Reviews 3 Approval 93%
Soundoffs 1 News Articles 3 Band Edits + Tags 1 Album Edits 32
Album Ratings 341 Objectivity 61%
Last Active 10-05-08 4:01 am Joined 10-28-07
Review Comments 851
| Best Of The First Half.
Obviously, these are my favorite releases thus far. If anyone has heard anything that I may like, judging from my list, feel free to rec away. These are in no particular order. | 1 |  | The Flashbulb Soundtrack to a Vacant Life
3.5 - I love the variation on this album. Some very great stuff here. | 2 |  | Grave Declaration The Nightshift Worshiper
4 - One of the best one man bands I've ever heard. Thor Georg Buer is one hell of a talent. It's a shame this is only an EP. If you like fairly proggy, symphonic, black/death metal, you'll love this. | 3 | | Halves Haunt Me When I'm Drowsy
4 - Been really like this one lately. It's a dreary, yet beautiful, mixture of post-rock and indie. Sweet packaging as well. | 4 |  | Exxasens Polaris
4 - Also been really liking this one. It's post-rock/metal with a few audio samples scattered through out. One song does have someone singing in spanish, but other than that its just loud and beautiful instrumental joy. | 5 |  | The Banner Frailty
4 - This one grew on me fast, and just continued to gain my favor. I'm not a violent person in the slightest, but this album makes me want to fight. The lyrics are macabre, the music is vicious, and the production sounds huge. Love it. | 6 |  | Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom
4 - This is another one that grew fast and kept going. Despite the ignorant ideals, this CD is amazing. Riffs riffs riffs. Hornets has some of the most infectious riffs I have ever heard. Love these bastards. | 7 |  | The Secret Disintoxication
3.5 - This lost a little momentum for me, but I still vouch for it as being a really good record. Dark, chaotic, and menacing. | 8 |  | In Mourning Shrouded Divine
4 - This is actually losing some steam me as well. It's still an awesome disc, but more and more, I'm hating the clean vocals. They could have done without them, as far as I'm concered. | 9 |  | The Mars Volta The Bedlam In Goliath
4 - I'm loving the new drummer. I feel like he brought new life into this band. Their spacey stuff is great to, but this seems to be their "throw-down" record. The next one will, more than likely, be mellower. My prediction anyway. I just hope they keep their current drummer. | 10 |  | Mayhew the Traitor Deathwish
5 - *see sound-off* | 11 |  | Blackfilm Blackfilm
4 - Great electronic music with some trip-hop and classical elements. Also peppered with some odd samples and film dialogue. Very creepy at times and very dark, yet it has beats and bass lines spread through out to snap you back to reality. I'm really liking this at the moment. | 12 |  | My Education Bad Vibrations
3.5 - My rating will more than likely go up after some more listens. I really like this one. | 13 |  | Meshuggah Obzen
3.5 - A return to form for these guys. | 14 |  | pg.lost Its Not Me, Its You!
3.5 - This is another one I can see growing more on me with more listens. Good quite loud stuff. | 15 |  | Followed By Ghosts Dear Monsters, Be Patient
3.5 - More dark yet pretty instrumental post-rock. I need to listen to this more. | 16 |  | Island Orakel
3.5 - I kind of have mixed emotions about this one. I really like the music. A lot. But the vocals weren't quite up to par with the rest of the album. | 17 |  | Opeth Watershed
3.5 - Not as good as it could've been, but I still feel like it kicks the shit out of Ghost Reveries. The Lotus Eater fucking rules!!! | 18 |  | Portishead Third
3.5 - Really good, but again, it could've been better. "Machine Gun" is so goddamn annoying, I can't stand it. | 19 | | September Malevolence After This Darkness, There's a Next
3.5 - Need to listen to this more, but the couple of times that I did, I enjoyed it a lot. Post-rock with vocals. Or maybe its indie. I don't know. It's good. | 20 |  | Son Lux At War With Walls and Mazes
3.5 - Lost some steam as well, but I still really like it. "Wither" is most definitely my favorite. This can actually get really boring at times, but whatever. | 21 | | Spitfire Cult Fiction
3 - I like Spitfire. They ain't bad. This may be their best. | 22 |  | Weezer The Red Album
3 - Ehh. I enjoyed it a little. | 23 |  | Genghis Tron Board Up the House
4 - I like the direction they took. It worked as far as I'm concerned. There is definitely no one like them. | 24 |  | Agalloch The White EP
3.5 - Good relaxing stuff. I like. | 25 | | Belye Flagi Zazhigayte Medlenno Dazhe Esli Proletariat Voz'met Vlast' V Svoi Ruki, Vesna Vse Ravno Dostanetsja Nam, A Celi Vojny O
4 - This is a Russian post-rock/metal group. The physical album isn't out yet, but it is available for free download off their myspace. It's pretty at times and heavy as hell at others. This grew on me a lot.
Band: Set The White Flags On Fire Slowly
Album: Even If The Proletariat Takes The Power Into Its Own Hands, The Spring Will Be Left For Us, And The Aims Of War Will Remain The Aims Of War | |
07.14.08 | Pretty good list I guess. | Metalikane
07.14.08 | Oh, it is. I've enjoyed this year so far. | masscows
07.14.08 | Oh, is that the translation? The one I have here is the only one I've seen so I just assumed it to be true. | natey
07.14.08 | Great list; I pretty much agree with the ratings of stuff I've heard. You've also got some more post-rock stuff I haven't heard which excites me! | Zoo
07.14.08 | I see a lot of quality here, 8, 17, 20, 23, and 24 especially. Any chance you could hook me up with Grave Declaration? | masscows
07.14.08 | "Oh, is that the translation? The one I have here is the only one I've seen so I just assumed it to be true."
It's an Arghoslent lyric | Metalikane
07.14.08 | Sorry masscows, I haven't read their lyrics. So never mind my comment.
ZooYorker - Sure, whats the best way to do that? | Metalikane
07.14.08 | And thanks natey. I've been on a post-rock binge lately. | Zoo
07.14.08 | You can upload it to a site like rapidshare or megaupload and send the link to my email. | Metalikane
07.14.08 | What's your email address? | DWittisarockstar
07.14.08 | I thought I was the only one whos heard of 15. kudos. | Zoo
07.14.08 |
Thanks man. | BallsToTheWall
07.14.08 | Props on 5, amazing. 6,8,13,24 is great too. | foreverendeared
07.14.08 | didn't the Flashbulb album have a review at some point or another? regardless, it's an amazing album and a pretty damn good list here | Dis_Con_Nec_Ted
07.14.08 | looking forward listening to 1. 9,13,17 are great. 8 = yawn | willfellmarsy
07.14.08 | 8 is excellent though i don't get the gripes with the cleans...from my experiences all my friends that don't like the cleans are opeth fanboys while those who don't worship at the temple of opeth love them...
9 is fantastical...Omar has said their next album will be their "acoustic" album but he said that doesn't necessarily mean acoustic, just mellower...
13 is super, 17 is pretty good, | Burn2Burn
07.14.08 | obZen is a classic for me. best meshuggah album ever. |