Soundoffs 10 News Articles 2 Band Edits + Tags 10 Album Edits 49
Album Ratings 571 Objectivity 66%
Last Active 04-16-20 11:22 pm Joined 12-21-13
Review Comments 9,920
 | Brabiz Thanks so much for the MEGA links. Have been having a field day with this stuff
 | DrGonzo1937 thought i'd do a shameless plug for my buddies on here. i've got a new record out 20th sept and we've just released our first song from it today. let us know what you think if you get chance mate, would love your thoughts.
 | DrGonzo1937 definitely. i would have gone a glasgow show, even though its 3 hours away, just because the roads are so much better haha. london is such a s*** hole imo haha. are there still tickets?
 | DrGonzo1937 that's cool! really wish they would venture up north. if i recall, they did it in the early days when they were trying to break out internationally, but now they always just do a couple dates in london and that's it. would have been cool seeing you guys, but i just can't stand london haha
 | DrGonzo1937 I went and did it.
 | DrGonzo1937 just saw that myself haha. as much as i would love to go see them again, i detest london, so probably not mate. haha
 | Mort. i mean i couldnt stand doing my masters so i cant imagine how stressful finishing off a phd must be (i do plan on one day going back and doing a masters and phd now things are different as was my original plan but who knows) hey at least soon you can put that sweet sweet initials on your name and parade around as a mr fancy pants. and lol i tried passcode but cant really get into them, jamming a lot of noise rock atm and tryna get into more experimental stuff jazz
 | Mort. ahh sorry to hear youre not loving it, is it a masters or phd thesis? (you finished your maths ba by now right?, sorry if im completely mistaken)
 | Mort. im good thanks man. had a few tumultous years (started masters, covid happened, moved back home, took a year out, went back to masters then dropped out, started a s***ty restaurant job, got in a fight and quit, found out i might be autistic, life stuff etc) but im good now. starting to tutor philosophy a level which is exciting. what you up to and how you been? hope youre well
 | Mort. ahhh fair enough. Its just i went on Discord for the first time in ages earlier and saw a message from you which made me realise i hadnt seen you comment in an awfully long time. its sort of sad how easy it is on sput to talk to people semi-often and then not notice that theyve stopped posting. And yeh im good man, hope youre well too
 | Mort. feel like you dropped off the face of the earth bro
 | DrGonzo1937 Alright calc. Do you know of anywhere I can attain a first press copy of uroboros r
 | Trifolium Haha omg, what did he do now? Thanks for the message.
 | rellik009 dude thank you so much for telling me about the Joe Hisaishi concert! that was amazing!
 | parksungjoon like drop ur thingy and ill clean it up after i add u
 | parksungjoon aint there yet just in his dms if u know what i mean ;) but yea if u wanna hang out im down. havent weebed out much lately but i hope to get back into it soon. been musicing instead lol
 | parksungjoon everyones on discord huh. just added johnny myself tryna connect with the few cool ppl left in this s***hole
 | parksungjoon haha i feel like thats where i was last time we talked. what do you do for fun then
 | parksungjoon johnny says its cuz sach's been active again. wanker started taking the piss in the sean reinert rip thread
 | parksungjoon just came back here like.... a week or two ago idk
 | parksungjoon i did lol sowing nuked it i wasnt even punkin too hard just 15 comments and boom dead
 | parksungjoon ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i made a new list at least lol
 | parksungjoon living in the shoutbox sewers now cuz im at 9999 comments and might do smoething cool if i feel cute idk
 | Brabiz Thanks for recommending it, i?ll give it a watch tomorrow. DEG?s live stuff is really impressive, especially recently, so i?m excited to check it out.
 | IronyIsADeadScene last album was called "...And Vienna". He's almost as talented as Chris is.
 | IronyIsADeadScene He's not quite as talented as Christian and the Hedgehog Boys, of course.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Do you follow Geno Samuel's music channel?
 | TrantaLocked I have a new video if you wanna check out the copypasta or original thread.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Angel Dust is a bit different from KFAD. There's a more consistent theme through the album.
 | IronyIsADeadScene The full series is 651 videos long so far, though the war itself ends at 636 and the rest cover the aftermath. It covered the war week by week a century ago, along with extensive specials on the arms and countries involved.So did you listen to KFADFFAL?
 | IronyIsADeadScene The Chris Chan documentary series is already the second longest I've ever watched after The Great War channel. It will probably be several days of footage by the time it's finished (when Chris dies).Have you heard any of the FNM albums I suggested yet?
 | Pikazilla Hai! Remember you rec'd me some VK albums like two months ago? Well, I listened to them! I really dug Luna Sea, Guniw Tools (that goose on the cover lol) and Nightmare. Kamijo I wasn't particularly impressed with - I found it a bit goofy. Thank you for the recs again!
 | IronyIsADeadScene denounces Sockness for worshipping Barney as Satan. It will be entertaining when Geno gets to the present day.
 | IronyIsADeadScene There could be over 50 episodes by the time it's finished, and he'll keep making more until Chris dies. There's been a lot going on recently with the Jacob Sockness saga, so I would expect a lot of future content.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Have you caught up with the Chris Chan documentary? It's into 2010 now.
 | 50iL Yeah man, been trying haha. Had some relationship problems, all that jazz. It's been complicated, but interesting. I'm trying my best I guess.
 | 50iL Hey my man, hope all is well. Life has gotten in the way recently, sorry I haven't been on Discord. How you been?
 | IronyIsADeadScene It's ironic that Faith No More inspired nu metal, but covered Black Sabbath and played metal riffs...almost like they actually remembered the "metal" part, which almost everyone else forgot.I've already gone over my views on riffs and chugs extensively, though.
 | IronyIsADeadScene If you do ever listen to Angel Dust, Patton's high screams on Smaller and Smaller sound EXACTLY like Kyo's. Great riffs too - FNM were never too fond of the lazy chug.
 | IronyIsADeadScene If you liked Just A Man you'll like KFAD. There are some vaguely Dillinger-ish songs in there too (The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies).
 | Drifter I'm doing great dude. Once I get a job and actually can pay for a new phone I'll be back on it (hopefully it's still active by then). I'm always on here though! What's going on with you dude?
 | IronyIsADeadScene Always thought they were a dumb chugfest like every other deathcore band in existence but their new album is better. Wouldn't say I love it but it does at least have actual riffs. Same thing happened with JFAC as their career progressed; I always thought their debut EP was absolute s***e but their last album wasn't too bad.Still prefer the Canadian Annihilator though, especially the first couple of albums.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Still think you should listen to Angel Dust and KFADFFAL. They're better than the new DEG song, especially production wise.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I might do God Was Created by Vehemence. That doesn't have a review, but it's an underrated melodeath record.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I'm thinking of doing Paegan Terrorism Tactics for my first serious review. The main review of that is pretty bad.
 | IronyIsADeadScene If Linkin Park ever ends up being considered classic rock I'll be genuinely annoyed. Wouldn't mind SOAD as much though.
 | IronyIsADeadScene The main drawback on Withering as I recall is the songs that remind me of Linkin Park. I just think of "CRAWLING IN MY SKIN" and burst out laughing.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I'm definitely not as much of a fan of mindless heavy chugging as you are. With actual riffs in the verse Obscure could be a good song along the lines of something like Dillinger's Milk Lizard, but as it is it's pretty boring.I don't actually hate Withering. From what I recall it's probably a 3/5; I haven't rated it because I haven't listened to it in years. Vulgar on the other hand would struggle to reach a 3 for me. So much nu metal garbage.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I actually agree that Gauze is probably the best thing they did pre-Uroboros, though I don't think it's a classic like you do. Withering is a decent hard rock album but too Linkin Park-ish for my taste (I know our opinions on that band differ greatly, so I'll leave that be). The nu-metal stuff is just horrendous, and its return is the main reason I gave TIW a 2.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I'm actually not quite as anti-chug as I joke about - I enjoy some Pantera, Meshuggah, and Gojira - but there's a difference between chugs in groove riffs and nu-metal chugs used instead of riffs.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Without wanting to divert the conversation, let's just say I probably wouldn't be giving Vulgar the same rating as Storm Of The Light's Bane. I'm probably much more into BM than you are, but based on what I've heard from Vulgar those riffs (if they can be called such) are so banal. I won't rate Vulgar because I don't think I've ever actually heard the whole thing. Kyo sounded OK though from what I remember; it's only Macabre and Kisou that really have bad vocals as I recall.
 | IronyIsADeadScene That said, I do think Obscure and their other nu-metal songs are boring as hell. I honestly can't understand why anyone thinks Obscure is a stand out track other than the shock video, it's just so musically dull.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Gauze is obviously a rock album rather than a metal one, but there are plenty of slow rock songs on their good albums as well; that aspect of their sound was never lost, even on Marrow and TIW which are pretty rubbish in general.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I'm not sure any of their good albums (Uroboros-DSS-Arche) are primarily groove based, really. There's a fair bit of groove metal on DSS in particular (Kaoru is a big fan of Dimebag apparently, so that makes sense), but even there a lot of the songs have quieter moments in them; it's not like they ever actually wrote a Gojira album.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Interesting that you consider an album where they were kind of ripping off another band to be one of their very best. I agree that it is better than Macabre/Kisou from what I remember, but it's definitely no 5 for me.
 | IronyIsADeadScene His Gauze vocals are definitely better than his Macabre ones. Do you know why that happened?
 | IronyIsADeadScene Amon has a MA-sounding riff at the start as well, though most of the song is more like Swedish melodeath.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Just listened to Diabolos again and there's definitely a hint of Morbid Angel in the riffs there. Calling DEG death metal is grossly inaccurate, though; the genre tag here slightly annoys me.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I also like Ocean Machine by Devin Townsend, which has pretty strong pop elements but great vocals.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Given I like FNM I shouldn't have that much of a problem with the poppiness of Gauze in theory, but those vocals are not what I expect from Kyo at all.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I actually did have problems with Kyo's vocals as well, but only on the very old albums. The constant moaning and groaning is partly why I can't see what you see in Gauze (though I know you're not that keen on their other early albums).I have the same problem with The Real Thing by Faith No More; there are some great songs there but Patton's voice is so horribly nasal on that album. He didn't get good until Angel Dust.
 | IronyIsADeadScene DSS is an odd case because there are an awful lot of chugs but also plenty of actual riffs. Definitely different from Marrow/TIW where most heavy songs are little but chugs, though.
 | IronyIsADeadScene With the bad production on the original Uroboros I can imagine not being able to make the riffs out well, but there are plenty of good riffs on that record; Vinushka alone has several. The weird thing about them is that they can riff surprisingly hard, they just prefer to chug lazily on a lot of songs, especially on TIW. I can't actually remember what Utafumi sounds like other than that I didn't like it very much.
 | IronyIsADeadScene A lot of those Japanese glam bands seemed to have those awful moaning clean vocals, from what I remember. One of the main reason I never liked most of them.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I notice that on the Uroboros remastered thread you said you didn't get the hype for DEG initially. Why was that? I was a fan from the first time I heard Vinushka in 2014. I know you mentioned Kyo's clean vocals, which I'm surprised you had a problem with unless you were talking about the early albums where he moans and groans like Anthony Kiedis. I remember laughing when I heard his awful singing on an early song, but I already knew them by then.
 | IronyIsADeadScene It reminds me of something you said long ago about nu metal being frequently undone by bad production and Calculating Infinity being heavier despite being in E standard because of better production (though I'd argue that actually having riffs helped a lot in that case).
 | IronyIsADeadScene I don't know what it is with slam/brutal DM and bad production. The first thing that struck me about Obscene Majesty was that it actually had the "cavernous" sound that that sort of album should have.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I was never much of a SOAD fan either, I was just impressed by the riff compilation. The first 2 albums definitely had most of the best ones.Generally I think slam is rubbish but the new Devourment is surprisingly good. My favourite metal record of the year is still DSO by quite some way, though.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I was thinking about what you said about nu metal. After watching Andrea Boma Boccarusso's 50 SOAD riffs, they definitely had some talent. BYOB was surprisingly metal for a mainstream rock hit, and they sometimes used actual riffs, not jumpda****up chugs.Linkin Park still sucks, though.
 | IronyIsADeadScene makes Linkin Park slightly less awful. Slightly.
 | IronyIsADeadScene;-the-Hedgehog-Boys/#lastpost
 | IronyIsADeadScene OK, so it's on the wrong album, because there are multiple albums listed with the same title. I need to move it to the right album somehow...
 | IronyIsADeadScene Just told BigPleb to check out Chris Chan's debut album for an example of supremely awful music. I'm probably going to write a review of it, since it doesn't have one.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Listen to the whole album. That's a great song but it doesn't really represent the whole experience.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I know you said you're not much of a Faith No More fan, but have you ever heard Angel Dust? Great eclectic songwriting and some surprisingly Kyo-ish vocals at times.
 | IronyIsADeadScene If any future generations want to discover the timeless classics of nu metal, they're out there.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I understand your perspective, but strict genre labels help people to find recommendations, which is why sites like the archives are popular.
 | IronyIsADeadScene On the flip side, Alice In Chains and Faith No More are metal. They play plenty of metal riffs, despite not being super heavy in general.
 | IronyIsADeadScene It really doesn't come down to personal taste for me. I enjoy a lot of mathcore and metallic hardcore but that's not metal either. Hell, it's possible to headbang to some King Crimson, but that's not metal.You're absolutely right that groove metal can get uncomfortably close to kvlt chvgs, but it still has metal riffs for the most part. Cowboys From Hell is almost a thrash album, and definitely the best Painters ever did.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Nu metal doesn't have metal riffs. Black and power metal are very different from traditional, but they still play metal riffs of some form. Yes, there isn't an academic definition, but there is one agreed on by a fair number of metal fans, sites like metal archives, etc.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Do you see nu metal as metal? Admittedly, saying "Linkin Park ist Krieg" would be funny.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I mean, something like Agalloch sounds nothing like Metallica, but they still play metal riffs, despite being fairly mellow by metal standards.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I actually think that even really wacky bands like Sigh and Mr Bungle fit much better with Sabbath than whiny s***e like Linkin Park. They obviously don't sound the same, but there's a musical and thematic connection, mainly in the use of metal riffs, which Linkin Park don't have.And, no, I don't think nu metal is metal due to lack of riffs, though a few bands like SOAD got close in a few songs.
 | IronyIsADeadScene "But I'd venture that every english-speaking person on the planet who was born 0-20 years before this album came out knows every word to In The End."Imagine being so delusional you think every 30 year old English speaking dude in South Asia and Africa knows every word to a s***ty Linkin Park song. This trolling is a necessary evil.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Far Beyond Driven topping the Billboard 200 was absolutely mental, though. Can't imagine a platinum album opening with something like Strength Beyond Strength again.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I totally see why people think Slipknot is metal, but Linkin Park? Really?
 | IronyIsADeadScene In what sense is Linkin Park remotely metal? I'm not.just saying this because I don't like them, I just genuinely don't understand how they fit with Black Sabbath and Metallica. I thought it was generally agreed that the last mainstream metal group was Pantera, unless you count Slipknot's lazy 2 note chugging as metal.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I was trolling Linkin Park fans when I noticed this old comment of yours."In terms of that metric...yeah hard to argue really. I can't imagine a Metal album having a grip on the public conscious like this again."
 | IronyIsADeadScene I see. I agree that it'll be dreadful if it comes out, but you said you were going to give it a 1 "on principle" once, which seems a bit prejudiced.The only 1 I've ever given to a non-joke band is St Anger, so I don't give out many of them. I'll give it to Illud as well when I do my Morbid Angel ratings.
 | IronyIsADeadScene In the vanishingly unlikely chance that their new album turns out to be the defining metal record of the 2020s, would you change your mind, or do you have a grudge against them?
 | IronyIsADeadScene Given Tool are actually releasing their new album, do you think X Japan are ever releasing theirs?
 | Pikazilla Thank you VERY MUCH! I really appreciate it, dude.
 | Pikazilla Hai. Nice to meet you. I've been told by Johnny that you were the man to ask about visual kei. Would you mind giving me some entry-level recs? I love DEN and sukekiyo, but that's pretty much all I know.
 | IronyIsADeadScene New Geno Samuel episode is out now, covering the start of Liquid Chris.
 | Lucman Alrighty, just sent a friend request. Thanks for that, man.
 | Lucman Absolutely! I haven't used discord in years but I should still have an account. If not you want the email address?
 | samwise2000 Yes! I have a discord, username ReenaShingo#9429 (know, its really campy). Sorry for the late reply, I didnt check my shoutbox for a few days.
 | IronyIsADeadScene The Megan Schroeder episodes are good so far. It's amusing how she pretended to be asexual to try to deter Chris, but still told him about her crush on Nazi soldiers.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Unfortunately the Clyde Cash/Liquid Chris episodes aren't out yet, but the one on Joshua Martinez is good.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I recommend the series Beneath the Bridge, about the people who trolled Chris. It gives the other side of the story.
 | samwise2000 I watched Tour Arui about a year ago, but forgot to rate it, since I hadnt been using sput for too long at that point. One of BTs best live shows, no doubt.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Don't know if you've ever seen Boogie Nights, but it's one of the best films of the 1990s. Certainly one of the best period films. Loads of Scorsese homages.
 | IronyIsADeadScene The film near perfectly captures the period. See also the top class 1970s exploitation film:
 | samwise2000 It was so damn awesome! Dont think ive ever seen a bad performance by Buck-Tick. Seeing them live one day is definitely on my bucket-list
 | IronyIsADeadScene Dirk Diggler managed to achieve the classic Chris Chan sound before Chris himself did.'s even singing a Transformers song.Joking aside, I reckon Paul Thomas Anderson would love Chris Chan.
 | IronyIsADeadScene As I said before, if they're going to release derivative albums, it should be in the old X Japan/Loudness style. Or some dirty Pantera/Acid Bath style southern metal, but they seem to have forgotten how to write riffs. I blame the chugs.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I was thinking that you said you didn't want to hear DEG attempt speed metal solos. I'm thinking it would be fitting for a shambolic TIW at the Budokan if they covered Silent Jealousy. That said, I reckon they could make it work if they stopped listening to crappy chugga chugga nu metal and spent time practising.
 | IronyIsADeadScene "Scene" music in general was the best source of dreck. Design the Skyline came from that too.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Is that purely on a musical level, though, or influenced by the band's behaviour? They're definitely one of the worst bands ever.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I agree. The low ratings are a result of angry hardcore punk fans hearing a laughable album right after HNSNSN.I'm not sure what the worst band on here is. Christian and the Hedgehog Boys are probably the laziest (Chris just tells over existing songs), but the most musically obnoxious is probably Brokencyde.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Yes, that's what I meant. Is that the biggest drop in ratings between albums on Sputnikmusic? GNW is also the worst rated album I've ever seen on the site. Even Brokencyde doesn't have a 1.1.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Have you heard Discharge's attempt at a Mercyful Fate album? It's quite spectacular.
 | JohnnyoftheWell Got a lot more time to check stuff now (gonna get on Dir en Grey soon ;]) - any chance of a link to the Atom tour?
 | IronyIsADeadScene Talking of crappy nu-metal, did you ever hear the Cryptopsy drummer's nu metal band? actually isn't the worst thing he's done.
 | IronyIsADeadScene What do you think of this glorious buttrock featuring the Korn drummer? Does it fit your examples of good nu metal?
 | JohnnyoftheWell Ah fair fair - will probably jump into it alongside a more appropriate Dir album then, which would you suggest?
 | JohnnyoftheWell Is Gauze a good place to start with Dir en grey? Feel like learning the ropes with them before getting into Sukekiyo, and not sure how much I'm vibing heaviness in general these days
 | IronyIsADeadScene Do you like Slugdge? I don't keep up with new music that much, but Esoteric Malacology was good.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I decided to rate Christian and the Hedgehog Boys honestly. Most people seem to be taking the piss with them.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Lyrics would include "I'm better than you because of my objectively superior musical taste". In bree bree deathcore vocals.
 | IronyIsADeadScene The idea would be to mock "trve kvlt" edgelords and crappy djentcore all at once.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Completely irrelevant, but talking about riffs v chugs reminds me of an idea I had long ago for a parody genre called "kvltcore". It starts like typical Darkthrone worship raw black metal, and then goes into a brickwalled 0-0-0-0 djentcore breakdown with mic-cupped vocals. The music video, called "Transilvanian Chvgger", would have me playing kvlt chvgs with my left hand behind my back, in black metal face paint.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I'm thinking about doing a Christian and the Hedgehog Boys review here, giving it a 5 as outsider art.
 | IronyIsADeadScene The Chris Chan documentary restarted on 24 February. He's remaking all the old episodes before moving on to Liquid Chris etc.
 | DrGonzo1937 Thanks calc, honestly can?t believe I got it tbh. The amount of talent this year was serious
 | DrGonzo1937 man, that's a shame. I miss yours and Evo's activity on here. Yeah going good man. what you jamming at the min?
 | DrGonzo1937 how's it going calc? haven't heard from you and evo for a bit
 | Uzumaki TBH, I can?t remember if I?d listened to that yet, hence no rating...
 | Uzumaki Dude I like Sukekiyo; got into them partially because of Kyo, and partially because 9Goats Blackout ended around that time and I wanted to keep up with the members. Thanks for the rec though; appreciate it.
 | Doibhin69 well s*** sounds like I may have to check it out sometime
 | Doibhin69 No I haven?t seen any of that. Is it just interviews and behind the scenes of the concerts ?
 | Doibhin69 Did u get a chance to work on that neverender download?
 | Get Low You're ****ing awesome. Thank you.
 | Get Low Can you give me a download link to the Cowboy Bebop red album if you have it?
 | IronyIsADeadScene Whatever you think of Carcass, I'm sure you'd agree that they used massive downtuning better than nu metal did.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I mean, this is what you can do with massively downtuned guitars and good riffs.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Angel Dust is the best FNM album. I prefer Patton's work with Mr Bungle and Dillinger myself, but FNM have some good songs, especially on that record.I can't say I ever saw Linkin Park as anything other than embarrassingly awful. Slipknot had their moments, but they could have been much better if they played actually good riffs.
 | IronyIsADeadScene What would you say the exceptions to that were? Deftones and SOAD are pretty much the only non-awful ones I can think of.
 | IronyIsADeadScene When we were talking on Reddit a while ago, you said that Calculating Infinity sounded heavier than any nu metal records despite being in standard tuning, and I'd agree. You said that nu metal bands were held back by poor production; I'd put the blame more on them being rubbish. I was thinking about that because Carcass sounded thunderous in B tuning a few years before nu metal was popular.
 | IronyIsADeadScene It's definitely the best Chris documentary out there. I'd recommend watching all that's out there so far, and then the next series when GenoSamuel restarts it next year.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Have you seen Geno Samuel's documentary series on Chris Chan? It's on hiatus at the moment until next year, but there are 13 episodes out. It's a great summary of the saga.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Here's a Chris Chan classic:
 | IronyIsADeadScene How do I get my ratings for Brokencyde wiped? I don't want all my other rantings to go.Are you familiar with Chris Chan's awful music? He has a pretty substantial discography.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Chris Chan has made so much trash music, if you're into that at all.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Unfortunately, one of those songs was taken down. The band was too embarrassed.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Oh, I've got so much more to show you. anything by Chris Chan.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Do you want to hear something that makes The Insulted World Sound like Uroboros by comparison?
 | IronyIsADeadScene Interesting about BWP. I'll definitely listen to Thanatos at some point.
 | Jasdevi087 nah there's actually quite a few songs where he pops up on, like the backing vox on The Funeral Portrait
 | IronyIsADeadScene Steven Wilson is on Bleak. The rest of the clean vocals are Mikael.
 | Jasdevi087 Cal I just want you to know, that the "cool clean vocals" on Blackwater Park are probably Steven Wilson
 | IronyIsADeadScene AJFA is actually my favourite Metallica album, though the production is a bit tinny. I also love RTL and MOP. Rust In Peace is my favourite thrash album, though, and I'm a huge fan of Death.I've never listened to Thanatos, but it sounds like I'd like them. I like tech thrash and tech death.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Also, for straight DM, I love Necroticism by Carcass. One of the best collections of riffs on record.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Ashes is great, but I find the folk influences on The Mantle make it my favourite.Yes, loads. I haven't rated loads of classic metal albums I love from Death, Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer, Black Sabbath etc. I also haven't done Vektor and various other modern bands, and King Crimson. I love Red and Discipline.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Interesting. I never noticed much difference in Mikael's clean vocals on those albums. Still Life and Blackwater Park sound quite similar to me.Do you like Agalloch? The Mantle is one of my favourite albums.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Also, I noticed that you haven't given album ratings to any Opeth albums pre-Blackwater Park. I love Morningrise, MAYH, and Still Life. Orchid is decent too.
 | IronyIsADeadScene TMOAB does have ballads, though. They're just not of the same standard as those on Uroboros-DSS-Arche.Cathartic rage can be combined with nuanced songwriting. I think good metalcore like Converge and Dillinger combines them well.
 | IronyIsADeadScene With Gauze, I can see why you like it, but it's not my thing at all.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I definitely don't think it's entirely talentless, though I do think that's true of TMOAB to some extent. It's certainly a lot better than most crappy Japanese glam/nu metal groups; I've seen you lamenting the poor quality of such bands before. What is the tangible atmosphere that they lost with Uroboros? I always thought Uroboros was extremely atomospheric.
 | IronyIsADeadScene For example, I like Converge. Two of the guys in the TIW thread don't like Converge, and that's fine. It's the same the other way round with me and the rest of DEG's discography. I don't like it, but I don't really care if people do.
 | IronyIsADeadScene "ignorant metalheads who worship their 2008-2014 output, declares the rest of their albums as s*** and forces their generalisations onto people."I'll be honest with you, that's basically me, although I love the song Macabre as well, and I'm quite fond of Sukekiyo. I don't care if people like other parts of their discography, but that is my preference. The only "ignorance" I'd say is acting elitist to people and scorning them for their preferences.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I agree. Way too many people there defend absolutely everything about the band, including the London show that went wrong. Obviously it wasn't the band's fault, but it's good to see that some people recognise the problems.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I'm a new user here, though I know you from talking about DEG on Reddit. Did you think I was an alt of anyone in particular?
 | IronyIsADeadScene I don't care about other people's musical opinions, but it was pretty funny looking at the YouTube comments complaining about how SSOASS was apparently a series of 20 minute prog rock songs. There's one 10 minute song, and the rest are normal length. It makes me wonder if they actually heard the album.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I have a pretty different view of their discography from that review video for the most part. Personally, I think Powerslave/SIT/SSOASS are the best albums they did, though I like all the Dickinson albums except NPFTD.
 | IronyIsADeadScene What was obscene about the deadline for TIW? To be honest, I don't think the shortest notice would justify the production job it had.Dynamite Tommy is definitely a corrupt scumbag, but that's to be expected for Japanese major label management.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I wouldn't take such a strict approach. If they ever do some kind of final legacy tour with loads of Uroboros/DSS/Arche stuff and the Macabre remake, I'll go for sure, and take the risk of sound problems. If it's all new stuff, though, then no. I don't like the direction they're going in at this point.I agree about Sukekiyo, though. I'll be interested to hear what they can do in future.
 | IronyIsADeadScene I get why people like Withering, but it's not really to my liking. Too pop-rock sounding for me. I don't mind it, though.Anyway, I'm glad I saw DEG in 2015 when it was actually a good show. You sadly probably won't get to see a good show from them at this point.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Everyone's different. NeO are a superb live act if you're into them at all. Obviously we have our differences - I know you like DEG's early glam stuff, which I'm not that keen on for the most part.The only albums I like from DEG are Uroboros, DSS, Arche, and The Unraveling. I don't really care for anything else, but that's a pretty impressive discography in itself. That's why I'm not bothered by the disappointing new album; they've put out more good stuff than most bands ever do already.
 | IronyIsADeadScene Are you into Ne Obliviscaris at all? I thought you might be given you like Opeth and DEG.
 | ShadowNeko hey have you recently uploaded that subbed Maximum the Hormone video?
 | Drifter Has it been that long? My parents will be gone more so I'll be able to get on more. I'll be able to get on on the weekend. Thanks for caring (:
 | samwise2000 Yeah, Heart was trash. Sang is an improvement, but its no 'Symphony of the Vampire'
 | samwise2000 True, Tue's production has done wonders for Diru's past few releases. Still, it will all come down to song writing in the end for me. Also, have you checked out Kamijo's latest effort, Sang?
 | BenThatsMyJamin Funnily enough I was pretty much a noob before I bought the tickets but have been jamming like crazy since haha, cheers man
 | BenThatsMyJamin Yeah I'm so hyped, I've tried to avoid knowing too much but I've seen a couple of vids and heard that Bruce's voice is pretty much in the best shape it's been since the BNW days, and add to that some of the setlist picks it should be an amazing night. Thanks for the advice, I guess I'll show up just before doors and bag a good spot, me and my mate can take turns running rounds!
 | BenThatsMyJamin Hey dude I remember seeing you in a thread saying you saw maiden the other day. Im seeing them tomorrow at the O2 and was wondering how it was and what sort of time you'd say to get there to get good standing spots? Sorry I'm a bit of a noob as I've never been to a show even nearly this big before but I'm so ****ing excited! Any help would be appreciated cheers
 | Beardog boi, I finished my album! check it out and tell me what you think :D I didn't put the little silence before the breakdown in Aimless, I'm sorry... I didn't really feel like it fit the song that much.
 | DrGonzo1937 I'm alright for headphones at the min, bud. Thanks for the offer though!