
Reviews 22
Approval 96%

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News Articles 31
Band Edits + Tags 21
Album Edits 18

Album Ratings 498
Objectivity 52%

Last Active 01-30-22 11:30 pm
Joined 03-11-10

Review Comments 4,412

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Giving out 4's all day, I don't give a shit.,

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  • PotsyTater Yo if you hav discord join us https://discord.gg/2RYxNd8t
    November 8 05:33 PM
  • Feather For sure! I don?t have one haha
    December 4 02:36 PM
  • Feather You are gunna have a friend invite from Lauren coming ... I use my gfs switch lol
    December 1 10:38 PM
  • Feather Thanks for the trade and trade back offer! Will likely need to take you up on that at some point soon ? I have all the classic trade guys ready (haunter, graveler, kadabra, machoke). Not sure why I raised all these classics but here we are!
    November 26 04:07 AM
  • twlight witcher 3 is a sexy soundtrack, no doubt. i like how every region has its own music
    February 8 04:54 AM

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