Insignia777 I'm thinking of posting reviews on this site again. But they're gonna be WAY better than the terrible s*** I posted beforehand. lol they were barely even reviews period. September 28 02:44 PM
Insignia777 I heard you guys talking about that video I made a couple of years ago and I'm like "omfg please tell me this still exists". That video was like the stupidest thing ever. September 28 02:44 PM
Insignia777 Hey. It's Insignia. God, I was such a dick back a couple of years ago. My reviews for so terrible. I was just browsing a couple of hours ago reading a bunch of Rush reviews, and I saw my old review and I'm like "wtf is this even still doing on here?". So, for s***s and giggles, I checked it out and I'm like, god, this is so bad. Like, I deserved all that hate in the comments cause I was an a** hole. September 28 02:43 PM
Toad yah i went to high school with lucy, so i lived in an RVA suburb throughout mid and high school. August 10 08:28 PM
DoofusWainwright It's all nutty my friend, that songs got the biggest classical influence. Elsewhere they sound a bit like Hundred Waters and then you get the truly crazy songs where they rap. It won't disappoint for entertainment August 8 11:20 PM