Rolling Girl

Reviews 6
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 17
News Articles 117
Band Edits + Tags 116
Album Edits 64

Album Ratings 1720
Objectivity 91%

Last Active 12-14-22 6:48 pm
Joined 04-14-12

Review Comments 2,039

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  • hobblepot for Mothership its £289, not inc shipping. I know thats high but thats actually £100 less than its actual value right now. Summertime Gladness Im letting go for £82
    August 31 06:21 PM
  • hobblepot If your boyfriend is interested let me know! I?ll drop links in your shoutbox if he is! :)
    August 30 09:44 PM
  • MarsKid Either this place gets better or I head out, yeah, just not in a position to do so right now unfortunately. Think I'll stay somewhere cold though lol. Are you on Instagram at all? I'm @mdwoah if so!
    February 16 12:26 AM
  • MarsKid Wait what the ****, I live in Columbus lmao
    February 16 12:01 AM
  • MarsKid I've always wanted to go west more! I've been to Cali once, but that's the extent of it. I hope you enjoy the trip! And it's nothing out of the ordinary, I've had mental health dilemmas for a while, but am working on addressing them full-time. Living in Ohio right now is also, uh, stressful to say the least.
    February 15 11:32 PM

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