Reviews 9 Approval 94%
Soundoffs 96 Album Ratings 1343 Objectivity 59%
Last Active 12-02-22 9:33 am Joined 01-06-16
Review Comments 2,133
 | Dedes I've been on a PHAT dm kick after splitting it with non metal material for awhile so for really good early 2000s tech death that is plenty crunches while having lil grandiose flourishes jam Anata-Under a Stone With No Inscription
 | Dedes Damn brother where the **** did you go lmao
 | Dedes Well you should jam new Moonlight Sorcery then my fellow plebian!!! Also uhh life is good still in a dead end job I hate but I'm gonna get with a girl for the first time in 3 whole ass years so that's kind of dope. Boy howdy am I excited but also freaked lol
 | Dedes Hows it going my guy