this space for rent

Reviews 15
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 116
News Articles 3
Band Edits + Tags 5
Album Edits 23

Album Ratings 1060
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 12-06-22 6:21 pm
Joined 05-26-09

Review Comments 10,480

01.18.23 10k/1k/2K23?06.24.22 There goes Roe V. Wade
12.19.19 Sputnik Returns To Glory: A WatchItExpl 11.08.18 Snowboarding playlist
09.08.15 Seeing BTS tonight10.07.10 Bayside Ranked
05.09.10 Blow Me Spuknik (my Mind That Is)02.01.10 Goddamnit Steve Jobs!
01.02.10 Drunknik08.19.09 Double Albums: Too Much Of A Good Thing

There goes Roe V. Wade

It's kind of tough to be a thinking, feeling human in America these days. It appears the civil war started years ago and we didn't even notice.
1Coathanger Abortion
Dying Breed
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