Mitch Worden

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Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
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Build-an-Album II, R8 (P2): The Col-Train of Pain

Can things get more wild?? You know the answer...
1Blind Guardian
The God Machine

Whew, that took a hot minute! But we are now back to our regularly-scheduled shenanigans. On our previous round of madness, the genre was HOST CHOICE, and I chose POWER METAL. The theme was RADIANT REFRAINS, contestants had to create 8-track albums below 50 minutes, and the “dumb rule” forbade users from uttering the word ‘power.’ There were certainly a lot of close calls and near-misses, but overall teams were able to avoid falling into complete disarray. How did the scores ultimately pan out? What team managed to make it to the top? Time to dive in and see…
2Tad Morose
Modus Vivendi

Phero’s album: The only Achilles heel of this album was Dragonforce. Just… why? Why put that on this beautiful record? I guess it’s not THAT offensive, and there’s some merit in the insanely high cheese + nostalgia factor. This stood out for how it began in an ominous, dark sort of atmosphere, progressed to heavier songs, then found more delicate avenues to explore. Plenty of glorious refrains and great variety among them, from the opener’s simplicity to the captivating aura of track 7. Very impressive work here for the most part. 4.3
3Imperial Circus Dead Decadence
MOGARI - Shi E Fukeru Omoi Wa Rikujoku Sura Kurai

Sloth’s album: This was a pretty heavy customer! Had plenty of headbangers that leaned towards darker, commanding riffs rather than the more polished tones of fellow records. Those beefy passages punctuated the grander choruses on the album and really made them shine, which definitely helped out. Plenty of riffs to go around too so no complaints there! It just needed a bit of an extra push to hit the next level. 3.8 (IMMUNITY IDOL)
4Nocturnal Rites
New World Messiah

Tyman’s album: Crushing and intense, tyman’s record was a true display of power in multiple forms. Whether it was via pure riffage or suitably resonating refrains, this album had it all. This was a lot of fun to listen to and a new adrenaline kick. It remained relatively strong from song to song, which helped to elevate it amongst most of the competition. Another great piece of work from the tyster. 4.1

Sint’s album: Similar in some ways to Johnny’s album, Sint’s record featured variety in its refrains and the power metal styles on display, be it the more soothing tones of Nightwish to more epic, bombastic cuts in the second half of the record. This kept things consistently entertaining, different, and the ideal amount of cheesiness that can be expected from the genre. Great highlights and the songs, while not having a seamless flow, cooperated well together. Excellent stuff. 4.0
Broken History

Bg’s album: The master of earning points continues to earn points. It does not matter the genre, it does not matter the time of day, bg will score and that’s the end-all be-all. The consistency and the flow pulled through here, combined with plenty of powerful choruses. It also capped off with a closer that felt like a genuine conclusion, which wasn’t always accomplished in this round. Another solid, commendable effort. 4.2
7Twilight Force
Tales of Ancient Prophecies

Steak’s album: This had more of a classical, whimsical feel to it that made it a joy to listen to! More of an older style that relied on an endless supply of riffs to carry proceedings, and for the most part, it worked wonders. The flow was great between the various tracks and their powerful choruses, each upheld by a great variety of vocalists. More variety in the individual tracks would push this further, as it felt a bit on the same-y side after a while, but not to the point where it took away too much from the overall excellent experience. 3.75
8Children of Bodom

Johnny’s album: Compared to fellow submissions, this album made a noticeable effort to include different styles and represent unique approaches. For that along, it was enjoyable and a wonderful experience on the whole. It occasionally sacrificed cohesion in order to accomplish this goal, but the generally wide assortment of tracks mostly made up for it. Not too much to complain about overall; solid and capable of some neat highlights, although a few (like the closer) weren’t too noteworthy. 3.95 (10pt crate added)
9Blind Guardian
At the Edge of Time

Shemson’s album: Strong, robust power! Very epic power! This was similar to other albums in the competition that aimed for a heavier route on several songs. While that did pay off, it did sacrifice consistency to get there, and it didn’t feel as though the songs worked well together compared to fellow records. Good highlights for sure, but more of a playlist than a record to me. 3.7
Advance To The Fall

David’s album: Strong power vibes. Strong chorus vibes. Big, meaty songs… kinda. Some of these, such as track 5, were relatively ‘mid’ compared to the rest of the field, and they didn’t manage to stand out in any particular manner. It had highlights, such as the strong opener, but it felt too safe and by-the-numbers overall and didn’t aspire to greater heights. It needed more creativity in the songwriting instead of the linearity it displayed. 3.6
11Blind Guardian
The God Machine

You’ve successfully escaped the torture-chamber of host choice! Maybe things get better from here, maybe not. But they sure could get worse! That’s the beauty of it. Anyways, enough of that talk, let’s see placement results!
FIRST PLACE: Phero (4.3)
SECOND PLACE: bg (4.2)
THIRD PLACE: Tyman (4.1)
With that said, it’s results time!
12Black Peaks
All That Divides

While there were rumblings of ‘power’ being tossed around, I wasn’t able to spot them. That was, however, until I got some RECEIPTS on at least one verifiable violation. And to bend the rules like that? That’s a ten point penalty. But no need to hear it from me; it’s plain as day here:

How did this affect the final tally? Let’s check it out…


Despite setbacks, FIASCO SHAMPIONS pull out the W!

This unfortunately means someone's gotta go. ERECT BUSINESS is on the clock. Debate amongst yourselves and determine who goes off the island. The responsibility lies in your hands. Full scores, hint results and such no revealed until after a decision is made.
13Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

Back on track then! Now that we’ve firmly established ourselves in the realm of gimmicks, it’s time to move onwards. Keep in mind, however, that with the shrinking remaining playerbase, the clues shift in response: crates are now 5pt. bonuses and 10 pt. bonuses! With less players around, points come at a premium, making it imperative to maximize album success and not just the clues.

The guessing system remains, but will be limited to 2 guesses per day. Once they’re used up, they’re done and gone. Vanished. Gone. Reduced to atoms. Etc. Sound good? No? I don’t care. We are onto the next round, which I’m sure will be just as wacky as the last few. Let’s crank it up a little! First thing’s first: a spin of the ol’ genre wheel.
14Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

I did a little twist, did a little turn, and we have wound up back at the wonderfully blissful world of POST-ROCK. You’ve heard of it; it’s that one musical category that, despite featuring of one of the industry’s worst cases of creative stagnation and lack of progress, is still truckin’ along god damnit! But hey; when the post-rock is good, it can be really really good. So it can’t be all doom and gloom. Put on a smile and dust off those old GY!BE demos—they’re REAL now!

I’m gonna lead in with the dumb rule, however, because it will add an extra twist to the usual genre proceedings. Rather than focusing on only one classification, we will be operating in DAILY DOUBLE for this round! This means that this round will contain TWO genres rather than a single one, which therefore requires contestants to focus on making an album that includes both in equal measure. Time for a second spin of the wheel…
15John Coltrane
A Love Supreme

I did another twist, another turn, and behold! It is JAZZ. Yes indeed, as if we are honoring the Lord and Savior that is John Coltrane. Praise be unto him. How does this work in the context of the competition? Your album will need to mix the two genres, dividing your album in half harmoniously. They don’t have to be EXACTLY cut in half—mix and match in whatever manner is best—but there will need to be equal representation. Thus, your genres are POST-ROCK AND JAZZ! Welcome to the madness, fellas.
16Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

The theme is going to be directly tied into the key dilemma of this particular round: IMMACULATE COHESION. Flow is always one of those things I like to hear in an album and it can offer some nice bonus points, but competitors will have to kick it up a notch; it’s now the primary focus for this battle. Managing the genre balance is key, and bridging the gaps between one song to the next artfully will lead to success.

The album you make will be 6 tracks long. Keep that in your mind. 6. Six. Sexy six. Rather than needing to be below 50 minutes, your album will need to be ABOVE 50 minutes this time. No more, no less—you know the drill by now. Considering how post-rock and jazz can often dip into longer track lengths, this should be pretty possible. Make it happen! And remember that, in this scenario, 3 tunes must be jazz and 3 must be post-rock. Divide ‘em up.

“Point of no return” rules remain active.
17Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

Genre = Post-Rock and Jazz
Theme = Immaculate Cohesion
Requirement = 6 tracks; more than 50 min. long
“dumb rule” = Daily Double; two genres active/must split album
“point of no return” = no repeat songs; can only use an artist once for your album
18Black Peaks
All That Divides

After a (not-so) heated debate, DAVID has been voted off the island. The game now continues, down to eight contestants left...
The Final Countdown

Steak | Johnny | bg | Sint | Sloth | Phero | Shemson | Tyman
20Big Bear
Doin Thangs


21Ada Rook


22Secret Band
Secret Band


Clue 1: Maybe for a sloop.

Clue 2: 7861

Clue 3: Brock ain't first.
23Three Days Grace

24Secret Band
Secret Band EP


Clue 1: Not known by their full name.

Clue 2: Feelin' Hoth.

Clue 3: A sad circus.
25Bark Psychosis

Johnny's album:

1. Bark Psychosis - Eyes and Smiles
2. Marilyn Mazur - Vintersolens Song
3. Tortoise - I Set My Face To The Hillside
4. Mulatu Astatke - The Radcliffe
5. Fire! Orchestra - Blue Crystal Fire
6. The Slowest Runner... - She Died In A Fit of Apoplexy
26Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Prepare Thyself to Deal With a Miracle

Sint's album:

1. Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Saxophone Concerto
2. Matana Roberts - I Am
3. Andrew Hill - Compulsion
4. Tortoise - TNT
5. Bark Psychosis - Absent Friend
6. Black Country, New Road - Basketball Shoes
Central Belters

Phero's album:

1. Mogwai - My Father My King
2. Long Fin Killie - Matador
3. John Zorn - Mount Analogue ( 4. John Larkin - The Misfit (
5. Bohren und der Club of Gore - Nightwolf
6. Kashiwa Daisuke - Sons
28Do Make Say Think
Stubborn Persistent Illusions

tyman's album:

1. Alan Pasqua - Smile
2. Do Make Say Think - Her Eyes on the Horizon
3. Swans - Mother of the World
4. Stealpot - Finding Perfect Love
5. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Piss Crowns Are Trebled
6. Charlie Haden - Silence
29Godspeed You! Black Emperor
F♯ A♯ ∞

Shemson's album:

GY!BE - East Hastings
Sigur Ros - Untitled #8
The Ocean - Rhyacian
Duke Ellington - Take The A Train
Jon Brion - Little Person
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
30Herbie Hancock
Takin' Off

Steak's album:

1. Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man (from Takin' Off)
2. Newfound Interest in Connecticut - The Computers Stopped Exchanging Information
3. Do Make Say Think - Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
4. Wayne Shorter - Witch Hunt
5. Freddie Hubbard - Blues for Duane
6. We Lost The Sea - The Last Dive of David Shaw
31World's End Girlfriend
Hurtbreak Wonderland

Sloth's album:

1. World's End Girlfriend - 100 Years Of Choke
2. Niechec- Praga
3. Kapitan Korsakov - In The Shade of The Sun
4. Leech - Silent State Optimizer
5. Nina Simone - Sinnerman
6. Miles Davis Quintet - It Never Entered My Mind
Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo

bg's album:

1. Duke Ellington- In a Sentimental Mood
2. Hammock- I Can Almost See You
3. Sigur Ros- #3
4. John Coltrane- A Love Supreme pt 1
5. Sonny Rollins- Oleo
6. Yndi Halda- We Flood Empty Lakes
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