
Reviews 9
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 127
Album Ratings 1127
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 07-05-21 5:06 am
Joined 08-22-18

Review Comments 482

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  • AdoreSwancore So I listened to Good Fall, and I ended up enjoying the vibe of their debut LP a lot, but I found their EP (although still good) leaving me feeling a bit wanting in all honesty. Still once again, appreciated the rec overall though.
    June 22 04:54 PM
  • AdoreSwancore I was aware of them, and had been meaning to check out their ep at some point, but I just previously hadn?t gotten around to actually listening to it. Anyway yeah it?s definitely a good ep at least; I?m not sure (based of it) if their sound currently has enough going for it to work for a full length album though.
    April 23 04:30 PM
  • AdoreSwancore Up until about 18 months/ 2 years ago I would have said Dance Gavin Dance, but after everything that?s happened with them recently it would be fair to say my opinion of them has soured somewhat so, I guess atm I would have to say Hail the Sun are my current favourite (especially as they?re probably one of the only long going; consistently great; and still active bands, left in the scene)
    January 8 03:10 PM
  • AdoreSwancore Thanks again this time for the ?The Safety Fire? rec. I?ll have to try and find something to recommend you at some point to return the favour.
    August 28 06:53 PM
  • AdoreSwancore Thanks for the Stellar Circuits recommendation, it did end up being up my alley
    June 3 03:32 PM

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