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Last Active 12-09-22 12:08 am Joined 08-22-13
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| PJ Harvey Ranked/Hype Thread
So recording in progress began today and PJ revealed to the world that on top rof being able to play guitar, various key instruments, and the harp, she's also rnow a saxophonist. List is PJ Harvey ranked with descriptions. | 8 |  | PJ Harvey Uh Huh Her
Although it's her worst it still has some pretty wonderful highlights and is diverse in its
own right. The lowlights, however are ridiculously boring and uninspired and there's
even a track of just seagulls squawking. She did record and produce the album almost
completely all by herself though. 3.2/5 | 7 |  | PJ Harvey Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea
Because it features Thom Yorke on 3 tracks, this is often an album people start off with
and the one song on the album where he actually sings with Harvey is amazing, but as a
whole it's a bit too predictable to be even close to her best. With a clean indie rock
production and sound it sacrifices a lot of the emotion for catchiness, but it's still a great
listen. Even the worst songs are worth appreciating to some extent. 3.9/5 | 6 |  | PJ Harvey Rid of Me
Often attributed as her best album, Rid of Me really a huge accomplishment. The
problem is that she tops it with most of her albums and that overall the production is
shotty in some points. It's still a really fun album and even a great starting point. 4.1/5 | 5 |  | PJ Harvey Dry
Oh PJ's debut... it's so crazy and filled with distress and ambition. It takes so much
homage to Pixies and even uses the same producer as Surfer Rosa (Steve Albini.) If this
were her best, she'd still be a legend. 4.4/5 | 4 |  | PJ Harvey Is This Desire?
When I first heard this album, I was really disappointed. It was so laid back and mellow
compared to her first 3 albums and a lot of the songs came off as unfinished. After a few
listens I realized that it was almost like To Bring You My Love, but only more twisted,
more dissonant, more depressing... quickly a lot of gems revealed themselves, so many
that this grew to be a favorite pretty quickly. It's a grower for sure. 4.5/5 | 3 |  | PJ Harvey Let England Shake
PJ Harvey decides to get political, and by doing so she rips her own mother country of
England a new ass. While doing so she retains her passion and diversity. It's a
remarkable album that only makes me more excited for her upcoming release. She's still
got it. 4.5/5 | 2 |  | PJ Harvey White Chalk
Remember everything I said about Is This Desire? Imagine a chamber pop album with
the same themes. So many songs on here are chilling to the bone and emotional in all of
the right ways. This came to be considered one of her most polarizing works (maybe
because it has little to no guitar on it?), but I'm certainty on the pole that loves it. What
enriches PJ's catalogue is that she keeps learning new instruments (here it was piano
and harp) so it forces her to try new ideas and they almost always work out
amazingly.4.6/5 | 1 |  | PJ Harvey To Bring You My Love
Rarely is there an album where every single song is great. Without a single slip up, this
album mixes gothic themes with Captain Beefheart's influence and commercial
alternative rock to creative a strange and magical journey. Murder, distress, love,
passion. I feel like she might never be able to top it. 5/5 | |
01.16.15 | | ArsMoriendi
01.16.15 | More people need to check PJ Harvey, especially with her upcoming album.
This site seems to seriously be lacking her fans. It's kind of sad :( | Artuma
01.17.15 | interesting that you like let england shake so much | ArsMoriendi
01.17.15 | @Art: Yeah, it's a great album. Have you heard To Bring You My Love yet? It's an essential. | EnyaFangirl
01.17.15 | england shake rules tho | Artuma
01.17.15 | only heard 3 and 7. both are great tho, gotta check the rest as well | chinesewhispers
01.17.15 | PJ definitely doesn't get enough love on here. No way I could rank her stuff, she's too consistently great | bach
01.17.15 | the smiths - hatful of hollow | AmericanFlagAsh
06.12.15 | I thought you said 3 was 4th best | AmericanFlagAsh
I MUST LISTEN | PappyMason
06.12.15 | only heard 3 and 7 [2]
Been meaning to check out her others for ages... | AmericanFlagAsh
06.12.15 | Dry was really good | WilhelmBlack
01.08.16 | I have listened to "To Bring You My Love" since I was 7. I have Uh Huh Her and Stories From The City, Stories From the Sea on cd but I have not bothered to listen to them. "To Bring You My Love" is my favorite and still will be my favorite. I need to get around to listen to her discography one of these years. | CoonBurger
01.08.16 | 4 WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAVOURITE BECAUSE 4 IS MY FAVOURITE of all time thank you for reading my comment |