if pole dancing\\\'s an art you know how many fuckin artists i know

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Approval 90%

Soundoffs 32
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Band Edits + Tags 6
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Album Ratings 411
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 03-17-21 2:42 pm
Joined 06-16-15

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  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Hey man, i know we are in a pandemic and money is tight for everyone but I put together a gofundme for minushuman. I dont know if you saw his list but he suffered a pretty brutal loss this weekend and I thought maybe we could all chip in a few bucks and help him out with groceries or rent or whatever this month while he works through this tough time. If you can donate a few bucks and share this with some other users to help spread the word that would be awesome:
    November 10 06:46 AM
  • Fort23 Lol it?s something I?m interested in I really wanted to grab attention to talk about void and the Alice Coltrane album but yeah s*** is deep man!
    November 2 02:51 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Heyhey I've been kinda s n o w e d this week but gonna try to get to it soon - v much intrigued ngl
    October 11 08:48 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Well I'll be darned!
    September 29 01:31 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Lol ok I'll try it.... I was under the impression that interpol was just a generic rock band
    September 29 12:44 AM

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