
Reviews 9
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 93
Album Ratings 1222
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 12-02-22 9:33 am
Joined 01-06-16

Review Comments 2,116

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ninja? celty?, guyspleasefixthissiteihatethisusernamesomuch,

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  • Dedes Well you should jam new Moonlight Sorcery then my fellow plebian!!! Also uhh life is good still in a dead end job I hate but I'm gonna get with a girl for the first time in 3 whole ass years so that's kind of dope. Boy howdy am I excited but also freaked lol
    October 5 11:36 AM
  • Dedes Hows it going my guy
    September 25 03:07 AM
  • Ryus if you wanna write the blurb for it then pls feel free to do so, im a s*** writer anyway
    March 7 10:07 PM
  • artiswar you're good
    February 27 04:36 PM
  • artiswar I ****ing hate it when people change their names. Stop doing that.
    February 27 04:33 PM

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