
Reviews 57
Approval 79%

Soundoffs 145
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 6
Album Edits 45

Album Ratings 515
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 07-02-22 4:52 am
Joined 03-25-09

Review Comments 37,227

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Futures thanks man, means a lot to me. and sorry to hear dude, it's scary stuff when you have no clue what is going to happen. if you ever need to vent or whatever, i'm here. i get it. but anyway island vacation, sounds awesome lol. where was it? and yeah i think prometheus is a super underrated album, love how experimental it is. and electronic is a genre i really need to deep dive into soon, always meant to with aphex, box, autechre. gotta get to it this year.
    June 21 02:28 AM
  • Futures but yes absolutely music has helped me a ton lately. i was on a huge black metal binge and jammed all of emeperor which is now one of my favorite bands. and doing a sabbath discog jam chronologically for the first time ever. been an absolute blast. how about you man?
    June 11 07:37 PM
  • Futures really sorry to hear that man. hope you can battle through that and it isn't life long. it's a cancer that like 100 people a year get unfortunately and there isn't too much data but it isn't good. it just keeps coming back until it eventually does you in. i've kind of accepted that fact. but you know the 5 year prognosis was like 20% so i'm just lucky to be here and maybe i can get a miracle.
    June 11 07:35 PM
  • budgie anywheeeeeeere u aaaaaare. i wanna b wwith uuu
    June 11 05:14 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell nioh is the opposite of souls in that the first playthrough is really just a warmup for a longer combat RPG experience and the mechanics and build specificities run easily deep enough to support this. enemy placement gets a major switchup after ng 2 (and 1 can be cleared p fast) so stick at it. DLC is awesome for the first two packs and the first mission of the third (which comes with a few killer functions for the rest of the game so whatev)
    June 10 02:54 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hmmmmm don't use dual swords, go spear or switchglaive for a fun run, odachi kinda cool too but not as mobile a game, use yokai abilities all the time for big fun, play NG cycles to get the most out of the game and rly get into your character
    June 10 02:52 AM
  • Futures long story for health lol. i think you know i've got cancer right? been 9 years now so i am lucky but man it's been tough. so many ups and downs. right now i've been dealing with a case of pneumonia for about 4 months now that was caused by my treatment. just won't go away, been really frustrating. how about you? hopefully nothing bad man.
    June 9 09:26 PM
  • Futures yeah crazy that happened to me as well, must be pretty common. i just dropped off and didn't jam much at all let alone new stuff. now i'm checking at least like 4-5 new albums a week like back in the day. that's cool to hear about your music man, let me know when you release something!
    June 9 09:23 PM
  • Futures believe me i know about health in the toilet haha. hopefully looking up but i can never know for sure. i hope it's nothing too serious dude. didn't know you made music though, what you working on? i haven't been up to much. lots of downtime due to health unfortunately but during this period i rediscovered my passion for music, jamming new stuff almost daily like i did when i first joined this site, feels really good.
    June 5 04:21 AM
  • budgie i met u the year i stopped fearing my body. the skies split open above me
    June 2 10:24 PM
  • Futures sup gyro, good to see you still around on here. you were such a fixture of the good ol days haha. hope you've been well man.
    June 2 08:29 PM
  • budgie r u mad at me.....
    June 2 01:48 AM
  • Wildcardbitchesss can I get a woo?
    May 21 01:11 AM
  • nol snakes in the grass ???
    May 13 02:28 AM
  • DoofDoof Yeah, I nearly quit this place and would have been pretty happy with the other two sites I use...but this place is the best for casual chat about albums. RYM is great for most things except chat, the comments boxes are often a bigger s***show than the worst threads here! RYM you can rate films too, I definitely relate to the obsession with rating, think maybe a need for some sort of background order in my life :/
    March 7 01:28 PM
  • DoofDoof If you want to see my thoughts on most of what I'm listening to, plus the dubious bonus of my attempted humorous soundoff style jokes, then there's always...
    March 6 10:20 AM
  • DoofDoof Just saw your comment - yeah join RYM, most of the gang is also there (Johnny, Boney, anat, etc etc)
    March 6 10:17 AM
  • DoofDoof He's riffing off my wonderful established rep here I guess but one thing I have never done here or anywhere else online is go to another thread and reference someone by name in a negative light out of the blue referring to some other thing - I mean it is an internet forum, you don't actually know someone! Just seems too much and too online but it got a response from me today. I ignore the bloke, same as a couple of others. I don't even dislike Rowan at all though, just nothing in common lol
    January 19 07:21 PM
  • DoofDoof The idea anyone could get shocked or upset by anyone in showbiz declaring they had a bisexual or gay past is a fun notion though - I like it. Old school.
    January 19 06:35 PM
  • DoofDoof I'm glad you think that is a fight worth fighting but it probably isn't a fight worth fighting lol - that same comment about that chorus has got 50 likes on AOTY now. I love this place though, unique maybe.
    January 19 06:31 PM
  • DoofDoof Solo album by the Midlake singer is immense, better than the safer 'mid tempo soft rock/electric folk' Midlake for my tastes, thought I also quite like that band. Album is Harp - Albion.
    December 3 10:44 AM
  • DoofDoof I rate Kelvingrove Baby a tiny bit above Sirenesque, it is quite different, has a bit more variety. Def this version not the spotify one:
    November 16 01:29 PM
  • DoofDoof A warning with The Bathers - the spotify versions of their old albums are recent re-recordings and they are...not very good. If you want to try any older stuff then seek out the originals, they sounds totally different and are classics.
    November 16 12:02 PM
  • DoofDoof I will be putting up a full list based on my 2023 scrobbles again so expect that the end of December ;)
    November 11 07:53 AM
  • DoofDoof Yeah he makes a few strange production choices on that album but some of the songs are among his absolute best. Erm, recs?my AOTY I always feel is a risky one because some people find it too old and croaky, but The Bathers is top for me. The Anohni was surprisingly great. The Sparklehorse posthumous album was solid. The Matthew Halsall if you like modern jazz, the Jonny Nash if you dig ambient.
    November 11 07:53 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell lol it is not over check the list tab
    September 8 03:00 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell the time is now you must vote
    August 30 03:03 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Fr lol I've heard a steady enough stream of decent records this year not to get too hung up on it, but the Big Highlights are not coming thick and fast. New Yeule got announced about 20 mins ago btw (but it's a different direction and I'm keeping my expectations in check)
    July 12 04:39 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell
    July 10 12:21 AM
  • Fugue Matty! It's my once-every-2-year reappearance. Really trying to get back into music as I've slipped a lot. How are things with you mate? You probably saw I got rid of Facebook last year which was good for me but had the unforseen consequence of severing my connections to Internet friends. We should catch up for sure though.
    June 24 08:29 AM
  • DoofDoof No one showed Jonsi the cover, sneaky
    June 19 09:07 PM
  • PotsyTater Sup you made finals for the rec comp plz submit a follow up rec
    June 4 10:11 PM
  • PotsyTater I need a rec from you for rec comp II, can?t have my finalists chickening out
    May 31 12:06 AM
  • PotsyTater i need a rebuttal rec from you for comp cuz u placed bronze
    April 15 01:13 AM
  • Sowing what's up?
    March 6 06:13 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hey yeah, do you have discord?
    March 6 05:50 PM
  • pizzamachine The font appears normal to me but weird for everyone else, believe it or not haha
    January 26 03:58 AM
  • pizzamachine It is a mystery that eludes and haunts me
    January 26 03:19 AM
  • Sowing Sent you an email in response!
    January 26 12:57 AM
  • robertsona check goodfight - "aqua gorilla"
    January 5 03:26 AM
  • foxblood based
    October 30 03:33 PM
  • Colton i'll do it if you say something cool or funny right now
    October 20 02:18 AM
  • Colton very enticing offer gonna have to pass though
    October 19 04:17 PM
  • Sowing Album art is fixed now but you might have to clear your cache. If there are others you need let me know!
    October 19 12:23 AM
  • Sowing You're right in that everything needs approval. Usually if something isn't passing through, it's because the size or dimensions are too large (500x500 max, no more than 200kb) and obviously it needs to be a .jpg. With that said, I'm semi-aware of an issue where edits to existing albums don't work at all when tied to certain account levels (i.e. non-staff), so if you know of a specific case that isn't working let me know and I'll fix it myself.
    October 18 06:06 PM
  • Sowing I can relate to that all too well, lol. Every few years I vow to rate more strictly then I inevitably fail in said goal as soon as I get overly hyped about something and need that insta-5 review. I think I'm wipe-free since 2018ish, I've come to embrace the fact that me getting insanely excited about comparatively normal indie/folk is as meme-worthy as any of this site's random quirks. Glad you have everything backed up (I should have been doing that for years)!
    October 6 10:57 AM
  • Sowing I wiped your ratings. The soundoffs don't technically get removed, but chances are you'll forget about most of them unless you re-rate an album since there's no one place to "view soundoffs".
    October 6 10:21 AM
  • DoofDoof wjords fayeeelllll, rayyyy-tiiieeeeeeengs fail
    September 30 07:34 AM
  • Colton delete your 1 and maybe Diamond Dogs can have its 3.9 back
    September 30 05:38 AM
  • Colton i am literally in the fungal realm rn shut up
    September 30 05:13 AM
  • Dewinged oh c'mooooon lol
    September 30 05:01 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell my hateboner literally wilting in contempt rn
    September 30 02:22 AM
  • FreakMachine Aha that was kinda funny ngl :D Sorry if that seemed really egotistical, I'm just sick of people on this site being okay in comments one second then telling me that I should die the next lol. But cheers man :)
    September 24 08:07 PM
  • hxciluvatarhxc i hope youre having a great life my dude
    September 20 06:20 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell vote britney
    September 5 11:49 PM
  • robertsona Gonna be interviewing Shabazz Palaces for my Day In Day Out piece (see most recent list) s***'s gonna rip
    August 4 12:50 AM
  • DoofDoof Yeah Tom and Roman are both comedy gold throughout, Greg too sort of
    August 2 10:42 PM
  • DoofDoof Thanks for checking the list though :)
    July 31 08:59 PM
  • DoofDoof Last season of Peaky wallowed a bit in its own darkness, mixed feelings about it, def not one of the strongest seasons but also for me it delivered enough in the end
    July 31 08:59 PM
  • DoofDoof Succession is character driven, it gets funnier, guess I really got into it first season with the stag do/wedding eps. For me the closest to the sort of nuanced acting and dialogue you would get on the stage, the best thing I have watched in the last year. Have heard a lot of people dont get it though so you wouldnt be alone
    July 31 08:55 PM
  • DoofDoof Hey man did you check my RYM drama series tv list, might get some ideas. Also have a separate one for comedy but I dont tend to watch/find as many comedies recently:
    July 31 02:39 PM
  • pizzamachine I really don?t think you?re such a lost cause as you seem to think you are lol
    July 26 07:46 PM
  • pizzamachine Haha well, you can?t change what people think unfortunately and people are generally assholes (including me sometimes :S), but reputations can definitely be changed! I wouldn?t give up on anything just yet - who really gives a s*** what people think lol
    July 26 07:44 PM
  • pizzamachine Yeah, I should slow down but I keep finding great music lol. Honestly, I could definitely go for more ?staff worthy? reviews if I focused hard, but I?m not sure if it?s worth it because my contributor status was revoked and who knows if I?ll ever get it back, so I might as well have some fun doing jokey reviews in the mean time. I mean, what are the chances a loose cannon like me could ever be staff lol.
    July 26 04:22 PM
  • pizzamachine Oh, and you?re right my review sucks.
    July 26 03:48 PM
  • pizzamachine I regret we ever squabbled. I was much less than gracious with you, it was embarrassing. Btw, I miss reading your reviews, for real. You and SowingSeason were the most inspirational reviewers for me back in the day. Y?all had a way of doing apt depictions that I usually could not match. I think it?s dumb they revoked your contributor status. Just thought you should know. Aight take that with a grain of salt or however you want.
    July 26 01:53 PM
  • robertsona Album by Danielson
    July 18 11:36 PM
  • robertsona Ships (2006). You literally have to.
    July 18 09:59 PM
  • Colton you're basically a ben shapiro wannabe that embodies the same energy as people on instagram who post motivation financial quotes over pictures of movie characters in suits
    July 16 05:33 AM
  • Colton your spiral has been amusing to watch
    July 16 02:53 AM
  • Colton jesus isn't real
    June 24 09:12 PM
  • CaliggyJack A modd it i assume
    June 2 01:20 AM
  • birdsoul Dear lady Princess it has been years of regret, in deeply to shower together in three I miss you lots of love God Fabio.
    May 24 03:47 PM
  • Mort. yeh im good now thanks. could have also expressed my opinion better in the first place. just honestly, ive heard people use etymology to justify a lot of nasty stuff so i always get a bit antangonist when i get a whiff of people using it. also lol at my comment at having better things to do and now im still here rofl
    May 19 07:37 AM
  • Mort. getting called retard just really riles me up for personal reasons (hence why i was invovled in the review thread in the first place) doesnt excuse my words but regardless apologies
    May 19 07:35 AM
  • Mort. i just took a step back and am incredibly ashamed of what i just put in your shoutbox. apologies
    May 19 07:34 AM
  • Sowing Damn that sucks about the covid. Ironically, I'm positive for that as well (apparently you can get the flu and covid at the same time -- lucky me!) and my wife and kids have it too. Hopefully you and your gf have a mild case of it and recover quickly! Thanks also for following my list - it always makes it feel more worthwhile to know people are getting something out of it. :-)
    May 11 03:38 PM
  • Koris birb
    May 9 03:23 AM
  • Sowing Yeah I remember you telling me about all the medical stuff. It crosses my mind from time to time and I've been meaning to check in. Best wishes with the results! All is good on my front, other than the fact that I've been sick with a cold, strep, then the flu (in that order) so if I end up 100% healthy at some point this year it'll feel like a miracle.
    May 8 05:26 PM
  • Sowing Hope you've been doing well!
    May 7 12:03 AM
  • ArsMoriendi listen to new Melody's Echo Chamber tbh
    April 30 01:15 AM
  • pizzamachine Sorry for calling you a ****. Could?ve been nicer but I was going for shock tactics
    April 25 05:11 PM
  • pizzamachine Yeah, you just needed to stfu and leave the conversation alone but y?all both blew it out of proportion and of course had to have the last goddamn word and I was just ****ing sick of it. But I don?t think any of you are inherently bad people, y?all just lost it. But no I?m not trying to judge you, I still think you?re pretty cool if that makes any sense lol
    April 25 04:14 PM
  • SteakByrnes haha thanks man I love it, was looking for a new one for a while and then stumbled on that pixel art artorias and knew I needed to use it
    April 18 05:27 PM
  • Colton not even a good pasta won?t catch on
    April 1 03:22 PM
  • robertsona Mar 06, 3 44 46 PM.mp4 or just this. my sis' apartmentkwamya = Mar 06, 3 27 45 PM.mp4really fun you gotta make it to the next one
    March 8 12:16 AM
  • robertsona Check March casual convo thread for short vids of kwamya and kissed
    March 7 01:20 AM
  • robertsona Loved the latter two, first one not as much
    February 8 12:05 AM
  • robertsona not yet unfortunately gonna check em in a sec tho
    February 7 05:06 PM
  • Relinquished my guy put some ?spekt on the family name Wolfe lol, thanks I?ll get around to it
    November 2 05:09 AM
  • Hyperion1001 sup buddy, been doin great actually, hbu? gonna check today while I?m studying chemistry. thanks for the heads up!
    November 1 03:28 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup You have to take 3 grams of shrooms even as a noob
    October 24 06:02 PM
  • robertsona hbu?
    October 24 03:05 PM
  • robertsona Killed it again tbh. Maybe the slightest step down, maybe would have made different production decisions myself, but fuego withal
    October 22 09:07 PM
  • robertsona new moon kissed
    October 22 12:19 PM
  • Colton y sufjan 1
    September 30 06:12 PM
  • robertsona new moon kissed october 22. will be at the release show. singles been slappin tho
    September 21 12:11 AM
  • robertsona New buffalo?s ?last beautiful day? album ! You Shall enjoy
    August 31 12:55 AM
  • TheSonomaDude How?d you do buddy
    August 24 05:21 PM
  • TheSonomaDude Totally understandable. Edibles are their own ****ing beast bro. Shrooms
    August 24 05:46 AM
  • TheSonomaDude Ah okay. I misread your post as just 10 minutes and not 3h10m. The .6 should still be in your system but after 3h Idk if .8 will do much. You'll experience a bit but it will probably not be too exciting
    August 24 05:40 AM
  • TheSonomaDude wait did you take it yet?
    August 24 05:34 AM
  • TheSonomaDude That should equal out to about 1.5 grams, which is a good entry dose. 0.6 wont give you a whole lot on an empty stomach. it can usually take 10-20 minutes to kick in so be patient, but 1.5 should not be bad. Just relax and have a good time homie
    August 24 05:24 AM
  • robertsona Well on my way to Booking Moon Kissed and Julia Kwamya for a two-act super socially distanced backyard concert this summer in NYC holla if you hear me. Very pumped hope you?ve been well man
    April 20 05:33 PM
  • robertsona I think you?ll definitely like it
    April 3 08:49 PM
  • robertsona
    April 2 06:25 PM
  • Gnocchi Thanks Matt how you been lately
    March 29 06:37 PM
  • Dewinged Didn't want to your comment my dude, but it really looked like crap on mobile, apologies!
    March 9 11:27 AM
  • Koris lol, it?s all good man, I know what you meant. I honestly wasn?t even expecting to get promoted again... not because of the Necrotica stuff but rather because of how wishy-washy I?d been about getting reinstated again. Glad it all turned out well though :]
    March 3 09:09 AM
  • ClungeAbsentia nice
    March 1 10:22 PM
  • Dewinged Whoa surreal man, thanks Gyro!
    March 1 09:20 PM
  • Sowing I'll have to read it. Life's been kicking my ass so I've barely been on lately.
    March 1 09:18 PM
  • Sowing It was removed? That's weird...not even sure what that was about. Anyway, well let you know what I think of Knox for sure. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
    March 1 08:55 PM
  • Sowing Hope you know I was just playing around with that soundoff ;-) I'll check Daniel Knox soon. People keep recommending him to me.
    March 1 08:33 PM
  • DoofDoof Not sure I would say RYM is better than are a grain of sand there, you can post something and have zero feedback for ages, and the format is such that chat on album pages is really difficult (there is a comments box but the format is not great for having an open conversation). Posting lists you want to keep adding to is much better there, and searching for albums through their lists (by genre, etc) is well worth it.
    February 22 05:54 PM
  • DoofDoof I agree its album of the year so far, Fool in the Heart best song so far too - I cant see me writing a review yet, pretty busy with the newborn and just getting online and getting some listening in is about the limit...although I am still trying to do my 'Band of the Week' feature on RYM:
    February 21 08:26 PM
  • DoofDoof that plummy voice of his - I havent done a full length review in ages though
    February 20 08:56 PM
  • DoofDoof thanks for the support as always, people been treating you alright here in my absence? you did ask me 'why do you bother posting here anymore?' and I am still not totally sure but I missed talking to enough people here I thought it would be fun to return
    February 16 09:34 PM
  • robertsona hahah yeah yeah caught me off guard too. guess thats the covid livestream vibe
    February 13 02:20 AM
  • robertsona ah dope man, and that was a great set. Only knew "shake" and that's not even on an album. yeahhhhhh
    February 13 02:09 AM
  • robertsona sorta crazy that none of these songs were in the bowery electric set lol, had no idea they had more in their repertoire (than the bowery electric I Met My Band material)
    February 13 02:00 AM
  • robertsona yeah that second song ruuuuuled
    February 13 01:57 AM
  • robertsona I thought I knew all of their songs but apparently not--starting with not one but two that I've never heard!! s*** rips yah
    February 13 01:46 AM
  • robertsona alright, on next
    February 13 01:36 AM
  • robertsona the non-moon kissed band is going first, fwiw
    February 13 01:01 AM
  • robertsona hell yah dude moon kissed for all!
    February 13 12:42 AM
  • robertsona link is password is PANICMANIA
    February 13 12:39 AM
  • robertsona hell yeah man, will send you the link/pw when they send it to me (~730pm est half hour before the show)
    February 12 09:54 PM
  • robertsona Moonkissed live stream tomorrow if ur free. Will be actually high quality. Can send link if interested (8pm est)
    February 12 12:26 AM
  • Fugue I'm glad you are mostly well but that's concerning to hear about your health. Is there anything you can do about it? I'm fine too just sick of this pandemic and the isolation at this point. I picked a great year to live alone... Yes Punisher was definitely my most played album of the year, there's not a song on it that I don't love. To be fair though there are a lot of albums I've missed over the past couple of years so I have a good amount of digging to do - sort of why I ended up back here.
    February 11 11:37 PM
  • Fugue It has been a while hasn't it dude. How've you been keeping? Yes Windswept Adan is fantastic, and I also see that you also love my favourite album of 2020 so I can't go too hard on you!
    February 11 06:08 PM
  • Fugue The stupid question mark is supposed to be a breaking heart emoji but I'm glad to see that apparently sput is still stuck in the dark ages
    February 10 06:06 PM
  • Fugue I login to sputnik for the first time in an age to find out my best music bro doesn't like the Black Country, New Road album ?
    February 10 05:50 PM
  • osmark86 [con't] rant out hahaha. I wish you the best man and I'm always open for questions if you have any mate. you'll succeed.
    February 9 04:05 PM
  • osmark86 [con't] speaking of collabs, absolutely mate. I think that's a fun way of getting motivation and working outside of your own comfort zone and box so to speak. once you feel a bit comfortable with music production I think that sounds like a cool thing to try. another tip, try setting up small rules and limitations for yourself. like, only use bird sounds for percussion hits. or the song you're making has to have a tempo change at some point. this really helps you with creativity.
    February 9 04:04 PM
  • osmark86 [con't] time and effort ^^. if you're deadset on this and you see that it will help your future career (it defo will mate), then channel that inner motivation. find ways of making the things you want to learn fun. if it isn't fun you won't be motivated. but persevere and you'll thank yourself later when you start to slowly master things. it's hugely rewarding!
    February 9 04:02 PM
  • osmark86 [con't] also if you're planning on learning programming I highly recommend getting down the basic concepts (object-orientation since you want to learn C#, data types, concurency, abstraction levels, inheritance, garbage collection etc...). learning programming takes a while, but there are a million resources out there. but learning the basic concepts help you google the correct solutions and understanding how to adjust them to your own program. it's not easy, and again, will require a lot of
    February 9 04:00 PM
  • osmark86 [con't] that day to focus only on reverb. I also recommend trying to emulate the style of a particular producer you like. there are multitudes of tuts that do "in the style of" genre or artist that are super-helpful (mostly). as for photoshop, same thing there. I've been starting to learn a bit of that too because COVID and boredome hahaha. I actually started having paint nights with a couple of friends where we hang out on Discord and paint together. doing that really has helped me progress.
    February 9 03:58 PM
  • osmark86 Ableton is proprietary but yknow..ways of the webs n all. will purchase it soon though lol. I switched to it because I prefer the workflow compared to FL Studio which I used before. I wish I could say there's a simple formula, but like with learning anything it's a grind. I think the best advice would be is to (like in programming incidentally) break the "problem" down into bitsize chunks and learn bit by bit. like take a day where you say "I want to understand how reverb works". then just use
    February 9 03:56 PM
  • osmark86
    February 9 02:37 PM
  • osmark86 I'm not sure about specific tutorials for Reason since I don't use it, but I'm sure there is plenty of resources on yt. as for synthesis, I would type in "basics of synthesis" in yt or the name of the synth you wish to learn and tutorial. there are a myriad of excellent yt channels (some more advanced, some more basic) that you can find. Computer Music Magazine has some great tutorials for one.
    February 9 02:35 PM
  • osmark86 I totally understand that mate, I've been there ;). I think a good piece of advice is to just focus on like one synth and try to learn all that it can do. Check the presets for the synth and how the different dials affect the output. usually you'll have one envelope (ADSR controller) that shapes the master volume of the sound. like a slow attack means that the sounds creeps in slower when you play a note for example. longer release means that the sound takes longer to reach silence after you
    February 9 02:33 PM
  • osmark86 release the note, and so forth. LFOs are basically continuous oscillators (waveforms really, like sines) that pulse at inaudible frequences (below 20Hz). these are commonly used to create wobbles in like dubstep when they're assigned to volume knobs, but can usually be assinged to all sorts of things such as pitch.
    February 9 02:33 PM
  • osmark86 it takes a while and it can seem very unintuitive at first, but after a while you'll start to get the hang of it. just experiment a little and you'll start to pick things up! it really kind of is like learning a language, but a very fun and creative one. music production is one of those things where you just continue to grow with it and that's part of the fun. I'm still learning a ton and I'm far from an expert at it. but man it's satisfying when you get happy accidents and just roll with it.
    February 9 02:32 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts "Yo long time fan bro i swear, you just suck now is all no hard feelings..."
    February 7 06:06 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Yeah wff I never would have said anything if I knew he was patrolling his videos lmao. Especially when his cringe lyrics make him out to be such a damn softcock like I might have actually hurt his feelings and now IM the dick for just having an opinion after listening to the dude for a ****ing decade lmao
    February 7 04:18 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i feel bad lmao
    February 7 03:31 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts I have no idea what he meant tho
    February 7 03:18 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Lol I dropped a comment on the Ritalin music video about onrys lyrics being cringe and he responded
    February 7 03:01 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts lol I honestly don't hate this as much as you guys do. Everything Onry contributes is 1/5 but I really don't think Zavala's production has suffered. It's unfortunate that it can't be bolstered by some actually good hooks and maybe a Reva Devito feat or two or something but that comes down to Onry failing again imo. When they inevitably release the instrumental version I'll probably get some listens out of it.
    February 5 12:45 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i like all of the beats so far but yeah onry sucks
    February 4 12:32 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts like i get that he has a kid but all these millennial and gen z internet culture references and s*** are cringe enough without them coming from a ****ing middle aged man with blue hair dressed in a spooky skeleton suit
    February 4 12:27 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i actually really like the instrumental of star scream, feeling like this entire thing is going to boil down to onry's weird little midlife crisis ruining everything
    February 4 12:22 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts yo dont even worry about it i just found it on slsk
    February 3 11:25 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts no i have an old mac so i dont have winrar so that might be the prob. i actually prefer non flac anyway if it's no trouble lol i don't have anything to convert it with so i was gonna have to find something online lol
    February 3 11:16 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts couple weeks couple hours whats the diff lol. and aight thanks man, i do appreciate it, i'm excited to hear the whole thing even tho it's not looking so good lol.
    February 3 10:43 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts shiii, i alreadyd the files i'm not sure which weren't working. don't worry about it too much tho no big deal to wait a couple more weeks. holy **** the lyrics on ritalin tho... yikes.
    February 3 10:31 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts got the link but the file is partially corrupted, only half the tracks are able to be unzipped!
    February 3 09:32 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Will check for it soon as I can get to my comp
    February 3 08:14 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Kk thanks man!
    February 3 06:53 PM
  • aok Basically tower defense except you play a live person and have a certain amount of elixir which grows. 3 puny skeletons costs 1 elixir, a huge golem costs 8, that sort of thing
    January 16 12:34 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts The doctor who song was one I particularly hated hahah. And the outro
    January 13 10:16 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts lol i just listened to it and i honestly thought it was terrible woops
    January 13 08:27 PM
  • aok You ever play clash royale ? I bet you'd be super into that game
    January 12 08:05 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts actually i just remembered that The KLF released some kind of comp this month, I haven't checked it yet but thats the one thing that did pique my interest
    January 11 10:19 PM
  • parksungjoon
    January 11 04:47 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Honestly nothing has caught my attention yet
    January 10 11:21 PM
  • ZippaThaRippa Liked what you said in your list, chief.
    December 20 02:13 PM
  • Pon It's all good man. I firmly believe in the ability of people to grow and change for the better (or worse, it should be said), and I really hope this new outlook of yours sticks. I'm also quite embarrassed for how much I contributed to the general toxicity of the site a couple years ago, but the difference is I've not had the humility or cojones to announce it publicly lol
    December 15 04:08 AM
  • robertsona it's good, very good, but the live videos sort of spoil you: they sound better with live drums generally, more energy, just somethin about it
    December 11 07:22 PM
  • robertsona ah I should, i'll prob wait til the new one comes out since it'll theoretically have "strange satisfaction," "bubblegum," "money mouth" et al. so it might be better than the mini-alb they released last year. sowing said he might review the latter if he had time but I think he's rocking babies to sleep n s*** these days
    December 11 07:19 PM
  • robertsona was terrible because of the quality: me and my friend ended up just re-watching the bowery electric video lmao
    December 11 07:01 PM
  • robertsona moon kissed livestream december 10 8pm est check their instagram if youre curious
    December 7 08:27 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Also the vought ceo guy who recruits storefront to the seven is black and knows she's a white supremacist lol
    December 7 05:31 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts I'll give that a peep later. But yeah as far as I know the only gender swapped character so far is stormfront, whose whole shtick in both the comics and the show is that they are a literal nazi, so seems less like a virtual signal and more just that they wanted to give homelander a love interest to me. They also introduced a villainous AOC stand-in, which some people were butthurt, so although there is lots of social commentary and political satire i wouldn't say it has a lopsided agenda
    December 7 05:27 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Let me know if it gets any better lol. And yeah tbh saying the boys is super sjw is pretty retarded, give it a shot ull like it
    December 3 10:55 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Amazon prime is worth getting for The Boys though if you haven't watched that, and then you could always sample Preacher for yourself while you have it
    December 3 07:27 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts I watched the first couple episodes because reliable sources of mine like the comics a lot and I also like the two actors from Misfits that are in it. I honestly didn't like it much tho. I've heard that it takesa while to get its footing and then it gets great however
    December 3 07:27 PM
  • robertsona oh jeez, what do you think it is? stay well brother, and have a good thanksgiving
    November 25 09:04 PM
  • robertsona one more the first song they play might be even better than all the others in that other video. hope yr doin good
    November 23 09:57 PM
  • robertsona Loved the Braids album Native Speaker but never kept up with them...that album rules though
    November 19 11:02 PM
  • robertsona my fav song is 17:30 if youre looking to sample. not 100% sure youd like but check it
    November 16 06:28 PM
  • robertsona great songs by an nyc synthpop band. its sugary but lmk if you like it. live performance, not a huge fan of the first song but from then on...a lot of them are unreleased too which is one of the few positives of this livestream environment (bands are "releasing"/performing songs that only ppl who are in their city would normally see)
    November 16 06:25 PM
  • hogan900 Their last album is alright. Absence and filthy tongues are my two favs, the production on filthy tongues is just so disgusting. Sucks the group isn?t talked about around here too often, had to go to rym to dig it up.
    October 27 04:34 AM
  • hogan900 Ah ratings wipe trolling me. Ya that?s prob top 5 hip hop for me
    October 26 04:13 PM
  • hogan900 About time u listened to dalek
    October 26 02:56 PM
  • Slex Yeah it's cool, I spaz too much anyways
    September 28 04:33 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Considering how unforgiving I've been of you I dont think you owe me an apology but I'll keep an open mind to seeing you achieve this pursuit of self growth
    September 28 01:20 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup you make me feel spoiled
    August 24 08:31 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup when the next hopesfall album comes out you have to promise not to comment on it. you owe it for last time.
    August 21 03:21 PM
  • robertsona try out thanks for coming - "stephen hawking's goldfish analogy" you might like it! ok its not from this year but itis a good friend. if you want something from this year try out "audience of summer" by miserable chillers. his voice is divisive but he's my boy and the album is excelente
    August 17 07:05 PM
  • DoofDoof Im sort of losing Logic - this place does that to you. I will probably get banned
    August 14 05:24 PM
  • DoofDoof Im not really
    August 14 04:53 PM
  • Sowing is that a real 1 or a lol 1 because I can't take the suspense
    August 9 11:59 AM
  • Slex Hot damn I love it
    July 28 11:19 PM
  • BlushfulHippocrene Will give CotM a go, thanks heaps. It's not too expensive on Steam, might get it tonight.
    July 19 12:31 AM
  • luci yes the flute melody and the "in your favor" vocal. the main climax reminds me of a volcano, i keep returning for that part
    July 13 09:29 AM
  • luci my rajneesh isn't on the album yeah. america is alright but not nearly as mindblowing
    July 13 09:13 AM
  • luci heard sufjan's my rajneesh? it's my current soty
    July 13 09:00 AM
  • BlushfulHippocrene You reckon going straight into Castlevania would be too much if I'm not super familiar with more modern metroidvanias? Cheers again, think I've found exactly what I was looking for. :3
    July 13 02:52 AM

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