Reviews 7 Approval 90%
Soundoffs 6 News Articles 7 Band Edits + Tags 7 Album Edits 6
Album Ratings 617 Objectivity 79%
Last Active 02-11-17 6:45 pm Joined 02-12-14
Review Comments 82
 | Sowing fixed...sorry for the delay, I just got back from vacation
 | Sowing np, that's why I'm here!
 | zakalwe Ello dude. Yeah I've dipped in and out. I admire your spirit in actually piecing together, crafting and creating something that's yours. The way it's conveyed is wetter than a ****ing puddle but it has its moments of pleasantness. This Town is a good one. Fair play to you mate.
 | SillyCaringRabbitPal hey if you give an entire artists discography a 1 the site will wipe your ratings, just warning ya idgaf tho
 | Jom Thank you for your e-mail; it got to me just fine! Cheers.