
Reviews 66
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 267
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 11-10-14 8:03 am
Joined 06-14-04

Review Comments 305

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  • ToSmokMuzyki hello
    June 13 11:17 AM
  • TalonsOfFire When you write on your own profile they don't see it, with shoutboxing you have to write it on their page. It's weird
    August 16 03:40 AM
  • Silenius Thanks. Generally don't listen to much metal / new music that I would have an interesting opinion on which is why I don't review much anymore these days.
    February 6 11:23 PM
  • Gyromania you should write more often, seriously
    February 6 08:09 PM
  • osmark86 nice review of sunbather. although I personally dug it you've made some fair points as to why it doesn't work for you. I guess I'm a sucker for melancholy progressions done in a harsh style and I couldn't give two s***s about the lyrics in bm most of the time anyways. have a pos mate! also I see you're digging Koop. one word: noice!
    February 6 09:16 AM

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