Reviews 22 Approval 81%
Soundoffs 334 News Articles 5 Band Edits + Tags 349 Album Edits 248
Album Ratings 5675 Objectivity 81%
Last Active 03-22-22 12:57 am Joined 11-04-12
Review Comments 11,375
 | JohnnyoftheWell DON'T CALL ME jam Phone by ZOMBIE-CHANG this is a hold up you must do it
 | Dedes Dude they have a wildly consistent tracklisting man.Viva Emptiness and LFDGD definitely trade off as my favorite albums tho. BTW I'm doing rad, just finished making some maple wine and I uhhh got a lil buzzed lol
 | Dedes Brother is that a ****ing Katatonia 5 I see hot damn God bless ur soul
 | dedex bro where u at we need the yearbook!!!
 | ZoryZp except for fall of troy you silly prick
 | ZoryZp pretty decent overrated bands list
 | Dewinged I had it dibbed but I'd be more than happy to relinquish it if you wanna do it my dude.
 | AnimalsAsSummit New album out homie
 | ieatbabies795 Hey hey you should check out Pixel Grip if you havent yet i think youd might dig it :)
 | AnimalsAsSummit Mj Cole man! Saw you rated Sincere. Currently obsessed with that album. Amazing electronic, too smooth for words almost.
 | robertsona I have been told to tell you to bump the new Julia Kwamya EP and then, if you like it, spread the love
 | normaloctagon yo whats up tv check 30 seconds to mars it's jard leto''s band if youre not familiar
 | ieatbabies795 Dude yes even my less favorite songs grew on me a lot, I?m hooked on the album right now too!
 | normaloctagon hey my dude, doin alright keeping my head screwed on and trying to keep up with 2021 music without grinding too hard ya know. playing a decent amt of videogames too and riding my bike now and then when the sun pops its face out. hbu school going okay and everything???
 | neekafat s*** idk but let me know if you find out
 | ieatbabies795 Hey thanks! i knew she toured a while back with The Black Queen so i finally checked out her music. I might do a review, more people need to hear it!
 | AnimalsAsSummit new EP is done:
 | Minushuman24 I'm alive. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing is up to everyone but me to decide. But i'm still here
 | AnimalsAsSummit New album out if you get to it! Hope youre doing well
 | DDDeftoneDDD ah...awesome you dig Tribulation! maaan I'm showing up to say if you have a chance to catch them don't miss it....they ruuullle
 | oisincoleman64 for whatever reason it's not letting me send the full links, but I'm referring to the two 2017 Sputnik Users Yearbook lists
 | tectactoe One of my favorite things to do every time I watch that is to tally up the amount of money that Bill (Cruise) spends over those few nights. It's absurd haha.
 | Darius The Imposter hey! mind adding a photo to my entry in the yrbook (late ik lol)
 | heck aye, tis The Artist Formerly Known as HellscytheI'm alive, hbu
 | MotokoKusanagi i'm confused lol, you mean this image right?
 | MotokoKusanagi what album is your avatar? i know the album but can't think of which it is to save my life, bugging me lol
 | Aberf Ay, have you not listened to Ecco2k - E or Thaiboy Digital - Legendary Member? Those 2 bangs hard. Gotta check the rest of Drain Gang, my dude.
 | JohnnyoftheWell Sweet, thanks!! I'm doing a roundup atm, will plug them in asap :]:]
 | JohnnyoftheWell Oh yeah lol, either use a different email to resubmit and clarify to ignore your other ballot in the text box, or email them direct to and I'll add them in
 | AlexKzillion Yeah s*** sucks. I've been getting on here and RYM a ton more lately since I have nothing else to do these days. Total throwback to high school. I kinda hate whatever that thing is that replaced the old pie charts.
 | AlexKzillion HAHAH I just filed for unemployment... but I'm doing good otherwise. And yeah it's been a while I thought you left the site for RYM
 | Bedex thanks for starting the thread man it's fun!
 | MarsKid Remove me from the yearbook list please
 | Bedex hey dude, if you're still around the sput population would love to see a new yearbook thread, do you want to start the 2020 edition?
 | AnimalsAsSummit new album is out -
 | parksungjoon **** tha words, the music is all thats important m/ and yea vangelis rules agreed
 | parksungjoon
 | DePlazz
 | Divaman Hey TVC. Have you got a Song of the Day for us? This month's theme is your top song of the 2010's.
 | AnimalsAsSummit yo
 | zakalwe and had the bigger fan base even more so in the states. Who do I prefer? The Smiths they are a massive band for me possible top 3 and definitely without a shadow of doubt top 5 of all time. Doof doesn?t rate them but they really hit home with me growing up and I still listen to them regularly to this day.
 | zakalwe Hello dude. In terms of starting bands and who are seen as the more treasured and iconic The Smiths. Popularity wise, The Cure. It?s recorded fact that Morrisseys stage presence and moves had a massive influence on R.E.Ms Michael Stipe plus the songs have ingrained themselves in UK 80s and early 90s youth culture. What is not very well known however is everybody at the tine thought The Smiths were a bit s***. Definitely more of an acquired taste type thing. The Cure were bigger more identifiable
 | Divaman Hi TVC. I was wondering if you perhaps had a song to suggest for us for the November Song of the Day list. This month's theme is gifts -- a song you like that were recommended to you by someone on Sputnik. The link is
 | HiItsMeAgain :(( it's so sad.
 | Toad pretty great. lots of writing and submitting amigo
 | 50iL You should really jam Underworld's Dark and Long, amazing tech-trance EP. It's lengthy af for an EP tho.
 | DoofDoof Ah yeah sorry I was taking the piss
 | AnimalsAsSummit new lp out -
 | KingQueenKnave I called out a pro gun person talking s*** about Patrique.
 | KingQueenKnave Hi man. I got ****ed by RYM. I do not feel welcome here either lol
 | Divaman Thanks, TVC. I listened to just the first two or three songs earlier, and I'm sure I'm going to like the whole list. So much appreciated.
 | nightbringer Haha, thanks. One of the easiest 5s I've given.
 | HiItsMeAgain r r r u tha reel Casey_White from RYM aka DarksynthGod ????
 | AnimalsAsSummit also im gonna be releasing a full length in a little while. put out a track from it on soundcloud if you wanna take a gander:
 | AnimalsAsSummit its a very good album man. thanks for sending it to me. i think ill settle on a light 3.5. the vocals and style of them is my main gripe, first song did nothing for me. the instrumentals are really what shined for me on this.
 | AnimalsAsSummit haven't heard it yet, listening to the 2nd track now. its interesting for sure. can't quite pin down my impressions rn but its very engaging. will probably jam the rest tomorrow.
 | Dewinged But if I have to rate it, that means... that I gotta jam it again, right? How is that possible? We are in 2019!
 | Dewinged I honestly jammed it like once when it came out and don't remember anything about. But tell me Herbie, my friend... why now? lol
 | Dewinged what chu mean? they have a new one after the samurai one?
 | AnimalsAsSummit That Makai album is relatively simple but atmosphere is perfect. Also if you haven't heard my other recent DnB EP, Bring On the Future, you'd probably enjoy that as well.
 | AnimalsAsSummit Most def was influenced by Sweet Trip! If you dig that check out the album Makai's album Stealth
 | Dimorphic Sorry bro, the funds have been allocated to the FBI already, too late to call them off.
 | AnimalsAsSummit yep, just put out a new release not too long ago:
 | AnimalsAsSummit hell yeah... check out the one man project, Technicolor. he was on the same label as sweet trip and his music is similar, very much its own ting, but equally genius.
 | AnimalsAsSummit Very surprised by your rating on Sweet Trip's Alura. For me, it's one of my favorite albums and has influenced me a lot throughout the years. Always found it to be a work of genius in the electronic realm.
 | ian b nm just chillin, almost died and got logged out of my old account(s) so i'm just using this one now. what's been up with you though lately??
 | 50iL I have been as of late smdhhh
 | Drifter
 | AnimalsAsSummit my band just dropped a new release -
 | GeorgeWBush Finally czeching manic street preachers. holy bible is fantastic.
 | AnimalsAsSummit new album out!
 | Drifter Raise dat kamikaze rating boi
 | Tunaboy45 I was a lil late to the 2018 yearbook hehe
 | Frippertronics yo chief, friv never responded, so do you want my download code for the SFTB remaster?
 | Bloon Hey, I'm worried about you man
 | AnimalsAsSummit got a new ep out friend -
 | foxblood I like all bm tbh, raw or atmospheric is prob my fav though. that's funny, I recently downloaded that album and have been meaning to hear it lol. thanks for the rec still!
 | AnimalsAsSummit heck yeah man, i was checking out your ratings too. im digging this nocturnus album. cant believe i haven't heard it til now.
 | foxblood No it was a few years ago, idk if their stuff has become more valuable or not. Aratame Hajime came with a nice poster.
 | foxblood alright cool. yeah I have their albums on cd, midori is a classic band.
 | foxblood gotta bump that Defenders of the Hate rating to a 5 though my man
 | foxblood the fact that Anal **** is the first in your list of liked bands makes you a 10/10 user. I mean I know you're cool otherwise but liking Anal **** is essential to being a good person.
 | foxblood yeah dude it's I don't use it very much or rate very much on there as I forgot my password years ago. I'll reset my pass so I can log back into it.
 | Drifter Can I pick 4000 like I picked your last landmark ratings
 | Frippertronics you missed the part where I had to make a new one, brainlet
 | Frippertronics also had to make a new slsk account cause it signed me out, new account name is fripppppppp
 | Darius The Imposter Haven't checked it out yet honestly, just been so busy... And on a Tom Waits binge
 | AnimalsAsSummit nah i do not, ive considered but never set it up. i may though.
 | xAshtrayux Just saw your comment on my page, thanks dude.Love to see other people who appreciate ATS. It's such an underrated gem. I remember not being able to get into it until something clicked thanks to When They Come For Me.And yay for for your Placebo ratings. Ever seen those guys live? How do you feel about their newest output?
 | AnimalsAsSummit i do apologize though man i should've stayed true to my word, had some things going on and had forgotten about it. i could probably whip something up if you don't find anyone else relatively quickly now however, just fyi. interested in seeing what you create regardless, and hope you enjoy the new King Green as well :)
 | DoofusWainwright Placebo had some goth in there, a lot of 'pop' for an indie rock/britpop (uh, there it is again) band. The Cure comparison became really apparent on their second album in particular - My Sweet Prince, The Crawl, Without You I'm Nothing - they owed a lot to The Cure. At that point they might have turned into the new Cure....they never did though, but for a while it looked like they might.
 | DoofusWainwright Britpop was like grunge - if you played rock music in 91-94 you might be called grunge. If you played rock music and were from England in 94-97 you were called Britpop. I really wouldn;t look into it any more than that, if Radiohead could be called Britpop then the Manics sure as hell could.
 | Azkushang Fair enough... Your relation with Holy Bible is exactly what I have with Astral Weeks :D clearly favorite personal album and I love every track, In Utero is one of my Tops also. My favorite tracks of Holy bible are now, Yes, ifwhiteamerican, Revol... But all are brilliant. I will dig more about the band and the album, I already did some, I'm sure it will grow a lot more with time, I already love the album, so thanks again!
 | Azkushang Already heard The Holy Bible and it's genius, pure angst... Hven't stopped playing it since yesterday! Thanks for remember me that band. Truly a great, iconic record. Which are you favorite tracks?
 | AnimalsAsSummit got a new album out if you're interested man -
 | oisincoleman64 Yeah, was having a pretty down day and I always hear about how dark that album is and it's really damn great.
 | Tunaboy45 For me it's a three way tie between debut, WYIN and SWG but Meds isn't far behind
 | Tunaboy45 Infra-Red is killer, but then again so is Meds as a whole! I lean more towards His n Hers and Different Class but I do think This Is Hardcore is slightly underappreciated. I think people just had unreasonably high expectations at the time.
 | SandwichBubble My pulp phase was a decade ago, the rating stays for now
 | neekafat Ayyyyy you go fam! I'm about to myself (: Hopefully this is the year of TVC/neeka (;
 | YakNips idk i always burned s*** onto a cd and then used my cd/tape player to record the cd onto blank tapes but it was a total pain in the ass. i'm sure there's a more efficient way.
 | neekafat And drifter couldn't even hold up his end, huh?
 | AngryLittleAlchemist So Kid A sucks but A Thousand Suns is awesome? Should Thom Yorke be given lessons by Cheste.............................oh wait. I swear that was not intentional.
 | zakalwe I respect your 5s despite some absolute shockers.
 | slammajamma somehow you have the most spectacularly awful rap/r
 | DoofusWainwright My parents both used to listen to the Manics back in the day, as did my brother...actually my dad still does! He most likes their post-Richey material. My mum liked 'The Holy Bible' but nothing else by them.
 | Papa Universe It possesses all the cheesiness of Send Away the Tigers with thematic depth of Futurology and pastiche of Journal for Plague Lovers.
 | oisincoleman64 Thanks man, here's the cover: here's a little sampler from our upcoming album that's only gonna up for a small amount of time, would like to know your thoughts:
 | oisincoleman64 Yeah, that was me, I can send you the link if you want, why you looking for it?
 | ExecutiveExecuterexe Devouring Humanity - Eradication of Living Human Sh!t***
 | going good! i will send next week, just been busy lately. and yeah no probs man, hope your christmas is chill!
 | AnimalsAsSummit going good! i will send next week, just been busy lately. and yeah no probs man, hope your christmas is good
 | AnimalsAsSummit new cta ep is out, and merry Christmas!
 | Drifter Srsly explain that forever rating
 | Frippertronics yeah, i don't have the cassette recorder i used for that track and other stuff, so i intend on finding one in the next few weeks. Plan on recording stuff for a new Molecular Corporation album, so I could have something soon.
 | Frippertronics sure i guess, if you dig that track i sent, put that as my contribution since i never promoted it when i put it out tbh
 | Frippertronics tfw you make better noise music than prurient
 | Drifter I trimmed my 5s have a looksey
 | Drifter Sorry about the new em album bro ):
 | Papa Universe I don't suppose there's any point in asking, but have you heard the new (well, not all that new, actually) MSP single, International Blue?
 | Drifter Read my new review and pos it pls
 | AlexKzillion Yeah, I really gotta listen to it again tho, that ratings based off what I remember from it before I fell asleep
 | DoofusWainwright Yeah, it's quite strange talking to someone just getting into them now because for me they are one of those bands that were so part of an era/time of my life. Saw them at Glastonbury and was a huge fan of The Holy Bible in '94, probably one of my top 10 albums then. I was never a diehard Manics fan, but I knew a fair few. I like that they still carry that certain something even today.
 | DoofusWainwright You know, I do still respect the band, even though I don?t like all that many post-Richey songs. I can totally see why they didn?t want to make another album as dark as THB straight after his disappearance.