Reviews 85 Approval 95%
Soundoffs 149 News Articles 7 Band Edits + Tags 29 Album Edits 106
Album Ratings 2690 Objectivity 84%
Last Active 07-05-12 9:20 pm Joined 12-08-05
Review Comments 20,577
 | Hawks I love it bro hahaha. I keep coming back to it.
 | Hawks We're complete opposites on the Bedsore/Opeth spectrum hahahaha.
 | Hyperion1001 i listen to more electronic music than anything else at this point. hope you find some stuff you like in those recs! all is very well friend life is pretty great right now. hope all is well with you too.
 | Hyperion1001 since you?re posting in the kraftwerk thread I?ll rec you some stuff that they directly influenced:model 500 - classics; drexciya - Neptune?s lair; electroids - elektroworld; Derrick may - innovator.
 | Confessed2005 I'm doing good also, good to see you're still around on here! And yeah, 2005 seems centuries ago.