Reviews 8 Approval 97%
Soundoffs 82 News Articles 12 Band Edits + Tags 134 Album Edits 118
Album Ratings 1188 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 12-05-20 9:13 pm Joined 12-18-16
Review Comments 3,243
| Yaboi Cugno made music
There you go: | 1 | | Menage a un Anthems for Friendzoned Satanists
Our original goal was to be exactly half way between Mayhem and Blink 182. If we wanted to make more music though, we had to find a way to keep ourselves interested, so we progged things up and we went for less conventional song structures. Everything is self-produced, so we're not going to win a grammy for the production. | 2 | | Menage A Un Now Everybody–
Genre wise it's all over the place, but if you want to spend your next 30 minutes with us, we would be very happy about it! | |
01.18.23 | You can also download it from our bandcamp page if you prefer. | widowslaugh123
01.18.23 | I hate metal and blink 182… why am I digging this?! Drums are pretty sick | CugnoBrasso
01.18.23 | You have absolutely no reason to dig this | widowslaugh123
01.18.23 | Love the variety on this. You guys must have a lot of chemistry to pull something like this off. Production is really good! I like the accents. Where are you guys from?
7/10 | CugnoBrasso
01.18.23 | Thank you for listening to it, glad you liked it!
We come from the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. I'm very self-conscious about our accents, I even forced the singer to re-record some parts because they sounded too Italian but I guess there's a limit to how well we can pronounce English. Definitely one of the things that I like the least.
Glad you liked the production, I literally lost sleep over that! | ElHombreChino
01.18.23 | I love the look on people's eyes when I say "I play saxophone on a pop punk/black metal band" | widowslaugh123
01.18.23 | No no the accents are nice! Helps it stand out even more in my opinion. Honestly I would like this a lot more if I was a fan of the pop punk or black metal but it was the stuff in between that was my favorite. I’m sure fans of pop punk or metal (or both!) would really dig this. Really good stuff guys. I’ll check the other release too | CugnoBrasso
01.18.23 | The other release is far less adventurous than this one, hopefully you'll find something you like anyway. Thanks again, you really made my day! |