Shadow Of Intent



by XfingTheSullen USER (62 Reviews)
August 26th, 2017 | 31 replies

Release Date: 2016 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Thought Slice the Cake were good? Oh boy...

I said it in one of my earlier reviews and I'll say it again - deathcore is definitely at its best when hybridized with other genres. Though the days of writing simplistic mosh fodder are long gone for the most part, not many deathcore bands still choose to (or have the skills necessary to) take an eclectic, artistically mature approach to writing their music. Slice the Cake was one such band, relatively short-lived they may have been, but they definitely made a big splash thanks to unapologetically including many exotic and unusual influences in their music. They were not perfect though, having certain standout tracks but also numerous unremarkable ones. But then came along Shadow of Intent and filled the vacancy left after Slice the Cake's disbanding, and then some. Essentially, they're twice as good and about that much less pretentious to boot. What's there not to love?

The overall sound on Primordial is a blend of symphonic metal (kinda like if Winds of Plague were a good band) with progressive metal, melodeath, technical death and deathcore. Apart from aforementioned bands, a definite parallel with Ovid's Withering can be drawn, though Shadow of Intent are noticeably devoid of the math aspect and much, much lighter on the chugs. All songs are composed with a fleeting smoothness that none of their peers have yet matched, breakdowns are all but absent, and the deathcore aspect manifests more in downtempo, syncopated verse parts, never long enough to outstay their welcome. The album's stellar songwriting, great dynamics and emotional load are only enhanced by prolific highly technical yet tasteful sweeps and arpeggios, frantic riffing from throughout almost the entire metal spectrum, and flawless production devoid of any popular detrimental deathcore tropes. No aspect of the sound overpowers the others or feels forced or out of place and all transitions are perfectly timed. Every track is a highlight in its own right, with great potential for repeat listening.

The vocal delivery is definitely highly skillfull, and very much in line with current trends as far as deathcore is concerned. In fact, the vocals are probably the thing that speak the strongest in favor of the album's "deathcore" identity: raspy, somewhat gurgly growls the likes of which you won't find in pure death metal and high pitched screams are just two staple styles the vocalist is capable of delivering. You will also hear some super deep gurgles taken straight from goregrind, that appear to have made their way into modern deathcore's constant roster, but that's far from the end of it - tracks like "The Twin Revelation" feature even genuine black metal vocals and cleans throughout, the vocalist just does it all. I unfortunately cannot take a stance regarding the lyrical direction of the band, as I am not familiar with the Halo franchise, but from experience I can tell that video game buffs are most always very creative and open-minded folks, not to mention unpretentious - despite having to stave off accusations of having a passion for a juvenile and nerdy form of entertainment, gamers are definitely more chill people overall, and I hope to see more video-game-influenced lyrics from many bands in the future.

Primordial is overall probably one of the best examples so far that the approach of "let's make the best music we possibly can using all the tools at our disposal" definitely beats the approach of "let's make a deathcore album, and take special care to keep it deathcore". "Primordial" is an entrancing listen from beginning to end, and I can't really say a single bad thing about it. Eclecticism for the win!

Rating: 4.1

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Comments:Add a Comment 
August 26th 2017


Definitely wasnt impressed by this album. Their new one is considerably better. Nice to see it get a write up tho. You have some grammatical and syntax errors that you might want to iron out, but 'pos nonetheless. P.s: leave out the bold font on reviews, it's unsightly.

August 26th 2017


Listened to these guys a while back, never did anything for me.

August 26th 2017


Album Rating: 3.5

P.s: leave out the bold font on reviews, it's unsightly.

Hahahaha, well I saw it used by some other folks around here and thought it was cool, so I started going with bold for artist names, italic for album names and quotes for song titles. Oh well

Staff Reviewer
August 27th 2017


Good review all in all. 2 things though 1) agreed with evo's point on emboldening; I always prefer single quotation marks (e.g. 'Slice the Cake') which do the same job but look a little bit more professional. If you think about it, you never see emboldening in professional pieces of writing, just italics and quotation marks to signify things like band names and song names. Just my thoughts though, keep it if you want by all means. 2) the review is a tad too referential. I don't know any of the bands you mention (and I could guess that the average reader wouldn't either if they're not well acquainted with the genre) so large sections of the first 2 para go over my head a little. By all means draw comparisons, but ensure there is enough descriptive language to explain what it means to be similar to X band to someone who doesn't know who X are.
Hope that makes sense. Good work here. Pos.

Staff Reviewer
August 27th 2017


Album Rating: 4.0

This shit's good

August 27th 2017


Album Rating: 3.5

Thanks for your suggestions, Asleep. Being referential is also something I've copied from other reviews seen on this site, even by contribs or staff. I definitely could do without it tbh

Why don't you make the best outta this situation and check out the bands I referred to while you're at it? They're goooood

August 27th 2017


Album Rating: 4.5

Their new album is better in every way, but this is still great stuff. Prelude To Bereavement is a fucking killer album opener.

August 28th 2017


ok so their lyrics are all halo themed glad i was not mistaken

August 31st 2017


Album Rating: 3.5

Don't take my writeup as a confirmation, lol

people have been saying it a lot on youtube is all

September 12th 2017


Album Rating: 3.0

>I don't know any of the bands you mention (and I could guess that the average reader wouldn't either if they're not well acquainted with the genre) so large sections of the first 2 para go over my head a little. By all means draw comparisons, but ensure there is enough descriptive language to explain what it means to be similar to X band to someone who doesn't know who X are.

Hope that makes sense. Good work here. Pos.


December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

Band slayz. This one is even better than Reclaimer.

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

Its not tho

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

Opinions are crazy huh???

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

You could've just said you like this one better rather then stating it as a fact

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

Shut the fuck up dude lmao. You just wanna pick a dumb ass fight. Obviously it’s my opinion if I said it, not a fact. Good god are you dense. Enjoy the riffs and stop trying to be cool.

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 3.0

Jesus fucking christ Noct

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 3.0

I'll be checking this at some point, but I don't expect to enjoy it more than Reclaimer personally.

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

Seriously what an idiot. But yeah Reclaimer rules too, dude was acting like I said it sucks.

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 3.5

let's all love each other now

December 28th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

You're such a sensitive little man. Chill the fuck out and enjoy the riffs fahm

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