step aside Charli XCX there is a new phrase and its Magdalena Bay Fall. ?Imaginal Disk? is the sophomore record from duo Magdalena Bay

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As per the O'Summer Vacation list, here are albums that mostly slam and can sometimes be found online. Please enjoy them.
1o'summer vacation
Wicked Heart

First up, check Dewi's band's album, shit slaps like an oni.

2Otoboke Beaver

aka ITEKOMA HITS. You'll probably remember this blowing up in 2019, but now's as good a time for catchup as any. Very representative of a lot of things other bands on this list do well.

Extremely tight riot grrl HARDCORE. Damn good fun live.
3Limited Express (has gone?)
perfect ME

Frenetic as all fuck. This one has hardcore freakouts for days but also (mostly) excellently integrated funk/dub picks that you'll struggle to find at the same standard on any other record this intent on thrashing it out.

Also features a SAXOPHONE from HELL.

Their debut FEEDS YOU is also a good time, though not the same level of frantic. The psyched out/jammy picks on that album stand out.

2021 death-by-thrash HARDCORE. Would have perhaps been this year's Otoboke Beaver if it had had a coherent release schedule - as it is, still very hard to find (hmu)

One of the most straightforward entries tbh, but also

Certified HIDDEN GEM and one of the hardest slappers anyone on this site will recommend you.

Bleach[03] were a 00s all-girl thrash-punk who made a mark for themselves through 1) playing it fiercer than anyone else in their field and 2) tight as hell slap bass that, oddly, compounded said fierceness (as opposed to offsetting it with that silly-sinister-watch-me-funk feel that you'd get from various nu-metal bands slapping it at around the same time)

Most of their discog is hit or miss, but this EP is borderline flawless. Opener is a 5/5 hardcore treasure and the sparks just keep on flying. Definitely prioritise.
Aratame Hajime Mashite Midori Desu

One of the few here that has significant traction outside of people specifically concerned with this niche. Most of you have probably heard this tbh, but if not, this holds up remarkably well. It withstands most things, such as:

Midori survived the obvious gimmick potential of taking a PUNK frontwoman and backing her with a JAZZ trio
Midori survived becoming a short-lived meme over this album's artwork and novelty wtf-japan value
Midori survived becoming a dead meme because many of the people who stopped memeing them were still getting blown away by this

it survives. shit slaps. The rest of their discog is also mandatory, particularly SECOND, which is on par with this and has stronger highlight tracks.
I Wanna Be Your Noise

Otori are a fun weirdnoise band. They have two albums.

This is their first album. It's kinda post-punk with extra noiz, lots of walking-pace grooves and deadpan vocal shiz. It's very good and definitely better than this year's trashpost punkjank canon. Cool.

Their second album DIGITALISED HUMAN NATURE is totally fucked, v experimental, pretty noisey and definitely warped. It is not post-punk or punk in general tbh, but a lot of it is very cool and it'll probably be worthwhile for any noizboiz looking for something outside of their usual fix. Peep it. Good band.
8Kokeshi Doll
Sessho Tainai

Caustic girl group punk grit stuff. Fairly repetitive and not recommended as an album experience tbqh, but the second last track is an absolute fucking monster, 7min slow grooveboi that lets rip like no-one's business. Jam that I guess?

Their other albums are literally impossible to find anywhere please notify me if this is incorrect

EXPERIMENTAL POST-PUNK NOISE but like actually awesome

huge mixed bag of ideas on this, most of which are pinned down Above Adequately. This band does slower cuts and long builds very well, but their best tracks are the nasty shit. Some of this backs and forths like no-one's business, very RECOMMENDED

the Mosquitoes ep is also good
Bambi's Dilemma

Melt-Banana are kinda their own legend at this point and I guess they exist independently to this niche despite the fact that they carry a tremendous amount of weight within it

they are the best heavy band because they are the funnest. stan. beautiful wonderful humans. absolute killers live.

if you haven't heard them yet, they sound kinda like pikachu screaming over overdriverainbows of guitarlasers, but in a good way, not the popping-a-zit genghis tron kind of way. melt-banana have a sense of humour but they also bang harder than [word]. so there's that

i put this one on because it's probably their most 'punk' and somewhat underrated, but Cell-Scape and Charlie and sometimes Fetch are all better so idk listen to them too
11Red Bacteria Vacuum
Roller Coaster

The one EP I checked from this band wasn't great but maybe their other stuff is who knows. Fits the bill anyhow
12Super Junky Monkey
Screw Up

never heard em

maybe they are excellent. good rep. oops.
13Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re
Ah, Umi Da

I don't actually like this band that much tbh, experimental punk three piece with occasional bangers. V much canon though.
14Bokutachi no Iru Tokoro
Kono Yo ni Umarete Kita Koto ga Somosomo Machigai

Vaguely Midori-esque punk with funk and post-punk undrtnes filling in where dat sweet jazz used to be. This minialbum is pretty tight and has a few total scorchers. This is true for their albums, but they are less tight. Nice.

Old school freakass hardcore from hell. I'm due a relisten, but this a certified pioneer record and probably belongs here.

Friendly reminder that Boris made a hardcore album with liberal measures of doom last year and that it's a slapper

see also: Vein (hxc ver.)
17Number Girl

Not a specifically punk/noise group, but Number Girl are Japan's cheq Fugazi - if you're jamming anything made by a Japanese group with conventional songwriting and distortion pedals from the last couple of decades and ain't heard them, it's a simple mission yo

Sappukei is their best and darkest and dirtiest. Very good post-hardcore.
18Space Streakings

Turbojank whacko fun noise rock. Less hxc as far as I can recall, but definitely worth your time.
Pop Tatari

Boredoms are iconic and this album is a fucking mess. Experimental pre-Bungle un-pantomime noise capers for days.
20Slant (KOR)

2021 Korean hardcore, v succinct (15min firestorm) and not Japanese (neg), but likely of appeal idk
Equalizing Distort

More og grimy hardcore that I forgot to check. Check.
22Eastern Youth

Eastern Youth aren't particularly noisey, but they are absolute legends of J-punk and this album is frequently magnificent

so listen to it
Don't Be Swindle
Get Action!
28The Comes
No Side
29Yellow Machinegun
Father's Golden Fish

If just noiseish hardcore punk counts, Yellow Machinegun deserves a shoutout yo (Toy Boy is a right giggle).
Microphone's Counter Attack

(it's a bit "mathier" than the straightforward hardcore of Yellow Machinegun, but the aggro and sense of humour is still present)
31Ging Nang Boyz
粛 粛

skramz/powerviolence ft. showstopper clean alternapop shit. imagine the new Armed record for people who like Orchid and An Isle Ate Her. very cool.

also brickwalled to shit and the waveform of the first track is glitched to fuck (downloadable ver - streaming is ok)

youtube link to a (non-glitched) ver of the opener, with which i'm now midkey obsessed:

ed. their full-length fucking goes. good band.
33Sete Star Sept

2021 grind. pretty great - ignore that site avg
34The Hatch
Opaque Age

Loud brass noises yes
Through The Mirror
Why They Grieve?

Live in Detroit
Recomendation Of Perdition
Creation and Destroy
grandmother's milk
42Warcry (JPN)
Keep Drinking Attitude
43Sieg Heil
First Demo Tracks 1984
44Guitar Wolf
Jet Generation

extremely loud guitar
Take Back Your Penis!!
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