Mitch Worden

Reviews 172
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 200
News Articles 34
Band Edits + Tags 478
Album Edits 1,057

Album Ratings 6102
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

Review Comments 21,035

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Check Zapruder,

shoutbox » all posts 
  • artiswar hi mars. miss you. just saw an old comment that made me laugh and made me think of you
    July 25 07:04 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Love that New Buffalo rating
    June 24 12:51 PM
  • Mort. i miss u bro, hope youre doing well, please make the metalcore list fortetold aeons ago
    June 3 11:28 PM
  • DadKungFu Bless Mars, hope life's being good to you
    May 9 12:00 PM
  • Manatea Hey that?s awesome! Happy to hear that! It is indeed the season lol
    March 1 07:36 AM

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