Alex Newton

Reviews 49
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 71
News Articles 32
Band Edits + Tags 9
Album Edits 53

Album Ratings 683
Objectivity 81%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

Review Comments 4,169

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  • buffserker1919 Hey man! Great review for The Ocean's Pelagial. If you like their sound, you may find something to enjoy in my new album "Passageways: Haan". Hope it inspires a review!
    November 4 10:00 AM
  • Parallels oh is that u?
    January 17 12:03 AM
  • zaruyache i meant like secret identity btw. Seven goes into a phonebooth and pedro pops out. Which would explain your absence given those don't exist anymore.
    October 22 03:33 AM
  • zaruyache so why are you pedro'ing again is this like your seekrit cis white male identity now? :3
    October 21 02:57 PM
  • zaruyache wait since when is pedro seven *headasplodes*
    October 21 01:10 PM

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