
Reviews 64
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 33
News Articles 27
Band Edits + Tags 93
Album Edits 411

Album Ratings 1417
Objectivity 72%

Last Active 08-15-13 9:30 pm
Joined 12-22-10

Review Comments 1,528

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  • CaptainDooRight hi bro how are you?? can i share my new trvth album with you?
    December 12 08:51 PM
  • FrozenVain I see that you dig Vetelgyus quite a lot. I am sad to say that I was a little bit dissapointed in it.
    December 25 01:49 PM
  • FrozenVain You should listen to Vetelgyus. I would love to hear what you think about it. I think it's their weakest album featuring Sho.
    September 29 02:02 PM
  • FrozenVain Yeh I noticed that you had rated one of their albums and it looked interesting. Will check. While we are at, I would recommend Light Bringer. One of the best female fronted power metal bands I've heard.
    August 16 08:59 AM
  • FrozenVain Yeh you ****ing do. Hype.
    August 13 11:10 PM
  • FrozenVain Vetelgyus
    August 12 11:26 AM
  • OmairSh Lunatic soul album teaser
    August 3 01:45 AM
  • FrozenVain Haha! No, yeh I can totally get that. It's just cool to hear from you again. You are like THE power metal guy here.
    April 30 06:17 AM
  • FrozenVain Yo, man! Long time no talk. I just stopped by to tell you about a band I added to sput yesterday. They're called Skywings and they play some pretty sick wannabe galneryus power metal. I think you would dig.
    January 31 04:51 PM
  • CaptainDooRight m/ and sweet prof pic, I've been really into space ass of lately
    November 10 01:11 AM
  • CaptainDooRight check my new album bro, don't forget to rate:
    November 5 06:23 PM
  • KingHarkinian The video is a total rip-off of Angel of Salvation. Cool! Meteorology is really interesting indeed.
    October 22 06:14 PM
  • KingHarkinian Oh! and check this youtube video out. Which musicvideo does it remind you of?
    October 21 05:53 PM
  • KingHarkinian The songs are decent. Pretty good, I guess. I hope they release a new album soon enough. College life, ey? What are you studying?
    October 21 05:52 PM
  • KingHarkinian ops that message got all ****ed up! Galneryus have released a song called The Judgment Day. Is it a new track or is it something else. I thought you might know.
    October 16 11:59 AM
  • KingHarkinian Oah! Hail, other King ov Sputnik. (FrozenVain got banned so I'm using my alt acc atm) I just saw this video
    October 15 08:24 PM
  • FrozenVain Nice! Thanks, man! I will definitely check out that EP and those tracks.
    September 16 02:01 PM
  • FrozenVain where did you find the entire album?
    September 16 07:50 AM
  • Crysis It's the same exact album just deconstructed. I don't want to say "acoustic" because it's a bit more than that but that's the best word to describe it. Very atmospheric, potentially more so than the original, but then again it's not as potent or hard-hitting because the clash between heavy and soft no longer exists in such an obvious form.
    August 21 01:10 PM
  • Crysis i think you a word
    August 20 09:29 PM
  • Eunuch lol wtf I haven't even heard the new re-recorded material ironhearted flag yet. But glad to see they're still passionate about creating new music.
    July 19 12:14 AM
  • Jom I'm not sure mx will want to dedicate front page space for something like that.
    July 1 06:27 PM
  • Willie We don't even know when the new genre system will be rolled out. Look at Jom's blog post for pictures and hints.
    June 23 11:58 PM
  • FrozenVain Hey, man! Just a quick question: Why do you think Reincarnation is Galneryus worst album?
    June 18 03:50 PM
  • Insurrection It was a while ago with the google chrome inspect element glitch. I think the mods fixed it though
    June 9 04:25 AM
  • RunOfTheMill btw is Gamma Ray supposed to release a new record sometime soon?
    June 7 02:21 PM
  • unclereich no you don't need to read the the iliad or the odyssey prior to reading the aeneid. i've read all three and i'd say the least related of the bunch is the aeneid. enjoy! it's a damn good book. vergil was the man.
    June 2 03:55 AM
  • FrozenVain More like a friendly sad since I really dug your reviews. Love your Super Collider soundoff by the way.
    May 31 04:26 PM
  • FrozenVain I'm sad to hear that but I'm sure you'll get your interest for writing back soon enough.
    May 30 10:22 PM
  • FrozenVain You should review the remaining Galneryus albums, bro! I would pos those reviews so hard.
    May 30 12:06 PM
  • RunOfTheMill Ok, makes sense. I was seriously surprised to see another studio album so soon lol. Angel came out, like, 6 months ago?
    May 28 03:40 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Yup haven't listened yet
    May 28 02:11 AM
  • RunOfTheMill Galneryus made a new album already?
    May 27 06:49 PM
  • FrozenVain Hmm yeh you're right. From what I have heard it's just the intros that are a bit longer.
    May 26 08:20 PM
  • FrozenVain Yeh I noticed that so I listened to the whole thing. An excellent self-cover album.
    May 25 09:37 AM
  • swee will check
    May 24 07:55 PM
  • FrozenVain Oh sweet flags! Awesome original song and awesome remake. I noticed, however, that the album is really damn expensive! I will sadly never afford that one.
    May 24 04:46 PM
  • Willie More on the way. Early June.
    May 24 04:26 PM
  • Willie It's behind the new genre system.
    May 23 10:20 PM
  • sure thank you dude, I'll chec those out :]
    May 17 07:10 PM
  • yup just noticed, nice rev, jus jammed again this morning on the way to work, great stuff
    May 17 03:31 PM
  • yea i mean angel
    May 16 07:15 PM
  • have you heard the new Galneryus yet
    May 16 05:21 PM
  • FrozenVain Just realized that the album title is The Ironhearted Flag. It's just not Galneryus without a bunch of flags.
    April 24 07:50 PM
  • FrozenVain oh sweet! I actually enjoy the new singer a bit more than the old one so that will be nice for me. Hopefully it will be decently easy to get your hands on in Europe. Thanks for the info, man!
    April 24 07:41 PM
  • FrozenVain I agree with you now about Galneryus and stuff. Pheonix Rising is def not their worst...Reincarnation probably is. Damn awesome band overall though.
    April 24 04:50 PM
  • Willie Both bands are using the Queensryche name. So, in the discography there will be two 2013 releases.
    April 24 12:51 PM
  • CaptainDooRight yea that's life bro, well if you ever need any advice on anything feel free to ask bro. I'd be happy to help whever I can. I've learned a few things here and there so ya never know. Best wishes tho mate, I only wish you success.
    April 4 07:33 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dam bro well I hope those changes are good changes, one can never know :]
    April 4 06:12 PM
  • CaptainDooRight thank you very much sir and omg killer rating! I really appreciate your support bro. I hope everything is going well with in your neck of the woods, I feel like I haven't seen you around that much lately. I'll see if I can sign up on that site to add the info. Thanks for the advice bro.
    April 4 04:25 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Cool man! I'm sure you're a busy dood so no rush :]
    April 2 10:44 PM
  • CaptainDooRight album is done:
    April 2 08:46 AM
  • DirtyDan Thanks for the Galneryus rec. I had never heard of them before and their guitarist is awesome.
    March 21 03:19 AM
  • Willie That's not something we can give. 3 staff members have to all rate it so that their average is higher than some secret number. Given the majority of our staff members' tastes, metal almost never get BNM.
    March 5 07:03 PM
  • Gnocchi Thanks dude, it's on my to review list, list's getting longer. Ill have a review up for Sole Creation sometime today if you wanna check it
    February 21 02:29 AM
  • Gnocchi Kongh, check my recent tracks. Slight sabbath worship, darker than Mastodon.
    February 20 10:27 PM
  • Gnocchi Do you like a bit of sludge?
    February 20 10:11 PM
  • Gnocchi Yeah got em all, sposed to be an itunes exclusive running around too
    February 20 09:36 PM
  • FrozenVain So I read your soundoff for Divinity and that is EXACTLY how I feel about it as well. Don't know why I pointed it out I just thought it was fun.
    February 6 06:42 PM
  • Voivod The Katsionis album is streaming from bandcamp - Put it in your first comment, so I won't have to post a redundant one instead.
    February 6 12:12 PM
  • CaptainDooRight haha i may get around to it, but thanks bro
    January 15 08:52 PM
  • CaptainDooRight chillin maine, just dropped in on ur new rev
    January 15 08:26 PM
  • ThrashTillDeath94 If you really like power metal, then maybe. Personally though, I only digged a couple songs from the band's newest album. It's a very cheesy album in terms of style and lyrics.
    December 19 01:46 AM
  • evilford dude help me complain in meds thread if you disagree with sonic's banning. thanks.
    December 15 04:41 PM
  • discovolante Mehh... never really struck me. Syu, however, is a great guitarist. I'm more fond of Spinalcord than of Galnyrus, personally.
    November 28 01:07 AM
  • sonictheplumber thanks but i probably wont
    November 28 12:46 AM
  • FrozenVain Alright, I will keep that in mind. thanks
    November 18 05:56 PM
  • FrozenVain I haven't heard that one, but it was pretty awesome. I'm going through their discography chronologically and I'm currently at Beyond The End of Despair. I heard Angel of Salvation first though. It really is a great band and I will listen to all of their albums asap.
    November 18 04:27 PM
  • Apollo You seem like an intelligent, well spoken user who likes some good metal. I always see reviews and your posts on the site and just wanted to get to know you better. Keep up the reviews man, keep kicking ass m/
    November 5 04:16 AM
  • CaptainDooRight koo man, well thanks for sharing bro, cool stuff
    November 2 03:40 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dude that's a pretty fun song, love the melodies and the vox are swee too, I really like the vocal/riff transition at 2:06, cool stuff man, may look further, is this as gd as their songs get?
    November 2 06:08 AM
  • CaptainDooRight koo bro will check fo sho when i get homeskees
    November 2 12:50 AM
  • CaptainDooRight yeah bro finding that time is the hardest part, i have a gf so i had to make a schedule with her because she knows how important/enjoyable it is for me to play music
    November 1 07:55 PM
  • CaptainDooRight yeah bro forming chord progressions is a much more intimate process, i like to just build them piece by piece, that's the fun part, test out how each formation sounds to you but yeah as long as you have the root note you're good, that's the first part, i started out playing classical
    November 1 07:37 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sweet, and thanks man, i have tons of scales, but yeah ill def go over what you sent, looks pretty cool, im always about exploring, looks pretty cool, japanese scales are amongst some of the best from what i know
    November 1 07:31 PM
  • CaptainDooRight oh shii, thanks for the feature request bro, I really wasn't expecting that, you're a good friend man
    November 1 07:21 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sweet bro, flamenco is tits, im way down for that, i taught myself how to play so im sure i could teach myself that in a jippy, i can do some techniques that are like that so yeah ill def keep that in mind as well as checking that band, bookmarked, thanks dudes
    November 1 07:16 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dam that's really good news, you have good tastes man, really tho if there is anything i could improve please don't hesitate to let me know, im always looking to better the way i express myself, thanks again :]
    November 1 06:40 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sup dude I just made a list for my new 18 song that I've been working on all this time. check it maine, it's all done
    November 1 04:52 PM
  • CaptainDooRight It's a combination of many genres. Metal/classical/folk/synth/thematic, the song is 18 minutes and its almost done ill keep u posted bro
    October 30 03:13 PM
  • CaptainDooRight I strongly thought about it,u obvs noticed my rating. There's a possibility I might but I'm wondering if its even necessary. It would take time from my own personal music projects which is why I haven't done anything yet. Got like over 20 als I could rev
    October 29 02:25 AM
  • CaptainDooRight what r buddies 4
    October 29 02:12 AM
  • CaptainDooRight u got it, I'll grant that request
    October 29 01:39 AM
  • CaptainDooRight yea its solid but nothing really new, but a 3 is good tho, imo its a tad above average when i take everything into consideration, i may check out some of the other songs tho to get a better outlook on it
    October 15 10:07 PM
  • CaptainDooRight yeah that song was pretty solid bro, its at about a 3/5 for me based on just that song but it was enjoyable but didn't how much emotional weight for me
    October 15 09:53 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Together we could rule the world!
    October 15 08:51 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dam gina!!
    October 15 07:57 PM
  • CaptainDooRight done
    October 15 07:37 PM
  • CaptainDooRight ;], koo, the first two tracks are the best, the last 3 are weak, guitars aren't the main focus on the album, synths are, an overload of synths
    October 15 07:13 PM
  • CaptainDooRight i see u dug the new wintersun, i was bummed bro 2.5-3/5 for me
    October 15 06:59 PM
  • RunOfTheMill Goddam, the first track is freaking amazing. Love the orchestral work
    October 15 03:17 AM
  • RunOfTheMill woot, thanks!
    October 13 06:06 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sweet thanks bro, im blocked on youtube at my location too which is work but ill check on my phone at break or when i get back to my laptop at home
    September 17 06:36 PM
  • CaptainDooRight damn gotta hear, no worries i can look in up, do you remember what the heading title said?
    September 17 06:03 PM
  • CaptainDooRight omg please email me link to
    September 17 05:26 PM
  • CaptainDooRight I couldn't access that link, wat was it to?
    September 17 04:24 PM
  • RunOfTheMill Wow that was pretty sweet, the Japanese lyrics are pretty fitting as well. All the Galneryus I've heard was in English
    September 14 08:39 PM
  • CaptainDooRight as I am so I may give it a shot too
    September 10 04:29 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Right on bro I've never been a fan but hope it comes out good
    September 10 12:16 AM
  • RunOfTheMill Haha, dude I don't care, I'd be glad to read your review :P
    September 8 04:16 PM
  • Venpts16 Holy crap, that was pretty awesome! I would also say that was one of the cheesiest things I have ever seen, but, considering my music taste, I don't have a single issue with that.
    September 3 11:58 PM
  • Venpts16 Symphonic Power Metal...sounds interesting enough. My only knowledge of the genre comes from Blind Guardian's newer material and Kamelot, but those are both very solid. I need to give that band a try sometime.
    September 2 11:56 PM
  • sl4y3r Hallå där svenne? =)
    September 2 12:09 PM
  • CaptainDooRight I'm glad you ask. I've listened to various songs off it since last weeks time and last I was able to delve even deeper. I'd rate 2.5
    August 31 06:18 PM
  • Venpts16 Okay, you have a point there.
    August 28 12:51 AM
  • Venpts16 I enjoyed Ensiferum's debut, but I never really got into their other stuff. It is good to have a warning about their most recent album though; I'm going to have a lot less time to do stuff like listening to new music, so that was much appreciated (as silly as that sounds).
    August 28 12:33 AM
  • Crysis I was supposed to a while ago when it came out but I just couldn't come up with anything worthwhile to say about it. At this point in time I'm not going to review it because A) I still don't really have a lot to say about it B) I have no time to do the review (started a new job that is consuming my time) and C) Have other releases dibbed to review
    August 25 02:20 AM
  • Venpts16 I have been taking a bit of break from reviewing because I felt that the reviews I most recently wrote weren't that great, and I started taking a little break from reviewing in general. Aside from that, I have been a bit busy with college preparations, so I haven't had as much time with reviewing or listening to music and such. I do plan on trying to put up at least one more review over the next week, though.
    August 23 08:32 PM
  • BodomThrashMachine and since we're on the topic of recs, are there any good power metal bands where the vocalist doesn't sing in falsetto all the time? something power/thrash kinda like rage / old iced earth maybe ? (finland bands like norther don't count)
    August 22 11:51 PM
  • BodomThrashMachine ok will check out. and since you mentioned bodom i gotta say i'm not a big fan anymore, though i still jam some of their pre-blooddrunk stuff every once in a while. it just kinda wore off i guess :sbut i'm thrashing harder than ever \m/
    August 22 11:19 PM
  • BodomThrashMachine would you recommend alcest?
    August 22 09:01 PM
  • BodomThrashMachine no i have no beef with you, it's the system that sucks and whoever thinks 1 ratings like this are an issue is a retard. also like i said in the forum i'm not the one who neg'd, in fact i have some of your reviews as a pos. the others i didn't read.
    August 22 06:21 PM
  • BodomThrashMachine but i was never trolling with that (i only troll sometimes with my comments) the music is simply that ****ing bad. instead they should ban anyone who gives pink floyd or opeth a 2 . would be more useful imo
    August 22 08:30 AM
  • BodomThrashMachine not cool bro. here i am thinking you're a cool dude with good taste in music putting out great reviews and then you gotta pull that s*** on me and call "troll"... -.- ye cuz those bands aren't ****ing gay as ****, right?
    August 22 12:29 AM
  • CaptainDooRight def needs one so i may, albums about a 4 for me, really good stuff, i need several more listens tho to make any determinations
    August 16 04:11 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dl'd it last nite, u gonna rev it?
    August 16 02:34 PM
  • CaptainDooRight thanks for sharing bro, band and album are def solid and tasty
    August 16 05:19 AM
  • Sniff As Nikkolae said on ma This gift is curse review. "V for Vltra Kvlt"
    August 15 02:49 PM
  • Sniff Damn. Samothrace was some phat s***t
    August 15 02:32 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sounds amazing, I'm putting it on my to get list and I look to reading your review for it.
    August 2 05:19 PM
  • CaptainDooRight haha I like your enthusiasm, cool I'm at work right now and will check it once I have a chance. I have heard about this band and seen it all over the place but not sure if I ever checked it. So I'll make sure I do asap, and hey thanks for sharing bro :]
    August 2 04:10 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Sure definitely man, I will. Thanks again :]
    July 29 06:02 PM
  • CaptainDooRight yea I'll prolly redo the vox since that's the main critic. Cool so I guess I'll hit them up man.
    July 28 10:55 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Cool man thanks for really encouraging me. You make a really good point and I'll prolly def do that. I'm a little bummed my vox were fully up to what I was capable of but I'm gonna remix the coz which is easy and repost the album so it sounds a bit better. But hey thanks for the awesome rating bro, and support!!!
    July 28 03:16 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Never thought of that but I guess it could be worth it. Haha not sure what they'd think but I'll consider that man thanks.
    July 28 05:49 AM
  • CaptainDooRight I really wish I had the connects and money for that man cuz I'd be so down for that.
    July 27 06:44 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Thanks for the feedback bro. Because of my living situation I'm not able to full on sing out toy potential so I mainly stuck with my chest voice on this album. Hey thanks for checking it bro. Feel free to dl it to its free.
    July 27 04:45 PM
  • CaptainDooRight check my recent list bro
    July 27 06:50 AM
  • Venpts16 Sounds like a good idea. I take it that they never recovered in quality after, or during, the 1990s?
    July 24 03:31 PM
  • Venpts16 Ah, I misinterpreted what you said. My apologies.
    July 23 09:22 PM
  • Venpts16 Oh okay. They are one of the better power metal bands I've listened to in a while, so I think you might like them. I only listened to three of their more acclaimed albums, but they are all anywhere from pretty awesome to classic. If you want to listen to their stuff, I think you should start with Fourth Legacy or Karma; both are extremely strong power metal albums.
    July 23 04:55 PM
  • Venpts16 That song is pretty good; it is well performed and has good writing. I just feel that their songs are a little cliche, though I'll be sure to listen to more albums by them as time goes on. Lately I have been listening to some of Kamelot's albums; have you ever listened to their material?
    July 23 05:41 AM
  • Venpts16 I feel that Thunder in the East is a great album. It has great performances by the entire band, but sometimes I think the album get a bit cliched with the songwriting. It is a high-quality album, but I wouldn't say it is perfect, to be honest.
    July 23 02:30 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Yeah bro haha at first I was like what is Fictional thinking haha. Totally my fault. But yeah cool I'll check out your review man
    July 22 10:59 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Koo thanks I'll see what I can find. Sounds really solid. What album is their best or which should I go with
    July 22 05:42 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Haha yea still laughing. Sure thing I'll see what I can't find by them. Thanks bro
    July 22 06:21 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Oh s*** lol I did get it wrong it's from a band called loudness. Haha good stuff bro
    July 22 04:04 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Link didn't work at first so maybe I got the wrong song bro
    July 22 04:01 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Oh crap did I get the wrong band. Are they called "last day here"??!?
    July 22 04:00 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Bro what was that, no offense but the music was pretty terrible. I even listened to about 5 other tracks off that album and they're all bad. Vox are solid but the music behind it is weekly composed
    July 22 03:39 AM
  • Venpts16 More Blind Guardian is always good, especially if they plan on spending such a long time on their newest album. At the Edge of Time had some of their best songs, (Sacred World and Wheel of Time in particular) so I'm anxious to see what they will do next.
    July 15 12:24 AM
  • RunOfTheMill Well, I'll have a go at it and see how far that gets. No one said we can't both review it! I was just gonna let you do it, but now I really want to, so there'll just be two reviews haha
    July 13 05:28 AM
  • BirthRite It is true, many have used the word of God in a worthless way and man has free will so that doesn't make the word of God invalid. All it shows it that man is unrighteous, generally speaking. You say that you have no questions but you did not know that the Bible says the soul will and can die. You say you can ask your priest for questions but what about asking God? Is not God the one who has the answers? I respect that you respect your priest but I don't respect that your preist holds back truth.
    July 10 05:03 PM
  • BirthRite Physically it was by man but spiritually by God. 2 Timothy 3:16:17 - "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully comptetent, completely equipped for every good work." Whoever led you to believe only partial Bible parts was misleading you if you need answers you need to search deeper or if you need help, ask me and I'll answer every and any question you have.
    July 10 04:19 PM
  • BirthRite The subconsciousness is very powerful. Whatever she envisioned in her mind are her thoughts but God is not a lyer and what he says in his word the bible is true. I gave you exact scriptural examples, not visions in my mind. Which would you give more credibility to? In reference to an afterlife the bible does talk a resurrection. John 5:28,29 - All those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life..
    July 10 03:44 PM
  • BirthRite Ezekiel 18:4- the soul that is sinning will die. Matthew 10:28- be fearful of he who can kill both soul and body. Ecclesiastes 9:5,10- the dead are conscious of nothing at all. My brother, the soul is not immortal and there is no fiery hell of torment. When you die, so does your soul. Tell me your thoughts my brother.
    July 10 06:11 AM
  • BirthRite ... don't let any church or any man for that matter tell you otherwise. It is God's word that is the supreme word. Not man's. Let me ask you? Does your church teach that everyone's soul is immortal?
    July 9 11:59 PM
  • BirthRite I respectfully disagree. This within wedlock come up with excuses as to their dying love when in reality they are seeking selfish gains and are not humble enough to work through the differences let alone God would be with their honest effots to make things work out. It's the spirit of Satan in this world that wants people to dull their senses into thinking God's laws are partially obsolete. The bible says God has not changed and his laws are still active and present until he changes them.
    July 9 11:51 PM
  • BirthRite Interesting. I don't have netflix but your explanation was definitely sufficient for my understanding. As you know many times before various church denominations have made decrees for political reasons but I'm sure you know what the bible actually says. "God Hates a Divorcing" and Jesus also said that anyone who divorces his wife on grounds other than adultery has commited adultery. So either way a divorcing in God's eyes should never happen unless one of the mates has commited adultery.
    July 9 11:18 PM
  • BirthRite I agree, that is it. No one wants to be humble and give up their power. That same bible refers to the nations of the world and beast's which is very fitting. But it's true not everyone who is poor should be, many take advantage of the system like you mentioned; there are great levels of dishonesty in our world amongst all it seems. But the bible does say all things are possible with God. Can you tell me a little more about the Anglican faith? I haven't heard of that.
    July 9 10:58 PM
  • BirthRite Yeah so we're basically saying that man would need to be humble and productive which is a definite farcry which I'm sure you would agree on haha. And it's true the bible does say to pay Caesar things to Caesar but like mentioned the problems that still persist will continue to persist. If thousands of years of history doesn't prove that then I don't know what will but there is no government in existence who has ever solved mans problems. Do you believe a God/creator exists?
    July 9 10:52 PM
  • BirthRite ...put an end to all the levels of unjustice that is plaguing mankind. And the bible also says that there would be a time when God will wipe out every tear from mans eyes and there would no more wars, poverty, or sadness.
    July 9 09:58 PM
  • BirthRite I'm sorry to hear there's so much violence around that area. I wasn't aware of that. I can understand your support of that. In fact, the bible even says that the law authorities exist only by the allowance of God's permission even though God is against unjust war and so forth. Without law in our current day could you imagine how bad things could be so I fully respect the laws of the land and governments. The bible also says that one day God will crush all the other kingdoms of the world and...
    July 9 09:57 PM
  • Voivod Katorz and Infini share the same rock n' roll style of the eponymous album.
    July 8 03:07 PM
  • Voivod Infini is on the same lane with Katorz, good but less inspired.
    July 8 03:06 PM
  • Voivod The band sets for a more extreme - almost death metal - sound and the industrial influences have come forth. As it is the starting album, Negatron is not so developed, but Phobos is awesome. In the eponymous album, Snake comes back and Voivod go for a more rock n roll style. The record's sole flaw is that it has too many songs. Katorz is great, especially in view of how it was created by the rest of the band using the ideas of Piggy who was sadly deceased.
    July 8 03:05 PM
  • Voivod About the low rated albums: Rrroooaaarrr is very raw thrash, almost like a second debut for Voivod, but it is enjoyable, especially if you also like Venom. Angel Rat is really something different for the band closer to "mainstream" prog rock. The Outer Limits is awesome, don't pay attention to the relatively low rating average. In Negatron and Phobos, there is a complete change in style, since vocalist Snake is no longer part of the band.
    July 8 02:53 PM
  • Voivod 'Killing Technology', 'Dimension Hatross' and 'Nothingface' are indispensable. Listen to those three and then move upward up to the more recent album. As for the albums with a low rating average, the latter is pretty much superficial in my book, as Voivod never recorded a bad album.
    July 8 08:04 AM
  • BirthRite Well you seem like a person who has a good heart and I cannot relate with you unless I ask questions. Here I will tell you something about myself. My father passed away when I was 18 and I miss him but I have comfort. This might be a weird question but how do you fell about war?
    July 8 05:21 AM
  • Venpts16 I found the album pretty underwhelming and boring, to be honest. There was some good stuff on it, but not enough to warrant a higher rating. Granted, only Colony and The Jester Race stood out to me.
    July 7 04:17 PM
  • Venpts16 True. I do enjoy some of the more underrated power metal bands (Iron Savior, Masterplan, Rage, etc.). Thank you for this recommendation, I'm looking forward to hearing some of their albums.
    July 7 03:08 PM
  • Venpts16 That's a pretty awesome song! I might look into these guys in the near future; they remind me of Ecliptica-era Sonata Arctica more than anything, and if the rest of that album is the same quality, this could be anywhere between a 3.5 to a 4.5.
    July 7 04:38 AM
  • Venpts16 Since you seem to be on a reviewing spree for Stratovarius, I suggest considering a review for Episode. It already has a review, but it is a bit biased and is a track-by-track.
    July 6 11:18 PM
  • BirthRite of course im not jesus, but i know who he is, but the important thing is that you realize the reality of things. tell me something about yourself. What is your perception of the world?
    July 6 04:30 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Awesome news bro!!! I can't wait!! Thanks for sharing man!!Haha you definitely know what I'm interested in.
    July 4 06:00 PM
  • Venpts16 Very true. I have read some really funny negative reviews on this site.
    July 3 05:35 AM
  • Venpts16 Its going to be a 1/5 review, I think it is the worst Power Metal album I have ever heard. I absolutely hated that album, so it will probably be a fun review to write.
    July 3 04:21 AM
  • Venpts16 Actually, I did not. You can review it if you want; I actually started coming up with ideas for reviewing Stratovarius's self-titled album.
    July 3 04:06 AM
  • Venpts16 Okay, to each their own. Rage is a bit different than most Power Metal bands, while still keeping plenty of the cliches. Hopefully the next band I suggest to you (whenever this will be) may be better.
    July 1 04:07 PM
  • Venpts16 Thanks again for introducing me to Stratovarius. Though some of their stuff is inconsistent, I'm thinking about giving a few of their albums reviews, like Elements Pt. 1 and Twilight Time.
    June 29 05:31 AM
  • owen Aria Of Sorrow?
    June 28 12:08 PM
  • Venpts16 No problem. The song thrashes hard and is one of the best Testament songs I heard since the early 90s.
    June 27 03:58 AM
  • Venpts16
    June 26 11:37 PM
  • Venpts16 I read your review and listened to the song. Both were/are quite awesome!
    June 26 04:04 AM
  • Venpts16 Yeah Skeletons and Majesties was pretty bad. As for Rage, take your time with listening to other stuff; I don't mind when you listen to their material. Finally, never heard of them; I may look into some of their songs shortly. It seems you have a review for one of their albums, so that may be a good place to start...
    June 26 03:52 AM
  • Venpts16 Awesome! I hope you enjoy their stuff. They are one of my favorite Power Metal bands (with Firewind and Iced Earth).
    June 24 04:25 AM
  • Venpts16 I haven't heard all of their stuff, but my favorites are The Missing Link and Secrets in a Weird World. I do enjoy their recent album 21 because of the heavier sound, too. They are closer to speed metal, and the band's singer has a very distinct, though varied, voice. A lot of the songs are a bit heavier than most power metal bands, which is what makes them better than a lot of their contemporaries.
    June 24 04:09 AM
  • Venpts16 I don't mind! I listened to Mandrake, and it had some pretty strong choruses. I'll give that song a shot too. Speaking of Power Metal, have you ever heard some of Rage's albums? I'm not sure if you have heard of them, and I figured I should rec you something considering all of the suggestions you gave me.
    June 24 03:17 AM
  • Venpts16 Edguy? I listened to one of their albums, but I wasn't too impressed by it (Theater of Salvation). However, I'm interested in exploring more of their material; what album would you say I should listen to next?
    June 23 06:50 AM
  • Venpts16 That sounds interesting, I may try that album out sometime.
    June 20 11:11 PM
  • Venpts16 Thanks for the suggestion! I only have a few more Stratovarius albums to go through anyway, so that will be my next album, then.
    June 19 03:17 PM
  • Venpts16 I do plan on giving it another listen, but it really impressed on my first listen. I like how diverse and melodic it is in comparison to some of their earlier albums.
    June 19 02:32 PM
  • Venpts16 I can see why you said not to listen to Stratovarius's self-titled album. Even though I'm still on the first song, this might be one of the worst Power Metal albums I have ever listened to (along with The Last Supper by Grave Digger and The Crucible of Man by Iced Earth).
    June 18 11:12 PM
  • Cells yooo whats good
    June 17 04:44 PM
  • Venpts16 Ah, I'm personally a big gamer; but thanks for that seal of approval. I remember seeing games like Portrait of Ruin getting really high reviews, but never trying them out for whatever reason. If I ever get the chance to try out those titles, I'll be sure to take the opportunity.
    June 16 03:46 AM
  • Venpts16 Thank you for the explanations! I may look up the games on Youtube to compare them to the games I'm familiar with. I may be able to find them and try them out someday, however. Thank you for your descriptions!
    June 16 03:35 AM
  • Venpts16 Nice! The original few are also really fun, but they are really freaking hard. The original is about six levels long, and I think you can continue at the beginning of the level every time you get a game over...but the only thing I know is that death is very common. That said, would you say the DS games are pretty difficult? I'm a little curious about them now.
    June 16 03:18 AM
  • Venpts16 Song is pretty fun Power Metal, and is a nice listen. I heard one other song other than this before, and it was also really good. These guys aren't too bad.
    June 16 03:07 AM
  • Venpts16 Honestly, I don't really use that much. Only every now-and-then; I only recently got an account on it and I decided to try it out for a little. As for how I get music itself, I do purchase, but I actually try to find a way to listen to the album before I do purchase it to make sure about quality. There are probably other sources I could use to find new albums, but I usually use recommendations and bands I find from here and put them on a list; and listen to an album or two to test them.
    June 16 02:51 AM
  • Venpts16 Alright, and done. I'm looking forward to hearing some of their stuff on!
    June 16 01:13 AM
  • Venpts16 Dickinson and Apollo are some of my favorite singers ever (along with Ralf Scheepers of Primal Fear), so that will be a band I will look into when I need another new Power Metal band. Also thanks for the suggestion about that Firewind list; I'm going to look at it now.
    June 15 11:19 PM
  • Venpts16 I've heard of them, but I never checked out any of their albums. What do they sound like (within the Power Metal umbrella), and where should I start?
    June 15 10:57 PM
  • Venpts16 That's an impressive combination...I certainly need to listen to that.
    June 15 02:49 AM
  • Venpts16 That sounds like a good next step, though I am also interested in his stuff from Edge of Sanity. I listened to a little bit of Crimson II, and I was really impressed; so both I and Crimson II are probably going to be my next two tastes of Dan Swano's work.
    June 15 02:32 AM
  • Venpts16 I listened to Nightingale's debut, and I really enjoyed it! It was very different from the stuff I usually listen to, but it was pretty awesome. Thank you for the recommendation!
    June 15 02:17 AM
  • Crysis I would if a) I have heard more from the band and b) liked the band more. I was offered the promo but turned it down because new Candlemass doesn't really interest me unfortunately. Sorry man.
    June 15 01:45 AM
  • Necrotica Actually, he's done a few of those :P
    June 11 01:10 AM
  • Venpts16 He is as awesome as Chuck Schuldiner? Wow, I really need to listen to this stuff!
    June 9 08:53 PM
  • Venpts16 Thank you for that explanation! I knew there was something unusual, yet awesome, about that Dreamreader song. Shadowman was also a little unusual compared to the stuff I listened to.
    June 9 02:20 AM
  • Venpts16 Though Shadowman is a little bit worse than Dreamreader in my ears, I'd say that I'm incredibly impressed. I'm certainly going to check out some of their albums; I love how unique their style is!
    June 9 01:26 AM

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