Mitch Worden

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Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

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MarsBro's Court of 2022

Didn't do this last year, but it's back this year! Wooo
1Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

These are the rules for this little list thingy:
1. Any album submitted must be from 2022.
2. I have my preferences, naturally, but all genres are welcome.
3. Each user can give up to 3 recommendations.
4. Recommendations can be either:
i. a record I haven't heard,
ii. a record not yet released but will come out in 2022, or
iii. a record I HAVE heard but you believe I should rate higher (a 3.5 to a 4, 4 to a 4.5, etc.)
2Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

With regards to ii., if it's a record I already was aware of, you may rec something else instead.

All that's over and done with; let's have ourselves some judgement!
3Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

[this space empty for interpretation]
4Atomic Symphony

pizza's rec
VERDICT: Feel like this style is just kind of wearing on me... it's solid, don't get me wrong (a 3 isn't a negative rating!) but nothing about it strikes me as memorable. Competent, sounds good, but ultimately a passable slice of prog. 3.0
5Silvana Estrada

mkmusic's rec
VERDICT: Solid vibe, although a bit too airy and minimalistic to make a lasting impression. Was a pleasant experience, albeit a forgettable one. 3.0
6Melody's Echo Chamber
Emotional Eternal

Ars' rec
VERDICT: Flows like a dream, feels like a dream, sounds like a dream. The instrumentals here are smooth as hell, with a very prominent bass being the cherry on top of compositions that show an commendable level of diversity. The vocals are more of a flavoring on top of this than a key feature--a support for the lush atmosphere--and they're able to easily glide on the colorful soundscapes concocted throughout. Very soothing experience, and a (seemingly) underrated one. 4.0
7The Game
Drillmatic - Heart vs. Mind

Drifter's rec
VERDICT: TWO HOURS? That's a big ask for any genre, and The Game does not have nearly enough tricks and variety to justify it. Terrible instrumentals, woefully barebones arrangements, questionable flow patterns, awful lyrics... it's basically a how-to guide in making the worst possible rap album. Extend it over 120 minutes and holy fuck, it's a grueling trek through cliches, desperate name-dropping, and horrible beats. I love you Drifterbro, but this ain't it. No thank you, no thank you, no thank you. Automatic 'L' for a Kanye feature in 2022. 1.0
While of Unsound Mind

Sloth's rec
9The Long Lost Somethins

Sloth's rec
VERDICT: Feels like an album I've heard before many, many times. Emo with indie sensibilities a la Pinegrovecore, but lacking the initial charm bands like that had and not featuring songwriting that invites a revisit. One of those records that isn't bad, just pretty average and easy to forget about afterwards. 2.5
10Little Heretic
Lost In The Ever Present Distance

Sloth's rec
VERDICT: I can't say that I remember much of this at all, and I'm not sure it tries to be too memorable itself. It was fine I guess, some pretty arrangements here and there, but I didn't really detect an emo vibe to it, more of just a straightforward indie affair. Solid vibe but nothing to write home about. 3.0

Zac's rec
12Black Midi

Zac's rec
VERDICT: For me, Black Midi are at their best when they get silly, dark and heavy; thankfully, Hellfire features all of that in spades, as well as the group's sardonic lyricism and playful energy. This was a very fun effort, all told, and it had a commendable consistency to it that I enjoyed. Plenty of memorable jams, intriguing arrangements and powerful climaxes to return to. Hope this is the path they continue down! 4.0
The Void Squadron

Zac's rec
VERDICT: Who chucked Megaman soundtrack clips into this and who said it was a good idea? The general writing beyond that is very genre standard (even below, I'd contend), and the clunky interludes don't assist in any regard; their tone entirely clashes with the album surrounding them, with no effort spent trying to blend genres. Electronics and metal can make for a fun time, yet the commitment here is minimal and relegated to haphazard interruptions. As aforementioned, the rest of the record isn't much to write home about, so in the grand scheme of things, it's a wash. Not a fan of the production either. 2.0
14Ode and Elegy
Ode and Elegy

Asleep's rec
VERDICT: There's a decent bit done right here, but also a lot that feels very in-line with reigning post-metal/rock cliches. There's a nauseatingly linear flow to proceedings until the last 10-ish minutes where the record finally rides it momentum. Before then, it seemed allergic to the climaxes it painstakingly strove to achieve. The journeys to those moments were ultimately much more compelling and where the band seemed most comfortable, as a lot of the 'heavier' instances felt half-baked or forced in comparison. A strong effort on the whole despite my criticisms, but it doesn't quite live up to its epic scale. 3.5
15Material Girl

Johnny's rec
VERDICT: Inventive, emotional hip-hop that dips its toes into different genres and can act as ideal background noise or a feature presentation. Underrated. 4.0

Johnny's rec
NEW VERDICT: I appreciate the fact this band can and will just be noisy to the point of being... well, just noise. There's nothing to decipher underneath the static outside of pure chaos, which is both rewarding and, at times, frustrating. It feels strangely linear after a while due to being a relative one-trick pony--it is NOISE for the sake of NOISE, and also sometimes airhorns??--and the songwriting being buried underneath copious amounts of N O I S E. Credit where credit's due, but this still didn't do too too much. Bumped up a bit. 3.0
17Ethel Cain
Preacher's Daughter

Johnny's rec
NEW VERDICT: I like me a good, thick, long album. But that's under the assumption there are enough engaging ideas to carry the record along, and this simply doesn't have it. I can respect the concept and lyrics, but as a musical experience, it's very flat, unexciting, and blends together too easily. It's not accomplishing anything more or less than singer-songwriters of the same ilk are doing and rarely reaches a peak that's memorable enough to cling to. Sadly, this is a snooze. Feeling I might drop this... 2.5
18Sweet Pill
Where the Heart Is

Scorn's rec
NEW VERDICT: My complaints for this haven't really changed: it's very much in-line with the wave of emo it hails from, not offering much else beyond maybe a bit more energy than normal. I wish it leaned more into the math aspects it hints at early on, but they dissipate quickly in favor of standard emo-pop-rock shenanigans. Gets to keep it's 3.0 rating for showing a pulse in its performances, but it just doesn't tick many boxes beyond the basics. Good, but ehhhhhh. 3.0
19Mountains (UK)
Tides End

Rogue's rec
VERDICT: How much prog would a prog prog if a prog could prog prog. 2.5
20Point Mort

Calc's rec
Placeholder for Point Mort (not in database)
VERDICT: Holy shit, this is a ripper. Why isn't in the database yet?! BRB...

OK yeah, this kicks Brutus' ass and is a thrill ride from start to finish. Heavily underrated and not talked about enough. 4.0
21Fontaines D.C.
Skinty Fia

dedex's rec
VERDICT: AotY candidate this is not, but it is a well-constructed series of post-punk tunes that rely more on atmosphere than pure rockin' value. How the band arrange their songs makes good use of this tactic, although it does leave a choice few songs hanging out to dry without much to do or anywhere to go. The textures here are quite pleasant and lend themselves to some surprisingly deep soundscapes. A textbook 'great' kind of album. 3.5
22Ezra Collective
Where I'm Meant to Be

dedex's rec: Mmm tasty jazz! Hits a home run with the opener but doesn't quite reach that same height as the album goes along. Good jam sessions that occasionally go on for too long and don't sound much different from instrumental jazz of the same kind. It's at its best with the vocal additions, I think. 3.5
23Kyo Itachi

dedex's rec
VERDICT: Some nice smooth beats with a sweet delivery to pair along with it. Wish that it committed more to the subtle jazz flourishes it inserts on occasion, as it would do wonders to elevate this. As it stands, it's an enjoyable slice of international hip-hop, and a pretty chill jam. 3.5
UPDATED: This is actually a 4.0 now. Woop woop.
24Yawn (NOR)

Bitter's rec
VERDICT: This was... okay? But I'm also not sure if it's memorable. It's pretty typical djent-ish instrumental shenanigans with a few intermissions tossed around to break up proceedings. The album's organized into suites, but what distinguishes one suite from another feels relatively arbitrary. It's very similar from track to track, with a shocking lack of ideas despite the short length. There are some nice passages that simply aren't developed on, too. This was worthy of an 'eh'. 2.5
25Kevin Penkin
Made In Abyss OST 3

bg's rec
VERDICT: Feel like you rec'd this show's soundtrack before for an earlier season... and as was the case with the previous soundtrack, this is quite beautiful. Oddly enough, even though it's an accompaniment to a series, this plays out and feels exactly like a full album would, gently ebbing and flowing and revisiting motifs and so on and so on. I love the style Kevin brings to this and it adds a distinct personality to this world--which is impressive considering I have zero context and am not watching the show listening to this. I suppose there will be an OST 4 for next year's court, yes? 4.0
26Benjamin Clementine
And I Have Been

bg's rec
VERDICT: Nice and smooth! Although a rather restrained experience, the arrangements here possessed plenty of variety, and the vocals carried some delightful melodies. Beautiful, soft textures made for a soothing atmosphere. Wish it perhaps let loose a bit more at times to help break up the somewhat-routine flow, but as it stands, it's a reliable jam to kick back to. 3.5
27Little Quirks
Call to Unknowns

bg's rec
VERDICT: I'm not sure if I'd like it more if it was longer or if the length is perfect as is. This was very smooth, soothing, enjoyable poppy indie shenanigans with a slight folk bend to it. Had a gentle atmosphere and overall tone to it that made it quite pleasant, although I felt the songwriting needed some more 'oomph' to push it towards further acclaim. Cute little EP! 3.5
28Birds in Row
Gris Klein

Alex's rec
VERDICT: It took them three albums, but Birds in Row finally convinced me that they are worthy of greater acclaim. Great balance of airtight screamo jams and more atmospheric numbers that allow the group to immerse the audience in their somber aura. Plenty of powerful moments and climaxes that grant this some sweet return value and a definite candidate for top dog in the 2022 screamo house. Well done! 4.0
29Pensees Nocturnes
Douce Fange

Demon's rec
VERDICT: This is fucking silly and stupid and cheesy and fantastically bombastic and over-the-top and overindulgent on its carnival shtick and I fucking love it. 4.0
30Natalia Lafourcade
De Todas las Flores

Demon's rec
VERDICT: Felt very similar to Silvana Estrada, although this has the additional issue of being over an hour long without ever needing to be. At a certain point, the arrangements here become nauseatingly linear. Fun, pleasant, but not something I can justify returning to. 3.0
31Morrow (UK)
The Quiet Earth

Demon's rec
NEW VERDICT: My main complaint was that the band really shows their hand too early; they've got one trick for creating aggression and bombast, and the songwriting proceeds to mimic it for all it's worth, with external elements like strings used to try and mine an emotional reaction. It's got energy, it's got power, but it feels static after a bit. Rating will sit. 3.0
Diner Coffee

Steak's rec
VERDICT: This was strangely predictable and flat for a band that I expect more out of. Although the length was pretty short, the album quickly became a drag in its languid middle portion, what with the minimal movements and snail's pace causing quick boredom. Their jazz leanings and black metal explosions felt a bit more arbitrary in this context, and there's not enough of it to really make for a rewarding experience. Decent, but unfortunately lacking in some regards. 3.0
Out of Office

Steak's rec
VERDICT: Chill-as-hell beats that are the ideal background for kickin' back and having a chill day. Solid stuff and progresses like a dream. 3.5
34Foreign Hands
Bleed the Dream

Steak's rec
NEW VERDICT: This is still pretty solid as I remembered it being, but its desire to be a throwback EP is far too transparent and holds back the overall experience. For better and for worse, it sounds as if it was ripped from the mid 2000s era of metalcore, and it tries nothing to step outside of those confines. A decently strong effort when taken as it is, but beyond that, I feel a very hard cap on my level of enjoyment for this. 3.0
35Abrupt Decay
I Was Never Here

Uzu's rec
VERDICT: Golly, kindly lower the vocals in the mix, please. I'm all for shrill, nails-on-chalkboard shenanigans, but there are levels to this shit. Instrumentally, this felt very familiar in both a good and bad way; it's a standard mathcore album, although the instrumentation is perhaps a cut above average. Don't know if it's quite worth a revisit, but it's also not necessarily bad. Big ups for beefy bass breakdowns at least! 3.0
The Requiem

Uzu's rec
37Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

Uzu's rec
Placeholder for End it All (not in database)
38Mabe Fratti
Se ve desde aquí

porc's rec
VERDCIT: Pleasant, but ultimately it wanders a bit too aimlessly and doesn't do too too much. Might be worth a return trip since the overall ambiance was soothing, but it didn't really start to click and come together until its closing tracks. 3.0
39Major Parkinson
Valesa - Chapter I: Velvet Prison

porc's rec
40Rope Sect
Metanoia Sessions

porc's rec
41Ghost (SWE)

Shemson's rec
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