Reviews 14 Approval 72%
Soundoffs 60 News Articles 4 Band Edits + Tags 5 Album Edits 14
Album Ratings 952 Objectivity 84%
Last Active 08-23-22 9:39 pm Joined 06-25-08
Review Comments 969
house of pain, poison the well, of montreal, converge, lady gaga, meshuggah, new found glory, chemical brothers, acacia strain, radiohead, slayer, les claypool, saves the day, nada surf, digitalism, kristen williams.,
| Willie Yeah, the Further Seems Forever concert has finally just been cancelled. So, I was able to get you tickets to the Finch concert instead. You didn't win the Finch contest, we just replaced your FSF tickets. Same deal. Your name will be on the guest list for two tickets. Just bring an ID.
| Funeralopolis Glad someone else gets it. That Koloss review seriously comes off as a first or second review by a noob, certainly not staff material. Doesn't even justify the rating just says how it is different from other Meshuggah albums. Approval rating is becoming a popularity contest.
| Obfuscation24 No Devolucion
| TBliss So true. I re-watched some The Head episodes on youtube not long ago. Awesome. Loved Aeon Flux too, pity the movie was the worst thing ever.
| TBliss Love The Maxx avatar man. Loved that show.