If being sexy is a crime, Im under arrest for selling ketamine to 5th graders

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Last Active 12-05-20 9:13 pm
Joined 12-18-16

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12.07.24 Weird audio interface routing ideas11.17.24 Alternatives to sputnik? Albumoftheyear
10.30.24 I wrote 15 orgasmic songs this morning10.05.24 Wokeness has gone too far
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02.13.24 Should I buy a PS512.23.23 Hoping 4 a better christmas
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Hoping 4 a better christmas

Christmas last year was LIT in the worst possible way. Hopefully it will be better this year because I'm getting too old for this shit. List is releases?
1Molecular Corporation
Millions of Dead Menposters

Last year my mom cooked vegan chicken with a raspberry sauce whose recipe was given to her by ChatGPT which I fucking hated but let's not get too carried away with the sauce now. Aunt Jeannette was like 'my son Pedrito is so smart, he's the smartest kid in his school' and Pedrito was sitting at the table, with his smug little face ugh.

Totally lost my shit when aunt Jeannette told us that Pedrito had won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. I told her that the Peace Prize is kind of a consolation prize for people who are too fucking stupid to win a true Nobel Prize, my parents told me to shut up because it was Jesus' Birthday and he wouldn't like that atmosphere.
3Great Falls
Objects Without Pain

Uncle Svobodan apologized for his wife's behaviour and said he had to take a shit, so he left. I pretended to be impressed by Pedrito's achievements in restoring diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, my mom was pleased with my effort to get along with that little prick.
Hive Mind Narcosis

Uncle Svobodan came back from the bathroom completely naked. We couldn't believe our eyes, then he yelled "Imma attempt a coup d'etat fuckers". He ran out of the door, his scrotum swinging left and right as he struggled to reach his cruise speed of 12 mph. He was heading towards the capital.
The Lamb As Effigy

I jumped on my hybrid segway and went after him. As I reached the capital, he was already under arrest. I tried to talk with the police, but they recognized me (I was fined for illegal parking in 1997). I went to prison with uncle Svobodan, which I kind of enjoyed because prison food is better than vegan chicken with raspberry sauce.
6Hobo Sapiens
If You Can't Handle Me When I'm Broke, You Don't..

I got out of prison the next day, uncle Svobodan is still serving time, so he won't be with us this Christmas. Hopefully this means I'll have more time to convince aunt Jeannette to invest bitcoin in my Ponzi scheme lmao.
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