there was an incident a while back where Parker got wasted and started throwing bottles at a bunch of girls that had come around to the bus after a show. He is kind of a dick I hear.
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Album Rating: 3.5
They always seemed like nice dudes to me. Of course there was that incident where they got in a fight with security cuz they mistreated a person in the crowd but that works in their favor
I also don't understand people that say they have misogynistic lyrics because they literally don't
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Album Rating: 3.0
miss the energy and quality from the last album. still good tho
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Album Rating: 2.5
It seems like everybody but Parker is pretty cool. But I can't really blame him, last time I saw them everyone chanted his name like it was some sort of Backstreet Boys show, and then some chick tried to kiss him. If I was a Backstreet Punk, I'd want to throw shit at my fans too
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lol misogynistic lyrics. most, if not all, songs are about heartbreak or some other angsty shit
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The other guys are legit, not trying to drag their name bc of Parker and his love/hate relationship with the broken girls that listen to his band.
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Album Rating: 3.5
this is like exactly a 3.7
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Album Rating: 2.0
Liked their last one a lot so I'm game.
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Album Rating: 2.0
tfw the new story so far is better than the new ceremony
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Album Rating: 3.0
Excellent review, really accurate. Pos.
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"tfw the new story so far is better than the new ceremony"
Looking at your rating for this, my hopes for the new Ceremony just went waaay down
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Album Rating: 2.0
oh yeah it's boring
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
This is not the best year for pop punk so far
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I understand the appeal but don't understand the acclaim for this band. Each album has some great tracks, and then every track that doesn't fall into that category sounds the same as all of the other songs. After hearing Nerve and Solo, I really thought this would be better but nope, it's the exact same as the other two.
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self titled 8 years later, you know its gonna be bad
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Album Rating: 3.5
@GreyShadow The band's sound was unique on their first album and there was enough variety to keep each song fresh. Unfortunately, the band has run that sound into the ground and it seems like every new pop punk band wants to be a TSSF knock-off.
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I honestly think they developed said sound from their first album on the second one. This one, however, seems a little more flat. Still good, but definitely not as entertaining. Not sure what to rate it yet, though
SnakeDelilah: Well, not like Zoo was great or anything, but I was still hoping for those guys' next one to be a step up
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for being "another story so far record," idk what we're doing with a 2,000 character count review.
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no bangers, more Transit jangle and less d beat. Good production tho.
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Album Rating: 2.0
gon jam this nig now
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