
Reviews 9
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 127
Album Ratings 1127
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 07-05-21 5:06 am
Joined 08-22-18

Review Comments 482

06.09.24 Reflecting On My Own Music03.13.24 New EP - Breathing Room
10.06.23 New EP - Somewhere but Here08.22.23 5 Years!?
05.07.23 Just Graduated!!04.30.23 Small OST for an Animated Series
04.03.23 Group Photo!02.18.23 Music as a Sleeping Aid
12.04.22 Demo EP? Demo EP!03.09.22 The Musician Speaks!
08.12.21 Woo!11.09.20 Genre Adventure: Shoegaze
10.12.20 Bar Graph Observations07.27.20 Bold Intros
01.06.20 Outstanding Outros12.03.19 Memorable Math (2019)
09.15.19 Intriguing Interludes 07.27.19 My Listening Habits While Animating
More »

Reflecting On My Own Music

This weekend I took a good hard look at the musical mirror to see what happened over the past 5 years. I want to keep music a fun hobby, but I also don't want to plateau in creative exploration. This list is basically me spilling my thoughts on past me. Songs for reference can be found here: https://9hammer.bandcamp.com/
1Sleeping Rabbits
Some Demos

It all started here. Mid-college guy with some extra time on their hands from lockdown. Sometime around the start of 2021, I decided to use this window as a way to "better" myself with making music. Some crappy songs were made, for better or worse, and obviously, there were many failed attempts, but I at least found three songs I felt at the time were worth putting together. A demo was made with little to no idea of how to mix/produce anything, which I look back on in hilarity. Consider this one an attempt. First try at making an EP, but it planted the seeds for later.
2Sleeping Rabbits/Ryan Pressman
Solace - Chapter 1 OST

Nearing the end of my college run, I decided to create an OST split of sorts for an animate series of mine. (Animated Storytelling is my main passion!) Found out better ways of actually mixing things, but some things felt like were still missing on my part. Maybe ambient sounds? Percussive instruments? I dunno. The other half of the split was a lot more realized looking back on it, and at the time it gave me more motivation to try again.

Animation for context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUxp1fCx9-U&list=PLPCl4uZhT7OHk8Y5IBwPN8M7fODgAuzVE&index=1
3Sleeping Rabbits
Somewhere but Here

Post-college left me a lot of time to get things together with artistic endeavors, barring job hunting, lol. Musically, I felt very explorative with this one. Albeit short, this one was definitely one I like to look back on in terms of song ideas. Wow, more instruments! Still progressing in the mixing department since I still have a lot to learn, but I feel that I started to get the hang of 'what' fits 'where'. Vocals were definitely a task to fit in the mix, and I honestly could've done a better job in hindsight.
4Sleeping Rabbits
Breathing Room

Then came this one. Most recent, and probably the one I'm most proud of as a finished EP. Went from whatever-rock to shoegaze/post-metal(?). Feels a lot more full in the mix, and not too many things jut out immediately like the prior records. Structurally, I feel it works decently, but 'Writhe' is the one that I most like to look back on as a finished piece of music. Still think that there are things to improve on (like mixing vocals), but this one feels more complete and not just slapdashed together.
5 Sleeping Rabbits

(Sometime later this year or the next, I'll actually build the confidence to make an album. I'm always open to criticisms on how things sound.)
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