A Fallen Temple



by Yeahtoast USER (19 Reviews)
August 12th, 2010 | 12 replies

Release Date: 1998 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Greeks fuse sharp new material with a few blasts from the past.

By 1998, Septic Flesh had released three full length albums and had made great strides in making a name for themselves through their highly innovative music. A Fallen Temple is an interesting release that not only builds on their past sound, but gives their old sound fresh emphasis and value also. This is a record of two halves, consisting of several new songs and several remixed songs from earlier EPs and demos; while it may not be the ideal starting place for new fans, it is nonetheless an eclectic output from a band that now had the freedom and reassurance of a solid fanbase to branch out and try something different.

It seems Septic Flesh’s sound develops and intensifies with each release and A Fallen Temple is no exception. While their proggy roots are not abandoned, they choose here a more aggressive sound, almost thrashy at some points. Guitarists Sotiris Vayenas and Christos Antoniou as ever combine well and effectively, carving out enormous riffs that simply outweigh anything written previously. Lead play also stands out from previous records, “Marble Smiling Face” is one such example; pounding riffs are overlaid with sky scraping guitar melodies and highlight the abundance of talent the Greeks possess. Their trademark tidy solos are also, as ever, impressive and memorable. The ever present Seth Antoniou is once again the driving force behind the mic. His guttural lows also stand out from previous albums, harsh and more punishing than ever. On the new material Septic Flesh have undoubtedly upped their game, production quality is clean accentuating this new approach. A Fallen Temple is also a monstrous album as far as drumming is concerned; pounding blast beats and surprisingly complex patterns keep the heavy riffs flowing and ensuring they pack a devastating punch.

The increased input of Christos is excels with this album. His masterpiece, “Underworld”, is a two act operatic enigma, containing only the beautiful voice of Natalie Rassoulis and several backing male vocalists. While several lengthy operatic pieces may not appeal to all fans of the band, they will surely attract many new ones and they are at least something Septic Flesh can call their own. The partnership between Christos and Seth also creates diversity within A Fallen Temple; Chris’s subtle and elegant clean vocals add another layer along with Seth’s malicious tones, guaranteeing that the vocal patterns aren’t as monotonously orientated as on earlier albums.

While the remixes of earlier material does sound quite strong, it is not the superlative introduction to the sound and works of Septic Flesh. Gone are the trademark atmospherics that are so key to the band’s unmistakable sound, gone are the angelic vocals of Natalie Rassoulis, what is left is a raw death metal approach with Seth assuming control of all vocal duties. While not necessarily a bad addition, they are somewhat misleading and different sounding to other Septic Flesh material, giving the impression of an almost entirely different band playing within the same album. “The eldest Cosmonaut (Dark Version)” is a remix of the second track on the album, with the addition of Seth’s vocals where there were none previously; the track stands out as a remix that fits with the continuity of the album and gives the song a darker feel.

While A Fallen Temple may only be considered a stop gap until the band released Revolution DNA later in 1998 with an entire track list of new material, it is nonetheless an interesting listen. The album will be a treat for earlier fans of the band who will enjoy hearing older somewhat forgotten material in a new format, but for newcomers to the band and their distinctive sound this record may be slightly misleading. If you like an album that presents strong changes in musical style and atmosphere along its duration, this may be a worthwhile venture for you. If not, an earlier album such as Esoptron or The ophidian Wheel may be of greater appeal. A strongly varied album and a worthwhile addition to any long time fan’s collection, but not the perfect preamble into the world of Septic Flesh.

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user ratings (121)

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August 12th 2010


Album Rating: 3.0

Newly written material sounds great and is closer to a 4; older remixes let this album down for me. By no means bad, they just don’t do it for me. I don’t consider this a full length either. Review is strictly objective.

August 12th 2010


Album Rating: 3.0

"It seems Septic Flesh’s sound develops and intensifies with each release and A Fallen Temple is no exception. While their proggy roots are not abandoned, they choose here a more aggressive sound, almost thrashy at some points"

However, "marble smiling face" and "the eldest cosmonaut" is the most melodic,catchiest stuff they had written until then,in my opinion

August 12th 2010


Album Rating: 3.0

Other than that I agree with what you say about the "new" songs sounding so much better than "temple of the lost race"(I think this is the EP they remix here).

Another pos

Staff Reviewer
August 12th 2010


a small typo:

While the remixed of earlier material


This is the natural frontier between and the old and the new Septic Flesh.

After this the band would work with a full line-up (with a real drummer).

good job, Pos'd

August 12th 2010


Album Rating: 3.0

I agree lostforwords, there are some excellent melodic pieces here, as with other Septic Flesh albums. This is why I decided to focus on the parts of the album that were different than what fans came to expect and separated the album from previous releases. Thanks for the pos

Thanks voivod, I actually noticed that typo before I posted as I changed a sentence there and needed to change the word, but I somehow forget to correct it haha. Thanks again for the kind words!

August 16th 2010


no ablums before Revolution DNA clicked with me.

probably will never buy this one

August 17th 2010


Album Rating: 3.0

This one I probably wouldn't buy this one either, Esoptron or The Ophidian Wheel are the best pre Revolution DNA imo.

May 30th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Let's not forget how ace the melodies in Setting of the Two Suns are too.

The first three songs are excellent too. The rest not so much but still I think a 3 isn't doing this record right.

March 1st 2017


Damn this is one boring album.

March 1st 2017


Album Rating: 2.5

easily their worst ye

March 1st 2017


decent bumpu tho

December 18th 2017


Some sweet gothic metal in here

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