
Reviews 54
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 104
News Articles 12
Band Edits + Tags 79
Album Edits 155

Album Ratings 235
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 04-16-20 5:00 pm
Joined 02-24-16

Review Comments 4,195

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  • BlushfulHippocrene What movie we planning on (not) seeing next?
    November 17 02:18 AM
  • Flugmorph love u mang, just a reminder.
    October 25 05:21 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hi hi i am not on discord so cannot communicate like a real human rn BUT are you willing to mayhap assist with a collaborative project, your role within which will be reading a shortish interview and writing a one-para response to it that can be literally whatever tf you like good sir i crave you
    August 31 04:32 AM
  • DePlazz Check this out dude, entertaining listen: https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/82212/Brave-The-Cold-Scarcity/. I reckon tracks like Retrograde and Refuge might be up your alley. Cheers
    October 13 07:00 AM
  • dvlarison hey check out this band: https://phinersmusic.bandcamp.com/
    March 23 01:42 PM

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