Robert Davis

Reviews 306
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 216
News Articles 96
Band Edits + Tags 24
Album Edits 403

Album Ratings 6723
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 12-31-21 12:09 am
Joined 07-08-11

Review Comments 2,656

musical taste

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  • ToSmokMuzyki mighty optimistic of you
    March 14 12:48 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lol this guy
    March 13 09:29 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup My favorite part of the new Thy Darkened Shade album is the bass when it gets rolling. Do they have an album with even better bass?
    January 11 07:29 AM
  • MarsKid Sorry to hear that my man. If you change your mind, let me know. Sending positive vibes :^)
    August 20 03:05 PM
  • MarsKid Hey my man! Are you looking to write for Dawnwalker? I had it marked down, but seeing as I already covered them, it'd be great to get another writer's voice involved. Let me know!
    August 19 09:21 PM

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