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Top 10 80s Butthole Surfers songs

I really only know the hits from their 90s more commercial period anyway, so that's why they're excluded.
10Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers

"Wichita Cathedral"

Catchy as fuck, gravely as fuck, and full of bullshit lyrics. Exactly what I want from a dumb punk song.
9Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse


The song is musically falling apart from the get-go. The organ is villainous.

It's about loving yourself
It's about loving your mom
It's about loving your dad
It's about doing the things
It's about going to the go-kart track
It's about loving everything
Your pop, your kitty
All the things
The catfood, the little bits of crayons
The melted pieces
The loving friends
All the things you wish you had

Legit how does a silly psych-punk song have such a sad conclusion?
8Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Dum Dum"

Rambling bullshit or the acid-induced out the realization that your isolation is unwanted? Who cares, the drums are fun and Gibby's voice is fun, right? Right?
7Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven


I like the bass, and I like the way Gibby sings this. It's one of Butthole Surfer's most focused 80s tracks. It's almost rockability a bit?
6Butthole Surfers

"Booze, Tobacco, Dope, Pussy, Cars"

Absolutely one of their best riffs my god. And that weird jittery drum solo halfway through was such a pleasant surprise when I first heard it. And the lyrics? They're as stupid as it gets and that's a strength for a Butthole Surfers song lemme tell you.


Pretty sure they're goofing on hyper-masculinity.
5Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"The O-Men"

I'm in a weird camp that thinks Locust Abortion Technician is a bit patchy as an album, but this one's a fucking classic. Are there lyrics to this song? Maybe, but god knows if anyone will ever make out most of them. Shredding punk guitar, strange vocals, and overall pandamonium... yup a masterpiece. I feel like this is the "rock music" version of crumpling up aluminum foil and scraping your hand against it.
4Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven

"Julio Iglesias"

Why does the structure of this song remind me so much of the sleepaway camp songs I used to sing? Except with the most inappropriate lyrics imaginable. A lot of songs on Hairway make it feel like such a "sing-a-longs" and this is the best of those for sure.
3Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"Creep in the Cellar"

Apparently the violin in this song was leftover from a country song on the tape they recorded this on and wow does it make the song sound so weird and psychedelic and I love that about it. Without it, this would just be a spooky piano alt-rock track. STill unique though and perfect for a cutesy Halloween playlist maybe?
2Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers


I feel like with some refinement, this could've somehow been a hit on the rock charts. It's pretty normal: it's about being dumped with only the "hey's" keeping it feeling light. Way better than their actual hits like "Pepper" honestly.
1Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Woly Boly"

This song has it all: dirty guitar, deep rhythmic bass, wildly sung vocals, a crazy solo, a pure noisy chaos section, and best of all lyrics that may or may not be nonsense. Quintessential Butthole Surfers.
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