Reviews 6 Approval 95%
Soundoffs 326 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 3 Album Edits 19
Album Ratings 1456 Objectivity 77%
Last Active 12-16-22 8:20 am Joined 01-28-13
Review Comments 2,419
Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Tool, Pain of Salvation, Riverside, Green Carnation, Ayreon, Elio e le Storie Tese, Anathema, The Dear Hunter, dredg, Agalloch, Uneven Structure, TesseracT,
 | pollastrerostit Yeah exactly the same for me lol 10y profile and full of cringe inducing s***ty metal bands
 | pollastrerostit Been meaning to say this for a while but your avatar is pretty much the best avatar I have ever seen in my whole internet life, and I hadn't even seen it actually says coffee under damn. Music taste a bit too progressive for me but you 5d new BIR so it's all good. Cheers
 | Rustune Dont you find the zinging on Laterlus to be annoying and grating
 | Parallels lol great avatar. i needed that laugh today