Herbie Chrost

Reviews 22
Approval 81%

Soundoffs 334
News Articles 5
Band Edits + Tags 349
Album Edits 248

Album Ratings 5654
Objectivity 81%

Last Active 03-22-22 12:57 am
Joined 11-04-12

Review Comments 11,374

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  • JohnnyoftheWell Excitable, like Bilbo Baggins
    October 1 01:14 AM
  • HawthornePassage Thank you kindly
    July 23 05:38 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell DON'T CALL ME jam Phone by ZOMBIE-CHANG this is a hold up you must do it
    June 6 11:03 PM
  • sizeofanocean Appreciated my man!
    March 26 11:36 AM
  • Dedes Dude they have a wildly consistent tracklisting man.Viva Emptiness and LFDGD definitely trade off as my favorite albums tho. BTW I'm doing rad, just finished making some maple wine and I uhhh got a lil buzzed lol
    March 21 04:01 AM

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