
Reviews 7
Approval 88%

Soundoffs 79
Album Ratings 2921
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 11-17-22 4:05 am
Joined 06-26-13

Review Comments 13

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  • Koris lol, I'm literally listening to Dramatic Turn of Events right now and you just posted that soundoff at the same time. Quite the coincidence... great album though
    June 29 06:13 AM
  • Flugmorph ye man, it slays :)
    May 1 01:39 PM
  • Spag Yo I just listened to Sgurr and it's extremely solid. Just like Rengeteg, but Tuno Ido Tarlat is the best imo. :]
    October 9 01:45 AM
  • Spag Ahh yeah. So Thy Catafalque didn't tickle your fancy? Hmm, might be the opposite for me lol. I'll be in disbelief if I don't love it.
    October 7 08:10 AM
  • Spag Yeah it's all good lol. :] I just dislike how certain bands/albums don't get the right amount of attention or reception lol. Btw, Arcturian is my AOTY UNLESS the new Thy Catafalque can beat it. I highly doubt that though lol.
    October 3 10:17 AM

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