Stone Sour
Audio Secrecy



by Robert Garland STAFF
April 9th, 2011 | 30 replies

Release Date: 2010 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Stone Sour further develop their clean, radio friendly rock sound giving the mainstream rock fans something to look forward to whilst receiving mixed results from the hard rock/metal genre base.

As far as rock radio goes this is a highly successful third effort from Stone Sour. Audio Secrecy displays many traits from their previous album but loses some of the bands metal stylings prominent in their self titled first release. The overall sound Stone Sour has developed is a stronger, friendlier and catchier release than their previous efforts.

Whilst barely stepping away from a mainstream dominant album there are the occasional features that most listeners would pick up on a first listen that suggests that some members of Stone Sour have not in any way lost their metal influences i.e. the double bass drum work that occasionally makes an appearance and Taylors screamed vocal lines usually placed at the beginning and end of some vocal phrases (even if they are less intense than his other workings) that show there are some metal influences that cannot be separated band to band.

A feature many will notice that is typical of the radio/mainstream rock genre includes the use of hook lines (a feature where the track title/hook is used in the track itself, usually in a chorus section) in many tracks of the bands album helps create a higher level of catchiness in tracks, Audio Secrecy it seems is no different. The lyrical content of Audio Secrecy tackles many issues used all over the genre including both love and death and the lyrics are developed to be catchy and memorable and Audio Secrecy does not fall short in that department. Vocally Corey Taylor has a better portrayed clean vocal effort using a greater amount of melody with less emphasis on his screamed vocal efforts when his vocals are compared to his work with Slipknot. Instrumentally the music behind the vocal lines display a hard rock if not metalcore style approach, this being created by the use of sliding octave diads and verse line chugging/low end dominant riff work. The guitars play creatively and tastefully to contribute to the rest of the bands effort. The solo work of Josh Rand and Jim Root also display their own personal talents as guitarists and display their technical abilities greatly. These solos also include a few metal dominant features including shredded guitar leads and harmonics. The bass guitar while not overly prominent throughout the album does add to the albums texture and improves the tracks quality reinforcing the guitars rhythm work. A positive feature used in Audio Secrecy includes a greater use of Taylor’s piano work and while they are not overly special they do add an interesting level of contrast for the listeners. Giving strength to the album is Roy Mayorga’s drum work showing occasionally some influences brought to this record from his work with Soulfly and his other previous metal influences i.e. the double bass work and the extended cymbal use, however his drumming efforts neither improve nor lower the albums overall standard.

The production level of Audio Secrecy is of the highest quality and some listeners may feel that the sound is too clear, or over produced. For Stone Sour that is not really a bad thing, a clean production gives greater benefit to Taylor’s clean vocal work and emphasises its radio rock potential.

Stone Sour have really come together on their third studio effort with their radio/mainstream sound and while not for everyone Audio Secrecy displays a great level of catchiness cementing their sound in the mainstream rock genre. When Audio Secrecy is looked at without comparison with other bands it shows Audio Secrecy as a great album and a coming together of Stone Sour.

Highlights Include: Say You’ll Haunt Me, Hesitate, Miracles and Anna.

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user ratings (633)
other reviews of this album
FCY (2.5)
Stone Sour succeed once more in proving they're no Slipknot in terms of quality. Not by a long shot....

Tyrael (3.5)
Audio Secrecy is a very admirable effort from a band trying to soldify their identity....

BassDemon333 (3)
Stone Sour branch off from Come What(ever) May and solidify their radio rock sound....

jitteryzeitgeist (3)
Modern rock that is definitely recorded on a compact disc....

Comments:Add a Comment 
Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


had this written for about a week, didn't know whether i wanted it put up, but i can't be told what im doing wrong if i don't put anything up. In saying this constructive criticism is more than welcome.

April 9th 2011


Album Rating: 3.0

I've been listening to this album recently and I totally agree with you. I really like some of the songs in the middle (with the exception of the embarrassingly bad 'Hesitate') Kind get bored towards the end. Very well written review, I pos'd.

Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


Thanks Fire, i should of put this up before my Slipknot review.

April 9th 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

Mission Statement is easily the best on here

April 9th 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

Robert, this is better than your Slipknot review. Again though, just watch the length of everything. While the overall review is about the correct length, that 3rd paragraph needs to be broken up. And here is a rule of thumb; Never have a paragraph be 1 sentence (unless it's a really short one), because you have done it again here with the 2nd paragraph.

Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


The dvd isn't bad either.

Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


I guess i have some bad habits to break. thanks for the input Davey.

April 9th 2011


I think they pull off the metal songs a lot better than the radio rock ones, but this was a nice

Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


Thanks Tyraelxy, i do prefer the heavier stuff, but sometimes a change of pace is a nice thing.

April 9th 2011


Album Rating: 3.0

decent review

their first album is way better, but this has enjoyable moments like mission statement and the bitter end. they really tried to go massive with this.

Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


Most i think like the first album more because of its dirtier, more metal feel to it. For what this is, it's great. Sometimes overproduced but great.

April 9th 2011


Album Rating: 3.0

yeah i'd agree, but i 'm a bit saddened though that they seem to have abandoned their older stuff a bit since this album. when i saw them live they only play 2 songs off their self titled and they were the 2 big hits: get inside and bother. i don't think they have "sold out" cause i genuinely think corey likes this kind of music, but i thought the darker stuff like orchids and inhale were excellent.

Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


Yeah i like how get inside gets frequent plays live. It gets a crowd going. But its easy to understand if Corey wants to balance his lightt and heavy so to speak between stone sour and slipknot.

April 9th 2011


needs more punctuations

April 9th 2011


Album Rating: 3.0

This is alright but they will never top their first album and the radio friendly aspect of this album brings it down.

Staff Reviewer
April 9th 2011


Thanks guys, its alright if your way into the mainstream sounds.

Staff Reviewer
April 11th 2011


What's everyone's opinions on how this rates with their other albums?
2.Audio Secrecy
3.Come What (ever) May

April 12th 2011


Album Rating: 3.0

^ that's how i'd rank them

Staff Reviewer
April 12th 2011


It makes me feel good to know i'm not alone in my thinking.

January 8th 2014


Album Rating: 2.0

This is a lot better than I remembered it being. Hesitate still sucks though

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