Vanilla Scoop Rangler (don\\\'t come near me I have a gun)

Reviews 1
Approval 80%

Soundoffs 188
News Articles 19
Band Edits + Tags 259
Album Edits 235

Album Ratings 1152
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 09-30-22 9:48 pm
Joined 01-11-22

Review Comments 1,672

musical taste

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  • AdoreSwancore Btw Humble Abode put out their debut album last month. I found it to be quite a fun listen (and I?m pretty sure you would enjoy it too) so you should probably check it out at some point if you haven?t already done so.
    May 24 04:01 PM
  • someone so just run through your 5s or your mind or some record you really wish to discuss in a special thread. whenever you feel ready, head on over to the Gene's Reviews thread and submit there.
    October 31 12:29 PM
  • someone hi Vinny. you have officially defeated me. i tried and failed making heads or tails of that Paint TV album and the little i did write seems chaotic and directionless. so you are granted the golden ticket: recommend anything you wish reviewed. but please keep in mind that a 2 hour (and longer!) records may result in a 2 year writing deadline. similarly, if i have failed on Paint TV, i assume you aware of inadequacies in recommending similar releases. do your best or do-wop do-wop.
    October 31 12:28 PM
  • AdoreSwancore No need to apologise for not replying instantly (especially as I?m in all honesty the worst for remembering to reply to people in general)
    August 28 07:01 PM
  • AdoreSwancore Hey, have you ever checked out Seasons Worn? They have released 2 EPs so far with their first one 508, basically being a somewhat rawer sounding take on swancore.
    August 7 09:45 PM

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