black Crown Initiate Selves We Cannot Forgive
Bleak No Light, No Tunnel
Bleed the Sky Paradigm In Entropy
Bleeding Through The Truth
Bliss Signal Bliss Signal
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction
Blood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human Race
Bloodbath The Fathomless Mastery
Blue Hummingbird On The Left Atl Tlachinolli
Blut Aus Nord 777 - Sect(s)
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers Of The Icy Ages
Bolzer Aura
Boy Hits Car Boy Hits Car
Breach It's Me God
Bring Me The Horizon This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season
Bring Me The Horizon That's the Spirit
Bruce Springsteen Nebraska
Brutality Will Prevail Root of All Evil
Burst Prey on Life
Burst Lazarus Bird
Burst Shadowcaster
Called to Arms Peril and the Patient
Calm Chaos Melody of Mokus
Cannae Gold Becomes Sacrifice
Car Bomb Centralia
Whatever they're doing might have some technical musical significance, the sole reason I haven't 1'd this, but Meshuggah sounds a hell of a lot better pushing the boundaries of listenability.
Car Bomb Meta
Cara Neir Phase Out
Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Carly Rae Jepsen The Loneliest Time
Carnifex Until I Feel Nothing
Carnifex Die Without Hope
I guess my true score is a 3.7, a hair above the 3.6 I would have given "Until I Feel Nothing." Carnifex is never going to lose their deathcore aspect, but it's fun to see them experimenting with blacker, deathier sounds.
Carol Prefabricated
Carpe Noctem In Terra Profugus
Cave In Antenna
Cave In Beyond Hypothermia
Celeste Nihiliste(s)
Celeste Infidele(s)
Cephalic Carnage Anomalies
Cerberus (USA-CA) Cage Of Existence
Chance the Rapper Acid Rap
Chapter and Verse Glow
Chasing Victory Fiends
Chat Pile This Dungeon Earth
Chat Pile Cool World
Chelsea Wolfe Hiss Spun
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Chimaira Crown of Phantoms
Mark Hunter's average presence used to hold Chimaira back, especially on the self-titled and its follow-up, but he's stepped up in a big way. Replacing the entire band with members of Daath really mitigates the issue of Hunter's performance. "The Machine" is among Chimaira's best openers and the title track features some of the strongest synergy the band has ever seen. "Crown of Phantoms" is one of the most pleasant surprises of 2013 from a band I didn't think had it in them.
Chthe'ilist Le Dernier Crépuscule
Clikatat Ikatowi River of Souls
Coalesce Functioning on Impatience
Coalesce 0:12 Revolution in Just Listening
Code Orange Love Is Love // Return To Dust
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman: Descension
Coldworld Autumn
Colonial Wound Degradation
Congress Blackened Persistance
Converge Petitioning The Empty Sky
Converge Axe to Fall
Converge I Can Tell You About Pain
Converge Beautiful Ruin
Conway the Machine No One Mourns The Wicked
Cowards (FR) Hoarder
Cowards (FR) Shooting Blanks and Pills
Cowards (FR) Rise to Infamy
Cradle of Filth Midian
Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a Day
Crash of Rhinos Distal
Crowpath Red on Chrome
Cult of Luna Cult of Luna
Cult of Luna A Dawn to Fear
Curl Up and Die The One of Above All, The End of All
Curl Up and Die The Only Good Bug Is A Dead Bug
Currents Life // Lost
Dark Sermon In Tongues
Dark Tranquillity Character
Dark Tranquillity Fiction
Darkest Hour Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation
Darkest Hour Undoing Ruin
Darkthrone The Cult Is Alive
Darkthrone Panzerfaust
Darkthrone The Underground Resistance
Darkthrone Arctic Thunder
Darkthrone Old Star
Dax Riggs We Sing of Only Blood or Love
Day of Mourning Your Future's End
Dead And Divine The Machines We Are
Dead And Divine Antimacy
Dead in the Dirt Fear
Dead in the Dirt The Blind Hole
Dead Meadow Feathers
Dead Meadow Dead Meadow
Deadguy Screamin' With the Deadguy Quintet
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Death Engine Mud
Death Grips The Money Store
Death Grips The Powers That B - Part I: Niggas on the Moon
Deathspell Omega The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Decapitated Nihility
Defeater Lost Ground
Deftones Deftones
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Denzel Curry King of the Mischievous South Vol. 2
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Stellar
Destroyer 666 Defiance
Destroyer Destroyer Littered With Arrows
Devil Sold His Soul Blessed & Cursed
DevilDriver The Fury of Our Maker's Hand
Devouring Star Through Lung And Heart
Divine Heresy Bleed the Fifth
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron
Doja Cat Scarlet
Down Down II: A Bustle in Your Hedgerow
Down Down III: Over the Under
Dragged Into Sunlight Terminal Aggressor II
Drake If You're Reading This It's Too Late
Draugnim Vulturine
Draugsol Volaða Land
Drawing Last Breath Final Sacrifice
Drop Dead, Gorgeous In Vogue
Drowningman Busy Signal At The Suicide Hotline
Drowningman How They Light Cigarettes in Prison
Duck Duck Goose Noise, Noise and More Noise
Duck Duck Goose Off Yourself
Dwell (NC) Dwell
Dying Fetus Descend into Depravity
Dying Wish Fragments of a Bitter Memory
Early Graves Goner
Eavesdropper The American Classic
Ed Gein It's A Shame That A Family Can Be Torn Apart By...
Ed Gein Judas Goats & Dieseleaters
Ed Gein Bad Luck
Eglise Église
Eighteen Visions Lifeless
Eighteen Visions The Best Of Eighteen Visions
Eighteen Visions Vanity (Re-Issue)
Eighteen Visions No Time For Love
Eighteen Visions Vanity (Redux)
Eminem Curtain Call: The Hits
Eminem Recovery
Encoffination We Proclaim Your Death O' Lord
Enslaved Isa
Enslaved Ruun
Enslaved Axioma Ethica Odini
Entheogen Without Veil, Nor Self
Entropia (PL) Ufonaut
Error Error
Euclid C Finder EUCLID C FINDER!
Evanescence Fallen
Evans Blue The Melody and the Energetic Nature of Volume
Ever Forthright Ever Forthright
Every Time I Die Last Night in Town
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic
Every Time I Die Salem
Everything Went Black Cycles of Light
Fall of Efrafa Inle
Fall Out Boy Infinity on High
False Portent
Father Befouled Profano Ad Regnum
Father Befouled Crowned in Veneficum
Fawn Limbs Their Holes Aroused by the Splinters Carved....
Fear Before Odd How People Shake
Fear Before Art Damage
Fear Factory Obsolete
Fear Factory Mechanize
Feminazgul No Dawn for Men
Fen Dustwalker
Fero Lux Some Divine Ashtray
Fero Lux No Rest
Finch Say Hello to Sunshine
Finger Eleven The Greyest of Blue Skies
Finger Eleven Finger Eleven
Fit for an Autopsy The Process Of Human Extermination
Fivio Foreign B.I.B.L.E.
FKA Twigs M3LL155X
Fleshgod Apocalypse Mafia
Florence and the Machine Lungs
Fluisteraars Dromers
Fluisteraars Bloem
For The Love Of Feasting On The Will of Humanity
Frail Body Artificial Bouquet
From Here On Hope for a Bleeding Sky
Full of Hell The Inevitable Fear of Existence
Full of Hell Roots Of Earth Are Consuming My Home
Full of Hell Rudiments of Mutilation
Full of Hell Amber Mote In The Black Vault
Full of Hell Weeping Choir
Full Of Hell and Andrew Nolan Scraping The Divine
Funebrarum Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods
Funebrarum Dormant Hallucination
Funebre Children of the Scorn
Future DS2
Future EVOL
Future I Never Liked You
Garden of Shadows Oracle Moon
Gatecreeper Sonoran Depravation
Gatecreeper An Unexpected Reality
Gaza He Is Never Coming Back
Gehenna (USA) The War Of The Sons Of Light And The Sun
Genghis Tron Dream Weapon
Germ Grief
Ghoulgotha Prophetic Oration of Self
Gift Giver Daddy Issues EP
Gillian Carter .​.​.​This Earth Shaped Tomb
God Among Insects World Wide Death
God Mother Maktbehov
Godflesh Streetcleaner
Godflesh Post Self
Gojira L'Enfant Sauvage
Gojira Magma
Gorephilia Embodiment of Death
Gorguts The Erosion of Sanity
Gorguts From Wisdom to Hate
Gorguts Pleiades' Dust
Gorod A Maze of Recycled Creeds
I was expecting something much harsher from the cover art and what I remembered of Leading Vision, the only other Gorod album I've listened to and which I was thought was pretty manic and excellent. I was taken aback by the more methodical nature of these songs and the pleasant, jazzier elements others have noted, but also a bit disappointed by the lack of immediacy across the album - I haven't been following their progression as a band, but this feels like a safe album, and sometimes even a familiar one.
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist
Grave Into the Grave
Graves of Valor Salarian Gate
Great Falls Accidents Grotesque
Great Falls Funny What Survives
Grey Heaven Fall Black Wisdom
Grievance (USA) Graveyard Whits
Grievance (USA) Mulatto Noir
Grouper Grid of Points
Hang The Bastard Hellfire Reign
Hang The Bastard Hang The Bastard
Hang The Bastard Raw Sorcery
Harkonen Harkonen
Harlots The Woman You Saw Is The Great City
Harlots The Human War Machine
Harrow (CAN) Fallow Fields
Haste the Day Attack of the Wolf King
Hate Eternal King of All Kings
Hate Eternal Upon Desolate Sands
Hauntologist Hollow
He Is Legend It Hates You
Head Control System Murder Nature
Heads For The Dead Serpent's Curse
Heaven In Her Arms White Halo
Heaven Shall Burn vs. Caliban The Split Program
Hecate Enthroned The Slaughter of Innocence, A Requiem for the Migh
Hecate Enthroned Dark Requiems And The Unsilent Massacre
Hellions Opera Oblivia
Himsa Courting Tragedy & Disaster
His Hero Is Gone Monuments To Thieves
Holy Fawn The Black Moon
Hopesfall No Wings To Speak Of
Hopesfall Magnetic North
Horrendous Anareta
Howls of Ebb Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows
Hozier Nina Cried Power
The title track is incredible, an infectious slice of bluesy-soul-pop you can boogie to. The rest of the EP exists in its shadow, but individually, these songs are at least as good as anything off the more reflective second half of his full-length record.
Hundredth Revolt
Hundredth Resist
Hundredth Rare
I See Stars Treehouse
I, Valiance The Reject of Humanity
Ihsahn Eremita
Ild Kvern
Immolation Dawn of Possession
Immolation Providence
Immortal Sons of Northern Darkness
Immortal At the Heart of Winter
Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Immortal Bird Empress​/​Abscess
Imperial Triumphant Abominamentvm
Imperial Triumphant Spirit of Ecstasy
In Flames The Jester Race
In Flames Reroute to Remain
In Flames Colony
In Flames Come Clarity
In Mourning Afterglow
In Reverent Fear Written In The A.M.
Incubus (USA-CA) S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Incubus (USA-CA) Enjoy Incubus
Infant Annihilator The Elysian Grandeval Galèriarch
Inferi (USA) Revenant
Inside Out No Spiritual Surrender
Into the Moat The Campaign
Invocation of Nehek Invocation of Nehek
Ion Dissonance Cursed
Ire I Discern An Overtone of Tragedy In Your Voice
Iron Maiden Dance Of Death
ISIS Panopticon
ISIS Mosquito Control
ISIS Wavering Radiant
Islander Violence and Destruction
Issues Headspace
It Dies Today Let the Angels Whisper Your Name
Jacobi Wichita Bonez Malone
Jambinai ONDA
Jeremih Late Nights With Jeremih
Jeremih Late Nights
Jesuit Discography
Jesus Piece ...So Unknown
Jesus Piece Greed/Conjure Life
Job For A Cowboy Doom
Job For A Cowboy Ruination
Johnny Truant In the Library of Horrific Events
Joliette Luz de Bengala
Jordablod The Cabinet of Numinous Song
Kacey Musgraves Golden Hour
Kalmah The Black Waltz
Kampfar Ofidians Manifest
Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West The Life of Pablo
Kaonashi Dear Lemon House, You Ruined Me: Senior Year
Karate Unsolved
Katatonia Viva Emptiness
Katatonia Dead End Kings
Katatonia The Fall Of Hearts
Katatonia City Burials
Keelhaul Keelhaul II
Kendrick Lamar DAMN.
Kendrick Lamar Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers
Khann Erode
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
Killswitch Engage Killswitch Engage
Kim Petras Turn Off The Light Vol. 1
Kim Petras Turn Off the Light
Knocked Loose Pop Culture
Knocked Loose A Different Shade of Blue
Knocked Loose A Tear in the Fabric of Life
Knocked Loose You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To
Knoll Interstice
Kodan Armada A Collection Of Songs
Korn Issues
Kowloon Walled City Gambling On The Richter Scale
Kowloon Walled City Turk Street
Krallice Dimensional Bleedthrough
Krallice Hyperion
Krater Venenare
Krypts Cadaver Circulation
Lantern (FIN) Below
Lantlos .neon
Latitudes Old Sunlight
Leeched To Dull the Blades of Your Abuse
letlive. Fake History
Leucosis Liminal
Lifesick Misanthropy
Lil Peep Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 1
Lil Wayne Da Drought 3
Lil Wayne Tha Carter III
Lil Wayne Tha Carter V
Limp Bizkit The Unquestionable Truth - Part I
Limp Bizkit Significant Other
Limp Bizkit Three Dollar Bill Y'all
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park Reanimation
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns
Linkin Park From Zero
Lizzo Cuz I Love You
Lord Mantis Universal Death Church
Lotus Eater Machine Demolition Fetish
Love Sex Machine Love Sex Machine
This shit will flatten your nearest mountain range.
Lunar Aurora Andacht
Lupe Fiasco The Cool
Lupe Fiasco Tetsuo and Youth
Lvthn The Spider Goddess
Lychgate Also Sprach Futura
Lye By Mistake Fea Jur
Machine Head Burn My Eyes
Makara Discography
Mannveira Von Er Eitur
Marduk Those of the Unlight
Marid V V V V V V V
The distinct venom with which "Allah" is rasped, as opposed to "God" or "Him", absolutely gets me going.
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals
Marilyn Manson Holy Wood
Marmozets The Weird and Wonderful Marmozets
I saw Marmozets open for Every Time I Die and they damn near stole the show right out from under the them.
Martrod Transmutation of Wounds
Martyr AD On Earth as it is in Hell
Mayhem Wolf's Lair Abyss
Meatwound Largo
Meshuggah Nothing
meth. Shame
Minus Jesus Christ Bobby
Misery Index Traitors
Misery Index Heirs to Thievery
Misery Index The Killing Gods
Misery Index Rituals of Power
Misery Index Complete Control
Misery Signals Mirrors
Mitochondrion Antinumerology
Mitochondrion Through Cosmic Gaze
Monuments (UK) We Are the Foundation
Morgue Orgy The Last Man On Earth
Mourir Animal Bouffe Animal
MouthBreather (USA-MA) Dollmeat
Movements Outgrown Things
Mudvayne The End of All Things to Come
Mushroomhead XIII
Mushroomhead XX
Mushroomhead Savior Sorrow
Mushroomhead The Righteous & The Butterfly
Nachtmystium Instinct: Decay
Naiad Hardcore Emotion
NAILS You Will Never Be One Of Us
Nero di Marte Immoto
Night Verses Lift Your Existence
Nightmarer Chasm
Nihill Grond
Nihill Verdonkermaan
Nile Annihilation Of The Wicked
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine
Nine Inch Nails Year Zero
Nonpoint Statement
Nothingface An Audio Guide to Everyday Atrocity
Oathbreaker Oathbreaker
Obake Draugr
Ocean Grove The Rhapsody Tapes
Ocean Grove Flip Phone Fantasy
Oceansize Music for Nurses
Of Legends Stranded
Sick drummer. A better metalcore zombie-apocalypse concept album than TDWP's "Zombie."
Oh, Sleeper The Titan
Old Man's Child In Defiance of Existence
Old Nick Ghost O'Clock
Old Soul Blue Heron
Old Wounds The Suffering Spirit
Opeth Orchid
Opeth Damnation
Oranssi Pazuzu Farmokologinen
Ore Miner Onism
Origami Angel Somewhere City
Outre Ghost Chants
Outre Hollow Earth
P.O.D. Testify
Pain of Salvation Scarsick
Panic! at the Disco Pretty. Odd.
Pantera Far Beyond Driven
Paradise Lost Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
Paysage d'Hiver Die Berge
Pearl Jam Ten
pg.99 Document #8
Pinback Summer in Abaddon
Playing Enemy I Was Your City
Poison the Well You Come Before You
Polvo Exploded Drawing
Polywhy Wanton Psalms
Portal Swarth
Portal ION
Powerman 5000 Tonight the Stars Revolt
Primordial To The Nameless Dead
Protest the Hero Scurrilous
Psyopus Ideas of Reference
Pyrrhon What Passes for Survival
Pyrrhon Abscess Time
Quicksand Slip
Racetraitor Burn the Idol of the White Messiah
Racetraitor 2042
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry Talk About the Weather
Reflux The Illusion Of Democracy
Regional Justice Center Crime and Punishment
Rescuer With Time Comes the Comfort
Ripping Corpse Dreaming With the Dead
Romans All Those Wrists
Rorcal Creon
Rorcal Muladona
Rottrevore Iniquitous
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 2
Run the Jewels RTJ4
Sabella DOG DAZE
Sacrificial Vein Black Terror Genesis
Saetia A Retrospective
Saetia Saetia
Sampha Process
Sanction (NY) The Infringement Of God's Plan
Saor Guardians
Satyricon Rebel Extravaganza
Satyricon The Shadowthrone
Scar Symmetry Pitch Black Progress
Scarlet This Was Always Meant To Fall Apart
Secret Band Secret Band
Sectioned Outlier
Sectioned Annihilated
See You Next Tuesday Parasite
Self Defense Family Try Me
Sepultura Machine Messiah
Serration Simulations of Hell
Sevendust Home
Sevendust Chapter VII: Hope and Sorrow
Sights and Sounds Monolith
Sika Redem No Gods No Masters
SikTh Opacities
Silence (U.S.) Dead Presidents
Silencer (SWE) Death - Pierce Me
Silent Planet Everything Was Sound
Sinmara Within the Weaves of Infinity
Sinmara Hvísl Stjarnanna
Skaphe and Wormlust Kosmískur Hryllingur
Skyfire Mind Revolution
Slayer God Hates Us All
Slutvomit Copulation of Cloven Hooves
Snapcase Progression Through Unlearning
Soilwork The Chainheart Machine
Soilwork A Predator's Portrait
Soreption Engineering The Void
Soreption Monument of the End
Spectral Lore III
Spektr Near Death Experience
Spitfire Cult Fiction
Static-X Wisconsin Death Trip
Straight Reads The Line The Author
Strapping Young Lad Alien
Strapping Young Lad City
Stray from the Path Rising Sun
Stray from the Path Anonymous
Stray from the Path Euthanasia
Street Sects End Position
Street Sects The Kicking Mule
Strongarm The Advent of a Miracle
Subsist Lessons in Brokenness
Suffering Hour The Cyclic Reckoning
Suffocation Pierced From Within
Suffocation Souls to Deny
Suffocation Effigy of the Forgotten
Sum 41 Chuck
SUMAC What One Becomes
Sweven (SWE) The Eternal Resonance
Technical and intuitive. Lacking in purpose, though not necessarily to its detriment--talented players deserve to show off now and then. It would benefit from a shorter runtime is all; "Solemn Retreat" and "Visceral Blight" could probably go and not be missed.
Symphony in Peril Lost Memoirs and Faded Pictures
System of a Down Toxicity
Taken And They Slept
Taken Between Two Unseens
Tech N9ne Absolute Power
Tech N9ne K.O.D.
TEETH (CAN) A Biblical Worship Of Violence
Terra Tenebrosa The Reverses
TesseracT One
The 1975 The 1975
The Acacia Strain The Dead Walk
The Acacia Strain Wormwood
The Acacia Strain Death Is the Only Mortal
The Acacia Strain Above/Below
The Acacia Strain Coma Witch
The Agony Scene The Agony Scene
The Agony Scene Get Damned
The Air I Breathe Great Faith In Fools
"Great Faith In Fools" could have been something awesome if the band didn't shoot themselves in rthe foot multiple times per song with what sounds like the same breakdown played at varying speed.
The Band CAMINO tryhard
The Black Dahlia Murder Miasma
The Black Dahlia Murder Everblack
The Black Dahlia Murder Grind 'Em All
The Black Queen Fever Daydream
The Breathing Process Odyssey: (Un)dead
The Callous Daoboys Die on Mars
The Chariot The Fiancee
The Chariot One Wing
The Contortionist Language
The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis
The Elijah I Loved I Hated I Destroyed I Created
The Great Old Ones Cosmicism
The Haarp Machine Disclosure
The Holly Springs Disaster Motion Sickness Love
The Hope Conspiracy Cold Blue
The Jonbenet The Plot Thickens
The Jonbenet Ugly/Heartless
The Luddite Clone The Arsonist and the Architect
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Put On Your Rosy Red Glasses
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Wild Gods
The Ocean Aeolian
The Ocean Fogdiver
The Plot In You Happiness in Self Destruction
The Red Chord Fused Together in Revolving Doors
The Sisters of Mercy Floodland
The Taste Of Blood Predator
The Used The Used
The Word Alive Deceiver
The xx I See You
These Arms Are Snakes This Is Meant To Hurt You
This Day Forward The Transient Effects of Light on Water
This Gift Is A Curse A Throne of Ash
Thomas Dybdahl All These Things
Threat Signal Under Reprisal
Throane Une Balle Dans Le Pied
Throes (USA) Throes
Through the Eyes of the Dead Bloodlust
Through the Eyes of the Dead The Scars of Ages
Thumbscrew Enlightenment
Thursday Kill the House Lights
Thursday Common Existence
Thursday No Devolucion
Thy Art Is Murder Infinite Death
Thy Art Is Murder The Adversary
Thy Art Is Murder Holy War
Thy Art Is Murder / The Acacia Strain / Fit for an Autopsy The Depression Sessions
Thy Catafalque Geometria
Timeghoul 1992-1994 Discography
Tom Violence The Widow
Tool Undertow
Torche Restarter
Totem Skin These Ghosts Are Haunting Our Halls
Touche Amore Touche Amore
Trap Them Blissfucker
Trap Them Crown Feral
Travis Scott Rodeo
Travis Scott Astroworld
Trivium Ascendancy
Trna Earthcult
Troubled Coast Awake and Empty
Turris Eburnea Turris Eburnea
Twilight Twilight
Twitching Tongues Sleep Therapy
Uada Devoid of Light
Ulcerate Vermis
Ulcerate Shrines of Paralysis
Underoath Define the Great Line
Underoath Lost in the Sound of Separation
Unreal City (USA) Masks
Utopia Banished Night of the Black Wyvern
Vanna Curses
Vanum Ageless Fire Terrors Realm Demo 2016 This World Is Going to Ruin You
Vimur Triumphant Master of Fates
Violent Ends Invisos
Virgin Black Sombre Romantic
Virus (NO) Carheart
Virus (NO) The Agent That Shapes The Desert
Virus (NO) Investigator
Voidspawn Pyrrhic
War from a Harlots Mouth In Shoals
White Ward Love Exchange Failure
Woe, Is Me Number[s]
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters
Wombbath Internal Caustic Torments
Wreck and Reference Want
Wretched (USA-NC) The Exodus of Autonomy
Xasthur Nocturnal Poisoning
Xasthur The Funeral of Being
Yakuza Samsara
Yashira Shrine
Young and in the Way Amen
Young and in the Way I Am Not What I Am
Yuth Forever Skeleton Youth Forever
Zac Brown Band Uncaged
Zalmoxis A Nocturnal Emanation
Zao Liberate Te Ex Inferis
Zulu A New Tomorrow

3.0 good
.Crrust You Came For Everest, You'll Find Your Way Dead
10 Years Minus the Machine
2Pac All Eyez on Me
36 Crazyfists A Snow Capped Romance
A Forest of Stars Beware the Sword You Cannot See
A Life Once Lost Open Your Mouth for the Speechless...
A Loathing Requiem Psalms of Misanthropy
A Perfect Circle Eat the Elephant
Abduction (UK) All Pain as Penance
Abigail Williams Gallow Hill
Abigor Channeling The Quintessence Of Satan
Aborted The Archaic Abattoir
Aborted Global Flatline
Aborym Worshipping Damned Souls
The metal tracks are basic, groovy black metal and the instrumental tracks sound like
taped excerpts from some third-rate giallo horror movie. Somehow, the fact that it all
sounds as if it was recorded through a stack of quilts on a Shure microphone is really,
really charming.
Achilles (USA-NY) Hospice
Aesop Rock Spirit World Field Guide
AFI Black Sails in the Sunset
Agent Fresco Destrier
Ahulabrum The Transitivity of Strangeness
Akasha Consuming The Soul
Akhlys Supplication
Akhlys Melinoe
Alcest Les Voyages De L'Âme
Alien Ant Farm TruANT
Alien Ant Farm ~mAntras~
Alkaloid The Malkuth Grimoire
Alkaloid Liquid Anatomy
All That Remains This Darkened Heart
Altarage Worst Case Scenario
Altars (AUS) Ascetic Reflection
Amaarae The Angel You Don’t Know
Amenra Mass IIII
Amon Amarth Versus the World
Amon Amarth The Avenger
Amon Amarth Once Sent from the Golden Hall
Amon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder God
Angelcorpse The Inexorable
Anicon Exegeses
Animosity Empires
Arbus A Recess in the Wall
Arch Enemy Wages of Sin
Architects All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
Archivist Archivist
Arsonists Get All the Girls Listen to the Color
As Blood Runs Black Allegiance
As I Lay Dying Shadows Are Security
As I Lay Dying A Long March: The First Recordings
As I Lay Dying The Powerless Rise
As the Sun Sets 8949
Ascended Dead Abhorrent Manifestation
At the Gates At War with Reality
At the Gates To Drink from the Night Itself
Atramentus Stygian
Atreyu Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses
Atreyu The Curse
Atreyu Lead Sails Paper Anchor
Attack Attack! Someday Came Suddenly
August Burns Red Constellations
August Burns Red Sleddin' Hill: A Holiday Album
Axis Shift
Banks The Altar
Baphomet (NY) The Dead Shall Inherit
Barrier Dark Days
Barrit Smiles Upon the Stroke That Murders Me
Bathory The Return of the Darkness and Evil
Behemoth The Apostasy
Beherit Drawing Down the Moon
Benea Reach Alleviat
Besieged Atlantis
Better Lovers Highly Irresponsible
Better Oblivion Community Center Better Oblivion Community Center
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Between the Buried and Me Automata I
Blaqk Audio CexCells
Blasfeme Black Legion
Bleed the Sky Murder The Dance
Bleeding Through Declaration
Blind Witness Nightmare on Providence Street
Blood Incantation Luminescent Bridge
Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage
Blue October Foiled
Blut Aus Nord 777 - The Desanctification
Blut Aus Nord 777 - Cosmosophy
Bone Awl Meaningless Leaning Mess
Borknagar Empiricism
Borknagar The Olden Domain
Born of Osiris The New Reign
Born of Osiris The Discovery
Bosse-de-Nage All Fours
Bosse-de-Nage Further Still
Boysetsfire After The Eulogy
Breach Venom
Breaking Benjamin We Are Not Alone
Breaking Benjamin Phobia
Breather Resist Only in the Morning
Bring Me The Horizon Sempiternal
Brotherhood Of The Lake Desperation Is The English Way: Vol. 1
Bungler Fake Fur
Burial Burial
Burial Etiquette Mis​-​en​-​sc​è​ne
Buried Inside In and of the Self
Burn in Silence Angel Maker
Burst Conquest: Writhe
Burst Two Faced
Caina Some People Fall
Callenish Circle Pitch.Black.Effects
Calques Civilizing
Cane Hill Cane Hill
Car Bomb w^w^^w^w
Cara Neir Part I / Part II
Carcass Surgical Steel
Cattle Decapitation Karma.Bloody.Karma
Cattle Decapitation The Harvest Floor
Cattle Decapitation The Anthropocene Extinction
Celeste Morte(s) Nee(s)
Cenotaph (MX) The Gloomy Reflection of Our Hidden Sorrows
Chamber (USA) Final Shape/In Search Of Truth
Chamber (USA) Ripping/Pulling/Tearing
Charli XCX How I'm Feeling Now
Chat Pile God's Country
Chelsea Wolfe Abyss
Chevelle This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Chevelle Point #1
Chevelle The North Corridor
Chimaira Chimaira
Chimaira Pass Out of Existence
Cicada the Burrower Blight Witch Regalia
City of Caterpillar City of Caterpillar
Cloacal Kiss Easter
Coal Chamber Dark Days
Coheed and Cambria No World for Tomorrow
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman: Ascension
Cold Cold
Cold World How The Gods Chill
Coldworker The Contaminated Void
Coma Cluster Void Mind Cemeteries
Common Be
Common The Dreamer/The Believer
Conjurer I
Conway the Machine What Has Been Blessed Cannot Be Cursed
Corrosion of Conformity Deliverance
Cowards (FR) Still
Cradle of Filth The Principle of Evil Made Flesh
Crionics Armageddon's Evolution
Crowbar Sonic Excess in Its Purest Form
Cruciamentum Charnel Passages
Cruciamentum Paradise Envenomed
Crydebris Crydebris
Cryptopsy Whisper Supremacy
Cult of Luna The Beyond
Curl Up and Die But The Past Ain't Through With Us
Cursed III: Architects of Troubled Sleep
Dance Club Massacre Feast Of The Blood Monsters
Dance Club Massacre Circle of Death
Dance Gavin Dance Happiness
Dance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle Mountain II
Dance Gavin Dance Mothership
Dark Tranquillity The Mind's I
Dark Tranquillity The Gallery
Dark Tranquillity Construct
Dark Tranquillity Atoma
Darkest Hour The Eternal Return
Darkest Hour The Human Romance
Darkthrone Total Death
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels
Dead Congregation Promulgation of the Fall
Dead Man's Bones Dead Man's Bones
Deadwater Drowning Deadwater Drowning
Deafheaven Demo
Deafheaven Libertine Dissolves/Daedalus
Deafheaven New Bermuda
Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead
Death Scream Bloody Gore
Death Fetishist Clandestine Sacrament
Deathspell Omega Kenose
Deathspell Omega Diabolus Absconditus
Decapitated The Negation
Decapitated Carnival Is Forever
Deftones White Pony
Deftones Adrenaline
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter
Denzel Curry TA13OO
Denzel Curry Melt My Eyez See Your Future
Desaster The Oath of an Iron Ritual
Despised Icon Consumed By Your Poison
Despised Icon Beast
Devouring Star Antihedron
Die My Will Die My Will
Dimmu Borgir Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions
Dirge (FR) And Shall The Sky Descend
Disarmonia Mundi Fragments Of D-Generation
Disma Towards the Megalith
Disturbed Believe
Disturbed Ten Thousand Fists
Down I Go You're Lucky God, That I Cannot Reach You
downset. Downset
Downthesun Downthesun
Dragbody Flip The Kill Switch
Dragbody An Inheritance of Detriment
Dragpipe Music for the Last Day of Your Life
Drake Views
Drake Care Package
Drake and Future What a Time to Be Alive
Drawing Last Breath Hymns of Suffering
dredg Catch Without Arms
DropxLife Furthur
Drowning Pool Sinner
Drowningman Don't Push Us When We're Hot
Dying Fetus Destroy the Opposition
Dying Fetus Make Them Beg for Death
Early Graves Red Horse
Ed Gein Ed Gein
Edge of Sanity Purgatory Afterglow
Ellende Lebensnehmer
Embodyment The Narrow Scope of Things
Eminem The Eminem Show
Enbilulugugal Blasfemia Occidental De Samoan
END (USA-NJ) From the Unforgiving Arms of God
END (USA-NJ) Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face
Enslaved Frost
Enslaved Mardraum - Beyond the Within
Enter Shikari The Mindsweep
Entheos (USA) Primal
Entheos (USA) The Infinite Nothing
Ershetu Yomi
Evans Blue The Pursuit Begins When This Portrayal of Life Ends
Extortionist The Decline
Eyes Set to Kill Reach
Fall of Efrafa Elil
Fall of Efrafa Owsla
Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree
Fall Out Boy My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue
Fall Out Boy Folie a Deux
Fall Out Boy PAX AM Days
Far Water & Solutions
Fear Factory Demanufacture
Fear Factory Archetype
Fear Factory Hatefiles
Fear Factory Transgression
Fear Factory Soul of a New Machine
Fear Factory Concrete
Fear Factory The Industrialist
Fiddlehead Springtime And Blind
Fields of the Nephilim Elizium
Finch Falling Into Place
Finch Finch
Finch Epilogue
Five Pointe O Untitled
FKA Twigs Magdalene
Fleshgod Apocalypse Oracles
Fleshgod Apocalypse King
Fluisteraars De Kronieken van het Verdwenen Kasteel I: Harslo
Frail Body A Brief Memoriam
Frank Ocean Nostalgia, Ultra.
From Autumn to Ashes Too Bad You're Beautiful
From Zero One Nation Under
Frontierer Unloved
Frost Like Ashes Tophet
Full of Hell Split
Full of Hell's side vastly outclasses Calm the Fire's. It's almost embarrassing.
Full of Hell Garden of Burning Apparitions
Full Of Hell and Primitive Man Suffocating Hallucination
Funebrarum Exhumation of the Ancient
Future Purple Reign
Gallows (UK) Orchestra Of Wolves
GARDSGHASTR Slit Throat Requiem
Gehenna (USA) Negotium Perambulans in Tenebris
Genghis Tron Cloak of Love
Genghis Tron Board Up the House
Geryon The Wound and the Bow
Ghost Bath Moonlover
Ghoulgotha No Peace to Rest In (Demo)
Gift Giver Shitlife
Giver Sculpture Of Violence
Gojira From Mars to Sirius
Gojira The Way of All Flesh
Gorguts Considered Dead
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination
Great Falls A Sense of Rest
Hamferd Támsins likam
Harkonen Shake Harder Boy
Harkonen Grizz
Harkonen Dancing
Harrowed Chaotic Nonentity
Haunted Shores Viscera
"Blast Inc." is probably the most fun any band has had playing music this year, but Viscera would benefit overall from just a little more professionalism. The shorter songs are tightly written but feel undeveloped, the longer songs meander, and while it seems pedantic to say so, the fact is that the production is sometimes a bit too clean even for a "joke" black metal project. Viscera is enjoyable but all too easy to tune out.
Haunter (USA-TX) Sacramental Death Qualia
He Is Legend 91025
He Is Legend Suck Out the Poison
He Is Legend Heavy Fruit
Hecate Enthroned Upon Promeathean Shores
Heilung Futha
Hell of Self Hell of Self
Hester Prynne The Goswell Divorce
Hetsheads We Hail the Possessed...
Hideous Divinity Adveniens
Hideous Divinity Simulacrum
Higher Power 27 Miles Underwater
Himsa Hail Horror
Honey Harper Starmaker
Textured, but a little formless. A musical rendition of George Clooney orbiting the planet in "Gravity," country blasting from his comm. device.
Hopeless Youth Devil, Walk With Me
Hopesfall The Satellite Years
Hopesfall A Types
Hoplites Ἡ εἰκών
Horrendous Ecdysis
Hozier Wasteland, Baby!
Human Waste Project E-lux
Hypno5e Alba - Les Hombres Errantes
Ice Spice Like..?
Ihsahn Amr
Ill Nino Revolution/Revolucion
Ill Nino One Nation Underground
Ill Nino The Undercover Sessions EP
Immolation Failures for Gods
Imperial Triumphant Vile Luxury
Imperial Triumphant Alphaville
In Flames Whoracle
In Mourning Monolith
Incubus (USA-CA) Morning View
Incubus (USA-CA) Fungus Amongus
Inherit Disease Ephemeral
Insanity Cult/Void Omnia Contemplation in Discordance
Insomnium Since the Day It All Came Down
Insomnium Winter's Gate
Integrity To Die For
Integrity Humanity is the Devil
Integrity Systems Overload
Integrity The Blackest Curse
Integrity Integrity 2000
Integrity Closure
Integrity Suicide Black Snake
Into the Moat The Design
Into the Moat Means By Which The End Is Justified
Intronaut Valley of Smoke
Ion Dissonance Minus the Herd
Ion Dissonance Cast the First Stone
Irkallian Oracle Grave Ekstasis
Iron Maiden The Number Of The Beast
Iron Maiden Piece Of Mind
Johnny Truant The Repercussions of a Badly Planned Suicide
Jordablod Upon My Cremation Pyre
Joy (NC) No Light Below
Kalmah They Will Return
Kalmah Swampsong
Kalmah 12 Gauge
Kanye West 808s and Heartbreak
Kanye West ye
Kaonashi Native
Katatonia Tonight's Decision
Kids See Ghosts Kids See Ghosts
Kimbra Primal Heart
Kiss It Goodbye Choke
Kiss It Goodbye Be Afraid
Kittie Oracle
Knocked Loose Laugh Tracks
Knut Terraformer
Korn The Paradigm Shift
Krallice Ygg Huur
Krypts Unending Degradation
La Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
Labyrinth of Stars Spectrum Xenomorph
Lamb of God Ashes Of The Wake
Lamb of God As The Palaces Burn
Lamb of God Sacrament
letlive. The Blackest Beautiful
Leviathan A Silhouette in Splinters
Leviathan True Traitor, True Whore
Leviathan Scar Sighted
It doesn't have the distressing aura of evil that surrounds "Massive Conspiracy Against All Life," but it's far and away the most visceral, refined - even elegant - thing to come out of Wrest's discography, standing toe-to-toe with that album in every other regard.
Lil Peep Live Forever
Lil Peep Lil Peep Part One
Lil Peep Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2
Lil Wayne Sorry 4 The Wait 2
Lil Yachty Let's Start Here.
LIMBS Father's Son
Limp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit Still Sucks
Lo! The Tongueless
Lorna Shore Maleficium
Loth Apocryphe
Love Lost But Not Forgotten Upon the Right, I Saw a New Misery
Love Sex Machine Asexual Anger
Luciferion Demonication (The Manifest)
Lupe Fiasco Food & Liquor
Luti-Kriss Throwing Myself
Machine Head Through The Ashes Of Empires
Machine Head Unto The Locust
Make Them Suffer Neverbloom
Make Them Suffer Lord of Woe
Make Them Suffer Old Souls
Manes Slow Motion Death Sequence
Marduk Panzer Division Marduk
Marilyn Manson The Golden Age of Grotesque
Marilyn Manson The Pale Emperor
Mastodon The Hunter
Mastodon Once More 'Round the Sun
Mayhem Deathcrush
Mayhem Daemon
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Means End Lim (f)
Means End The Didact
Meatwound Addio
Medulla Nocte Dying From The Inside
Meshuggah Destroy Erase Improve
Metallica St. Anger
Mike Shinoda Post Traumatic
Mireplaner A Mountain of Saola Hooves
Misery Signals Of Malice and the Magnum Heart
Molotov Solution Molotov Solution
Monuments (UK) Gnosis
Motionless In White Creatures
Motograter Motograter
Mudvayne Lost and Found
Mutiilation Remains Of A Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Mutiilation Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)
My Chemical Romance Conventional Weapons
My Dying Bride Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light
My Heart To Joy Seasons In Verse
My Heart To Joy Reasons to Be
My Heart To Joy Virgin Sails
Nadra Form
NAILS Obscene Humanity
Narrows New Distances
Narrows Painted
Neurosis Through Silver In Blood
Neurosis Souls At Zero
Neurosis A Sun That Never Sets
Night Verses Into the Vanishing Light
Nightmarer Cacophony of Terror
Nine Inch Nails With Teeth
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV
Nine Inch Nails The Slip
Nine Inch Nails Hesitation Marks
No Consequence In the Shadow of Gods
Norma Jean O' God, the Aftermath
Norma Jean Redeemer
Norther Dreams of Endless War
Nothingface Skeletons
Nursing Self Care
Of Feather and Bone Sulfuric Disintegration
Old Man's Child Born of the Flickering
Old Man's Child The Pagan Prosperity
Onesidezero Is This Room Getting Smaller?
Oranssi Pazuzu Värähtelijä
Oreida Óreiða
Orgy Candyass
Origami Angel DEPART
P.O.D. Fundamental Elements of Southtown
P.O.D. Payable on Death
Panic! at the Disco Vices & Virtues
Pantera Vulgar Display of Power
Pavor Furioso
Pearl Jam Vitalogy
Periphery Periphery
Pianos Become the Teeth Old Pride
Pig Destroyer Painter of Dead Girls
Pig Destroyer Natasha
Pleymo Episode 2: Medicine Cake
Portal Vexovoid
I was a little lost and even bored on the first couple of listens, but there's a lot here to like.
Portraits Of Past 01010101
Portrayal of Guilt Let Pain Be Your Guide
Prayer for Cleansing Rain In Endless Fall
Prologues Owls in a Bookshelf
Psycroptic As The Kingdom Drowns
Radiator Hospital Some Distant Moon
Rage Against the Machine Evil Empire
Rage Against the Machine Renegades
Ramlord Crippled Minds, Sundered Wisdom
Remembering Never Women and Children Die First
Revocation Great Is Our Sin
Just as with the rest of Revocation's discography, I can recognize that these guys have serious chops and great writing on a song-to-song basis, but a full album is still a chore to listen to. While there are some stand-out grooves and solo work to appreciate, it's generally a blur I struggle to finish. I can say I like this one more than "Deathless," but it's a marginal difference.
Rings of Saturn Dingir
Ringworm The Promise
Rise and Fall Our Circle Is Vicious
Rivers of Nihil Where Owls Know My Name
Robinson The Great City
Rorcal La Femme sans Tete
Rorschach Remain Sedate
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 3
Rune The End Of Nothing
Salt The Wound Kill the Crown
Samael Ceremony Of Opposites
Satyricon Volcano
Satyricon Dark Medieval Times
Satyricon Now, Diabolical
Scar Symmetry Symmetric in Design
Scarlet Something To Lust About
Schammasch The Maldoror Chants: Hermaphrodite
Schammasch Hearts of No Light
Seance Fornever Laid to Rest
Serpent Column Kathodos
Serpent Column Katartisis
Sevendust Alpha
Severe Torture Fall Of The Despised
Shadows Fall The Art of Balance
Shai Hulud Hearts Once Nourished With Hope...
Shai Hulud A Profound Hatred Of Man
Shame (USA) Failure To Understand The Human Condition
Showbread Showbread is Showdead
Siberian Hell Sounds Svengali
Silent Civilian Rebirth of the Temple
Sinch Sinch
Skindred Babylon
Skindred Roots Rock Riot
"Rude Boy for Life" is my favorite Skindred song, but this album is really nothing special otherwise.
Skyharbor Blinding White Noise: Illusion & Chaos
I wasn't big on Dan Tompkins-era Tesseract, and I'm not big on him in Skyharbor, either. His tone and range do nothing for me, and he almost never shuts up. It's just not the djent/prog masterpiece the hype makes it out to be.
Slagmaur Thill Smitts Terror
Slaughter To Prevail Chapters of Misery
Slayer Diabolus in Musica
Slayer Christ Illusion
Sleepsculptor Untimening
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Slutvomit Swarming Darkness
Snapcase Designs for Automotion
So Hideous I Balance Daydreams On The Tip Of A Knife
So Hideous Laurestine
Soilwork Steelbath Suicide
Soilwork Natural Born Chaos
Soilwork Figure Number Five
Solstafir Köld
Spike 1000 Waste of Skin
Spineshank Self Destructive Pattern
Spitfire Self-Help
Spitfire The Slideshow Whiplash EP
Stabbing Westward Darkest Days
Stabbing Westward Ungod
Staind Dysfunction
Starkweather This Sheltering Night
Stick to Your Guns Diamond
Strapping Young Lad Strapping Young Lad
Strapping Young Lad The New Black
Stray from the Path Subliminal Criminals
Stray from the Path Internal Atomics
Suicide Nation (USA-AZ) Suicide Nation (demo)
Sulphur Aeon Seven Crowns and Seven Seals
Sunn O))) Black One
Superjoint Use Once and Destroy
Suspiral Chasm
Sutekh Hexen / Hissing Sutekh Hexen / Hissing
System of a Down Steal This Album!
Taken With Regard To
Taproot Blue-Sky Research
Team Sleep Team Sleep
Tech N9ne Everready (The Religion)
Teenage Wrist Chrome Neon Jesus
The Acacia Strain 3750
The Acacia Strain Continent
The Acacia Strain It Comes in Waves
The Apex Theory Topsy-Turvy
The Armed Common Enemies
The Armed Perfect Saviors
The Arusha Accord The Echo Verses
The Black Dahlia Murder Ritual
The Bronx The Bronx
The Callous Daoboys Celebrity Therapist
The Cure Disintegration
The Damned Things Ironiclast
The Devil Wears Prada With Roots Above and Branches Below
The Devil Wears Prada Space
Zombie is much better, but Space again demonstrates that the Devil Wear Prada works best when rthey keep it short and tight.
The Dillinger Escape Plan Under the Running Board
The Dillinger Escape Plan The Dillinger Escape Plan
The End (CAN) Elementary
The End Of Six Thousand Years Perpetuum
The Faceless Planetary Duality
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Flaming Tsunamis Zombies vs Robots!
The Great Redneck Hope Behold The Fuck Thunder
The Human Abstract Digital Veil
The Khayembii Communique The Khayembii Communiqué
The Kindred Ms. Mary Mallon
The Kindred Lore
The Knife Trade/Through the Eyes of the Dead The Annihilation of Expectation
The Minor Times Making Enemies
The Moaning Blood From Stone
The Red Shore Unconsecrated
The Saddest Landscape You Will Not Survive
The Schoenberg Automaton Apus
The Used In Love and Death
The Weeknd Kiss Land
The Weeknd Starboy
The Weeknd My Dear Melancholy,
The Weeknd After Hours
Thine Eyes Bleed In the Wake of Separation
Thirty Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds To Mars
Thirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful Lie
Throes (USA) To Dust
Thursday Five Stories Falling
Thursday A City By the Light Divided
Thursday/Envy Thursday/Envy
Thy Art Is Murder Hate
Title Fight Hyperview
To The Grave Director’s Cuts
Tool 72826
Tool Fear Inoculum
Totem Skin Totem Skin
Touche Amore Is Survived By
Tower of Rome All Is Lost...All Is Lost...All Is Yet To Be Found
Tower of Rome World War 1
Trap Them Sleepwell Deconstructor
Trap Them Seance Prime
Trap Them Seizures In Barren Praise
Trap Them Filth Rations
Trap Them Darker Handcraft
Tribulation The Children Of The Night
Trivium The Crusade
Twin Method The Volume Of Self
Twisted Method Escape From Cape Coma
Twitching Tongues Preacher Man
Twitching Tongues In Love There Is No Law
Ulver Shadows of the Sun
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety
Underoath The Changing of Times
Underoath Ø (Disambiguation)
Unearth The Oncoming Storm
Unleashed Where No Life Dwells
Unreal City (USA) Oath
Ustalost The Spoor Of Vipers
Vaccine Dead Inside
Vasaeleth All Uproarious Darkness
Vatican Ache of Eternity
Vatican Drowning the Apathy Inside
Vatican Spawn of All Pain Taken
Vengeful Spectre Vengeful Spectre
Venom Prison Animus
Vince Staples Big Fish Theory
Violent Ends Black Moon
Vltimas Something Wicked Marches In
Vomit Forth Terrified Of God
Wake Devouring Ruin
Watain Trident Wolf Eclipse
Welcome the Plague Year Welcome the Plague Year
Westside Gunn And Then You Pray for Me
Whitechapel Whitechapel
Widow Intrusive Thoughts
With Dead Hands Rising Expect Hell
With Dead Hands Rising The Horror Grows Near
Within the Ruins Creature
Within the Ruins Phenomena
Wreck and Reference Indifferent Rivers Romance End
Wretched (USA-NC) Beyond the Gate
Xasthur Telepathic With The Deceased
xSPONGEXCOREx How Tough Are Yah?
Yautja Songs of Descent
Yautja Songs of Lament
Young and in the Way Cloven Hoof
Young and in the Way V. Eternal Depression
Young and in the Way When Life Comes to Death
Yuth Forever Extortion
Yuth Forever Freudian Slip
Zyklon Disintegrate
Zyklon-B Blood Must Be Shed

2.5 average
10 Years Division
36 Crazyfists Time and Trauma
A Canorous Quintet Silence of the World Beyond
A Day To Remember And Their Name Was Treason
A Day To Remember For Those Who Have Heart
A Day To Remember Homesick
A Jealousy Issue If The Flames Don't Kill Us We Will
Abigail Williams In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns
Abominable Putridity The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin
Aborted Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture
Aborted RetroGore
Acrania (UK) Totalitarian Dystopia
Adaliah Shedding Skin
Adversarial All Idols Fall Before the Hammer
Alien Ant Farm ANThology
All Shall Perish Hate. Malice. Revenge
Alpha Wolf Fault
Amon Amarth Fate of Norns
Amon Amarth The Crusher
Amon Amarth Deceiver of the Gods
Anomalie Refugium
Anterior This Age of Silence
Anterrabae And Our Heart Beat In Our Fingertips, Without Reas
Aosoth Ashes of Angels
Aosoth Aosoth
Arcane Roots Left Fire
Arch Enemy Anthems of Rebellion
Architects Daybreaker
As I Lay Dying Frail Words Collapse
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
Atreyu A Death-Grip on Yesterday
August Burns Red Messengers
Dweedle weedle jun jun jun posi lyrics rinse shuffle repeat
August Burns Red Messengers (Remixed)
Auroch Stolen Angelic Tongues
Avenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh Trumpet
Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold
Beneath The Sky What Demons Do To Saints
Black Crown Initiate The Wreckage of Stars
Black Matter Device Hostile Architecture
Black Tongue Falsifier
Black Tongue Nadir
Blacklisted When People Grow, People Go
Bleed from Within Humanity
Bleed from Within Empire
Bleeding Through The Great Fire
Blood Incantation Absolute Elsewhere
Blood of Kingu Sun in the House of the Scorpion
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Expelled into the Unknown Depths...
Borknagar Quintessence
Borknagar The Archaic Course
Boysetsfire The Day The Sun Went Out
Breaking Benjamin Dear Agony
Bring Me The Horizon Count Your Blessings
Cane Hill Too Far Gone
Cane Hill Kill the Sun
Carnifex Hell Chose Me
Carnifex Slow Death
Carnifex writes an inferior Bleeding Through album. Nothing to see here.
Caroline Polachek Pang
Cephalic Carnage Lucid Interval
Ceremony (USA-CA) Violence Violence
Chimaira The Impossibility of Reason
"Stigmurder," "Eyes of a Criminal," and "Implements of Destruction" are great songs, the latter verging on excellent, but they're not enough to elevate Chimaira's sophomore effort beyond average metalcore. It's an improvement on "Pass Out of Existence," at least.
Chimaira Resurrection
Chimaira The Age of Hell
Christian Death Only Theatre of Pain
Coalesce Give Them Rope
Code Orange Embrace Me // Erase Me
Code Orange Cycles
Code Orange I Am King
Code Orange The Hurt Will Go On
Cognizance Phantazein
Cold A Different Kind of Pain
Cold Superfiction
Common Finding Forever
Complete Failure Crossburner
Conway the Machine Won't He Do It
Counterparts Tragedy Will Find Us
Cradle of Filth Thornography
Cryptopsy And Then You'll Beg
Cryptopsy Once Was Not
Currents Victimized
Dance Gavin Dance Whatever I Say Is Royal Ocean
dangerkids collapse
Darke Complex Point Oblivion
Darkest Hour Archives
Darkthrone Soulside Journey
Daughters Canada Songs
Dawn Ray'd The Unlawful Assembly
Dawn Ray'd Behold Sedition Plainsong
Dead By Sunrise Out of Ashes
Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
Death Goals A Garden of Dead Flowers
Defeater Travels
Deftones Gore
Deftones Ohms
Deftones Black Stallion
Desecrator Subconscious Release
Despised Icon Day Of Mourning
Despised Icon Purgatory
Dimmu Borgir For all tid
Disturbed The Sickness
Disturbed Indestructible
Dope Felons And Revolutionaries
Drab Majesty Careless
Drake So Far Gone
Drake Thank Me Later
Drowning the Light An Alignment of Dead Stars
Drowningman Drowningman Still Loves You
Dying Fetus Killing on Adrenaline
Earl Sweatshirt Feet of Clay
Eighteen Visions Vanity
Eminem Relapse
Emmure Goodbye To The Gallows
Enslaved Eld
Enslaved Blodhemn
Enslaved Monumension
Eso-Charis Eso-Charis
Evanescence Origin
Every Time I Die The Burial Plot Bidding War
Every Time I Die The Big Dirty
Expire Pendulum Swings
Fall Out Boy Save Rock and Roll
Falls of Rauros Patterns in Mythology
Fear Before Fear Before
Fear Factory Digimortal
Few Left Standing Regeneration of Self
Finch What It Is to Burn
Five.Bolt.Main Venting
Fleshgod Apocalypse Labyrinth
A major step down in composition and production, "Labyrinth" lacks the energy, verve, and risk of "Agony."
Fleshvessel Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed
Fleshwrought Dementia/Dyslexia
Forest Like a Blaze Above the Ashes
From Autumn to Ashes The Fiction We Live
Gehenna First Spell
Ghost (SWE) Meliora
Ghost Brigade Until Fear No Longer Defines Us
Ghostlimb Confluence
Glasseater Everything Is Beautiful When You Don't Look Down
Godhead 2000 Years of Human Error
Godsmack Godsmack
Godsmack Awake
Grave Miasma Odori Sepulcrorum
Green Druid At the Maw of Ruin
Guiltless Thorns
Hacktivist Hacktivist
Haste the Day Burning Bridges
Haste the Day Pressure the Hinges
Haste the Day Dreamer
Hath Of Rot And Ruin
He Is Legend few
Hexis Abalam
Himsa Summon In Thunder
Hollow Vessels Rumination
Homewrecker Hell Is Here Now
Humanity's Last Breath Humanity's Last Breath
Humanity's Last Breath Abyssal
Hypocrisy The Arrival
Ice Spice Y2K!
Ihsahn The Adversary
Ihsahn angL
Ill Nino Confession
Immoralist Widow
Immortal All Shall Fall
In Flames Clayman
In Flames Lunar Strain
Incubus (USA-CA) Make Yourself
Index Case Index Case
Infant Annihilator The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution
Infant Island Infant Island
Insomnium Shadows of the Dying Sun
Iotunn Access All Worlds
Iron And Wine Our Endless Numbered Days
Iskra Bureval
Issues Black Diamonds
Issues Issues
Janelle Monae Dirty Computer
Job For A Cowboy Genesis
Job For A Cowboy Gloom
Job For A Cowboy Demonocracy
Jotnarr Jotnarr
Junius Eternal Rituals For The Accretion of Light
Kalmah For the Revolution
Kanye West Graduation
Kaonashi Why Did You Do It?
Katatonia Discouraged Ones
Khoma Tsunami
Killswitch Engage As Daylight Dies
Kittie Spit
Korn Take a Look in the Mirror
Korn Follow the Leader
"Follow the Leader" is about as lopsided as any Korn album, with all the good stuff jammed into the first half. It's more apparent here than anywhere else in Korn's discography, because the streak of songs from "It's On!" through "Children of the Korn" is some of the band's best material - unfortunately, Jon ruins, or at least severely hampers, a lot of quality riffing on tracks like "B.B.K" and "Reclaim My Place" with his untrained whine and atrocious lyrics, "Pretty" and "All in the Family" being the worst offenders.
Korn See You on the Other Side
Korn The Serenity of Suffering
La Dispute Wildlife
Lamb of God Wrath
Lamb of God Resolution
Last Chance to Reason Level 2
Leng Tch'e Marasmus
Lifer Lifer
Lil Peep Feelz
Lil Wayne Tha Carter IV
Limbonic Art Moon In The Scorpio
Liminal Shroud Visions of Collapse
Limp Bizkit Greatest Hitz
Limp Bizkit Gold Cobra
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Linkin Park The Hunting Party
LLNN / Sugar Horse The Horror / Sleep Paralysis Demon
Loathe (UK) I Let It In And It Took Everything
Lollipop Lust Kill My So-Called Knife
Lorna Shore Psalms
Lotus Eater Machine Prisoner to Seven Demons
Love Sex Machine TRVE
Lykotonon Promethean Pathology
Manners Apparitions
Marilyn Manson The High End of Low
Maroon 5 It Won't Be Soon Before Long
Martyr AD The Human Condition in Twelve Fractions
Memphis May Fire The Hollow
Meshuggah Contradictions Collapse
Meshuggah Psykisk Testbild
Methwitch Piss
Miss May I Deathless
MouthBreather (USA-MA) I'm Sorry Mr. Salesman
Mudvayne The Beginning of All Things to End
"Cultivate" is a wonderful song, the solo on "Coal" is pretty good, and the massive "L.D. 40," which splices together the interludes on Mudvayne's full-length debut/nu-metal landmark "L.D. 50" is interesting, but the rest of the material on this repackaged demo is painfully embryonic. I don't have the heart to call it a cash-grab, although that may be exactly the case, so I'll call it a gift to Mudvayne completionists. If such a thing exists.
Mudvayne Kill I Oughta
Mushroomhead Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
My Ticket Home The Opportunity To Be
My Ticket Home To Create a Cure
Nekus Death Apophenia
Nightfell A Sanity Deranged
Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance
Nile Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka
Nile Ithyphallic
Nile Vile Nilotic Rites
Nine Inch Nails Not The Actual Events
No Trigger Tycoon
Nothingface Violence
Oceana The Tide
Oceansize Effloresce
Oceansize Everyone Into Position
Of Machines As If Everything Was Held In Place
Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men
Of Mice and Men The Flood
Oktober Skyline That's How Tripods Work
Omega Infinity Solar Spectre
Opeth Morningrise
Opeth Deliverance
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Opeth The Last Will and Testament
Orgy Vapor Transmission
Origami Angel Gami Gang
P.O.D. Satellite
P.O.D. The Warriors EP Vol. 2
Pantera Reinventing the Steel
Parkway Drive Killing with a Smile
Periphery Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
Pianos Become the Teeth Saltwater
Pig Destroyer Explosions in Ward 6
Playing Enemy Cesarean
Poison the Well Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Poison the Well The Tropic Rot
Profanatica Altar of the Virgin Whore
Protest the Hero Fortress
Ra From One
Ra Duality
Red Roses for a Blue Lady The Return to Melancholy
Rihanna ANTI
Ritual Howls Into The Water
Ruin Lust Choir Of Babel
Salome Salome
Sanction (NY) With Blood Left Uncleansed
Sanction (NY) Demo 2015
Sanction (NY) Broken In Refraction
Sarcofago I.N.R.I.
Sentenced Shadows Of The Past
Sevendust Seasons
Sevendust Next
Sevendust Sevendust
Shadows Fall Of One Blood
Shadows Fall The War Within
Sigh Scorn Defeat
Skeletonwitch Beyond the Permafrost
Skycamefalling 10.21
Slayer Hell Awaits
Slayer Divine Intervention
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
Snapcase Lookinglasself
Soilwork Sworn to a Great Divide
Solstafir Berdreyminn
Stabbing Westward Wither Blister Burn & Peel
Stabbing Westward Stabbing Westward
Staind Break The Cycle
Staind Chapter V
Static-X Machine
Stereomud Perfect Self
Stray from the Path Only Death Is Real
Such Gold Misadventures
This isn't my genre of choice, but multiple listens haven't made this any more enjoyable. Most of these songs would pop in a live setting, but it's difficult to listen to outside of that context.
Suffocation Suffocation
Suffocation Blood Oath
Summoning With Doom We Come
Sunk Loto Between Birth and Death
Superheist The Prize Recruit
Sworn In The Death Card
I dig Sworn In's take on Slipknotty metalcore in theory, because when it works, it really works: "Hypocrisy" and "Snake Eyes" are well-done, but for every nu-metal trait Sworn In successfully incorporates, they stumble over a dozen others. Tyler Dennen vacillates between airy and whiny, reaching unbearable extremes on "Mindless," and their attempts at brutality and atmosphere come off forced and insincere.
Sworn In The Lovers/The Devil
System of a Down Hypnotize
Taproot Gift
Tech N9ne Killer
Tech N9ne Welcome to Strangeland
Ted Maul White Label
The Absence From Your Grave
The Amity Affliction Youngbloods
The Armed Everlasting Gaze
The Black Dahlia Murder Deflorate
The Black Dahlia Murder Abysmal
Abysmal is just about the smoothest album the Black Dahlia Murder has released since Nocturnal,
blending the minimal experimentation of Rituals and the darkly refined textures of Everblack.
The Black Dahlia Murder Servitude
The Blamed The Church Is Hurting People
The Bled Pass the Flask
The Bled Found in the Flood
The Devil Wears Prada Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord
The Devil Wears Prada Plagues
The Devil Wears Prada Dead Throne
The Empire Shall Fall Awaken
The Empire Shall Fall Solar Plexus
The Eyes of a Traitor A Clear Perception
The Funeral Portrait A Moment Of Silence
The Gathering Mandylion
The Handshake Murders Usurper
The Human Abstract Nocturne
The Jonbenet Substances
The Killing Tree The Romance of Helen Trent
The Last Ten Seconds Of Life Warpath
The Last Ten Seconds Of Life INVIVO[EXVIVO]
The Last Ten Seconds Of Life The Violent Sound
The Plot In You First Born
The Plot In You Dispose
The Saddest Landscape Lift Your Burdens High For This is Where We Cross
The Saddest Landscape The Sound Of The Spectacle
The Saddest Landscape After The Lights
The Sky Above and Earth Below Parting Ways
The Weeknd Beauty Behind the Madness
It's catchy but as far removed from The Weeknd's previous work as Kiss Land from House of Balloons, maybe signifying some sort of progression in sound - but this is all smoke. The Weeknd has never been this corny or forgettable - even the mediocre tracks on Kiss Land have greater replay value than something as asinine as "Dark Times." After "The Hills," what little personality peeks out between the shiny studio beats drains fast, and it's all downhill to the unadulterated cheese of "Prisoner" and "Angel."
The Weeknd Dawn FM
The Word Alive Real.
The Zenith Passage Solipsist
Thorns Thorns vs Emperor (split w/ Emperor)
Three Days Grace One-X
Throwdown Venom & Tears
Thursday Full Collapse
To Speak Of Wolves Myself < Letting Go
Tool Opiate
Touche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead Horse
Training for Utopia Throwing A Wrench In The American Music
Trapt Trapt
Trenches Reckoner
Tribulation Down Below
Trivium Ember to Inferno
Twitching Tongues Insane & Inhumane
Type O Negative October Rust
Type O Negative Bloody Kisses
Ulcerate Of Fracture and Failure
Ulcerate The Coming of Genocide
Ulver Blood Inside
Ulver The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Unanimated In the Forest of the Dreaming Dead
Unlike Pluto Cherry Blossom Nightmare
Unreal City (USA) Ephemeral Subsistence
Varials Pain Again
Varials In Darkness
Vassafor Malediction
Vatican Sole Impulse
Vattnet Sky Swallower
Vi Som Alskade Varandra Sa Mycket Det Onda. Det Goda. Det Vackra. Det Fula.
Voidsphere To Call | To Speak
Wage War Blueprints
War from a Harlots Mouth Transmetropolitan
War from a Harlots Mouth Falling Upstairs
Watain The Wild Hunt
It's pretty standard-quality black metal that suddenly wakes up and kicks ass for two songs, "The Child Must Die" and "They Rode On," before sinking into even more faceless tremolo-blasting-kvlt-whatever crap until it...ends.
Whitechapel This Is Exile
Whitechapel A New Era of Corruption
Wiegedood De Doden Hebben Het Goed III
With Dead Hands Rising Behind Inquisition
Withered Dualitas
Within the Ruins Invade
Wormed Omegon
WVRM Colony Collapse
Young and in the Way NewBorn
Zao The Funeral of God
Zao Parade of Chaos
Zao (Self-Titled)
Zozobra Bird of Prey

2.0 poor
A Perfect Circle eMOTIVe
Aborted Strychnine.213
Alien Sex Fiend Acid Bath
All Shall Perish Awaken the Dreamers
All That Remains Overcome
Apartment 26 Hallucinating
Attack Attack! Attack Attack!
Attack Attack! This Means War
Authorize The Source of Dominion
B.o.B The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Bleeding Through Bleeding Through
Born of Osiris A Higher Place
Breaking Benjamin Saturate
Circles The Compass
Coal Chamber Chamber Music
Code Orange Demo 2010
Code Orange Tour Demo 2009
Code Orange Forever
Descend The Deviant
Disturbed The Lost Children
Don Broco Technology
Earl Sweatshirt Some Rap Songs
Eidola The Great Glass Elephant
Element Eighty Element Eighty
Eminem Encore
Emmure Speaker Of The Dead
Head Wound City A New Wave of Violence
Humanity's Last Breath Välde
I Am A Preacher II
Imogen Heap I Megaphone
In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape
Integrity Seasons in the Size of Days
Jeffrey Nothing The New Psychodalia
Kilgore A Search for Reason
Korn Untouchables
Korn [untitled]
Korn Korn III: Remember Who You Are
Kublai Khan TX Balancing Survival and Happiness
Lil Wayne I Am Not a Human Being
Linkin Park Living Things
Low Threat Profile Product #2
Mastodon Jonah Hex: Revenge Gets Ugly EP
Mayhem Pure Fucking Armageddon
Mudvayne Mudvayne
Northlane Alien
Nothingface Pacifier
Opeth Sorceress
Orgy Punk Statik Paranoia
Origami Angel The Brightest Days
P.O.D. The Warriors EP
Paradise Lost Draconian Times
Poison the Well Tear From the Red
Portal Avow
Portal Hagbulbia
Restraining Order This World Is Too Much
Salem Mass Witch Burning
Scarcity The Promise of Rain
Sevendust Cold Day Memory
Shadows Fall Somber Eyes to the Sky
Sonic Youth Bad Moon Rising
Spineshank Strictly Diesel
Spitfire The Dead Next Door
Sworn In Start/End
Symphony in Peril The Whore's Trophy
System of a Down Mezmerize
Taproot Welcome
The 1975 I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It
The Acacia Strain ...And Life Is Very Long
The Darkness Permission to Land
The Faceless Autotheism
The Plot In You Could You Watch Your Children Burn
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Thrice Identity Crisis
Trapt Someone in Control
Usher Looking 4 Myself
Vanum Legend
Varials Failure // Control
VCTMS Vol. II: Inside the Mind
Void of Vision Hyperdaze
Wear Your Wounds WYW
Whitechapel Our Endless War

1.5 very poor
Architects The Here and Now
Asking Alexandria Stand Up and Scream
August Burns Red Looks Fragile After All
Carach Angren Death Came Through a Phantom Ship
Coal Chamber Giving The Devil His Due
Unfortunately, Coal Chamber's discography isn't nearly as varied as Fear Factory's, making "Giving the Devil His Due" a much less interesting compilation of odds and ends than something like "Hatefiles." "Headstones and the Walking Dead" is intriguing mainly for its backstory than any actual musical quality, and along with the "Babbit" demo and the live version of "Big Truck" (which makes this otherwise average song really pop), is probably the only worthwhile thing here. All of the alternate mixes are disposable, hardly differing from the originals beyond a voice effect here or a less-muddled riff there, and the demos are...well, demos. The bonus tracks that make up the middle of the tracklist were left off of their respective albums for a reason. Overall, not worth whatever price tag came with the CD at the time of its release, and not worth the nearly 70 minutes it takes to slog through it.
Head Wound City Head Wound City
King 810 Memoirs of a Murderer
Everyone in King 8:10 is a passable instrumentalist and can come together to write catchy, simple breakdowns which take the place of hooks, for better or worse, but an album of this sound just isn't feasible. "Take It" is probably the most notable song here, purely because it's so different, but it falls flat without context. "Memoirs of a Murderer" at least puts a bottom on the nu-metalcore barrel - it really can't get worse than this.
Limp Bizkit Results May Vary
Rippikoulu Musta Seremonia
Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.
Tech N9ne Anghellic
The Damned Things High Crimes
The Human Abstract Midheaven
Videodrone Videodrone
Whitechapel The Somatic Defilement
Wiccans Teenage Cults
Yellow Eyes Master’s Murmur

1.0 awful
Asking Alexandria The Irony of Your Perfection
Asking Alexandria Reckless and Relentless
Attack Attack! If Guns Are Outlawed, Can We Use Swords?
Carnifex The Diseased and Poisoned
Coal Chamber Coal Chamber
Device Device
Emmure The Respect Issue
Emmure Felony
Emmure Slave To The Game
Emmure Eternal Enemies
Full of Hell and Merzbow Sister Fawn
Kanye West Jesus Is King
Korn The Path of Totality
Lil Wayne Rebirth
Limp Bizkit New Old Songs
My Ticket Home Above The Great City
P.O.D. Brown
Skemer Benevolence
The Devil Wears Prada Patterns of a Horizon

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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