Soundoffs 20 Album Ratings 871 Objectivity 61%
Last Active 09-14-19 3:08 pm Joined 02-06-17
Review Comments 784
 | IronyIsADeadScene All I can think of is that he wants it to be their final album so he wants to release it when they're about to embark on their last tour. Purely speculation, though.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Remember when we were talking about if Tool or X Japan would get their new album out first? Tool wins on time and almost certainly quality as well.I have no idea if that new X Japan album is actually going to happen or not.
 | ScuroFantasma I see you dig Old Tower (: If you haven't already I would suggest checking out Mortiis for more good dungeon synth.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Pan.Thy.Monium is pretty avant garde, a bit like motW. You'll probably like it.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Purgatory Afterglow and Crimson 2 are good from Edge of Sanity as well.Dan Swano also did some other good stuff. Check out Moontower and Pan.Thy.Monium.
 | Dedes Oh nice. Yeah it ****ing ruled
 | Dedes Gonna have to go on a Dillinger listening spree one day lol
 | Dedes Yeah I heard they were ending soon which sucks because I know a lot of people loved them. Heard a few songs off of "Calculating Infinity" and "One of Us Is the Killer" and they were really good.
 | CalculatingInfinity I hated that remix haha and the violin version of Kukoku is worse than the original. Only thing I'd buy it for is the extra Blu Ray with the limited edition and packaging.
 | Dedes I wouldn't say it's all that similar as it's more so pagan-folk type of stuff but regardless it's a great album. That Dillinger show sounds amazing lol, maybe I should get into them.
 | CalculatingInfinity Utafumi was such a disappointment, having dull riffs/bad guitar production in studio and Kyo not being able to justice to it live makes it to me their 2nd worst song 2008 onwards. Agreed with Gauze, love that in studio. Pretty much all of their stuff Macabre to Marrow is so much better live.
 | CalculatingInfinity Yeah definitely agreed. I have the studio a 2 yet I love Macabre's day, incredible stuff.
 | kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
 | kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
 | Dedes If you can't handle a **** ton of flashing lights and really high octane energy then Mayhem really isn't the band to see live. If you're prone to seizures you especially shouldn't go though. Anyway for another Black metal classic (pretty folk-y tho) Check Ensiferums debut. It ****ing rules.
 | Dedes Any song by Katatonia as a whole gets me pretty excited, first time seeing them live. Idk how much you like Black metal but the other concert I saw was Mayhem alongside Inquisition and Black Anvil and it ****ing ruled (Inquisition was really the show stealer tbh)
 | Dedes If they play Unfurl and My Twin I'm probably going to explode tbh
 | Dedes Ah I see. It's been a couple months waiting for me. Gonna see them at Theater of Living Arts. Hope its a good concert dude!
 | Dedes Where'd you get to see Katatonia dude?
 | EvoHavok Yeah, that was my fav too, even if my rating for it might not stay like that forever. Also, beyond what Calc rec'd below, check Tour04 because it has some amazing renditions of certain Vulgar tracks that can only be heard live on that DVD and the Mode one.
 | CalculatingInfinity If you loved Mode Of Kisou then I can't recommend Blitz 5 Days and 5 Ugly Kingdom enough as lives to watch. Especially Blitz since it perfectly sums up their career up to 2004 and it has my all time fav performance by them in Day 3
 | CalculatingInfinity Yeah that seems to be the case but I like Vulgar more since it's the one I keep replaying and I find it so much fun. However I will say that the ballads on Kisou are 5 worthy without a doubt.
 | EvoHavok Heh, you've been on a DEG live roll lately, it seems.
 | CalculatingInfinity Good s***, hope you dig them. Mode of Vulgar is sooooooo fun, the one I keep rewatching and growing on me the most.
 | CalculatingInfinity I've only personally used the 2nd file there, I watched Vulgar and Kisou with different files but these are the only public ones so I hope they are just as good.
 | CalculatingInfinity I arise from the depths to provide goods. Mode of Vulgar:
 | CalculatingInfinity It's not just that they perform it much better and the production is superb, but it's the atmosphere and the editing. In both shows no one in the crowd speaks, it's dead silence while you get beautiful images while the band is performing and editing. It's more like a piece of art come to life than a live recording, why I put them in a separate category to Dir's lives. Also I completely agree, all of Marrow's songs live are so good while in studio, eh.
 | CalculatingInfinity I don't like their studio efforts much (minus the Anima single) yet I've 5'ed both of their lives, that's how good they are. Completely transforms the material, can't recommend them enough.
 | CalculatingInfinity Just crack and buy everything :P Have you seen any of Sukekiyo's live stuff?
 | CalculatingInfinity It's the best live show they've ever done, believe me. Even better than Arche or Uroboros' Budokan.