Lamb of God



by The_RabidMonkey USER (5 Reviews)
March 2nd, 2009 | 332 replies

Release Date: 2009 | Tracklist

Review Summary: In Wrath, Lamb of God delivers the raw energy of their first two albums, while retaining the technical aspect of Sacrament.

Subgenres seem to be the fad of the 2000s and as such, have placed many bands into several categories. Lamb of God is no exception. However, by the time you get through the album for the first time one thing is clear: Wrath is a Metal album, pure and simple. If you are a fan of Metal, any kind will do, Lamb of God has something to offer you.

A current trend in the Metal genre is that everything has to be nonstop brutality. Wrath begins with a bit of a jaw-dropper for many longtime fans, and even for newcomers. The first track is a two minute instrumental beginning with none other than an acoustic guitar. Just as you are about to question what you are listening to, the song fades into a hard-hitting, aggressive, groove-filled, and technically-proficient Metal album that Lamb of God is both known and loved for.

The five Virginian metalheads have used their experience as a band wisely, never failing to keep all that makes Lamb of God what is has been secure, while constantly showing improvements in their instrumental prowess. One of the two originally released songs, Set to Fail contains all of the elements of a thrashy, groove-driven metal song. A perfectly timed guitar solo full of Bluesy licks allows the energy built up throughout the track to burst. Certainly, it is one of the most catchy solos I’ve heard in the past couple years, and silences those that despise “mindless, emotionless shredding.”

As you continue through the tracks of Wrath, you’ll find yourself immersed in a fast-paced flurry of sixteenth-note filled guitar riffs with an excellent display of guitar “acrobatics.” Headbanging is almost a necessity when listening to Wrath. As they did with Sacrament, Lamb of God added an ambience to the raw power of their songs in Wrath. In the end, Wrath proves that Lamb of God have constantly pushed forward in their career, never failing to build on their skills and force their weaknesses into the ground. For example, there are sweeped arpeggios in the solo on Grace. Yeah, seriously.

Randy Blythe’s vocal performance maintained (for the most part) the usual formula, utilizing his unique growls, screams, and shrieks to push the band’s aggressiveness over the edge. However, there is one wrench thrown into the mix. Semi-clean vocals (the chorus on Set to Fail). Some fans of the band may say it’s a sign that they’re losing their grip on their own music. Others, such as myself, see it as a perfect opportunity to sing (or scream) along at the next Lamb of God show.

Morton and Adler continue to pound aggressive riffs into their songs, but make sure to keep that groove in there as well. Solos riddle this album with the same bullet-like intensity as the riffs.

Campbell’s bass playing is present, but unfortunately has no shining moments. Then again, one could say that following along with the guitar riffs is enough.

As usual, the drumming Adler shows that he likes to play fast. Double bass filled rhythms don’t stop him from creating intricate beats with the rest of his kit. Perhaps the part of his drumming that stands out the most is his amazing snare tone (or how amazingly tight his playing remains at any speed).

All of the tracks are long enough to make a point, but short enough to keep the listener interested. The last track is somewhat longer than the others at a little over seven minutes, but that does not at all stop the band from keeping the listeners glued to the speakers.

Of course, as is always the case, some fans may be let down by Lamb of God’s latest effort. Those that loved the first two albums, but were let down by Ashes of the Wake and/or Sacrament may not receive the complete return to the roots they loved. There are certainly riffs that may have fit into their older albums, but the purely raw sound of those tracks has been replaced with the newer, fuller sound of the previous two releases.

On the other side, there are those that loved Sacrament and Ashes of the Wake but hated New American Gospel and As the Palaces Burn. Here, the exact opposite problem is evident. The feel of the newer albums is there, but some of the crossovers leave something to be desired.

In summary, Lamb of God’s Wrath contains all of the key components of Lamb of God that make them such a force in the Metal genre. Some may be disappointed, but most will have plenty of incentive to welcome Wrath as a solid Lamb of God album.

-Intense, groove-driven riffs
-Technical solos with a catchy feel
-Vocal performance shows more flexibility than previous releases
-Tight, complex drumming

-Some fans may feel that the new album attempted to merge the first two albums with the most recent two…and failed.

Recommended Tracks:
-Set to Fail
-Everything to Nothing

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1 of
  • CoreySzn (3)
    Just another Lamb of God album for fans to enjoy but it wont earn them any praise from the...

    tckslchs (3)
    Wrath represents a band riding the lightning of popularity and as a result forgetting thei...

    OvTheFireAndVoid (2)
    Worst Lamb Of God release to date... Randy Blythe and Chris Adler are the only things that...

    LupinIII (3.5)

  • Xav (3.5)

Comments:Add a Comment 
February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 1.5

Raiden: I don't think so

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

I won't read this until I see some paragraphs.

Album is good so far.

EDIT: Thats better haha!This Message Edited On 02.18.09

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Wow, you two got to this fast....paragraphs fixed.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

You might want to make sure this is saved as a word document or something in case it is deleted.

Edit: Review is decent enough. Just use paragraphs.This Message Edited On 02.18.09

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 1.5

ok I'll be nice, review was good for what it is

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

Not a bad review. You seem to kind of lose interest in what your writing about and kind of drift off around the last few paragraphs.

You forgot to mention how horrible Randy sounds on this.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

Can't wait to hear this.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

My god, here comes the SPUTNIK LoG FREAKS hahaha.

Balls, you can here this right now. Streaming!This Message Edited On 02.18.09

February 19th 2009


more like lamb of zog

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0


February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Review is ok, as is album. I thought Contractor was miles better than Set To Fail though.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

Im not a fan of the track contractor really but broken hands and dead seeds are beasts!

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

Album is good.

February 19th 2009


Fairly well written review. It'll look better if you group your ideas together in paragraphs a bit more.
You're also supposed to put a link to the stream at the bottom of a review or in the first comment, but I know the mods are probably aware there is one so they won't delete it.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

I posted the link in the news. He's safe.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Definitely the band's least interesting album to date. It doesn't have the raw energy of their earlier releases or the insane riffage of Sacrament. It's just a let down.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

So, those that thought the review was just "ok", what would you have done to improve on it?

I wrote this review differently than my first two. I realized that there were going to be so many people on the fence with this one, or as comments have proved, "it wasn't raw" or "it wasn't Sacrament." I decided that it would be a good idea to write the review the way I did, but hey, that's opinion...let me hear yours.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Out of their five albums, this one is actually looking to be my favorite. I'm probably going to get a bit of flak for saying that, but I can't find any real flaws in it.

Oh, and about Randy's vocals, I think they're fine. In some songs they are a bit laid back, but for the most part it's still everything we've come to expect from him.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

this album is just kind of boring. Nothing about it gets my blood pumping.

average work.

well, we had a good run.

February 19th 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

Underwhelmingly average.

The Passing and In Your Words are the only tracks worth my time tbh

And what the hell was Randy thinking with the clean vocals?...

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