
Soundoffs 24
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Last Active 08-19-22 8:00 pm
Joined 11-13-18

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  • DrGonzo1937 Thanks a lot for checking it mate
    September 8 04:17 AM
  • DrGonzo1937 thought i'd do a shameless plug for my buddies on here. i've got a new record out 20th sept and we've just released our first song from it today. let us know what you think if you get chance mate, would love your thoughts.
    September 6 04:26 AM
  • Mort. bit random but Dead Man In Reno's previously unreleased second album is now out on spotify, if you want some obcurish core
    July 4 07:10 PM
  • Mort. its just been so long since ive had an actual list keeping track of what ive got left to check and am always stuck for choice due to spotify being so higgledy piggledy so now i always know whats next to check. will indeed be updating the list with my opinions and etc
    June 27 09:05 AM
  • Mort. super obscure 90s metalcore i just stumbled across. 3 votes on sputnik and none of them are you, wtf????
    June 19 07:46 PM

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