Album Ratings 666 Objectivity 79%
Last Active 12-23-14 8:34 am Joined 02-17-14
Review Comments 221
| OldManGramps hey there! thanks so much for checking out my previous album. i wanted to let you know that i released a new album that i'd like to share with you i hope you enjoy it, if you check it out!
| TalonsOfFire weird nickname my friend game me back in middle school haha, I thought it sounded funny so I used it for a lot of my online accounts years ago
| TalonsOfFire Ya Kid A be one of my all time favorites. I remember back when I was considering a name change and someone suggested "treefingered3" lol
| TalonsOfFire best username on the site. Why the 2 though? someone already had this name taken?
| manosg hey man, if you need any help with that Theatre of Tragedy reveiw give me a shout. I'll be happy to give you some info.