Mitch Worden

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Build-an-Album II, R9(P2): Pain. Max Pain.

All that glitters is gold! Unless it's fake gold...
1Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

Hello again to the fun that refuses to end! Or to be fun. Ouch. Anyways, our previous round saw some extra shenanigans in the form of a special “dumb rule”: DAILY DOUBLE, which meant contestants had to contend with managing two genres in one album. Those two categories ended up being POST-ROCK and JAZZ. The theme for the round was, rather appropriately, IMMACULATE COHESION, wherein flow was given enhanced priority compared to prior rounds. Did it end up yielding better results? Or did the combo prove to be harder to mix than expected? Let’s pop in and check out the carnage.
2Bark Psychosis

Johnny's album: I enjoyed how relatively moody and understated this ended up being. Post-rock is as much about aesthetic as it is about BOOM BIG CLIMAX, and this was a good mixture of relaxing jazz and soothing timbres. Some surprises, like track 5’s tone shift to something dark and haunting, were enjoyable and flowed well. The closer was textbook crescendo-core but done as perfect as possible, and it was an epic experience. I ended up wishing certain tunes offered a bit more beyond V I B E, but as it stands, this was a solid entry. 3.9
3Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Prepare Thyself to Deal With a Miracle

Sint's album: This record made me feel very conflicted at first. At times, specifically track 2, it delved into the abstract in a thrilling, albeit simultaneously uncomfortable manner. The opening track was certainly epic in scope, but almost felt too loose and wandered too far for its own good, lacking any kind of direction. But, in reflection, that aimless feel sorta worked; it created this winding experience where you never knew where it was going. Track 6 was an ideal finale, and each song flowed very well despite their differences. Very well done. 4.1
Central Belters

Phero's album: Long, long, long. I felt cursed listening to this. What did I do to deserve such a punishment when life is short, time is fleeting, existence is pain, etc. etc. All joking aside, this actually was rather incredible. It was wild, it was at times weird, it could get loud, it could get snazzy and jazzy—a full package. The diversity was appreciated, and the way each song complemented the other was a massive plus. Overall an incredible journey, though held back somewhat by wandering a bit too much at times and drifting off to nowhere. Also, before I forget, track 6 was insane in the best way possible. 4.2 (+5 added)
5Do Make Say Think
Stubborn Persistent Illusions

tyman's album: A good effort, but one that ultimately didn’t impress too much. Something like track 1 was OK and had a pleasant sound, but in the context of the broader album, it didn’t contribute much of interest. Everything else was varying levels of standard post-rock and jazz, never dipping too low in quality but never achieving a particular high mark to warrant additional value. The flow was serviceable, yet it couldn’t give this record the boost it was missing. Definitely good, even if it inevitably fell short. 3.6
6Godspeed You! Black Emperor
F♯ A♯ ∞

Shemson's album: This was a mess. The post-rock started off nicely enough, if unremarkable, but then it transitioned to The Ocean… who are in the post-METAL camp, unless I’m losing my marbles. How the album transitioned from that to the jazz half of the album was—actually, my mistake, there was no transition, the tone just completely and totally changed and failed to mesh whatsoever. In a round that prioritized flow, this was so disorganized and sonically incompatible to a point where it significantly hindered the overall record. A total misfire, sadly. 2.5
7Herbie Hancock
Takin' Off

Steak's album: Smooth! Some delicious jazz noodles! But… nothing that really gripped me. The first transition between track 1 and track 2 was so seamless that I didn’t notice at first. It was all very good and coherent as a unit, though overall not something that grabbed my attention one way or the other. The vibe was appreciable and pleasant and—that’s kinda all I got, honestly. A few good crescendos here and there, helping this to be a good entry, though not a particularly impressive one. 3.75
8World's End Girlfriend
Hurtbreak Wonderland

Sloth's album: Compared to fellow releases, this had a bit more of an emphasis on subtle electronic elements. They weren’t too big of a factor, but they were present enough to give the album a different, unique character and atmosphere. In terms of flow, this was an absolute dream; the jazz and post-rock were excellently melded together. Each tune was a highlight in their own regard, be it the classic track 5 or the ambient, moody interior of track 3 and it’s compelling vocal implementation. Stellar job from front to back. 4.3
Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo

bg's album: In another unique approach, bg’s record was bent towards ambience. The aim was to have a pleasant experience without becoming too linear or otherwise unexciting. The first three tracks specifically had a wonderful flow and built upon a smooth, dreamy atmosphere that was very captivating. It felt like a great journey, which was capped off beautifully by the closing tune. The jazz portions were great assets to the release, either providing a peaceful aura or delivering some complexity to diversify proceedings. Another awesome piece of work! 4.0
10Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

So that was post-rock! And jazz. Postyjazzyrockyness. Let’s take a peek at the results of this round, which may not have ended up as expected…
Wrapped that up then! Which means it’s time to see who survived the duel of the teams this particular go-around. Time to count up those scores.
11Black Peaks
All That Divides

Flow ended up being an x-factor here; those that had it prospered, while those that wavered found themselves nearing the bottom of the pile. Did it impact scores enough to change results? Gimme another dramatic drumroll!


It appears that the survivors of the bloodbath are


That means that FIASCO SHAMPIONS are officially on the elimination clock. Discuss amongst yourselves… but remember that SOMEONE must depart. Forever. Maybe. Muahahaha!

While that happens, let’s forge onwards to the next genre.
12Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

I shouldn’t have been so surprised that some submitted albums went longer than anticipated. After all, post-rock revels in excess, and jazz in its most extreme form can wander off into distant astral planes. That’s what I deserve for thinking I can minimize my workload. Woops. But y’know what they say about gambling: the house always wins. And, seeing as I am the house, I am inevitably blessed by intermittent capitulations to my selfishness courtesy of beautiful randomness.

… but today is not that day. We are staring down the barrel of POST-PUNK for this round. One of my all-time favorites, as everyone knows. I suppose it can get in line with djent and deathcore when concerning the absolute state of my mental health over this game. Deep breaths! I had to hear at least one Periphery song, it can only ever go up from here.
14Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

The theme for your consideration this round shall be NO HOPE. Of the aesthetics post-punk can nail, one is a palpable sense of numbness and resignation to darkness. Whatever record is submitted for this round will need to abide by that atmosphere. Even better if shadowy instrumentals are matched alongside equally despairing lyricism. This is a game of cutthroat competition and minimal to no comedic relief, so might as well start to act like it!
Tracklists this go-around will be set to eleven, or a post-punk’s not-dozen. That is indeed a musical term and no you cannot dispute it. There are not any typical length requirements, but there IS a cap on song lengths themselves. Nothing submitted can tip over the 5-minute mark. That means that any included tune has to be at least a second below no matter what. The punishment of going over… will be severe.
15Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

Now, it’s likely that many are already rushing for the classics at this very moment. Not so fast! The “dumb rule” for this round will be a familiar one for previous contestants: New School Cool. That means absolutely nothing before the year 2000 can be employed in this round. If it’s from the very last second of December 1999, sorry, that’s jail. Anything earlier is jail. Before the dawn of mankind? Believe it or not, jail. So tread carefully, and dive into whatever the modern scene has. Maybe the modern scene sucks, but I guess that means we suck together. Wait—

Genre = Post-Punk
Theme = No Hope
Requirement = 11 tracks; none can be longer than 5 minutes
“dumb rule”: New School Cool; no pre-2000 tracks allowed
“point of no return” = no repeat songs; can only use an artist once for your album

17Black Peaks
All That Divides

After some more not-much-discussion-discussing, SHEMSON has been marked for leaving the island. Off he goes into the sunset, sailing away... which means only seven(!) contestants remain.
The Final Countdown

Steak | Johnny | bg | Sint | Sloth | Phero | Tyman
19Big Bear
Doin Thangs


20Ada Rook



Due to the diminishing player numbers and therefore less chances to score points, a +4 handicap has been added to FIASCO SHAMPIONS to assist with balancing.
21Secret Band
Secret Band


Clue 1: A Raven's motto, at one time.

Clue 2: When you hit a record on a FitBit.

Clue 3: Like a nuclear town.
22Secret Band
Secret Band EP


Clue 1: Bugs would enjoy it.

Clue 2: A band for a building.

Clue 3: As it was foretold.
23Three Days Grace

24Black Marble
It's Immaterial

Sinternet's albums:

1. black marble - iron lung
2. nurnberg - niemahcyma
3. protomartyr - maidenhead
4. institute - salt
5. viagra boys - down in the basement
6. negative scanner - a cross
7. a place to bury strangers - everything always goes wrong
8. slowthai & mura masa - doorman
9. idles - 1049 gotho
10. lower - escape
11. iceage - ecstasy
25Shame (UK)
Songs of Praise

tyman's album:

shame - The Lick
Enola Gay - Sofa Surfing
Iceage - Beyondless
TV Priest - Powers of Ten
The Murder Capital - How The Streets Adore Me Now
Heavy Lungs - Half Full
DITZ - hehe
TRAAMS - Ladders
BAMBARA - Back Home
Liars - Goodnight Everything
Crows - Sad Lad
26No Devotion
No Oblivion

Steak's album:

1. No Devotion - Starlings
2. Interpol - Roland
3. Protomartyr - The Chuckler
4. Women - Penal Colony
5. Fontaines D.C. - Bloomsday
6. Preoccupations - Degraded
7. Beastmilk - Genocidal Crush
8. Bloc Party - Compliments
9. De Staat - Devil's Blood
10. The Organ - Steven Smith
11. The Twilight Sad - Sometimes I Wished I Could Fall Asleep
WASTELAND: What Ails Our People Is Clear

Johnny's album:

1. LICE - Conveyor
2. Black Eyes - A Pack of Wolves
3. Liars - Loose Nuts on a Velodrome
4. Veronica Lipgloss & the Evil Eyes - Bleed to the Beat
5. Modest Mouse - Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes
6. Black Midi - Near DT, MI
7. Soumbalgwang - Pink
8. Stiu nu Stiu - Cloud of Piss
9. Chelsea Wolfe - Tracks (Tall Bodies)
10. Bambara - Miracle
11. Rowland S. Howard - Shut Me Down
New Material

Sloth's album:

1. Preoccupations - Anxiety
2. Fearing - Picture Perfect
3. Protomartyr - Pontiac 87
4. BAMBARA - Sunbleached Skulls
5. Horror Vauci - Lost
6. shame - Born In Luton
7. Iceage - How Many
8. Johnny Hunter - The Floor
9. Interpol - Obstacle 1
10. Savages - She Will
11. White Lung - Below

bg's album:

1. Protomartyr- Wheel of Fortune
2. Iceage- Let It Vanish
3. Sonic Youth- Unmade Bed
4. Rowland S. Howard- The Golden Age of Bloodshed
5. The Agnes Circle- Monument
6. Twin Tribes- Shadows
7. Fontaines D.C.- Roman Holiday
8. Nurnberg- Valasy
9. Interpol- Breaker 1
10. And Also The Trees- The Legend of Mucklow
11. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds- Carry Me
30Black Eyes
Black Eyes

Phero's album:

1. Black Eyes - Someone Has His Fingers Broken
2. Burnt Out - Joyrider
3. Preoccupation - Continental Shelf
4. Women - Locust Valley
5. Have A Nice Life - The Future
6. Protomartyr - Night-Blooming Cereus
7. Idles - Slow Savage
8. The Twilight Sad - The Arbor
9. Fontaines D.C. - Jackie Down The Line
10. Dolphin - Cher
11. John Maus - Just Wait Til Next Year
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