
Reviews 6
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 1,995
News Articles 15
Band Edits + Tags 175
Album Edits 356

Album Ratings 2012
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 01-10-23 12:44 pm
Joined 06-29-12

Review Comments 3,133

musical taste

Antonin Dvorak Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95, B. 178
Huge, cinematic and melodramatic symphony that doesn't skip frolicky moments either, that should be known for a lot more than the big TUUU TU TU TU TUTUM, although it *is* the highest highlight. It's good that it comes in the last movement though as the piece gets to build up to it, and it is anticipated at every corner. 4.4
Franz Liszt Consolations S. 172
Consolation nr 3 (I think) is particularly pretty and Debussy-esque. The rest is more beautiful softcore piano, albeit slightly less memorable. A few scattered slightly off notes here and then give very minute hints of jazz almost. 4.1
Maruja Knocknarea
golly josh i really do need to start writing soundoffs for these placeholders dont I 3.8
Vangelis L'Apocalypse Des Animaux
yet another placeholder i will get to it i promise placeholder 4.0
Dvne Etemen Ænka
It's been years since I heard the previous album, so I am mostly working off my soundoff here. As with the debut LP, Dvne offer an extremely competent and fun proggers album, ripe with utter riffage and proggy sounds with synths and esoteric vocals eg on 9. The clean vocals remain the least strong point, but are far less of a problem than I seem to have said about the first album. They're competent and fine, it's just that the rest is so good. It is a bit of a long album but the quality is really solid, although the truly outstanding moment are a touch too far between (but not too few dare I say) to warrant more than this tier. 4.1
Shakira Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran
placeholdeeeeeer paceholder holder of the place placeholser 2.5
McCoy Tyner Tender Moments
place placeholder place placeholder place place placeholder 3.7

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Pikazilla are you ok
    July 10 12:28 PM
  • Pennywise_M Looking forward to know your thoughts on Lunar Vacation's LP. Read your soundoffs on their EPs and it got me wondering. I know this is fairly random but yeah haha
    October 18 10:32 PM
  • alamo
    June 16 11:48 PM
  • robertsona s***s too easy you just gotta post a million times. and have a song as a good as "aqua gorilla"
    January 4 05:01 PM
  • GhandhiLion | I should have mentioned this to you sooner. Sequel to the Selebeyone album.
    January 2 08:25 PM

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