GarthAlgar Sweet! I really appreciate all the information. I?ll definitely submit when it happens and will hopefully have more reviews by then to submit. September 19 08:30 AM
Gnocchi From there, the site's current rosters (both contrib and staff) sort through the applications and add more criteria (user behaviour, ability to take on board criticism/advise et al) and a short list is formed. The new inductees are announced via the news column on the right once the process has run its course. September 19 08:26 AM
Gnocchi The site's promotional cycle usually occurs late Feb/early March and is announced via the news column on the right. Participants self submit themselves to the application process, which usually involves a series of basic questions (music taste, can you meet basic criteria), submitting 2/3 "best representation of your reviews" and answering a question with a wider scope (this is a new one). September 19 08:24 AM