
Reviews 8
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 7
Album Ratings 278
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 03-15-12 12:05 am
Joined 03-15-12

Review Comments 1,443

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  • Mythodea Xaxax, oxi oxi, to phra apo to disko tou Vangelis (gia mia kritikh tou diskou diavazeis edw: https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/65878/Vangelis-Mythodea/), kai pisteuw apo ekei to phrane kai oi alloi, mias kai eixe kanei poly (PASOKiko) ntoro otan eixe vgei, kai genika einai gnwsto ws ergo
    September 5 11:16 AM
  • Mythodea Kalisperes! Poious lykiskous?
    August 30 02:38 PM
  • ksoflas Re myth exeis kamia sxesh me tous lykiskous?
    August 30 06:46 AM
  • Mythodea Exw ena filo gewpono, alla ki ekeinos 8elei na paei sthn organopoiha. Opws katalavaineis, ki autos mesa sth xlida zei. Pou meneis gnk? Egw apo Krhth eimai, den 8umamai an eixa 3anarwthsei.
    June 1 08:03 AM
  • Mythodea Ygeia re file, ston kairo ths Coronas! Egw na ta gamhsw ta lefta, alla 8a meinei anergos polus kosmos. Sto Hrakleio exei hdh arxisei na fainetai h krish, den mporw na fantastw ti 8a ginei sthn A8hna kai sta touristika nhsia. Elpizw na thn exeis kala genika, egw psaxnw gia douleia alla psofia pragmata, oloi kratane pisinh 'h zhtane 20 xronia prouphresia!
    May 31 07:36 PM
  • Mythodea A, na 'sai kala re file. Apo tis prwtes kai apo tis teleutaies kritikes pou egrapsa! Ti leei esy, man, pws pas me thn katastash?
    May 30 08:13 AM
  • Mythodea H' mou exeis grapsei "Need" me ena karo erwthmatika, h' exeis grapsei kati me ellhnikous xarakthres kai den bgazw nohma. Pantws nai, Need, bandara!!
    May 27 06:21 PM
  • Sabrutin Yes, it seems that he was actually a drummer even before a singer. I've never heard him play before though.
    January 16 07:41 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Cheers Ksoflas, glad to see you around again (:
    February 1 10:25 PM
  • manosg Auta einai! Kali anastasi eyxomai kai se esena Niko kai kala na peraseis!
    April 15 11:32 AM
  • Mythodea Kala, epeses ki esu sthn periptwsh! Den akouw Paradise Lost! Skeftomoun na pw kai tous Ulver, alla autoi de metrane mallon... Allh terastia banda! Oi Mastodon tou 2017 pws sou fainontai?
    February 7 10:23 AM
  • Mythodea kala, mporw na fantastw to shock, haha. den 3erw kamia mpanta pou akouw kai na exei kanei toso drastikh allagh hxou kai na mhn mou arese. Akomh kai oi Opeth e3akolou8oun na mou aresoun.
    February 6 09:35 PM
  • Mythodea Nai re file. Mporei na einai epeidh 3ekinhsa tous POS me auta ta duo, alla pragmatika 8ewrw oti einai ekplhktikes douleies. Wmes kai ameses opws prepei, me olh th brwmia pou ofeilei na exei enas diskos me th 8ematologia auth. Ase pou oi stixoi einai toso kalogramenoi, pou niw8w les kai akouw suzhthseis sto dromo, den bgazoun upervolh kai pseutia.
    February 6 06:11 PM
  • Mythodea kai gw kapou sto 3.7-3.8 to xw, tou afhnw peri8oria na me kerdisei.
    January 15 12:29 PM
  • Mythodea Kalhmera! Apo Krhth, file moy, Hrakleioths. Esu?
    January 15 08:06 AM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Na sai kala niko. Kalh xronia na exeis me ygeia panw ap'ola file. Ola ta upoloipa erxontai.
    January 1 05:58 PM
  • manosg Eyxaristo poly Niko. Kali xronia euxomai kai se esena, na eisai panta kala kai ante mipos doume kanena album apo Savatage fetos!
    January 1 05:02 PM
  • manosg Yparxei synenteuksi tou Zak Stevens sto elliniko Metal Hammer. Ekei o Zak leei pos o Jon Oliva exei idi yliko etoimo kai logika tha ihografisoun neo album syntoma!
    March 3 04:10 PM
  • blatho blatho.
    February 26 12:39 AM
  • doctorjimmy kalh fash ;)
    January 23 03:28 PM
  • doctorjimmy wraios trele mou ;) tha to tsekarw kai tha sou pw apopsi suntoma! esy ti akous auton to kairo?
    January 22 10:54 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Sweet, I'll check it out for sure
    January 19 12:38 PM
  • ScuroFantasma That's cool. So any new music digs? Or a favourite from last year?
    January 18 12:12 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Oh that's awesome, how was Poland? And you too man, have a great 2016.
    January 17 10:44 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Sup Ksoflas? How have you been man?
    January 15 08:00 AM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Fxaristw poly file Niko. Ygeia na xoume panw ap'ola k ola t'alla ta vriskoume an ta psaksoume ;)
    January 2 12:00 AM
  • YUJOS Na se kala Niko! Kali xronia na ehoume me ygeia kai xara kai oti kalytero sou efhomai gia to neo etos se prosopiko epipedo!
    January 1 06:48 PM
  • manosg Kali xronia Niko! Eyxomai neo Savatage mesa sto '16!
    January 1 04:50 PM
  • manosg Diavasa se mia synenteuksi tou Zak Stevens oti o Oliva exei poly yliko etoimo! Opote mesa sto 2016 to vlepo na erxetai to neo diskaki!
    December 7 10:43 AM
  • manosg Xronia polla Niko. Pano ap'ola ygieia kai poly Savatage!
    December 6 10:23 AM
  • Voivod kai ego thelo na tous do, thelo na akouso ta Missing Link, Black in Mind kai End of All Days zontana.
    December 5 04:55 PM
  • Voivod Kai ego den piga, logo koinonikon ipoxreoseon....
    December 4 05:40 PM
  • Voivod peksane to Black In Mind, gia ta 20 xronia apo tin kikloforia tou.
    December 4 06:29 AM
  • Voivod Thessaloniki, to perasmeno SK.
    December 4 06:29 AM
  • Sabrutin I'm going to check everything I can. I'm really slow at checking new things if I'm not in the right mood, but I hate to leave a discography incomplete.
    November 15 10:37 AM
  • rockandmetaljunkie swsta ;)
    October 27 01:06 PM
  • OmairSh Of course, almost forgot about POS. I'm really happy they're working on a new album, and yeah Daniel said it has elements of old school POS, which I'm excited and apprehensive about. I'm just hoping this direction is coming from Daniel's own desires rather than pressure from the fans. Plus it feels weird still calling the band POS in this incarnation. But anyway, it's always good to have new POS material.
    October 26 05:05 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie to in rainbows to vathmologhsa me 3 gt apla mou arese toso, ena apla kalo album dld, tpt perissotero tpt ligotero
    October 26 03:15 PM
  • OmairSh Tate is really good, but he can get irritating at times. I never get tired of Alder's vocals though. Love his melodies and his timbre. New Fates album coming next year, excited about that. DT is also releasing one, but don't have many expectations from that. Evergrey will probably release one as well. Next year is looking good. I've listened to Savatage over the years but never been totally enamoured. Good band though still
    October 26 08:43 AM
  • OmairSh I don't think your life could get worse by 5ing Perfect Symmetry. Yeah man they've consistently released quality records, it just sucks that they don't get the recognition that their peers like Queensryche or Dream Theater get. They probably had the best drummer and vocalist out of all 3. The last album was also great, better than most prog metal out there.
    October 25 06:33 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Exw erthrei sth kozani k anarwtiomoun an eisai apo dw
    October 24 07:34 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Ok file
    October 24 07:33 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Apo pou mou eixes pei oti eisai re ksofla ?
    October 24 11:55 AM
  • OmairSh Fates Warning m/
    October 24 03:13 AM
  • insomniac15 We've played a string of shows with 1000MODS and with their help maybe we can cover some main cities like Thesaloniki, Athens, Ioannina and/or others. We were supposed to play Fuzztastic Festival this year, but one of the promoters promised they'll get back at us and never did. That sucked because there was a great line-up and told us many times it's a sure deal.
    September 4 02:10 PM
  • insomniac15 Thanks man! I appreciate the kind words! Hopefully we can come to Greece next year and play some shows. That would be awesome, the scene is booming down there!
    September 4 03:35 AM
  • insomniac15 Hey! No, I play guitar in Methadone Skies. We're friends though, both bands practice in the same place. Why?
    September 3 01:51 PM
  • manosg Gia na doume...Pantos o Phil Jackson kanei kali douleia nomizo. An sas vgoune kai ta fetina draft picks, tha exete kali omada fetos. Apo metagrafes kala ta pigate pantos.
    August 24 03:56 PM
  • manosg Na 'sai kala! Einai boem typos o Estas.
    June 27 07:11 AM
  • manosg Ontos, dyskoli epilogi. Poly kales epiloges pantos ekanes.
    April 19 12:46 PM
  • manosg Ela Niko, kalispera! Ola kala? Oi Savatage tha ektimousan poly tin voitheia sou file ean exeis ton xrono kai tin diathesi ;) http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=157814
    April 18 03:29 PM
  • doctorjimmy exeis dikio re ;)
    January 7 04:36 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Nice! Sounds like a great start to the year mate, hope you enjoy your ski trip.
    January 6 01:12 AM
  • manosg Never Turn Your Back on a Friend kai ta myala sto blender! Episis, ta In for the Kill! kai Bandolier einai kai auta poly dynata. Alla ksekina apo to Never Turn Your Back on a Friend kai to vlepeis pos tha paei.
    January 5 09:00 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Me and a group of friends went camping on the bank of a big lake about an hours drive from my place. It was really nice there, we went cliff jumping and did a good amount of drinking too haha. How has your new year been so far?
    January 5 03:14 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Happy new year to you too Ksoflas. Sorry I'm late but I was on holidays :)
    January 4 07:18 AM
  • Antonius kali xronia kai se sena file
    January 3 12:08 PM
  • TheSpaceMan happy 2015! its gonna be a good one
    January 2 08:48 PM
  • scissorlocked as to elpisume aderfe! Kalh xronia me ygeia kai mpolikes musikes!
    January 2 06:25 PM
  • YUJOS Ela re Niko! Pou hathikes? Kali hronia kai se sena efhomai me agapi, ygeia kai eftyhia!
    January 2 05:09 PM
  • Mythodea kalh xronia kai se sena Niko! O,ti po8eis!
    January 2 03:20 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Egine re Nikolh :)
    January 2 01:38 PM
  • Voivod Kali xronia filos me igeia pano apo ola
    January 2 12:47 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Kalh xronia na exeis file Ksofla :)
    January 2 10:54 AM
  • manosg Kali xronia Niko me ygieia kai eytyxia!
    January 1 08:38 AM
  • manosg Kalimera Niko! Eyxaristo poly gia tis eyxes! Na eisai ki esy kala, me ygeia kai eytixismenos.
    December 27 08:04 AM
  • Mythodea Diavaza ki egw mexri prin meriko kairo. Rwtaw gia na dw an mpaineis sto site. Perusi to allaksane peripou tetoia epoxh. Htan wraio, eixe xrhstes kai milousame se threads. Twra grafeis mono me facebook account ki ousiastika erhmwse o topos. Hthela na dw an hsoun kapoios apo autous pou milousa palia.
    November 11 08:01 PM
  • Mythodea Manos apo Krhth. Tuxainei na diavazes h na diavazeis akomh to Ellhniko Metal Hammer? Oso gia to disko, opws ta les!
    November 11 04:26 PM
  • Mythodea Ela, o,ti na nai. Th mia nomizw pws eisai ellhnas, thn allh den eimai kai sigouros, tha mou peis, me tetoio onoma, ti allo na sai, kinezos? Pou les, to neo PF ta spaei, m'aresei poly. Esena pws sou fainetai?To On Noodle Street einai apo ta kalutera, opws kai to Nervana.
    November 10 09:31 PM
  • Mythodea Your message was all '????' and the word Anisina... You may want to resend it.
    November 10 04:44 PM
  • ScuroFantasma will do, I'll give one of their albums a listen in the morning since it's 1:30 AM here and I think i'll go to bed now haha, night ksoflas
    October 10 03:36 PM
  • ksoflas Glad to hear that. Check their 4 albums from 92 to 97.After that they put strings and orchestra in their music and took a bit different but interesting direction.Huge and so underated band.I'll be waiting for your opinion man.
    October 10 03:21 PM
  • ScuroFantasma thanks for the rec man, I'll definitely give it a listen. Sounds like the kind of music I've been digging lately.
    October 10 02:53 PM
  • ScuroFantasma yeah I'm not too bad. And cool, hope you enjoy it.
    October 3 08:13 AM
  • ksoflas I' m cool man. I hope you are ok too.I haven't heard it, I will and I'll tell you my opinion.
    October 2 05:00 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Hey man, it's been a while. What's new? Oh, and given your fondness for power metal I have a recommendation for you; the new DragonForce album (if you haven't already heard it).
    October 2 09:47 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Hey ksoflas, how have you been man?
    August 8 08:53 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Fair enough man. I kind of expected you to like Saintseneca though. But yeah, Grand Magus is fantastic and the Chevelle album is good too.
    June 2 07:14 AM
  • manosg To exoun anevasei sto bandcamp tous. http://vicband.bandcamp.com/album/riza
    June 1 02:30 PM
  • manosg Mia xara, einai oraio na asxoleitai kapoios me tin gh. Na se rotiso, logika tha ksereis. Ta teleutaia kalokairia oti vazo gemizei arrosties. Diladi, piperies, melitzanes kai aggouria tetranyxo. Tis ntomates tis xtypaei Tuta Absoluta. Ta kolokythia tin exoun glytosei mexri stigmis eytyxos. Yparxei kati oikologiko kai apotelesmatiko na rikso? Exo trelathei sta farmaka re gmt. Sto telos tha fitronoun farmaka anti gia fyta!
    June 1 12:39 PM
  • manosg Oxi. Emena stin Athina mexri prin apo 5 xronia peripou alla pira tin apofasi kai metakomisa makria apo to kentro kapou pio eksoxika kai den ksanagyrizo piso. Edo exo katharo aera, apleto xoro, thalassa kai ton kipo mou. Oi VIC einai ontos eksairetikoi. Elpizo me tin katallili proothisi na anoiksoun ta ftera tous siga siga.
    June 1 12:24 PM
  • manosg Theoi oi Savatage. Eyxaristo gia ta kala logia.
    June 1 12:02 PM
  • manosg Ela Niko, kalimera. To feature einai otan ena review sygkatalegetai sta tessera pou vriskontai sto epano meros tis arxikis selidas, opos einai tora auto pou egrapsa gia tous 1000mods. Oson afora stin ora, ego synithos ta anevazo mesimeraki kata tis 15:00 pou kano dialeima apo tin douleia kai ap'oti exo dei einai kali ora. Etoimazeis kati kalo?
    June 1 09:35 AM
  • YUJOS Logika nai. Alla ekane kai kati diloseis o Doc sto telos tou 5ou agona oti tous esfaxe i diaitisia (eno kanane apisteftes malakies kai tzaba hasane to mats..) kai mallon tou tin fyllagane. En to metaxy, oi Clippers sta play off - par'olo to sousouro pou egine me ton Sterling - eihane 10 myria kerdos...
    May 21 06:42 PM
  • manosg Na 'sai kala Niko kai eyxaristo. Ontos to album einai eksairetiko. Eida kai to Nights From the Alhambra tis proalles kai einai tromero live. I gynaika einai kalitexnara.
    May 21 06:00 PM
  • ksoflas Symfwnw apolyta mazi sou Eygenie. As to parei opoiosdhpote ektos apo tous Heat.Tous Clippers tous esfaksan logo Sterling?
    May 21 04:41 PM
  • YUJOS Vasei logikis Miami - San Antonio alla tha pao me to Indiana - San Antonio. An epaize o Ibaka kai den ehane tin seira me tous Spurs, telikos tha itane gia mena Indiana - Oklahoma pou tha ginotane treli sfagi. Eiha dei to teleftaio mats pou pexane mesa stin Indiana ton Aprili nomizo itane kai egine kai gamo tous agones. Esy ti vlepeis file mou?
    May 20 08:21 PM
  • YUJOS Geia sou Niko, ti kaneis? Ola kala? Rixe mia matia se afto to link kai des ti omada borousate na eihate apo to 2006 kai meta. http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/233499/Knicks-Have-Traded-Swapped-1st-Round-Pick-In-13-Of-Past-27-Years
    May 20 06:29 PM
  • ScuroFantasma I have a few '14 favourites; 1. http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/60893/Grand-Magus-Triumph-and-Power/ 2. http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/62207/In-Hearts-Wake-Earthwalker/ 3. http://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=15998 4. http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/61718/Saintseneca-Dark-Arc/ 5. http://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=151791 so yeah, thats a few. There's also Chevelle and Behemoth but those are too obvious.
    May 19 02:37 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Some cool stuff there, new Coldplay sounds pretty good, but I'm not really a fan of their music anyway. Not really my style.
    May 18 12:17 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Nice, watcha been jamming recently, anything you like from 2014?
    May 16 12:04 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Thanks ksolfas! I am great, I hope you are too. Thanks for the rec, I'll be sure to check it out since the review spoke of it very highly. How have you been, man?
    May 15 08:59 AM
  • TheSpaceMan The band Rishloo is a lot softer and less atmospheric, but their singer is amazing and reminds me a lot of the styles of Daniel... some of their songs have those climaxes that you'd think only PoS can pull off... but looking at your ratings I REALLY suggest listening to some Tool, chances are you've heard of them and they dont do much for you, but thats what I thought before I really gave em a chance... their sound is so unique and immersive and intellegent, much like PoS
    May 5 07:22 PM
  • TheSpaceMan I'm from the US and they aren't very known over here, I bet those concerts were amazing... what songs did they play if you can recall?
    May 5 08:46 AM
  • TheSpaceMan and yeah I wish him an easy and quick recovery, he's such a great guy even outside of music... I'm sure the whole situation is making him itching to get in the studio
    May 5 08:22 AM
  • TheSpaceMan exactly! like you said the atmosphere and beauty they put into some songs is absolutely incredible, I can't think of many bands even outside of progressive metal/rock that put as much raw emotion into their music... songs like In the Flesh and Undertow leave me breathless everytime
    May 5 08:14 AM
  • TheSpaceMan I dig that you dig Pain of Salvation, really wish they got the attention they deserve here
    May 5 05:44 AM
  • YUJOS Den einai tipota... Ligo to krasi, ligo to kokoretsaki, ligo i katanyxi.. symvainoun afta hahahaha.
    April 20 10:17 PM
  • YUJOS Ela. Xristos anesti Niko. Kokoretsaki tsakisa! Den eimai fun tou arniou. Re tha xe glenti an benatai play off. Carmelo vs Paul George kai Chandler vs Hibbert tha itan fovera match up. Aftos o makaronas o Italos den paizetai re paidaki mou. Poly betovlakas o anthropos.
    April 20 04:25 PM
  • ksoflas Hronia polla Eygenie kai trwge arga gia na to apolayseis to arnaki shmera.Eytyhws pou den mphkame sta play off giati h rompa tha synehizotan.Apla tragikoi!
    April 20 09:30 AM
  • ScuroFantasma ah cool man, I didn't know if you knew of them or not so I thought I'd rec you them anyway, but thanks for the return rec
    April 19 11:06 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Hey ksoflas, i noticed on you pie chart that you like power metal so I thought i'd rec you some Manowar. Look up their band page on sput because the averages are pretty accurate for them if you're going to choose an album, but I definitely think you should give 'em a go.
    April 19 07:11 AM
  • YUJOS Kalispera Niko ti kaneis? Pare afto to videaki kai frixe...Pali kala na les pou kanate pano apo 30 nikes fetos. Des to videaki kai tha katalaveis. http://allball.blogs.nba.com/2014/04/17/the-knicks-were-shaqtin-a-fool/?ls=nbahpsplit3
    April 17 10:42 PM
  • YUJOS Vasika opados ton Sonics eimai....Eimai orfano edo kai kati xronia apo omada...Vasika goustaro fetos poly Indiana kai Memphis kai oligon apo Sixers prin arhisoun to xepoulima me tous paixtes ton Flevari.
    April 2 05:51 PM
  • YUJOS Oxi re kai "dikos" mou o Felton!!! Me prosvaleis re sy tora me ton touvlatzi! Re Niko o Spaghetti o Italos kai o Kenyon Martin akoma travmaties einai? Eheis akousei tipota gia to pote gyrnane?
    April 1 05:52 PM
  • YUJOS Kalispera Niko pos paei? To dosane les xthes to matsaki oi Pacers stous Cavs??? Den tous halase omos pou vriskontai oi Knicks ena paixnidi piso apo tous Hawks.
    March 31 06:04 PM
  • YUJOS Ehei akoma mellon i douleia alla boroun gia tin ogdooi thesi oi Knicks. Kalytero pantos match up tha einai Indiana-New York ap'oti Indiana-Atlanta sta play off. Makari na boune.
    March 25 02:43 PM
  • YUJOS An den sou vgazei apotelesmata to link grapse tote sto google : Fantasy Forecaster: March 24-30
    March 24 09:10 PM
  • YUJOS Rixe ligo mia matia se afto to link gia na katalaveis ti sou leo. Einai to programma tis evdomadas. http://espn.go.com/fantasy/basketball/story/_/id/10647754/fantasy-basketball-forecaster-march-24-30-lineup-advice-quality-matchups
    March 24 09:06 PM
  • YUJOS En to metaxy o Korver tha einai off gia kapoious agones gia tin Atlanta. An kanoun tipota ittes kollita oi Hawks kai kerdisoun oi Knicks mesa stin vdomada esto 3 agones, tha einai piso tous an den kano lathos gia molis mia itta...Opote tha einai anef simasias i itta apo to Cleveland.
    March 24 09:02 PM
  • YUJOS Kalispera Niko pos paei? Vasika nai ligo psiloshock i xthesini itta. Den xero omos an paizoun alla kolpa apo piso...To Detroit an vgei eos 8o stin vathmologia krataei to pick tou. An vgei Ennato kai pano to pick to pernei i Charlotte...Vasika an deis tin vathmologia apo tin moni omada pou pros to paron kindinevei to Detroit na hasei tin ogdooi thesei einai to Cleveland...Vgale ta syberasmata sou...
    March 24 08:58 PM
  • YUJOS Ela. Pare edo mia ligka kai des ti paizeis. Psaxto ligo kai oti aporia eheis me rotas. Kane klik sta dexia pou ehei tis omades ton user pou paizoune gia na eheis mia eikona pos einai to manageraki. http://games.espn.go.com/fba/leagueoffice?leagueId=26350
    March 17 08:28 PM
  • YUJOS Kalispera Niko. Tha se eho loipon sta ypopsin gia tin epomeni hronia gia to manageraki, etsi na ginei tis poutanas sto sputnik!
    March 17 06:19 PM
  • YUJOS Paizoume kai ena manageraki fetos sto espn me ton etairo kafro manosg kai ginetai havales. Esy asholeisai katholou me kana fantasy manager sto NBA?
    March 16 08:27 PM
  • YUJOS Gia nea enimeronomai apo to realgm kai to hoopshype. Kata t'alla parakoloutho syhna to nba.com kai to espn kai kamia fora to cnnsi.com. Ehei ena oraio blog ekei, to Point Forward pou to tsekaro synithos otan ginontai trabes.
    March 16 08:23 PM
  • YUJOS Makari na beite sta playoff man. Na ehei kai ligo endiaferon fetos i anatoli. Gia site ennoeis basketika apo pou enimeronomai?
    March 16 05:36 PM
  • YUJOS Pantos plaka plaka oi omada sou ehei fortsarei gia ta kala. Fainetai to neo shima me Amare kai J.R. vasikous kai Prigioni-Shumpert ston pagko ta paei kala. Megali apoleia einai gia mena o Kenyon Martin. Poly kalos amyntikos kai ebeiros paixtis. Mazi me ton Tyson peftei poly xylo stin raketa.
    March 16 12:32 PM
  • YUJOS Ela kalispera Niko! Evgenios apo athina edo. Makari na tous soutaroun tous Hawks. Oute ena tanking tis prokopis den xeroun na kanoun ta gerakia kai paroun sto telos ena draft pick gyro sto 15-20 na goustaroune. Arhisane eidi oi fimes gia ton Lebron oti logo tis proslipsis tou Zen Master, tha to skeftei to kalokairi gia tin Nea Yorki.
    March 16 12:30 PM
  • YUJOS Ela re man ti kaneis la kala? Oi dikoi ti kanoune re? Pane na boune playoff? Ehoune psilostrosei fainetai. Pos sou fanike pou pirate ton Phil?
    March 15 02:02 PM
  • YUJOS Ela. To eida to videaki. Katalava ti les. Vasika fainetai san na tou tin skaei "ponira" sta ballakia...Alla den nomizo o referee na eihe optiki gonia apo kato apo tin basketa gia na to dosei gia faoul. Borei na kano lathos se afto alla etsi mou fanike. Ton stolise pantos me kati oraia FU hahaha palikari o Demarcus!
    February 26 05:59 PM
  • YUJOS Ti egine me ton Demarcus pali giati den eida.
    February 26 05:32 PM
  • YUJOS Tetoios xtistis pou einai kai aftos logiko einai na xtisoune gyro apo afton hahahaha. Plaka plaka pistevo tha ginei paigtoura. Kai dikaonetai o GM tous pou edose antalagi ton Holiday stous Pelekanous. Na doume an tha paixei kai o Noel fetos. Thelo na ton do esto kai gia 10 agones pou leei o logos sto parke.
    February 23 04:02 PM
  • YUJOS Nai eheis apolyto dikio se afto pou les. Makari na meinei o Stephenson stin omada tou hronou. Allios tha ehei kavatza o Bird ton Turner stin thesi tou. Aftos einai kai enas logos ap'oti diavaza, pou o Bird ekane afti tin traba. Kala gia tou Sixers den to syzito. Tragikes trabes kanane. Oute ena draft pick protou gyrou den pirane.
    February 22 06:25 PM
  • YUJOS Eilikrina re man, i antallagi tou Turner me ton Granger den mou arese. O Granger eihe toulahiston to tripontaki. O Turner einai touvlatzis. Se kalutero guard ehei exelixthei pleon o Stephenson para o Turner, kai pernei kai ta rebound tou alla kai dinei kai assist tou. Tha deixei vevaia pos tha tous xrisimopeioisei o coach, alla kai pali den trelathika me tin antallagi.
    February 21 07:26 PM
  • YUJOS Kalispera file mou ti kaneis? Pou boro na ekfraso ta parapona mou dioti den pirate ton Collison apo tous Flippers kai kratisate ton touvlatzi ton Felton?
    February 20 10:23 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Perhaps, although Genesis is a fantastic track
    February 16 05:02 AM
  • YUJOS Afto to symvolaio to Stoudamire na min eihane re file kai tha itane mia hara. Distihos vgike kai o Bargnani mapa kai irthe kai edese to glyko. Kalytera epaize persy o Rasheed Wallace (esto gia tous 30 agones pou epaixe) apo ton Italo.
    February 15 02:48 PM
  • YUJOS Pou einai to periergo? hahahahha. Entometaxi ehoun psilopalouki programma oi Knicks meta to all star game. Pollous agones ektos edras. Gia na doume giati arxizo kai tous fovamai...O Carmelos leei thelei na meinei pantos stin omada kai me ligotera lefta. Toulahiston afto einai efharisto neo.
    February 15 01:37 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Yeah, Sydney's a nice place, lots of iconic structures around there. What did you think of 'Opus Eponymous'?
    February 14 05:58 AM
  • ScuroFantasma You live in Greece huh? that's cool. I'm Aussie
    February 13 10:16 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Nah, no connection to either through hereditary or residential ties. I'm am quite interested in Ancient Greece though, but my username was inspired by the Italian phrases sung on the album 'Opus Emponymous' by a band called 'Ghost B.C' (or just Ghost). The song 'Con Clavi Con Dio' is what inspired me. I have written a review on it if you'd like to know more about it.
    February 12 07:12 AM
  • ksoflas Ola kala agori mou. Ontos o pagkos tous einai gia ta mpaza!
    February 2 09:35 PM
  • YUJOS Ela kalispera man, pos pas? Skotothike o dikos mou kai o Gay kai anelave o pagkos...Freddete, Outlaw, Acy kai Gray...opote katalaveneis. Oute gia euroligka den kanoune aftoi!!
    February 2 06:01 PM
  • Geadom Of course, I don't understand a dime of Greek
    February 1 12:39 AM
  • manosg Kala les. Dystixos de nomizo na einai mia epanasindesi ton Savatage stom myalo tou Oliva an kai poly tha to ithela kai ego.
    January 29 12:52 PM
  • YUJOS Ola ta lefta!!
    January 27 07:34 PM
  • YUJOS Milame gia megalo kryari o Bargnani!! Kalytera pou den paizei! Efkairia na kerdizei kai h omas etsi! Xairomai pantos pou eisai kai esy fanatikos me ton Trinkeri!! Prepei na kanoume kana thread edo mesa gia party tou!! Hahahahhaha
    January 26 09:13 PM
  • warlordfun xaxa na sai kala filaraki!
    January 26 09:07 PM
  • YUJOS To karfoma pou pige na kanei kai skotothike monos tou to eides???
    January 26 01:28 PM
  • YUJOS Gamiseta!! Eftixos pou tha leipsei gia ligo akoma o Bargnani kai tha ton vazei 4ari o Woodson na poronetai opos persy. Re sy an den ton evgaze 7 lepta prin tin lixei tou paixnidou borei na evaze kai 80 pontous gia plaka!
    January 25 09:04 PM
  • YUJOS Mallon kai ego etsi to vlepo me ton Melo... Gia tous 'Ryche den eho apopsi. Eho akousei poly liga pragmata. Alla evgale kai Nevermore to Seatlle pou paizei na tous eho dei 4 fores live.
    January 8 06:05 PM
  • YUJOS Toun Knicks pos tos vlepeis fetos. Tha ta prolavoun ta playoff? O Carmelos pisteveis tha meinei to kalokairi stin omada?
    January 7 08:01 PM
  • YUJOS Eihe trelous kai pistous opadous h poli. Alla mas tin paixane tin poustia...
    January 7 07:59 PM
  • YUJOS Den enthousiazomai me ton Durant na sou po tin alitheia man. Poly kalos paixtis alla tsouzei poly pou pige Oklahoma opote katalavaineis... Alla poly dyskola markaretai o poustis. Milame ehei kati heria pou mou thymizei ores ores ton Fasoula se Small Forward hahahaha.
    January 6 08:34 PM
  • manosg Ego ypostirizo Lakers apo ta 90s pou eixan play maker ton Nick Van Excel alla tous ypostirizo kyrios logo Magic Johnson. Eimai omos kai filos ton Knicks ton 90s alla kai tou Pat Riley. Pragmatika ta 90s itan xrysi epoxi.
    January 6 07:38 PM
  • YUJOS Ante re. Den to ixera afto gia ton Starks. Kali fasi. Oso gia tous Heat asta na pane..Mas ehoune zalisei ta #^#^#%dia... me ton papara ton Lebron. Xilies fores proteimo ton Flash para ton King.
    January 6 03:36 PM
  • YUJOS Patrick Ewing, Charles Oakley kai John Starks kai poly xylo sosta?? Nai odos ehei merikes omades pou paizoun poly oraio basket alla sto telos teliko pane oi gnostoi...aftoi vasika einai pou mou tin spaei trela. Makari na doume fetos kana teliko p.x. Indiana - Golden State.
    January 4 04:12 PM
  • YUJOS Tous ehoun kanei pelates fetos tous Rockets. Kala na pathoun pou skasane ta myria ston betatzi ton Superman oi Rockets! An kai tha ithela na ton do me ta xrysoprasina ton Sonics ton Demarcus telika den ekatse i metakomisi kai eimai orfano apo omada...Esy man parakoloutheis katholou to athlima? Ypostirizeis kamia omada?
    January 3 05:09 PM
  • scissorlocked kalh xronia kai se sena!
    January 2 04:20 PM
  • warlordfun kalh xronia filaraki me ugeia, eutuxia, eudaimonia kai o,ti allo po8eis!
    January 1 08:03 PM
  • YUJOS Episis man! Kali xronia na ehoume me ygeia kai eftyhia!
    January 1 07:34 PM
  • manosg Kali xronia file kai eytyxismeno to 2014, me ygeia pano ap'ola!
    January 1 03:41 PM
  • Voivod Kali xronia file mou me igia pano apo ola!
    January 1 01:28 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Xronia polla file, sou efxomai ta kalutera gia to kainourgio etos.
    December 31 07:37 PM
  • ksoflas Se sygrish me to teleytaio live tous sthn ydrogeio (ohi to Parallels) pou eiha dei htan poly kalyteroi kai idiws o Ray.Megalh mpanta, ohi san kapoious allous agaphmenous mou (DT) pou pleon ehw ksegrapsei...
    October 23 12:19 PM
  • ksoflas Ontos! O Bobby einai san ton Gandalf apo konta, tromeros.O Alder ta edwse ola kai fainotan oti goustare apo thn antapokrish tou kosmou.
    October 23 12:16 PM
  • Voivod Mesa sta 5 kalitera live pou exo dei.
    October 20 03:15 PM
  • Voivod Katarxin me Jarzombek sta drums kai tis ogodeis kithares akougontai san tech-thrash-meets-prog-rock.
    October 20 03:15 PM
  • Voivod E-S-P-E-I-R-A-N.-
    October 20 03:13 PM
  • Voivod Poli endiaferon auto poy les. Autes oi giortes tis palias polis diarkoun olo to septemvri?
    September 14 11:51 AM
  • Voivod Exo erthei sto karnavali sas me kalous filous, epikes stigmes.
    September 12 08:48 PM
  • Voivod To elpizo. Salonikios eisai?
    September 12 01:41 PM
  • pribosse check out necro dogg bro http://necrodogg.bandcamp.com/
    July 13 09:25 AM
  • Voivod Ontos etsi einai. To akoyo tora kai simfono, preza o diskos!!
    June 4 07:10 PM
  • Voivod Prospatho na akouso to stream ton Black Sabbath kai den boro. Pos ta kataferes?? :-D
    June 4 06:45 PM
  • ezzomania hell yea!!
    May 21 04:20 AM
  • SingingInTheRain k?
    May 10 11:55 AM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Oso gia tous Scorpions kai egw eimai pio polu fan ths "Roth" epoxis.
    May 9 11:20 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Xarhka Nikola. Egw eimai 24 kai menw sthn Athina.
    May 9 11:19 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Eisai se mpanta e ? Kala kaneis :)Sthn Athina paizete ? An einai na erthw na sas dw.
    May 9 06:58 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Nai exeis dikio, h mousikh einai isws to pio omorfo pragma sth zwh mas. Mou einai adunato na fantastw th zwh mou xwris mousikh.
    May 9 06:57 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Genikotera h mousikh den me vohthise mono sto vapori, alla me exei vohthisei se olh mou th zwh. Otan pairnaw diafores sunaisthimatikes faseis/katastaseis panta akouw ta analoga akousmata giati me voithaei kai voiwthw kalutera.
    May 9 06:55 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Oxi, ksemparkara prin apo 3 evdomades. Ean hmoun akomh ekei den tha mporousame na kanoume afth th suzhthsh giati den eixame internet.
    May 9 06:52 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Xexe me tsakwses etsi ? Nai ekana mathimata kitharas gia 2 xronakia. Meta mparkara kai den mporesa na sunexisw ta mathimata mou. Alla egw parolafta phra ta vivlia kai th kithara mazi mou kai ekana eksaskhsh sto bapori. Genikotera exw megalh trela me th hlektrikh kithara alla kai th mousikh genikotera.
    May 9 06:07 PM
  • DrHouseSchuldiner Haha yaa thats true, what do u support man ?
    May 9 05:33 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Xristos Anesth, xronia polla.
    May 4 11:12 PM
  • ksoflas re ton tragelafo!
    April 18 05:26 PM
  • scissorlocked otinane re, o typos apla ine aptus klassikous midenistikoys forum-omalakes amerikanus pu apla nomizun pws trollarodas adiakopa kai padou katafernun kati. plaka exei, prizei arhidia syhna
    April 15 11:34 PM
  • scissorlocked xexe, thanks file! Nai einai badara oi Pain, proswpika moy stigmatisan ta efivika hronia! Kai oso gia to pos den kanei tipota!
    November 24 03:09 AM
  • scissorlocked grapse mu se greeklish gia ta ellinika ta vgazei erwtimatika!
    November 22 05:39 PM
  • Dreamflight hey dude, yeah I thought I was going to lower that sooner or later, but it seems that it's still rocking my socks. How about rating that a little higher huh? :P
    October 29 03:10 PM
  • Antonius hahaha xerome pou s aresei to kypriako proion!:) ante na se vlepoume pou kai pou se kanena post
    October 13 02:16 PM
  • Antonius poli kala file kales epitixies na exeis! Ego teliosa exei 2 xronia tora. Ime Kyprios kai maniakos me mousiki. Krima pou den anakalipsa to site noritera. Ta spaei file
    October 12 07:12 PM
  • ksoflas Eimai xanthioths kai spoudasa geoponos ston volo.ehw kales sheseis mr thn topikh foithtikh koinothta,o mpasistas mas einai 2 etos mhhanikos perivallontos.st'arhidia mou ta grafw ta malakismena hahaha.esy apo pou eisai pou kai ti spoudazeis?
    October 9 01:01 PM
  • Antonius Exo kapious gnostous ekei stin xanthi file. ti etos ise? Kai ne ta amerikanakia ine oti nane. Prospatha na min dineis kai poli simasia stis vlakeies/anorimotites pou tha vlepeis pou kai pou. Ego toulaxiston etsi kano oso kairo ime edo pera
    October 8 03:30 PM
  • ksoflas to review sou gia to pleasant einai epiko,kalytera den mporouses na ta peis.apo ayto kai mono trefw aperioristo sevasmo sto prosopo sou.
    September 18 05:25 PM
  • ksoflas Nai re Voivod,apo xanthi.Esy?
    September 18 04:50 PM
  • Voivod Filaraki eisai apo ellada?
    September 11 04:56 PM

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