Reviews 1 Approval 62%
Soundoffs 29 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 6 Album Edits 16
Album Ratings 737 Objectivity 92%
Last Active 06-14-16 2:15 pm Joined 10-04-15
Review Comments 4,298
 | Dolving999 Yo torts! How are you doing? I remember you being one of the few here on sputnik who was interested in my music, and just for that I thank you immensely! I finally got around to releasing my latest album, so if you are into weird stuff, please consider checking it out. Here's the link (check the list I made for Spotify/YT):
 | danielito19 you really see no redeeming features in a song like Slip off Amber?
 | danielito19 why did you 1 three autechre albums... you didn't even listen to their difficult stuff. what autechre fan are you beefing with and trying to troll?
 | YakNips i didn't dig the vocals at first either yea. ur usually right about stuff but TA just bore me.. is the new PTV worth checking
 | YakNips cause i like dick!! break it down mother****er!!
 | Mort. lemme set you up with a little crust link
 | tcat84
 | Mystletainn Everyone is still posers I just don't speak it out into the open xD jk. Tbh I was dealing with a lot of personal and emotional problems last year, I really wasn't myself. I also got tired of being a dick to people because I think it made me feel worse. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for petty s***, my bad.
 | OmegaTestament8937 Yeah, you are derping, pussies and folks who ride the short bus usually derp 24/7
 | OmegaTestament8937 there are so many things wrong with you torts, i think i just had a stroke lolololol
 | ShinjiIkari Thanks! It's fine, hopefully I'll be unbanned eventually.
 | ShinjiIkari Torts bud! It's me, ALA! I'm glad your back on sput! Great interviews by the way.
 | Sinternet you that ****ing regina 1 rn dumbass
 | KriegdemKriege Hey buddy, do you remember me? I shared some music with you last fall. I just released my new solo album and I thought you might like to check it out. It was properly recorded with a full band this time and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Hope all is well with you! Here's a link:
 | sixdegrees thank you for not deleting your comments like a fag
 | iloveyouall miss you son. hopefully time will treat us both well. ?(????)?
 | YakNips a little late but hope there's no hard feelings and hope we both grow up
 | Hurricanslash Hey torts, we may have had our differences from time to time, but you were an awesome dude, and I wish you all the best in your life from now on. Have a good one.^^
 | Mort. I will fam godbless
 | Mort. Goodbye my sweet torts i will never forget you
 | SitruK6 Sad to see you going man :(.Gl with all of the real life s*** and i hope it all works out for ya.
 | AngryLittleAlchemist Ya. People are pretty stupid to think "cause it's posted on the internet he must just be suicidal from the internet". That's just dumb. I don't enjoy real life mostly either but you gotta keep going man! Wish the best of luck for you and thanks!
 | AngryLittleAlchemist Are you overexaggerating with the suicide thing or ... ??? And is it sput or something irl???Either way wishing you the best man!
 | Futures lol no but really i'll jam whatever you want me to lol
 | Futures dude jam static prevails and clarity pls you would dig
 | Futures what in the **** lmao sounds gay. pitchfork fest lol. prob so many man bun beard hipsters
 | Futures you are the best user on this site
 | Futures Yeezus sucks balls, torts. It's the only album of his I made a point to listen to a few times all the way through because I hadn't give the guy a real chance. The lyrics are terrible and the production was pretty try-hard and sterile at the same time, imo.
 | Futures did you ever realize people who use the super dead -torts meme are the worst users ever?
 | Futures oh sweet dude. you don't dig minneapolis at all? haha such a beautiful and nice city
 | Futures haha man i loved it when i visited minneapolis. how close are you to there?
 | Futures dude ur from minnesota? that's sick
 | owen it's melt-banana, u memer
 | Futures jam power metal and have a kickass ale
 | budgie enedwaith, and its ok it was my fault not yours
 | Futures hanglide into mt kilimanjaro
 | sixdegrees My ranking (no less than 1 min interludes):1. Eternal2. Serenity3. Redeemed4. Glow5. It Descends6. The Great Escape7. Frost Depth8. The Desolate House9. Skyscraper Underground10. Glitch Memories11. The Motivation12. Radioactive Storm13. Sunlight14. Neon ToxicityI don't know too much about this type of music, but I really enjoy this album. I'm
 | sixdegrees snide d*leting any comments that arent sucking his dick I see
 | Futures you've never heard periphery? smh lol
 | lazyeye He made Paul McCartney and Beck famous too so who knows who I was talking about?
 | lazyeye hi son you forgot to wish me happy fathers day but i forgive u
 | SitruK6 Grotesque 5/5 and your 666 rating h0ly sh*t
 | Spec these wounds they will not heal
 | TVC15 Did you get anything sweet for your birthday?
 | Mort. happy birthday mandem
 | SitruK6 also damn you're 17 that's such a surprise haha
 | SitruK6 i know we don't communicate much (if at all) but i just wanted to wish you a happy bday and keep on being the idiot that you are!
 | TVC15 I know we don't necessarily get along but I'm not one to hold grudges for extended periods of time. Happy bday dude
 | zakalwe Jesus ****ing Christ. You need a degree in linguistics to interpret this nonsense in your shoutbox. You're my boy.
 | Mort. ad hominem is so pointless to bring up like yeah he insulted you bro saying that dont mak you look any smarter lol, keep on putting those plebs in their place torts i love it when you rile up the drones and boring users
 | Mort. Magicuba for insufferable fool of the year ayyy he started getting lippy to me in an unwound thread once what a prat
 | Muppelope I liked GDP and Bones quite a bit, but they're kinda same-y tbh. They just have a bit of that copy/paste sadboy hiphop style that I'm a bit tired of. Thanks for the recs tho, at least I got a few free Bones albums off soundcloud.
 | Sowing it's boring at times and the lyrics are a step down...3.4 is still good tho
 | owen Boring name it is then
 | Slex for me the lyrics are so bad and the songwriting just isn't there like on their other 2. I'll give it another try tho. I'm close to 5ing their new one tho
 | owen truly a name to regret on your 27th birthday
 | owen thanks m8, but it's p s*** tbh
 | owen some weirdo once called me owantjaaaa and I regrettably used itMy username change request was denied sadly
 | Muppelope lol ill check it out later. thanks again.
 | parksungjoon i guess if you're on the grotesque hype train, try this:
 | Idleness well thats very nice of you! =]
 | Muppelope Love Clipping, dig what I've heard of Lil Ugly Mane, will check GDP. Thanks man.
 | Muppelope Hey man I dig your taste in the hippity hop, care to give me some recs?
 | YakNips why the 1 for teens of denial lmao
 | iloveyouall imma 5 the front bottoms s/t because i luv you
 | Kman418 no cuz ur honestly a fine person ur probably just a little reclusive and sad which is ok cause a lot of 16 year olds are but go do something that is not interacting with people on the internet and it will improve your life drastically believe me
 | Kman418 also im trying to be nice to you even though youre generally very obnoxious cause you remind me of myself from when i was 2 or 3 years younger and i feel bad for being mean to u now
 | Kman418 idk ask your parents for one for your birthday or get a hella cheap used one or something u have options or just do whatever the hell u want the point is i would highly recommend doing something productive that you enjoy thats not being overly bitter over music you dont like on
 | Kman418 everyone is when they start u gotta work at it just pick something ur interested in and you'll have fun even when u suck. find a guitar and come up with poopy emo pop punk riffs
 | Kman418 ok but like why would you listen to every single anco album after hearing 1 or 2 and deciding you hate them and seek out every thread about them to talk about how s***ty they are. i mean if i hear something i think is awful i might make a one off comment about it or say some dumb s*** about it if a thread pops up or if it comes up in convo but thats about it
 | Kman418 genuine question why do u spend so much energy on things you don't like
 | PlasticRadioBand For instance, I don't really like country but I really like Johnny Cash's At San Quentin album. Right now I wouldn't rate it higher than a 4 but I can easily see why it's a masterpiece in the genre
 | PlasticRadioBand I feel ya, but I mean depending on to you define alternative music, you do seem to have a lot of those kind of albums rated... Also I would personally label The Holy Bible as more punk/hard rock than just alternative. But I do understand where you're coming from
 | Sevengill if you think bumping the vox would help I can still do that.
 | Sevengill thanks! no percussion sort of evolved on its own. initially I wanted to have drums, but after listening to it for a couple months without them I grew to like the ethereal sound of letting it rest on the bass.
 | Mort. "that was probably the dumbest ****ing comment I have ever seen in the history of this site" - i know right, what a s*** ton of pseudo intellectual bulls***
 | Mort. Noice bottomless pit rating fam
 | Idleness \\m/ (-_-) \\m/ Metal Warriors Unite \\m/ (-_-) \\m/
 | lol at u turning into a sentimental quivering pussy whenever some other trash user praises your schtick, cool list bro
 | Treeman You also have some good ratings.
 | Treeman Thank you for your kind words. I am what you call a transient user. I am doing all-right right now, man. Right now I'm beginning to wrap my lobes around this poetic analysis I am about to write in Italian. How are you?
 | AlexMichels Hello.Next time you rate one of my reviews, please rate the way the review is written. Don't downvote it just because you have a different opinion.
 | sixdegrees
 | sixdegrees
 | MyNameIsPencil damn thought you were a bit older for some reason haha. which now kinda makes sense a bit more. Yeah it wasn't easy for me at first, but just sorta get a consensus on what's worth checking out, and just like. Throw it on in the background while doing schoolwork or relaxing or whatever. and as for doom recs can't go wrong with Electric Wizard
 | MyNameIsPencil To each their own, but I actually heavily suggest digging deeper within whatever genres you're currently into right now. Like some good classic rap recs are A Tribe Called Quest, Public Enemy, really anything MF Doom has done. ect. and again, open-mindedness is key. I have to ask though how old are you man?
 | MyNameIsPencil yeah man, that said if you didn't like the Pixies cause of Black Francis's voice that is hella understandable lmao
 | MyNameIsPencil when saying all this, but I'm sure you may be getting sick of everyone swarming against you (assuming it even phases you tho lol). idk man consider this of me apologizing for my constant bashing I guess
 | MyNameIsPencil dude it's all good, like I know I've been harsh on you lately, but idk lately I've realized being like that to someone who's pretty much a stranger on a music website is dumb lmao. Like by all means stick to your opinions, just maybe be "clear" with them. try to avoid calling things "the worse thing ever" without giving why. trust me, I know all of this coming from someone who spends a bit too much time s***-posting on here probably doesn't mean too much, and I hope I'm not sounding like a dick
 | MyNameIsPencil Of the purpose of this site; but either doing a better job at explaining why, or even giving it a few listens. Cause several of my all time favs needed a few listens to actually appreciate (The Glow Pt. 2 and Jane Doe for good personal example). Yeah. Sorry I ranted lol
 | MyNameIsPencil Dude, 4.4 overall doesn't lie. Plus they're like 20 year records and even now they're frequently talked about. You're not "required" to like them obviously cause personal taste is a beautiful thing. But damn man. you can't deny the influence. s*** I'm pretty sure in saying that Pinkerton probably influenced Front Bottoms in a way (as Weezer has influenced a lot of modern emo bands) s*** I feel kinda bad now for h8'ing. Just idk. Don't not keep your opinions to yourself; which would defeat part
 | MyNameIsPencil I may give you alexisonfire whatever, but Blue Album and Pinkerton are actual classics boi
 | MyNameIsPencil "strongly worded opinions that you couldn't counter even if your life depended on it"well at least I don't have 7 Front Bottom albums 5'd you simpleton
 | Mystletainn Lmao stalker, so now I'm not a fat greasy fk just a greasy fk? Fk you too torts
 | emester the **** you doing rating Siege a 3, melonboi
 | Mort. whos this salty user ****? and does jmh actually think we are the same person? lol
 | jmh886 hey mort. go i'm allowed to like my favorite band. you are too.
 | Mort. **** most new users goddamn scum of the earth. Weird to think ive been here nearly 3 years now. nice Orange Mathematics rating btw, the bonus track on that album is ****ing mad
 | Mort. i know right, being a mindless fanboy who just likes his fav band, fair enough, but theres a difference between that and making a basically wrong statement calling something "punk" or unique etc when its blander than a mother****er
 | Mort. sput is a lost cause when it comes to Thrice, site has its head up the bands arse
 | Mort. "To comment on the actual song, it rocks, like real hard. Seems like a perfect progression from Major/Minor. Love the grungish sound. It's also probably the most punk rock thing they've done like ever""****ing lolllllllllllllllllllllll log the **** off you imbecile" - gobless you torts, i was gonna call him out on that awful comment but couldnt be bothered to deal with him
 | Mort. i mentioned it in the meds thread tho i didnt say i thought it was sitar
 | Mort. oh s*** son now i got even more my percentage has dropped 4% wtf hahaha
 | Mort. Got like 3 negs on my reviews today think that sitarhero prick negd them lol
 | alienobserver Torts, you're an asshole. Idk what else to tell ya BRO
 | Mort. did u even listen to a ****ing thing i recced u uuuuuh
 | theacademy aite dude... u asked for it... this what im listening this week: phill collins solo s***, ice cube - death certificate, persona 4 dancing all night soundtrack, dr. dre "dark side", monica rizzio - washashore cowgirl, thursday - war all the time
 | Mort. im just gonna rec you mortys essential hardcore/metalcore recs k? Johnny Truant - in the library of horrific events , Knut - challenger , q and not u - no kill no beep beep, kiss it goodbye - choke
 | Mort. im not sure i will be able to as i have just seen you have 2d my favourite album ever "the underdark" which is my av for **** sake, i mean do you want to insult me?
 | Mort. no joke i just felt like rhyming about your name?
 | Mort. torts, torts, what are your thoughts, on arabian ports? on miscellaneous forts? on blistery worts?
 | alienobserver who's been picking on u baby who do i need to flame
 | Mystletainn the real reason is you want to pleasure yourself to my picture, you're a sick fk.
 | Mort. you have cryonics 3d never contact me again you puss
 | Mort. lol honestly theyve all told me who they are on sput but i honeslty dont rememeer any of it, pretty sure ive bitched about users who are part of that group in that group lol. you like post hardcore man? check Hot Cross if you havent. Pretty picture of a broken face is their best song
 | Mort. man im high as **** right now listening to Suis La Lune - bte that untipled mixatpe blah blah good song check it. yeah man im sick just at uni, going home for a week on tuesday tho which im looming forward to. are u n the futures fb chat and if so whats ur name??
 | Futures only a 3 for trap lord smh. god work is so good. schoolboy qs verse fuk
 | Futures i've had that song on repeat for like a week now fam haha so good
 | onionbubs oh okay lol thats good to know for future reference
 | onionbubs wait, am i less bad of a user now than i was before?
 | YakNips i frequent the site during period 2 and also at night when i'm bored that's gonna have to do bud
 | no
 | alienobserver Nice elite music taste where'd you get it the elite music taste store
 | KriegdemKriege Haha thanks for the support. I'm really glad you like the music; it means a lot.
 | KriegdemKriege Hey friend, I just released a short EP. It's not much, but you liked Get Bummed! so I thought I'd let you know about it. Let me know what you think if you check it out. I'm recording a proper electric full-band album in January, so there'll be more coming relatively soon as well. :]
 | alienobserver lmao i just got a name change it's the same account
 | SillyCaringRabbitPal BTW i am never ironic i am loving and wholesome =^} and fun and grateful to be alive!
 | Mort. basically im gonna argue she gave me a look that implied she wanted dick pics even tho there was no explicit agreement. gonna need you to pretend to be her wear a wig and pull the face i said she pulled yeah
 | Mort. dammit i need a lawyer i sent dick pics to a middle aged woman and she identified me
 | Mort. how well versed in tort law are you?
 | Mort. i quite enjoyed a band called Swarm of the lotus today. their first Lp is a cool little metalcore/mathcore album. not amazing, but as a big fan of the genre i enjoyed it a lot
 | Mort. i amm good thank you, how are you?
 | SachikoM my ratings were giving me the s***s. that, and I was sick of people complaining about them... i'm better off without them tbh.
 | SachikoM understandable tbh. there are shorter compositions (like probably 10 mins), but they don't tend to deliver the same way the long form stuff goes. at least you tried!! :3