
Reviews 2
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 133
Album Ratings 596
Objectivity 63%

Last Active 09-20-19 9:18 am
Joined 06-19-13

Review Comments 204

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  • theBoneyKing McMurtry is the real deal my man. One of the absolute best writers when it comes to finding pathos in the lives of everyday people.
    July 29 03:42 AM
  • theBoneyKing I saw Isbell with McMurtry last week, amazing show. I?ve been listening to McMurtry for a couple years now, slowly working though his stuff and it?s consistently great - I put Complicated Game near the same level as Southeastern.
    February 12 04:10 AM
  • theBoneyKing Nice James McMurtry rating, that album is incredible.
    February 11 09:40 PM
  • theBoneyKing I?ll put something up eventually... I wanted to do writeups but I never got around to it but I should be able to pull together a top 50.
    January 19 01:19 PM
  • theBoneyKing Nice job calling out Julien Baker, I really don't understand the hype.
    December 12 05:04 PM

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