
Reviews 6
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 73
Album Ratings 2822
Objectivity 78%

Last Active 03-15-16 10:52 pm
Joined 04-28-13

Review Comments 369

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  • iGuter Did you listen to the original DEFORMITY ADRIFT by Nightmarer before or after Reworked? I would love to hear your thoughts.
    February 25 05:54 AM
  • MarsKid Damn man, Eden Maine's vocalist is fire tho
    March 23 02:29 AM
  • Orb aww nice Schammasch 5
    February 2 03:12 AM
  • SadAndHolyGlow I wrote a review for "Sunrise..." Check it out if you'd like.
    December 13 08:45 PM
  • SadAndHolyGlow Good to hear you dig Mortal Treason.
    December 12 11:52 PM

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