
Reviews 78
Soundoffs 1,637
News Articles 66
Band Edits + Tags 871
Album Edits 1,076

Album Ratings 3023
Objectivity 80%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

Review Comments 8,124

shoutbox » all posts 
  • neekafat It surprised me too but it ****ing rips!!! Def my kinda metal
    July 16 09:49 PM
  • Hawks Your soundoff for 200 Stab Wounds is spot on bro!! So much better than their debut.
    July 3 02:58 PM
  • budgie
    June 28 05:25 AM
  • Hawks That demo is incredible DAMN!!! Have u jammed any Phantom Spire yet??? I think u would dig ahrd.
    May 16 02:48 AM
  • Hawks Oh hell yeah I will be jamming that on my way home from work tonight!
    May 15 06:39 PM
  • Hawks LMAO SORRY BRO!!! That's honestly how I review in general. I hear something and it inspires me to write something on the spot lmao. Morgul Blade def needs one! More people gotta hear it. :]
    May 13 05:46 PM
  • Hawks Hey buddy sorry if I stepped on ur toes a bit with reviewing Order of Nosferat! I jammed it and got inspired to write something up lol. Also jamming that Morgul Blade album right now and it is so damn good!
    May 13 05:30 PM
  • Futures i've been checking the soundoffs lately, found a few cool underseen bands that way! got me in the habit of writing them myself, even wrote one for order of nosferat. just 10 minute quick thoughts, might expand into reviews again. can't wait to read that review man!
    May 12 08:49 PM
  • Futures checked out order of nosferat because of your soundoff! really awesome stuff. like if 2nd wave bm never stopped and kept evolving. such fun stuff. hope you're gonna review it!
    May 10 07:28 PM
  • budgie i like the synths! thx
    May 7 09:31 PM
  • ThyCrossAwaits YESSSSS I feel like I?ve been alone on this hill defending Black Cascade forever lol
    April 24 12:21 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki he is a magic knight his main sword floats behind him and he can conjure more out of his leather straps
    April 12 12:25 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki but why not be this ai art instead
    April 12 11:40 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki why is your knight defeated D:
    April 12 10:24 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Btw Coffin Storm is one massive riffer...I can bare the vocals..
    April 10 06:52 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Have you also checked Dodsrit. Its nice
    April 10 08:59 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I don t care if half record is synthwave. The riffs are so humpffy m/
    April 8 08:36 AM
  • Futures sup dude. was curious if you or anyone else is gonna review that coffin storm album? fun stuff! was thinking of giving it a crack if nobody else was going to.
    April 7 09:21 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I m digging this s*** lol
    April 6 11:01 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki eh its a necessarily transitory bum but way overflatingly overrated agreed
    April 5 06:52 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki accurate sad wings rating
    April 4 08:43 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Waaaa. Thick and razor sharp at the same time m/ tks
    March 30 02:01 PM
  • Hawks Gonna jam that Skarpseian album today!
    March 23 11:08 PM
  • Pikazilla it's just got a lot of playing from the heart I reckon
    March 22 10:46 AM
  • Pikazilla zakk wylde rules
    March 21 04:43 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki it starts good then goes down down down to the bottom of the sea
    March 16 05:48 PM
  • dedex heyyyyya congrats bro m/ m/ m/
    March 8 10:59 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki and technically anachronistic but it was more fun than saying generic as hell
    March 4 02:34 PM
  • dedex Terribly sorry I didn't see your rec! it's now in the backlog wooooo
    March 4 10:10 AM
  • Hawks U were correct. Probably the best DS album I've heard to date. M///
    February 27 01:59 PM
  • Hawks Will let you know later!
    February 26 10:01 PM
  • Hawks Gonna jam that Thangorodrim album u have 5'd after work tonight. Looks SICK.
    February 26 07:29 PM
  • dedex yeah i really didnt get the mega hype about it. btw don't hesitate to shout any cool 2024 release!!!!
    February 12 10:37 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Yes I do brother Ádám!
    February 6 09:57 PM
  • Hawks Will czech right now!!!
    December 11 07:45 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lol theres nothing personal js and yes venom is the funomest
    December 7 02:31 PM
  • budgie hey check out s***hammered - atomic sodomizer, made me think of too old too cold EP
    December 7 01:26 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki u have the worst venom takes oat
    December 6 06:49 PM
  • Dewinged i just read your Valdrin soundoff and **** man, I thought exactly the same "this is like Tribulation gone symphoblack" ;D
    December 6 07:59 AM
  • Pho3nix garas! ach! I actually like the vocals ^^ I should give Caladan Brood a re-listen, I remember not being super impressed by Echoes of Battle (currently at 3.0 for me)
    December 2 07:34 PM
  • naughtcturnal just saw your soundoff on that 2nd Fluids album. For some reason I was reminded of it this week. Awful awful intro where did they even get that s***?? Should?ve put a warning on the album cover let alone even use that intro at all. Disgusting. Had to vent to someone about it
    November 29 03:06 AM
  • Pho3nix garas! you might enjoy:
    October 10 08:26 PM
  • manosg Hey, garas! Yes, I have and it's definitely a step-up from their previous one. Can't say that I was amazed, but it's pretty damn good!
    September 28 09:34 AM
  • dedex yeah i was booooored :[ imma return you the comment tho: 1.5 on Last????? DAMN!!!
    September 26 01:04 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki what can i say, we have a gift
    September 5 07:13 PM
  • 86vatrushka Hey there greetings from Russia! I noticed you are the big black metal fan on this site! Wanted to recommend to you a couple of Russian bands I added to the database: SS-18, Baal Zebuth and Deathmoor. Other Russian bands that don't have much attention that I recommend: Black Flux, Lashblood, Witchprayer. Hope you can check them some time!
    September 5 07:09 PM
  • Gameofmetal ooo that's an interesting choice, never did listen to any of their stuff besides the 2015 album.
    August 29 07:04 PM
  • Gameofmetal So what's your BM aoty looking like so far? Blut Aus Nord taking it?
    August 29 06:40 PM
  • dedex phew i was scared you were mad at me!!!! hope life is treating you well :)
    June 23 07:16 AM
  • dedex i used to put my decimal rating at the end of each soundoff. now I can immediately put that rating m/
    June 22 12:30 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki only if its the muz that make u grumpy
    June 21 08:56 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki harsh
    June 21 07:09 PM
  • Hello, I think this band is interesting to listen!
    June 15 04:55 PM
  • Dewinged Thanks for the heads up! Oh yeah I know this band, and you know me well ! ;)
    May 31 10:57 PM
  • Pho3nix - Perhaps something of interest for you!
    April 29 06:31 PM
  • arf you should probably check out billy odal btw
    March 24 08:09 PM
  • arf dinosaurs are my best friends, what can I say (it grows on you on relistens)
    March 24 08:08 PM
  • Kompys2000 Yeah lol coworker's a big sabbath guy so I figure I might as well get around to all their well-liked stuff I haven't heard yet. Good s*** and "Neon Knights" kicks like a mule but I'm still about as puzzled by the hype around Dio as I was after hearing "Holy Diver" in high school (he's a good singer; 80s metal is full of good singers)
    March 7 05:33 AM
  • JeremiahBullfrog Garas! Super slow reply sorry! All good here, I changed jobs so I have very limited access to the internet throughout the day now lol. How are you???
    March 2 09:01 AM
  • Pho3nix Thanks for the rec, friend! for me Erang has always been a little hit and miss... my fave release being 'Endless Realms and Nostalgic Gods'. I'll definitely give it a listen.This is one of the weirder items I have on my wishlist, you might dig it:
    January 8 10:18 PM
  • arf Hey, thanks for the rec - you should check out the last Knights of Nvrul album; it's a big improvement over previous efforts imo.
    January 3 11:04 PM
  • Trifolium Hahahahaha yeah I totally get that. It is super silly and goofy indeed. Cliché and almost parody maybe. Well, you never know! Better luck next time! Enjoy this glorious weekend garas!
    December 10 08:43 AM
  • Trifolium Haha, enjoy! I think for me it can be the ultimate goofy in a good way music on one day, and go a little too far on another, depending on the mood. Curious what you think!
    December 8 04:57 PM
  • Trifolium I really don't know if it's your thing garas, but this is super nicely goth and kind of almost electro-ish or something, I quite like it (I think!) and maybe you will too?
    December 8 12:30 PM
  • dedex These two are duly noted! And yeah don't hesitate to hit me up with sick recs m/
    November 24 12:23 PM
  • dedex My man, you know how to warm my heart, many thanks to you! Btw what would be your go-to dungeon synth 2022 releases on top of Old Sorcery???
    November 24 07:59 AM
  • Voivod Hi man, if I were you, I would submit "S.O.O" or more simply "SOO". Go for the second option, the simpler the better. If duplicate band pages arise, they will be spotted sooner or later.
    November 20 06:28 PM
  • Demon of the Fall Ashenspire? like if White Ward were actually cohesive / good. I'm at a loss to be honest.
    October 12 02:54 PM
  • Demon of the Fall the garas seal of approval where BM's concerned is always welcome! - would've been better if we'd agreed on something actually good mind
    October 12 12:12 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell garas save the day!!
    October 12 01:33 AM
  • 0xME just wanted to tell you that Null released their follow-up to Hiraeth. I haven't listened to it yet but it should be a jam
    October 4 09:08 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh hahaha love that, weird timing! I'll lyk if there's anything you can do, but in the meantime nag me to finish it lol, would love to get it up and away at last
    July 9 09:43 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell got your vargnatt blurb and is only missing a handful of entries AAAAH
    July 8 10:14 PM
    July 8 10:12 PM
  • Pangea garas, do you have a rec for this month's sotd? The theme is comeback songs.
    July 8 11:33 AM
  • Gnocchi You sir are a gem and I love you
    June 15 12:00 PM
  • arf to return a recommendation, you should check out the new elyvilon
    May 23 10:27 PM
  • arf fen walker / scrying glass split, v nice... and that sax solo caught me off guard lol
    May 16 06:29 PM
  • Flugmorph damn i added a bunch more EPs to the mori calliope page and rated them, now theyre gone again. i did everything correctly... wtf
    November 24 01:27 PM
  • Flugmorph ok epic you regained my respect, thanks for the help lol
    November 24 01:25 PM
  • Flugmorph suck my toe bitch
    November 24 10:42 AM
  • Pikazilla Yeah, it's run of the mill blackgaze, no clue why everyone is hyping it so hard
    November 15 02:48 AM
  • Pikazilla Will check in the coming days!
    November 13 08:27 PM
  • Pikazilla Check the new count raven for some quality doom time
    November 3 12:18 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD LMAO when you talked to me I was at 4. Yesterday was a 4.5, since I saw different povs and debatable views I did this little exercise I do often, drop a 4 and reevaluate with a listen or my own thoughts. I like every Mastodon and like this over the prev 3 lps. Quick skimmed the record, boom 4.5 again lol so much text for something you already knew would happen XD
    October 31 12:19 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD There, 4.5 happy? LMAO
    October 31 11:44 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Those solos. Humhum Im not a solo guy bit these are fkin dirty.
    October 31 08:27 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Ahah yeah I prob will. It s growing on me. Since its kinda divisive I m being cautious. I m starting to love the 2nd part over the first. If it was only disc 1 I d stick to 4, like any late don. These guys without being any heavier (au contraire) managed to pull back vibes from CtS. A real treat, may anyone be willing to enjoy X)
    October 31 08:22 AM
  • dedex dudes are really strong when it comes to make high af riffz m/
    October 19 12:56 PM
  • Bedex inspiration comes and goes, it'll be back. hope you keep soundoffing when it does!
    October 8 05:42 PM
  • Bedex great form with the soundoffs man keep it up! m/
    October 8 05:08 PM
  • Divaman Thanks garas. I'll pick it up later this week.
    October 4 12:41 PM
  • manosg I definitely remember the cover art, but haven't checked it. Your soundoff makes this a very promising listen. Thanks!
    October 2 07:06 PM
  • TheNotrap Glad you liked it ;)
    September 21 08:30 AM
  • TheNotrap Cheers. Take a peek at this, when you can: Portuguese BM. You might dig it.
    September 16 11:32 AM
  • Egarran no they have a public profile you can write tono idea how effective that is
    September 11 05:23 PM
  • Egarran Aight Pan is on it. I've asked them on facebook.
    September 11 05:14 PM
  • Dewinged Precisely!
    September 9 02:35 PM
  • Dewinged Dude you ever heard of Bataille? Might be up your alley.
    September 9 12:55 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell big if tru. and nice nice, forgot you can't type d*leted into these lil deathboxes
    September 5 03:46 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell yeah do it, either say it was a statement or an accident ( get itd) and sneak that rate in while the moment is ripe today is the day
    September 5 03:38 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell review donda = unlock 0.5 powers
    September 5 03:31 PM
  • JesperL HELLO black metal king, you may enjoy the one with the riverbed record i recently reviewed!
    August 24 08:38 PM
  • Elynna Glad you dig!
    August 9 07:05 PM
  • Elynna I meant the band Obtained Enslavement: should check them out if you haven't, I think you'll like them. Really great symphonic black
    August 7 12:08 PM
  • Elynna That Warmoon Lord record is great! Reminds me somewhat of Obtained Enslavement and Emperor, albeit with more epic soundscapes.
    August 6 10:40 AM
  • Pikazilla There's a new one? **** yes! The debut was awesome m///
    August 3 11:53 AM
  • Elynna Im on it!
    August 3 11:39 AM
  • DungeonBoy Hey Garas! That's awesome man, glad to hear you enjoyed it!
    July 18 02:06 AM
  • Pikazilla man I love me some taake, thank you for the headsup!!!
    July 15 08:31 PM
  • parksungjoon check back tomorrow
    July 3 10:23 AM
  • manosg Haha, not random at all dude and yeah Trouble rules. Since you like their s/t so much, I'd rec you Danzig, you'll probably love him.
    June 23 04:26 AM
  • Hawks Yes sir it had to be done. m/
    June 7 07:09 PM
  • Hawks It's so damn amazing bro. It's like Marduk meets Emperor meets Thorns.
    June 7 07:00 PM
  • ArsMoriendi I can?t right now, ask Johnny
    June 7 04:53 PM
  • manosg Great title and those lyrics... oh man, haha!
    June 5 10:25 AM
  • Pikazilla Cool, let me know what you think!
    May 21 10:01 PM
  • Pikazilla Check the new Lord of Pagathorn - sounds like Immortal, so you might dig
    May 21 04:16 PM
  • Pikazilla Actually checked it before it was added! Solid stuff! They also have great DS albums in discog
    May 12 04:07 PM
  • Divaman Say garas, have you got a song for SOTD this month? The theme is songs under a minute long.
    May 6 05:04 AM
  • parksungjoon i feel like if you dig gehennah and dont mind something that leans harder into punk while still drawing from the same influences you might also like dishammer
    April 28 02:49 PM
  • TheNotrap Cheers ;) Gotta check that
    April 27 09:37 AM
  • Bedex Chihei Hatakeyama - Minima Moralia (lush ambient for sunny chilling xoxo)
    April 26 08:48 PM
  • budgie medieval knights black metal is the coolest aesthetic ever right?
    April 25 07:48 PM
  • budgie
    April 23 07:00 PM
  • Egarran Hah, Ctrl F 'Ancient' on your ratings = 27 hits, nice.But you didn't have Ancient - Svartalvheim and that's a mistake. (Kekht made me think of that album).
    April 20 05:24 PM
  • Pho3nix I understand. And yea "copycat army" is a good way to put it! I feel the vaporwave scene also suffers from this. Oh definitely! :] I've found some cool stuff from your lists man.
    April 9 07:47 PM
  • Pho3nix Let me know if/when you are doing a dungeon synth 2021 list - I've been too busy to check out any new projects lately ^^
    April 9 10:50 AM
  • parksungjoon no need to be insecure, im nice to anyone who's nice. sometimes im not nice to albums, but that doesnt mean i hate the band or their fans
    April 8 07:31 PM
  • parksungjoon lol no need for apologies man. i'll check them out when i get the chance. i like midnight, chapel, s*******er... maybe not so much devil master
    April 8 06:59 PM
  • parksungjoon i dont think so, venom-worship it seems? m-a has voted motorhead and midnight for similars as well
    April 8 04:09 PM
  • Gameofmetal Appreciated, super wired to work on the new record already. Reckon it probably outta be a full length this time.
    April 6 08:26 PM
  • Gameofmetal Got a new Dark Watcher EP out if you're interested, looks like you liked the last one :)
    April 6 12:49 AM
  • Koris Yeah man! It?s crazy how solid of a comeback that one was. Granted, as weak as Cold Lake is, I never thought it was necessarily the trainwreck a lot of people deeemed it
    March 31 09:35 PM
  • Pangea i'm listening to the underground resistance now and it rules so hard damn. top tier darkthrone for sure. also it's at 666 ratings now m/ gonna feel bad for rating it later
    March 29 07:37 PM
  • Bedex ooo interesting i'll try to remember to check!
    March 18 07:07 PM
  • Bedex 'Forlesen is an ambient/doom/black metal band' is it drone [i]metal[/i] ? :O
    March 18 06:24 PM
  • 0xME hey man, I just noticed you got Contibutor! I did't even realize you applied, but it it most well deserved; It was about time DS got some semblence of recognition on here, although I really enjoyed your piece on the digbox; it's always interesting to see the kind of music that people enjoy without gushing about it
    March 16 12:03 AM
  • Bedex it's all a matter of taste my man!
    March 15 08:38 PM
  • Bedex sorry i am mean :[
    March 15 08:02 PM
  • Pheromone Not to server one, just for moi to add you just so we can chat? Its cool if not, i get it.
    March 14 11:13 AM
  • Pheromone garas where did you go?? lemme add you on discord
    March 14 11:08 AM
  • manosg Nice! Had no idea, actually. Will jam tomorrow morning!
    March 10 08:15 PM
  • Divaman Hi garas. New Borg album.
    March 7 03:47 PM
  • parksungjoon no one expects the boomer inquisition
    March 3 05:54 PM
  • Divaman Are you an admirer of Conqueror's Mourn? They (he) has a new album out on bandcamp.
    March 3 05:05 PM
  • DrGonzo1937 I'm glad mate, I know you'll do a great job!
    March 3 11:37 AM
  • DrGonzo1937 Congrats garas. Your promotion is well deserved
    March 3 06:19 AM
  • tyman128 thanks brother, looking forward to working alongside you and the other contribs this year!
    March 2 04:25 PM
  • Pheromone congrats garas bro !!! really enjoy how we've been able to speak more over this past year - you're a great user n pal
    March 2 09:16 AM
  • Gnocchi Now let's get to work, that features section looks a little light on metal atm
    March 2 07:10 AM
  • tyman128 congrats on contrib!
    March 2 06:10 AM
  • Gnocchi yeah, big ol' congrats dude
    March 1 11:03 PM
  • Bedex i just corrected a bit of grammar on a couple revs dont take anything away frmo your achievement :] well done man
    March 1 10:32 PM
  • Bedex also i havent congratulated u outside discord yet so well done man it's good to see m/
    March 1 09:55 PM
  • Bedex :[ i'm sorry buddy
    March 1 09:55 PM
  • evilford Congrats contrib!
    March 1 09:52 PM
  • manosg Congrats dude!
    March 1 09:02 PM
  • TheNotrap Congrats garas ;)
    March 1 08:44 PM
  • normaloctagon sheeeesh didnt realize so many homies got promoted this round, congrats garasbro m////
    March 1 07:59 PM
  • twlight Dude, your gif is eerie
    February 28 03:27 PM
  • Egarran Damn, 2 hours! But it sounds very nice, thank you.
    February 6 08:28 PM
  • someone najs, thanks a plenty. hope Plantasia doesn't go over 100 before i make the thread
    February 6 07:37 PM
  • someone nothing specific, just **** me up fam. but make it albums that have between 50 and 100 ratings, no more no fewer.
    February 6 03:00 PM
  • someone need some spicy juicy tasty recs of 50-100 ratings. could you throw me an album or two?
    February 6 01:07 AM
  • Elynna That Null record is pretty darn good. The folky/instrumental passages are gorgeous, and I love the subtle yet slightly dominant influence of the flute.
    February 5 03:55 PM
  • Dewinged Almost 2 hours Jesus hell! lol
    February 4 05:34 AM
  • Elynna Oof that sounds like something that's right up my alley. Cheers
    February 3 12:38 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Ei looks promising!
    February 3 11:47 AM
  • 0xME good call not trusting sputniks spaghetti code hahaI'm Much#8602 on Discord
    February 1 01:42 PM
  • 0xME thanks mate, you're really saving my bacon here :D
    January 29 07:48 PM
  • 0xME any help would be appreciated :)
    January 27 01:31 AM
  • 0xME hey man, I have a favor to ask of you; iirc you wrote a while ago that you're playing DnD? the thing is, I'm currently somehow DMing a group and would like to introduce them to some great DS tunes since that genre is pretty much perfect for DnD; anyway, you wouldn't happen to have some playlists/artists I could use? Ive got some songs already, but I'm honestly struggling in some aspects like combat
    January 27 01:31 AM
  • conesmoke fHOg!!
    January 16 12:42 PM
  • TheNotrap Indeed. I'll try to post it today, after work
    January 14 03:19 PM
  • IntriguingSergei
    January 6 11:29 AM
  • Dewinged Get on that Slytherin album I just added my boy, you are gonna like it. (I think it's Sirius' new project or smth)
    January 4 01:04 PM
  • Minushuman24 That's weird, but thank you garas, you're a sweetheart. I hope your day treats you marvelously
    December 26 12:20 AM
  • Voivod To be fair, I also add bands that are not so interesting ;-). Seriously now, media outlets miss on a lot of underground stuff, and Sputnik is a perfect place to array it all. Thanks anew for the vote of confidence.
    December 17 11:26 AM
  • dedex Sure, take your time! Btw I started working on the Hallas rev, I'll hit you up at some point
    December 16 08:34 AM
  • dedex eheh! cool Deafheaven rev, it's nice to see you back reviewing :]
    December 16 07:59 AM
  • parksungjoon
    November 15 05:34 AM
  • Pho3nix No problem buddy! ^^ I've still got a bunch of stuff on my wishlist I need to listen through...
    November 11 10:38 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts thanks garas :)
    November 10 10:38 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Hey man, i know we are in a pandemic and money is tight for everyone but I put together a gofundme for minushuman. I dont know if you saw his list but he suffered a pretty brutal loss this weekend and I thought maybe we could all chip in a few bucks and help him out with groceries or rent or whatever this month while he works through this tough time. If you can donate a few bucks and share this with some other users to help spread the word that would be awesome:
    November 10 06:35 AM
  • GamamJ Hi! Arizona is greart. Really enjoying the US. People here are overall very sensitive compared to Europe, but other than that great. There weren't really many riots and stuff due to COVID, and COVID really isn't much worse than anywhere else. How's Hungary?
    November 9 12:18 AM
  • Trifolium Hahaha man I have seen one user 5.0ing almost all of their many many albums. It's crazy! Thanks for the rec, will check tomorrow.
    November 8 11:42 AM
  • Trifolium Oooof yes that band name hahaha. But the cover art indeed rules. Love it.
    November 6 04:21 PM
  • Trifolium Hi garasbro! Do you know this one? It's from 2020 and IT RULES! Reminds me of Burzum, although that is a bit of a cliché thing to say of course...
    November 6 03:26 PM
  • Egarran Ohhh that makes me so happy! Thank you, the rest of the album is just as good.
    November 5 02:48 PM
  • Egarran Currently can't get enough of this song, maybe you like:
    November 4 06:40 PM
  • GamamJ Done! Curious to hear it. Still gonna get to Forever Black by Cirith too at some point! Promise! Hahah. Indeed, in Arizona! Wanted to check out the US and gonto a warm place, so yeah hahah.
    November 3 04:43 PM
  • GamamJ Hahah, thanks! Absolutely, music listening/rating isn't slowing down any time soon! Although my tastes have basically settled in prog and jazz snob land hahah. Yeah, COVID does suck, I managed to get to the US for college though, so I'm solid. SImilarly to you kept busy by work and school, but I love it!
    November 3 12:43 AM
  • GamamJ Yoyo Garas, what is up? How you been doing? Long time!
    November 2 12:06 AM
  • Bedex thanks my dude will check tomorrow m/
    November 1 10:15 PM
  • Divaman Are you familiar with a solo dungeon synth project called Malfet? AsleepInTheBack rec'd me their LP The Way to Avalon as a possibility for my 3000th rating, and I like it. I think it might be right up your alley. I see they also have a new LP out this month, and I plan to check that one also.
    October 28 07:28 PM
  • Divaman Hi garas. Don't know if you're aware, but there is yet another new Borg LP (their third for 2020) out on bandcamp. I just added it to their Sput page.
    October 28 06:36 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Check another album from my rec list :)
    October 21 04:56 AM
  • Pikazilla Yes pls :3
    October 13 03:20 PM
  • Pikazilla You guys have a server with budgie, trif and the other cool people?
    October 13 03:16 PM

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